Kancolle -AU- 1 The Disease #1
Yet another variation I came up with. And I do have ideas for maybe one or two more chapters concerning this particular story line should any of you wish to see this one continue.
Like I said last time, if you have an idea for a chapter you'd like to see, let me know.
For those of you completely sick of these alternate chapters, fear not. The next chapter will be back to the main story.
Oh yeah.
Small warning for this chapter.
This isn't a happy one.
•A Deep Or Seemingly Bottomless Chasm.
•A Wide Or Profound Difference Between People; A Gulf.
•The Regions Of Hell Conceived Of As A Bottomless Pit.
In other words?
The World.
Where did it begin....?
That was the question.
That was always the question.
There was always a million answers in response to asking where it started.
Some said it was God's wrath, who had finally grown sick of the plague upon the Earth that many called Humanity.
Some said it was the result of someone playing god where they shouldn't have been.
Some said it was some long dead Arctic virus that had finally had the luck of finding the lone explorer.
Some said it was just bad luck....
But one thing was for sure. Nothing was the same.
The first case of the disease had been found in Belgium. The Date of June 14th, 1953 was nothing but a distant memory now.
Nicknamed The Abyss for the mysteries that surrounded it, symptoms included paling of the skin. Seemingly glowing eyes. Losing the ability to speak. Sudden and frequent hostility towards those around them. But those... Were some of the more tamer effects.
Controlling the spread of the Abyss seemed impossible, new cases popping up in each and every corner of the globe. No one knew where it started. But one thing was for sure. They had a pretty good idea of how it would end.
Global action called for the Quarantine of those infected, most of the world's cities now playing host to at least one quarantine zone. The infected, piled inside like animals.
Things seemed controlled, the Disease bested by good old rational fear. Those still healthy turned their attention away from those who needed it, all too fine with putting this behind them.
Too happy to do so.
The latest obstacle in Humanity's long chapter put to rest.
That all changed on the day of November 16th, 1956.
Reports of those who had been infected, they had begun to die from the Abyss. The first fell. Then the second. Then the third. Then the tenth. Then the hundredth. Then the thousandth. And the numbers only kept rising as the bodies stacked up.
Within a week?
Over 5 million had been lost to the seemingly mysterious virus within the first week worldwide.
After a while, losses to the disease became the new normal. People now accepted that something far more vicious than them was now in charge of their very survival.
And life went on. Albeit more... Careful than it had previously done so before.
Only for two months.
January 6th, 1957. That is the date when Death no longer meant anything.
The first case was at a funeral, a grieving family putting their little girl to rest. As the mother had bent down to say one final word to her deceased little girl, witness reports state that she suddenly went stiff before falling to the floor. Looking back up to the casket? The daughter had risen. And in her hand, she held her mother's still beating heart.
She killed another two full grown adults before she was finally put down again. This time with force.
Panic ensued worldwide.
The only thing that still seemed for sure in the world had just been destroyed, this new disease laughing in their faces as it brought their loved ones back for a second round.
The New Year, that which represented the Idea of a New time. A better time. It was supposed to bring change.
Instead, It only left a bad taste in Humanity's mouth.
Humanity's future had been decided.
Forever in fear of that which they did not understand.
Living in the shadow of the dead, the survivors scrambling for any safe haven they could find.
Hope seemed lost.
It was.
Namesake of the largest city in the state of Georgia.
Or, used to be.
Established in 1837, it use to be the symbol of American Living.
It only hosted the dead.
Nameship of a class of light anti air cruisers, made for and run by the United States Navy during World War Two.
The name of a 17 year old girl currently driving down a back road in the heart of South Carolina. Named for the Ship her father had served so faithfully with back in the war.
What a dream.
She had dark blue eyes. Darker than even the most clear cut Sapphires. Red hair hung at her shoulders, as fiery as the attitude she had to go with it. She watched as the country side flew by as she drove further and further.
The day's date was August 12th, 1960. It'd been seven years since The Abyss had made itself known, making everyone question what they really knew about the forces of Life and Death.
Which at this point, wasn't much.
If you were to ask her about the opinions she had on state of the world at the moment, she would simply laugh in your face.
She would claim that she couldn't care less. That whoever had started this whole mess in the first place had done a fan-fucking-tastic job at it. Because in all honesty?
She didn't care.
She simply didn't.
The world was beyond insane.
First, her birth year had been in the middle of a World War. 1943. That had certainly set her off on the wrong foot.
