Ideas Abound
A/N: Yeah, I know this chapter breaks the 10000 word streak I had going there for a time, but I found this chapter really quite satisfying when everything was said and done.
And Hey! If you guys want to see any particular characters getting their own focus, let me know! I've said this before, but I'd be glad to see if I can't make something work!
Eighty One K!
Anya eased herself into her chair, her lunch settling within her, as she fully settled. Of course, fresh from lunch wouldn't be exactly true. Given the fact that she'd decided to grab a quick shower given her impromptu gift that she'd received from Lexington. She wasn't mad of course, given the fact that it hadn't done any real harm to her, but it had surprised her to be sure.
Taking a moment to orient herself, drumming her fingers against her stomach in thought, she began to figure out what she needed to do next. She needed to get the new girls settled in. And with the Japanese, German, and Italians taken care of given that the latter group was staying within the German dorms and the Japanese were self explanatory, she turned her attention to those of the Allied Navies.
Given that the Australians were going to be directed to the left American dorm building for the time being, that only really left the British and the French. Sure, Strasbourg and Richelieu were rooming with Yamakaze over at the Japanese dorms, but something told her that the new French summons weren't gonna be as easy to convince like they'd been. They could try to convince them, sure. But that didn't change the fact that if they didn't want to, the American dorms were not short on any kind of space as she turned and looked into the courtyard that sat in the middle of the four dorm buildings.
"Why build four if we could only bring through sixty originally?" Anya muttered to herself, leaning back in her chair a moment before turning back to her desk. Aside from figuring out where to put everyone, they also needed to get in contact with once again four foreign navies to let them know. They hadn't even let the British know about Dreadnought and Argus yet, given that the two were adamant about simply serving in a support role as opposed to being out on the water.
And that didn't even touch on the whole issue of the Abyssals that they'd not even started to scratch the surface of yet.
Anya's head lolled back against her chair as she let out a deep sigh, taking a moment to stare at the ceiling above her before looking back down to the desk before her. Tapping her fingers against it a moment in quick succession, she was brought screaming from her thoughts as her phone began to ring. Holding a moment, she picked it up and put to her ear.
"Admiral Johnson." She Answered.
"Anya!" The voice on the other end greeted. Anya both sighed and chuckled somewhat as she leaned against her desk.
"Cynthia. So? What's the occasion this time?" Anya asked.
"Dunno. Figured I'd just check in with you, see how you're doing." Her older sister replied. "So, all my funny business aside, how's the base? How're the girls? And I'm asking legitimately too, this isn't some joke I'm going for." Her sister replied. "I'm actually serious for once, as much as that can be hard to believe, I know." Cynthia said with a chuckle. Anya nodded as she pushed the speaker phone button, leaning back in her chair as she did so.
"It's going good. For obvious reasons until we go public with em, there's a lot of stuff I can't tell you. I've told you Arizona's on Base and you saw Maryland couple weeks ago when you called me then, but that's about as far as I'm willing to take names. Besides those that are already public of course." She told her. Cynthia snorted.
"You're the last person I ever expected to be dealing with Classified info, gotta be honest there." She Answered. Anya simply chuckled.
"So? How's Sarah, right? That was her name?" Anya asked. She heard Cynthia offer an awkward chuckle at that.
"Yeah, we kind of ended things... rather harshly I might add. She wasn't really a fan of the ship girls and to boot, the navy either. Started badmouthing them in general and started going on a tirade about the whole thing. Ended it then and there." She explained. Anya sighed.
"Sorry, I didn't mean-"
"You're good, Aya, there's no issue there. It's pretty obvious she knows what she likes and doesn't like and I'm not about to go around trying to change that. Especially not when she was getting so vicious about it. Not when she goes around bad mouthing you. Not like that." Cynthia said in response.
"Sheeeeeesh." Anya sighed. "And what did I say about the nickname, Cynthia?" She asked sternfully.
"Blame Daisy And Greg. They're the ones that came up with it, considering when you were just starting to talk, you couldn't even pronounce your own name! Adorable, but still, come on woman!" Cynthia said, her laughter bubbling through the speaker.