Secondly, her dad had died only six months after the war he had fought so hard to win came to an end. Some prize that was.
And third? The god damn existence that was the Abyss virus. Or, if you were part of the latest craze, The Abyssal Crisis.
That was the just icing on top of the cake.
At least no one had thrown any Nuclear Bombs around.
Not yet anyways.
Atlanta gave a sigh as she drove on, thinking on the past few years of her life. What a hell hole it was.
First, her sisters had dispersed across the country in the name of Knowledge. Something Atlanta didn't see much use in nowadays. But they had gone.
And right after they had left home? The Abyss appeared. Within a year, Atlanta and her mother had lost contact with all of them. They never heard a word from the again.
Atlanta doubted they still lived.
But she had been wrong before.
She had said that her life could not get any worse.
It had.
Images of putting a bullet through her mother's head entered her mind. She had done it to save her after she had become infected. To prevent her from becoming one of those things.
Those monsters.
Pale skin. Glowing eyes. Various additions such as horns or growths.
The Abyssals they were. The turned victims of the Abyss's loving embrace. Dead as a doornail. But could still tear you limb from limb for sport.
Atlanta knew they could.
She had seen it first hand.
That's when she had fully realized just how doomed this world was.
Oh well.
A War here, an Apocalypse there. Where's the fun in a normal life?
Atlanta smiled to herself as she drove down the road, nearing her destination.
Destination in question was a small town by the name of Cross Anchor, South Carolina.
Before the disease had hit, it had been little more than a few scattered people calling themselves a community. Now the same could not be said eight years later.
It's population sat at a little over 1500, everyone brought together by the thing that destroyed everything. There was representation of everyone imaginable.
People that had lost parents. Parents that had lost kids. People that had been separated when it got bad. People that just had nothing left in general. They were all the same.
They wanted something to change. To get better. And if they had to strangle every hell bitten Abyssal on the planet with their bare hands, then they would.
They damn well would.
Atlanta began to slow the truck's pace as one of the settlement's gates came into view. As soon as she was in view, weapons were drawn and pointed with pinpoint accuracy. Should Atlanta had not know exactly what to do, she would've been screwed.
Each Settlement gate had an operating procedure. Four guards stationed at all times. And they had various procedures for various scenarios.
The one for dealing with unidentified vehicles was as followed.
The first guard was to keep his weapon trained on the windshield at all times as she communicated those below.
The second guard, armed with an armor piercing rifle, was to keep their sights set on taking the vehicle's engine out of the equation should things go South.
The third was to keep their weapon aimed at one of the vehicle's front tires, intent on making the transit system as useless as possible.
And the fourth? The fourth's job was far different.
Each gate looked simple enough. That's how they had been set up. But in actuality, each one held a dealt surprise. In actuality, each gate had one small, almost unseeable slat carved into it. This is where the fourth guard sat, armed with one very powerful sniper rifle behind cover.
Their job?
Line their sights up with the driver's head.
As she approached the Gate, she watched as the guards fell into protocol instantly, their guns soon raised to the appropriate positions as they took aim.
Atlanta only smirked.
She rolled down her Window.
Stuck her hand out of said window.
And promptly flipped the Guards the bird.
Their response?
They laughed.
"Open the gate!" One called down to the control man. "Atlanta's back!"
Soon enough, his orders were heeded as the gate began to slowly grind open. Atlanta gave a wave of the hand in response as she slowly began to inch the truck along. Eventually, the gate had been opened just barely enough. Atlanta took her chance as she drove on through. It didn't take long for the sound of the gate now closing to register to Atlanta's hearing over the noise of the truck's engine.
There wasn't a cloud in the sky on this beautiful South Carolina day as Atlanta's truck drove down the road. Looking out the window as she did so, she watched as the field workers offered waves in greeting to her before turning their attention back to their work. With a nod, Atlanta continued on towards the town that sat at the center point between the fields.
Slowing to a stop and pulling into an empty space, she turned off the truck as she pulled the keys from the ignition. Getting out, she straightened her outfit out before closing the truck door.
Atlanta wasn't a stranger to the residents of Cross Anchor. Having suddenly appeared at the front gate a few years ago, the community had seemingly unofficially adopted her.
Well known for her speed shooting abilities, the strangely named girl carried five different weapons on her at all times.
Secured at her hips and her thighs on both sides, she had four holsters. Each of them held a six shooter. Three of them were for basic use, whether it be for defending herself or putting an to some argument going on, they were her go to weapon of choice.