"I was two! Maybe if that!" Anya shot back. "And what? You're telling me you could just magically pronounce your name without issue?!" Anya demanded, having to keep the laughter from her own voice. Cynthia only laughed in return on her end a moment before calming herself down.
"So? How's Maryland and Arizona then? If I may ask? I tried to ask mom and Daisy who all they met but they wouldn't budge. When're you gonna let up on that rule of me being around base, hm? It's not fair if all my other siblings gets to visit you but I don't." She Answered.
"Greg hasn't." Anya Answered in Reply.
"But Mom has." Cynthia shot back.
"She's a general though. She's got that Rank to pull." Anya replied.
"She's only got you bested by a star! Bet you anything you end this war as a four star too!" Cynthia Answered her. Anya made a fake noise of pain.
"That sounds like it's gonna require more work...." she whined lightly. Cynthia laughed at that.
"Better you than me!" She replied. "But uh, can I at least ask about the whole wounded thing? Daisy mentioned something along those lines when I talked to her last on accident I think, but I could never get an answer from her on the subject. Look, Anya, I know I'm a serious goofball a lot of the time, but at the end of the day, I worry just like Mom, Daisy, Greg, Dad, Danny, or Hank. So come on. Were you wounded?" She asked. "She even said your arm was in a sling! So out with it! You don't and I'm gonna find my way to Yokosuka! Mark my words!" She said. Anya sighed somewhat at that before nodding.
"Mom And Daisy only knew about the two times I'd let On about." Anya eventually Answered her, sighing somewhat. Cynthia went quiet a moment, Anya trying to gauge how she was reacting before her older sister spoke once again.
"...Two times?" Cynthia asked, her voice straining somewhat. "What do you mean two times? You're making it sound like there's been more than that when there should be none, Anya." Her older sister, Anya having no doubt that the woman was now scowling. "What happened, Anya?" She asked. The woman sighed somewhat before resigning herself to her fate.
"I've had both sides of my Ribs bruised, some broken. I got punched in the side. Got a dislocated shoulder. And was choked. And not in the way you like it." Anya said in a quick fashion, slipping in the last part as a last second decision. Cynthia went to respond before snorting in some laughter, apparently only having just registered Anya's last words.
"Low blow. True. But low blow. But that aside, the fuck, Aya?" She asked in a demanding tone. "Who the fuck did that to you?" She demanded.
"Tenryuu. Classified. Classified. Classified. In that order." Anya replied as she leaned on her desk. "But I'm okay now and things have settled down a lot since then. So I need you to stop worrying your head about this and just leave it be. It's been handled here and that's that. Bringing them up again ain't gonna do anyone any good. So leave it. That's an order." She said. She could practically hear Cynthia scowl through the other side of the phone a moment before her older sister simply offered a sigh instead.
"Fine." She finally Answered. "But I swear to god if there's a fifth incident, I will fly my ass out there and you will explain it to me in detail. That's a fuckin promise." Cynthia told her. Anya simply chuckled somewhat at that. As she did so however, the office door opened before her, Admitting Sofia into the room. Arching a brow in a questioning manner, Anya gestured to the phone as she mouthed the word 'Cynthia'. Sofia nodded at that as she approached her desk.
"Hi Sin." Sofia said in greeting, making herself known. Cynthia laughed at the nickname.
"Hiya Sophie." Cynthia greeted. "Aya here tells me that she's been injured. Care to confirm?" She asked in a questioning manner. Sofia rolled her eyes as she nodded.
"Can confirm." She Answered with a chuckle. "But it's been handled." Sofia told her. Cynthia sighed.
"So she said. Why is that you feel the need to leave me out of everything that goes on? Hank And Danny know what's going on. Mom And Daisy know what's going on. What? Dad and Greg just gonna show up one day to? Easter perhaps?" Cynthia asked. Anya sighed somewhat, closing her eyes a moment.
"You know it's not like that, you know that right?" Anya asked. She heard Cynthia snort in... some sort of way on the other end of the line.
"Isn't it? Fuck, I knew that I was already kind of the black sheep of the family, but god if it doesn't suck when your younger sister is injured and I hear not a fuckin thing about it. Really stings, Aya, it really does." Cynthia Answered back, her tone taking one Anya knew all to well.