The fourth of the Six Shooters was a bit different. Unlike the solid gray color of the other three, the fourth was a milky white in color, the handle outlined in a dull gold. The locals called it the Angel revolver.
It had been her father's gun.
It had been the one that she had used to bring an end to her mother's life.
In its cylinder, only five bullets sat.
Five bullets for five special occasions.
Atlanta's fifth and final weapon was the shotgun that sat on her back. Only used when things were getting bad fast, it was her final and last defense.
Brushing off of the iconic black duster she wore so well, she walked away from the truck as she headed into the town.
As she walked on, the people of the town offered waves of greeting. Even some of the children ran up to the redhead, squealing in delight at her appearance.
To the children of Cross Anchor, Atlanta was like the big sister they always wanted. She was the older sibling that they always looked up to. They didn't focus on what was going in the world when instead they could focus on her. Something that their parents were grateful for. And Atlanta didn't seem to mind the attention as she took a knee, talking to all of the kids for a time.
After the kids had had their fill of conversing with the girl, or had been dragged away by those older, Atlanta gave a small wave with a smile as she walked on further into the town.
Walking further on, someone began to match her pace, coming to a steady walk next to the gunslinger girl.
"Atlanta." He greeted.
"Father." She returned, giving a small nod in greeting.
Father John as most people knew him. He was the resident priest of Cross Anchor. Previously, before the beginning of the end, he had been the priest of a popular church down in Savannah, Georgia. Well, as you can imagine, that wasn't exactly an option any longer.
So the good Father had come along with a group of refugees, trying to escape the Hell on Earth that was the Abyssal overrun Savannah. They had ended up stumbling across a prospering Cross Anchor. And there they stayed, Father John more than content to try and bring hope to the community.
Something that was in short supply these days.
"I take it the scouting run was a success?" The Father asked, looking at the red headed girl. Atlanta gave a nod.
"Yeah. No Abyssals to the direct South but there's a pack to the Southwest that could represent a challenge should they edge to much more North. Newly turned from the looks of them." She explained. The man gave a nod in response as he looked on ahead.
"I trust you did not get too close?" He asked. Atlanta gave a nod.
"Of course. Ain't gonna stir up nothing if I don't have to. Especially not after what happened..." She replied. Father John only nodded in return.
The event Atlanta was referring to did not need to be verbally answered upon.
A few months ago, a rookie scouting patrol had accidentally led a group of Abyssals straight back to the town. They had ended up losing 55 people and had to put down 16 more infected. That included a new mother, her daughter only a few weeks old.
"So, if I may ask my child, where are you off to now?" The Father asked after a moment. Atlanta only chuckled.
"The Bar of course. See if I can get my liver to off me before the Abyssals do." She answered. Father gave her a look.
"Don't 'Atlanta' me, Father. I don't need that right now...." Atlanta responded, her tone dropping to a lower, more threatening one. Father John sighed.
"Look, I know that you are still hurting over last week......" He began, but was cut off as Atlanta spun on him, facing him in a sudden rage.
"THEY WERE CHILDREN! They weren't even ten years old and we just put them down like an old unwanted dog!" She yelled, drawing some attention from passerby's as she did so. Father sighed in response.
"Yes, I am aware Atlanta. But they were infected.... If anything, they had a few days left before the Turn came.." He responded. The town named girl seethed in response.
"We didn't know for sure! It might've just been the flu for all we know! It could've just been something small....." Atlanta faded off as she thought back to the day that it had happened.
Four children had been off playing amongst each other out in the fields when it had happened. They still weren't sure how, but the little ones had come across an Abyssal. Already far dead for sure, been killed a while back.
When it had finally been discovered, the children had promised that they hadn't touched it. That they hadn't played near it. That they had laid eyes on it and immediately let someone know.
The town had seemed hopeful that they were telling the truth. That they had been correct. But they weren't.
Exactly eight hours later, one of the kids had begun to show the symptoms. They were in a dark room when it had been discovered. The lights had been off, but their eyes were making their own light.
A bright neon blue.
A color that human eyes did not produce on their own.
Atlanta had wanted to be angry. She had wanted to be right about them not being infected. That It was all just a big prank.
It wasn't though.
And she had known it.
One of the things hardest in the world is for a child to bury their parents.
Even harder still is when a parent has to bury their child.
A symbol that the child's right to live had been cut short, taken away from them too early.
It made Atlanta sick.
But no how matter she wanted to say they were wrong. Say that those children were ok. That they were going to live.
She couldn't.
Because they weren't.
They simply weren't.
So it had fallen to Atlanta to deal with. For her to bring about a quiet end. And so she did. And quiet it was.
And in return?
She hated it.
She hated this world.
She hated herself.
Atlanta didn't say anything to Father John as she walked away, her destination being the town Saloon.
Soon enough, she had located the building. Taking no time to spare, she walked through the front door, drawing the attention of those inside.
They looked up.
Their eyes softened.
They didn't say a word as they went back to their drinks. Atlanta merely made her way over the bar, sitting herself down on one of the stools.
The bartender quietly placed a bottle of alcohol in front of the girl, not a word being said as he did so. She silently took it, taking no time to take a sip of the brew within.
If you had told him ten years ago, that'd he'd be serving alcohol to a girl under the legal drinking age on a regular basis so that she could deal with bringing an end to a child's life, he would've laughed. To a girl that had had to bring an end to her own mother's life, he would've shaken his head. He would've thought it was a joke.
But looking down at the red haired girl in front of him, watching as she took another sip of the liquid, her eyes the only way to tell just how broken she really was inside, he wished just that.
That it was a joke.
Just a bad joke.
Just a terrible joke.
But it wasn't.
And he knew that.
Age wasn't an Age anymore. It wasn't a number representing how much you had seen. How much you had experienced.
It was a number. It represented how lucky you were to have lived to see the next day.
That's what went through his mind as he placed another bottle in front of the girl.
She awoke with a pulsing headache. A signal that she was still breathing.
Atlanta gave a sigh as she sat up, her head screaming at her for it. But she ignored it as she looked around.
Her room.
To her side, she noticed a note. Retrieving it from where it sat, she read over the contents.
'Found you out cold at Barney's again. You know that stuff kills you don't you? Wait? What am I saying?'
'Of course you do....'
Roy J. Johnson. Just another name that decorated the list of residents of Cross Anchor. Just another man who had lost everything. Maybe in another time, he could have what he deserved. Which was more than this hellhole.
Atlanta quickly stood, pulling her outfit straight as she secured her weapons.
Her head further screamed at her. But once again, she ignored it as she opened the door, stepping out into the afternoon sun.
Closing the door behind her, she took a look around as she figured out what her next move was gonna be.
The bar wasn't an option. She wouldn't be allowed back in. Not for today anyways.
Talking to Father would only result in heated words, and a repeat of today.
No, she wanted something else. Something different.
And that's what she got.
"Atlanta!" A voice called. Looking up, she found Father approaching her.
"Yeah?" She called back.
"There's something you should hear..." He replied.
She gave him a glance as she followed him.
"Do we even know if she's telling the truth?" Atlanta asked after listening to what Father had been indicating to.
It had been a call to request help. To request aid of any kind. Apparently, a woman was requesting help for her and her four little girls. Atlanta looked at the group as one man answered.
"No idea. Not much information to go on. But we don't have reason to think she's lying...." He reported. Atlanta thought a moment to herself, embracing the quiet of her mind. After a moment, she spoke.
"Where are they?" She asked. The man that had answered her earlier pointed to a part of a map that laid on the table before them.
"About eight point five miles north. Apparently at an old Farm House." He reported. Atlanta gave a nod.
"I'll go." She answered. Father looked at her, unsure.
"Are you sure you're-" He answered but found himself stopped at the look she gave him.
"I'll go." She repeated. Father simply nodded as Atlanta left the room. The group of people that were present looked at the church figure.
"Is she alright...?" One asked. Father John shook his head.
"We all know the answer to that question...." He responded as she left the room.
Atlanta slowed the truck to a slow pace as she neared the indicated destination. And old Farm House it was.
Like something you might see straight out of a movie, the building was two stories. White in color, the eye was immediately drawn to the large porch that dominated the front of the structure.
Pulling up in front of the house, Atlanta brought the truck to a stop as she removed the keys to the ignition.
Doing so, she sat back and waited a few moments to steel herself. She didn't know what she would find inside. She might find everything ok. Or she might find a scene straight out of hell. And if that was the case, there may be guests present as well.
Popping the door open, she got out of the truck. Quietly closing the door, she carefully and slowly approached the porch, her eyes darting around for anything that looked out of place. When sure she couldn't see any tell tale signs of anything wrong, she stepped up on the porch.