Cynthia's temper wasn't unknown to her.
Anya sighed.
"What? You're gonna say I'm worrying too much? You're gonna say it's not a problem? Anya, at the end of the day, they have more strength in one hand then you will ever obtain in your lifetime. It could be a fuckin accident, but they could still kill you without meaning too." Cynthia told her. "It could really just be an accident, but any of them could end up being a nail in your coffin. Battleship. Carrier. Destroyer." She said.
"You sound like you don't like em." Anya said after a moment. Cynthia sighed.
"I'll gladly give those girls my support just like the rest of the fuckin common sensed population of this planet. But giving my support is not going to go in tandem with them injuring you over and over. For fucksake Anya, I'm serious." She said.
"You've made a bigger deal over this than Mom did." Anya replied. Cynthia offered an irritated sigh.
"I'll talk to you later. Clearly I need to have words with our family." She said in a tone that suggested she'd be back before the line went dead, leaving Anya staring at the phone. A moment later, she simply let her head lean forwards, now resting it on her desk. Sofia only chuckled somewhat at that as she leaned against her desk, resting a hand on it somewhat as she watched the woman.
"That... could've gone better...." Sofia eventually said as she neared the woman's desk, gently resting her hand on Anya's head. "There, there. It's gonna be alright." She said with some amusement. At that however, the door to their office opened, admitting King and Sydney into the room. Blinking a moment, King arched a brow as he gestured to the blonde, which in turn made Sofia smile. "Family issues." She explained.
"Oh. Is everything alright?" King asked as he leaned back against his desk. Sofia nodded at that as she leaned back against Anya's desk, glancing at the head down woman.
"Yeah, everything's good, at least in the sense that everyone's in good health." She said.
"Oh? Is someone doing her boyfriend behind her back? Is it an older sister? Younger brother? I don't judge." Sydney offered, hands clasped in front of her as she leaned down to the woman's level. "Or... is it your mom? If that's the case, you have my condolences." Sydney offered with a sympathetic nod.
At that, King wrapped an arm around the cruiser's waist, lifting her up, rotating his body, and putting her down behind him. Rapping his knuckles against the cruiser's head, his response came in the form of Sydney laughing, covering her head with her hands in a playful manner as she peered up at the man with an opened eye.
"Didn't know you were gonna get so handsy, Captain." Sydney snickered as she eyed the man. "Mmm, should I worry about my own safety?" She asked with a sneaking laugh. King only rolled his eyes as he went about grinding both pairs of knuckles against the cruiser's head, the light cruiser laughing in return as she attempted to further shield her head, Sydney doing her best to stave off the man.
As this was going on, Anya slowly rose her head from her desk, watching the two a moment before offering a brief sigh. At that, the door opened again, Admitting Maryland into the office.
"Admiral, Captains, the British, French, and Australian ship girls are coming back now. Well, aside from Sydney of course.... what... are you doing to her?" Maryland asked, arching a brow as she peered at the Captain. King only sighed somewhat as he brought his hands down from Sydney's head, the cruiser still chuckling somewhat as she slowly let her hands fall down to her sides. "Admiral...?" Maryland asked as she eventually let her gaze fall to Anya. "Are... you Alright?" She inquired, trying her best to keep her voice neutral at the apparent sight of Anya. The American Admiral took a moment before shooting the woman a smile.
"I'm good Maryland. Just some words with my sister." Anya said in reply to Mary's question. Hesitating a moment, Maryland looked to Sofia, who nodded in agreement as well. Nodding slowly at that, Maryland backed out of the office as she allowed the four to come out as well, finding now that the entire group of Austrialian, British, and French Summonings were present. This also included Ark Royal, Cossack, Argus, Dreadnought, Strasbourg, And Richelieu.
"Thank you all for coming back. Because there's a few things we have to discuss. First things first, status on those of the British and French Navies." Sofia began. "We don't know the exact date so far, but we do know that someone from your respective Navies will be on base by the end of May at the latest, if not earlier." She told them.
"Do we know who exactly?" Violent asked as the destroyer looked to the woman. Sofia shrugged as she looked to Anya. The woman shrugged at the question.