Before she knocked on the door, she took the time to walk to each end of it, poking her head around the side, trying to see if there were any clear signs of Abyssals around. When she could find none of those either, she walked back to the front door.
Giving a solid knock, her hands fell to her sides, ready to grab for her guns should she need them. Soon enough, footsteps registered to her hearing, a few yells following suit. But not yells for help, no.
They sounded like yells to stop running in the house.
A few moments after, the door opened, giving sight to a woman. Dark short hair, and a piece of cloth covering one of her eyes, she didn't look much older than Atlanta.
"You from Cross Anchor?" She asked, her one visible eye studying Atlanta closely. The gunslinger gave a nod, taking the time to study the woman.
"Were you the one that called about help?" She asked. The woman gave a nod.
"Yeah. Come in and I'll explain..." She answered before walking away from the door. Atlanta took the message as she followed inside, closing the door behind her. Turning around, she began to follow the woman but was stopped as four little girls suddenly appeared, bounding down the stairs that against the right wall in a giggle filled race.
"Hey! Slow down! One of you is going to trip and then it'll all be downhill from there!" The woman yelled. But her warning fell on deaf ears as the four little girls hit the ground running, rushing past the two as they ran into the kitchen. The woman gave a sigh. "Why do I even try..." She muttered as she continued to lead Atlanta through the house. Eventually coming to the living room, the woman settled down on a couch. Atlanta took the one opposite her.
"So you wanna tell me what this is about?" Atlanta asked. The woman gave a laugh.
"You don't waste any time do you? Name's Tenryuu by the way.... Now as for why I called Cross Anchor..." She said as she looked around, making sure the girls weren't within sight. When she was satisfied they weren't, she grabbed the bottom of her shirt and lifted it up, giving Atlanta view of the woman's stomach.
Atlanta looked on in confusion as she took in the sight before her. It was a stomach. What was the problem? Was she pregnant? And what was with those tan lines?
Atlanta suddenly went on alert as she realized what was wrong. A spot on the woman's stomach was far paler than the rest, a small section of skin on the lower right of her stomach.
Pale skin.
A symptom.
"You're infected....." Atlanta confirmed. Tenryuu gave a nod in response as she let her shirt fall back down.
"Yep. Symptoms started about 4 hours ago..." She informed her. Atlanta gave a nod.
"Not infectious yet then. When did you come in contact with one?" Atlanta asked. Tenryuu gave a nod.
"Yesterday. A lone Abyssal thankfully. But I wasn't careful enough. It didn't break any skin, but the fluids coming off of it was enough...." She told. Atlanta gave a nod in response.
"Yeah... So my guess is that the reason you called the town...." She asked.
"Was to take them to somewhere safe. We both know how this ends for me. But them? They still have a chance...." She stated. Atlanta gave a small nod, not needing her to say anymore on the subject. Just in time too as the four girls suddenly entered the room again on a torrent of mischief, one of the four running away from the other three as they laughed.
"Hey! Slow down!" Tenryuu called, standing as the four nearly crashed over each other. They four erupted into giggles as they slid to a stop in front of the two on the hard wood floors. Atlanta couldn't help but smile as she looked at the four.
They were children being just that. Children. Not a worry in the world besides what they were gonna do next for fun. It was something you saw in short supply these days. Something that Atlanta took pleasure in watching it take place.
"And who might we have here?" Atlanta finally asked, looking at the four. Tenryuu gave a laugh as she pointed to each one, giving out their name.
"This is Akatsuki, Hibiki, Ikazuchi, and Inazuma. Sisters surprisingly enough, and they're quite the handful. And strangely enough, they're named after ships.... Not that I'm one to talk...." She said as she introduced the four. Four in question watched the redhead carefully, their eyes venturing over to Tenryuu every so often.
"Tenryuu? Who is this...?" Ikazuchi asked after a moment. Tenryuu looked at Atlanta.
"This is... Actually, I never got a name...." Tenryuu spoke. Atlanta gave a nod in response.
"True. The name is Atlanta and it is a pleasure to meet you four." Atlanta spoke. Tenryuu simply nodded.
"Named after the city?" She asked. Atlanta shook her head.
"Ship." She answered. Tenryuu shrugged.
"Was that a trend back then or something?" She asked. Atlanta gave a shrug.
"You got me there. Haven't a clue." She replied.
"Tenryuu, what's she doing here...?" Akatsuki asked. Tenryuu gave a small smile as she kneeled down in front of the four girls.
"Atlanta here is going to take you four to the town. Remember? The one we talked about? The one that we said was safe?" She asked. The four gave slow nods in response, looking at her.
"Y-yeah! But we said we were all gonna go! All five of us!" Inazuma insisted. Tenryuu gave a small nod.
"Yeah, and that's still the plan. Atlanta's just gonna take you four first. After, she's gonna come back and get me." Tenryuu said, a small smile on her face. The four girls looked surprised.
"Really?!" Ikazuchi asked. Tenryuu gave a nod.
"Yep. Now go get your stuff ready. I imagine Atlanta will want to leave soon." Tenryuu said. The four girls gave nods in response as they ran off, hurrying around, gathering up their things. Atlanta watched them go, her heart aching for the four.
She knew what Tenryuu had told them was a lie. Chances were, the moment they left the house with her, that was the last time they would see Tenryuu. The last time they could say anything to the woman. And it was painful to know that she'd be the one to separate them. But it had to be done.
The two women stayed silent for a few moments, listening to the four rush around upstairs. After a moment, Atlanta turned her head to Tenryuu.
"After I take them to Cross Anchor.... I can come back.... And take care of you if you wish...." She informed her in a quiet tone. The statement sounded innocent enough. And maybe years ago, it might've been just that. But they both knew what Atlanta was saying.
Tenryuu watched her a moment before a small laugh sounded out of her throat.
"And here I thought chivalry was dead..." She joked. Atlanta only offered a small dry chuckle in response. "But... I mean if you're ok with that... Then yeah, I wouldn't mind it...." She responded. Atlanta gave a small nod as the four girls re-entered the room.
"Ready!" Akatsuki declared, holding her pack close to her. Her three sisters gave nods as they showed their own packs to the two.
"Yes..." Hibiki said after a moment. Atlanta gave a nod as she gestured to the door.
"Well let's go get you four settled in to the truck. Then we'll get going." Atlanta said. The four girls gave excited nods as they rushed for the door, taking no time to throw it open and run outside, talking excitedly with each other. The two women only offered small laughs as they followed the four outside.
A few moments later, the two had gotten the four settled into the truck. Since the truck only had three seats, they ended up with doubling up, Hibiki on Akatsuki's lap and Ikazuchi on Inazuma's. Tenryuu had made Atlanta swear to drive safely, a promise the girl returned gladly. Their stuff was put in the truck bed. After all was said and done, Atlanta settled into the driver's seat, securing her seatbelt, as Tenryuu approached the passenger's window.
"Isn't this exciting Tenryuu?" Akatsuki asked excitedly. Tenryuu only gave a nod, a small smile on her face as she gave the girl a pat on the head.
"Mhm... Now you four be good for Atlanta. I don't want to know about any trouble, you hear me?" She asked. The four girls gave nods in response.
"Mhm! And when you come to, we can be a family again! Won't that be fun?" Inazuma asked, a wide smile on her face. Tenryuu only gave a small nod, her eyes landing on Atlanta as she did so.
"Yeah...." She said. But Atlanta got a different meaning from the word. With that, Atlanta returned the nod. Atlanta gave the key a twist, the truck's engine coming to life, as if greeting the four girls it now had within it. Tenryuu backed away, making her way to the porch as she gave a wave. The four girls gave waves back as the truck began to back up, slowly making its way back to the main road.
When it had, the truck briefly stopped as Atlanta shifted it into drive. As she did so, Atlanta gave a wave of her own as the truck made its way back towards Cross Anchor and away from the lone farm house.
The girls watched in excitement as the truck neared a gate, slowing down as it did so. They watched as Atlanta rolled down her window, and performed a hand motion, which seemed to result in happiness as the guards gave a laugh in response.
"Atlanta? What was that? Which you just did?" Akatsuki asked, looking up at the driver. Person in question only gave a laugh, shaking her head.
"It's not something you need to know. And if I catch you doing it, you will be in trouble. You got that?" Atlanta responded. The four gave nods as they watched the truck pull through the gate, looking out the windows at the wide fields.
"Woah! Atlanta, what are those!?" Ikazuchi asked, pressing her face up against the window from where she was sitting. Atlanta laughed as she answered.
"That's where we grow our food. Although that's just one of the fields. We have to grow a lot of food to keep us all fed." She explained. Hibiki looked up at her with a calm expression.
"So it's like a big farm?" She asked. Atlanta thought about it for a moment.
"I've never thought about it that way before, but I mean yeah. If you wanna think of it like a big farm, that works too..." She answered as they drove on.