"We don't know who for sure's gonna end up on base. But we do know who to get in touch with to let your Navies know about your presences here. And we'll probably do that in a little while later today or tomorrow, either one honestly. Depends on both what you girls want to try to do and if they're gonna be available. Though if I call Mercier a third time with French ship girls in tow, she's gonna think we're recruiting you girls ourselves." Anya said with a sigh. Strasbourg and Richelieu chuckled somewhat at that, having already met the woman in question. "That aside, there's a couple things we gotta discuss here first." Anya said.
"And what may those things be, Commandant?" Lion inquired, hands going to her hips as the overall group looked at her, the mass of destroyers in front, including both Vampire and Cossack.
"So here's the thing. Given that your Admirals, And by extension, your Navies do not have presence on base, we have to house you girls somewhat differently than we would if we'd just had HQ's of your own. So First things first, you Australian girls. I'm assuming you've seen the large buildings behind this one, yes?" She asked.
When a majority of the Australian girls nodded at that, Anya nodded in return. "Those are the American dorm buildings. But given that we're just now approaching one full building, and we have three extras, we have room to spare. So, the building on the left, you girls will be housed on the first floor. And I probably wouldn't expect that to change until maybe the Royal Navy sends someone, but then again, we've not heard anything of the Royal Navy wanting to run everything as one unit here. So unless something about that changes, expect these dorms to be yours as well during your time on base. If any of you have questions about the facilities, we'll give you a run through, and you can also ask any of the American girls in the building across from yours. There's more than a few of them who would be more than willing to offer assistance." She told them.
"Like Maryland?" Royalist asked, gesturing to the battleship. Maryland nodded at that before hesitating a moment.
"I mean, I'm more than willing to help you girls settle in." She offered. "But I don't stay in the dorms like everyone else so the chances of you finding me in the dorms during the night are pretty low. Your best bets are gonna be Arizona and Langley, who are in the first floor of our dorm building, Arizona on your left and Langley on the right." She explained. Some of them blinked at that.
"Wait? You're a battleship. If you do not sleep within the American dorms for that express purpose, where do you sleep?" Australia asked, glancing at the woman. Maryland chuckled somewhat, scratching the back of her head as Anya stepped up.
"She sleeps with me. But before you girls get funny ideas, it's simply because something happened before you girls showed up that was some pretty serious business, serious stuff dealing with the past. She sleeps with me because it makes her feel better." She said, knocking a few of her knuckles against the battleship's stomach. "So, I mean, if you need to go to her for help, you can as well. But you'll probably also get me to boot." She explained.
Some of the ship girls, notably the two British and French cruisers were staring at the two of them with wide, surprised eyes. But Anya pushed that to the side for the moment as she continued.
"Anyways, So, the Aussie's know where they're now staying. With the new seven Americans that showed up today, room is becoming cramped in the first American dorm building." She explained as she looked to the already previous summoned four British ship girls. "I hope this doesn't sound like you're not wanted or me being rude, but would the four of you be willing to change rooms to the new building as well? For the time being, we can have you in the second floor if you want, I'm just curious what you're thinking." She said, crossing her arms.
Ark Royal glanced at the other present three previously summoned ship girls for a moment before looking to the woman.
"If that is what you require of us Admiral." She said after a moment. Anya shook her head.
"I you want to move, it's your call. If not, it's not a problem... speaking of which, Dreadnought, you're rooming with Connie and E right?" She asked. Dreadnought nodded at that.
"It is... somewhat strange to be rooming with two so easily older than me." She Answered. "But they make for pleasant company." She told her. Anya nodded. "Well, like I said, you can either switch rooms or not but we are gonna have the new British summons in the new building with the Aussies." She said.
"What about the Italians?" Guépard asked, raising a hand as if she needed permission to ask something like that.
"They're going to be shoring up over at the German dorms with Herkunft's girls." Anya told her, looking to the destroyer. "But that does bring up a point. Strasbourg and Richelieu here don't stay in the American dorms." She told them. "Not sure if you're aware of that." She said.
"We are...." Primauguet Answered her, fiddling with her hands somewhat. "But to be honest, the idea of sharing dorms with those of the Japanese...." She trailed off. Anya nodded at that.