Eventually, after they had driven past the fields, they neared the town center. Slowing the truck to a stop, Atlanta put it into park as she pulled the keys from the ignition, rendering the vehicle immobile.
Pushing her door open, the girls got the message as they removed their seat-belts and pushed the door open, a combined effort from Inazuma and Ikazuchi being required.
Closing her door with a slam, Atlanta walked around the back of the truck to the other side, where the four were just getting out. Atlanta helped them out before handing them their packs, the only things they had with them besides the clothes on their backs.
Leading the four like a teacher leading her class through the halls of a school, Atlanta kept the four in line as they looked around excitedly. Atlanta couldn't help but chuckle at the plethora of whispers coming from behind her.
"Atlanta?" A voice asked from a ways off. Turning to the person, she gave a wave to Father John.
"Hey father." She greeted, bringing the four girls to a stop behind her. The man returned a nod in response as he approached the five.
"So I see the call was not a false one after all...." He mused. Atlanta gave a nod as she ushered the four in front of her.
"Nope. Father, this is Akatsuki, Hibiki, Inazuma, and Ikazuchi. Girls, this is Father John. He's a priest." She introduced. Father gave a wave as the four girls studied him a moment. As they did so, Father John looked up to Atlanta.
"And the woman?" He asked. Before Atlanta could answer however, Hibiki cut in.
"That is Tenryuu." She said in a clam tone, calmer than most kids her age were capable of. "Atlanta will be bringing her along soon.... Right...?" The white haired girl asked, looking up at the red haired girl. Her sisters soon did the same, the four of them gazing up at the girl. Atlanta gave a nod as she looked at Father John.
The good Father may not have been good at a lot of things. But reading people? Reading the meaning behind expressions?
He was nothing short of an expert.
And the expression Atlanta was currently adorning was nothing short of helplessness.
Father John had a bad feeling about the coming hours.
Turning abruptly, he found just person he needed at the moment.
"Sister Mary?" He asked. Woman in question looked up from what she was doing, her eyes landing on the Father.
"Yes?" She asked. Father John gestured to the four girls.
"Would you mind taking them and getting them something to eat? I imagine they must be famished." He said. Sister Mary gave a nod, a smile appearing as she did so, as she approached the four.
Four in question had peaked at the mention of food. Soon following the Sister, Akatsuki turned back to Atlanta.
"You'll bring back Tenryuu.... Right...?" The violet haired girl asked. Atlanta hesitated a moment before giving a nod in return. Giving Atlanta a wide smile, Akatsuki and her sisters continued to the follow the Sister. Watching them go, Father John turned to Atlanta.
"Tenryuu's infected. Started maybe... Three.. Four hours ago. And I don't have the slightest idea of how to tell them...." Atlanta said. "No one broke it to me slowly when my mother got sick... When those things got to her... No one told me that I'd be the one that would end her life..." She said, one hand on her hip as the other ran through her red locks. Father John watched her a moment before giving a sigh.
"What is your plan...?" He finally asked. Atlanta shrugged.
"About them? I have no idea. Maybe raise them here. As for Tenryuu? That's a different story... I need a few beers and a shovel...." She said. Father John looked at her before shaking his head.
"May the lord have mercy on your soul...." He answered, not needing an explanation of what was going to happen. Atlanta merely laughed, a small dry laugh sounding from the bottom of her throat as she walked away.
"Mercy? What's that?" Was all she replied.
It was near dark by the time Atlanta returned to the old farm house. The sky had taken a sudden turn over the course of the last few hours, thunder rumbling in the distance. The sky smelled of rain, as if knowing what was fixing to happen.
Atlanta slowly inched the truck up the driveway, the headlights casting a new source of light over the house. She was silent, the only noise to her immediate attention was the four beers clinking together as they rolled around on the empty seat next to her. In the back of the truck, the lone shovel sat, ready to be used.
Atlanta sat back against the driver's seat as she pulled the keys from the ignition, sitting in silence, putting the truck at a stop for a second time today in front of the old Farm House.
Atlanta hoped it would be the last.
Taking another look at the seat next to her, she gave a heavy sigh.
She had arrived with it empty.
And she would leave, it in the same state.
She wished it hadn't of happened this way. She wished that Tenryuu could take that spot and come back. Come back to Cross Anchor. Back to her girls. But she couldn't. And Atlanta knew it.
She hated it.
But that was just the way the world worked now.