"Isn't exactly the most comforting idea in the world, which is fine. If you want to stay in the same building as the British and the Australian, by all means. But that also means that Strasbourg and Richelieu will not be rooming close to you given the fact that I do not expect them to leave their roommate so easily." She said. At least she hoped. Leaving Yamakaze didn't sound like the smart thing to do. Those of the new French summons looked up to the two battleships, somewhat hopeful before having their dreams dashed when the two battleships shook their heads in response. "And, that brings us to the next topic at hand. Given that you ladies do not have Admirals on base, your command is going to fall to one of the four already present countries. Herkunft has the Italian girls, so there's no concern there. King here will be assuming command of the Royal Navy girls. But Ishigara will be the one leading those of the French." She explained.
The French girls looked somewhat concerned and surprised by this.
"But... why not you, Commandant?" Verdun asked, somewhat confused. "You speak French, that much you have demonstrated. It would make sense for us to fall under your command, no?" She asked. Anya sighed somewhat at that, scowling at how much sense it made, before shaking her head.
"We already made the decision and we're sticking by it. Look, it's not like he's gonna rule your time on base. You report to him for debriefing on Sorties and that's it to the extent of it. Like we said, you need something, you have a problem, you can come to either myself, Captain Algerona, Captain King, Admiral Herkunft, Admiral Ishigara, or any one of the more experienced girls on base. We don't want you to feel any sort of trapped or bogged down." She explained.
"Wait then... who are you leading?" Bellona asked, somewhat curious. Anya opened her mouth to speak when someone did it for her.
"Admiral Johnson here is in charge of myself and Leningrad." Molotov Answered as she stepped out from behind the woman, prompting Anya to jump somewhat at the sudden voice in so close proximity.
"Molotov." Anya sighed. "When did you get in here?" She asked. The Russian born cruiser simply smiled up at the woman before making her way for the door, exiting the building in a quick fashion. Anya and the others assembled only watched the girl go a moment before looking back to Anya in both befuddled confusion and surprise. Hesitating a moment, she shrugged eventually as she looked to the girls. "Anyways, Yeah. Me and Captain Algerona are the ones in charge of those two." She explained.
"So... why not just one of you...?" Valmy inquired, peering up at the two women. Anya opened her mouth to respond a moment before slowly closing it, covering her mouth with a hand a moment, her eyes glancing to Sofia in a questioning manner. Sofia blinked somewhat a moment, scratching her chin a moment before shrugging.
"I mean..." Sofia offered weakly. Anya sighed, letting her head hang forwards somewhat before rubbing her face.
"Alright. We'll see if we can work somethings out. Richelieu, Strasbourg, you don't have any issues working under Ishigara still, right?" She asked. When the two battleships shook their heads at the question, Anya nodded in acceptance a moment before sighing somewhat. "Well, that's that settled then. Now then, you guys go check out the dorms and claim the rooms you guys want. Three beds a room and all that so pick while the pickings good." She Answered. "Captain, if you want to lead them that way." She offered to King.
The man nodded at that as he pushed through the group of ship girls towards the exit of the building, the group turning to follow him out, Sydney included as she fell instep with the two heavy cruisers of her navy. Offering a sigh, Anya put her hands on her hips.
"So what now?" Maryland asked.
"I try to convince to foreign women that we're not stealing their ship girls." She explained. Sofia nodded at that as she made way for the exit as well, Anya arching a brow.
"Where you going?" Anya asked. Sofia shrugged.
"Gonna set things straight with a Crane." She Answered as she left the building.
"She does not like me, does she?" The blonde sighed as she glanced at the ground. The American carrier sitting next to her glanced at her, arching a brow as she did so.
"Who? Ark Royal? So? So what, you're a battleship. Why do you care what she thinks?" The carrier asked in return. The blonde sighed again, drawing glances from the Heavy cruiser, her sister, the escort carrier, and the little girl sitting with her.
"I don't think it's that simple, Saratoga." Tirpitz Answered her as she glanced at Emma, watching over the girl doing her homework. Saratoga rolled her eyes at that somewhat, sipping at her coffee.