Opening the door, she grabbed the bag of drinks as she got out, closing the door with a slam. Taking one more look at the house, she walked up to the porch.
As she stepped onto the porch, the front door opened, giving sight to Tenryuu. She had opened the door to readily for Atlanta's tastes.
Too accepting.
But as she looked at the woman, she knew that it was in neither of their control any longer.
The Abyss was claiming Tenryuu just like any other victim, working it's horrifying magic with pinpoint precision.
It had only been a few hours since Atlanta had spoken to the woman. But it was easy to see what was wrong. Where previously, her face had been a calm color, most of it was now a starkly pale white. Her one visible eye was now a vibrant orange in appearance.
"Well I obviously must look fantastic for you to stare this long..." Tenryuu joked dryly, giving a smirk to the red headed woman. Atlanta only gave a small laugh in response.
"Indeed.... I brought a few drinks if you're interested...." She replied. Tenryuu gave a silent nod as she opened the door wider, admitting Atlanta inside.
"So how are they?" She asked, sitting on the couch she had occupied earlier. Atlanta took the one opposite her as she had before, her back to the window. Tenryuu's back was to the kitchen door.
"They're... Settling in well enough. The kids are always happy to have new friends, especially in times like these when they're few and far between..." Atlanta replied as she handed Tenryuu one of the bottles of beer. As they did so, their skin came in contact with eachother's. And Atlanta knew for sure.
Ice. That's what Tenryuu's skin felt like. No warmth to be had. Not the embrace the kid's had left with. No. The one they had left with was still warm.
"I don't know how I'm gonna do it... Take care of those four..." Atlanta said after a moment, taking a sip of the liquid. Tenryuu only offered a small laugh in response.
"I think you'll do fine. You look capable enough, and God only knows just how good you are with those guns you've got there...." Tenryuu stated before raising her own bottle to her lips, letting the drink enter her mouth. The tiny bit of warmth the drink held was a welcome feeling, feeling it as it traveled down her throat, warming her briefly, before the cold returned. Atlanta only gave a nod in response.
"You ever wonder if there's other worlds out there.... One where we don't have this virus turning the dead against us....?" Atlanta asked. Tenryuu gave a shrug. As she did so, the sound of Rain now pounding against the roof became present, soon followed by a flash of lightning. It briefly lit up the house as Tenryuu gave a small, sad laugh.
"Inazuma hates lightning..." She mused quietly. Atlanta merely gave a nod in response as she took another sip. "But yeah, I guess it's possible that there's a place where they don't have to deal with this virus.... Damn lucky they are...." She finally answered. Atlanta gave a nod.
"Think we're there too...?" She asked. Tenryuu gave a small laugh.
"Yeah, we're there too. And the girls... All just one big happy group..." She answered. Atlanta gave a nod.
"Let's hope they don't take what they have for granted..." She answered. Tenryuu gave a small nod, her one orange eye watching the girl quietly.
"I don't think they do... I wouldn't..." She answered. Atlanta gave a nod as she went to take another sip but found her bottle empty.
"Empty huh.... Figures..." Atlanta said as her eyes darted to the kitchen door, which she had left the other two bottles. Standing, Tenryuu looked up at her.
"Bring me another, would ya?" She asked. Atlanta gave a nod as she entered the kitchen, finding the two bottles.
She grabbed one, opening it soon after.
With her other hand?
She reached down and cocked the hammer back on the Angel Revolver, running her fingers along the handle of the revolver.
Making her way back into the living room, she let the door swing close behind her as she stood behind Tenryuu. Handing the bottle to the girl over her head, she continued to stand behind the figure.
"Hey, Tenryuu...?" She finally spoke, the silence giving way to her voice.
"Hm?" She asked, not turning the face Atlanta.
"You believe in Heaven and all that?" She asked, slowly pulling the white revolver from its holster. Tenryuu hesitated a moment, taking a sip from the bottle, before giving a nod.
"I suppose I do... Why do you ask?" She replied. Atlanta kept her eyes on the woman as she took aim, lining up the girl's head with the sight.
"If you make it there... Would you tell my mother I'm sorry....?" She asked, her tone going soft. Tenryuu gave a nod.
"Will do...."
Atlanta gave a nod.
Thunder sounded across the sky as the Old Farm House's living room briefly lit up from within.
The Angel Revolver fired its second shot.
After the silence had returned, the Old Farm House sat quiet.
Where it had moments ago held two hearts, beating in perfect unison with one another.
It now held just one.
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