"All I'm saying is that she's an over pretentious Brit. You really shouldn't care what she thinks. She doesn't like you, that's her issue." Saratoga offered in retort.
Prinz glanced at the Carrier.
"Well... you weren't exactly the one to sink one of her best friends..." Prinz Eugen offered in supply. Saratoga only shrugged, doing nothing in response but taking another sip of her coffee. Bismarck simply sighed at the exchange, closing her eyes a moment.
Tirpitz And Prinz glanced at the battleship from across their table
"Ms Ark is quite nice." Bismarck Sea offered off to the side as she sat next to Emma, watching the girl work on her assignment. Not that she could offer any real support except morale. Tirpitz simply chuckled at that, ruffling the carrier's hair somewhat.
"Bismarck Sea's notable opinion aside." Saratoga said, glancing at the escort carrier a moment before looking to the German battleship. "Why do you care anyways? It's not like she's gonna do anything to you. Why are you so worked up about this?" Saratoga inquired.
"We have been given new life like this in these forms!" Bismarck Answered her. "And I do not wish to be seen as an obstacle when the British begin to arrive in force. The last thing I want is for Ark to immediately sway their opinions of me upon them coming through almost immediately. It'll already be bad enough if you know who comes through." She muttered, placing her hands on her cap. Saratoga snorted at that, drawing a gaze from the three German ship girls.
"Something funny, Sara?" Tirpitz asked. Sara snorted again.
"You're making Hood sound like fu-" She began, but caught herself when she remembered herself in the presence of Emma. "You're making her sound like Voldemort. Granted, they're both British, but that's where the similarities would end I assume." Saratoga chuckled. "Look, Biscuit, you're looking at this way too much in depth. I've been on base with you just as long as Ark Royal has. The only reason she's prissy with you is because back in the war, you were their monster. In that same regard, E held the same title to the Japanese, and look at her and Akagi. Don't let the opinion of one girl with a grudge affect you so much." She said.
"She and Cossack will not-"
"Are we trying to convince Ark or Cossack here?" Saratoga asked as she put her coffee down to the side, turning her attention to the woman fully. "I'm telling you, it doesn't matter. But if you're gonna focus on one, focus on Ark. she'll hold far more sway as a carrier than Cossack will as a destroyer. Sorry to say, but it's the truth, nothing against her." She explained. Prinz tapped her chin in thought.
"Isn't that way of looking at it a bit single minded?" She asked. Saratoga shrugged.
"It's true. Look at it this way, Pringles." Sara began, garnering a light dusting of Prinz's cheeks at the nickname in front of Bismarck. "You're telling me between for example, oh I don't know... Akagi and Fletcher, you're gonna listen to Fletcher over Akagi?" She asked. Prinz blinked somewhat as Tirpitz offered an odd glance.
"That's quite the odd selection." She said. Saratoga shrugged.
"I couldn't use German ship girls because Pringles would've been biased." She said with a huff. "I can't very well try to get her to compare Bismarck and Z-24. And I can't do that with you either, because of sister bias. Akagi and Fletcher are neutral because I know for a fact that none of you girls fought them." Saratoga claimed.
"I wouldn't think that would matter very much to Ark Royal." Bismarck Answered her. Saratoga sighed, rolling her eyes somewhat at that as she turned her head, looking to the counter.
"Yo, Irako! Can I get another?" She called. The foodship glanced at the Carrier before offering a smile in response, nodding as she vanished into the back room. Turning back to the table, leaning forwards somewhat as the group sat within Houshou's cafe, Saratoga sighed.
"Didn't think you were this friendly to girls who weren't American." Tirpitz said to the Carrier. Saratoga rolled her eyes at that.
"I'm... decent with the Japanese. But that's all there is to my service. Didn't see time in the Atlantic hunting you girls down so I don't see a problem with simply chatting away." She said. "Enough about me though" she said, casting her gaze to Bismarck. "I'm telling Ya Biscuit, you're worrying too much about Ark. But, if you're really concerned about this, try to find some common ground with her." Saratoga offered. Bismarck blinked.
"Common... ground? We do not have-" She tried but Saratoga put a finger to the battleship's lips, shushing the woman then and there as she leaned into the battleship, the carrier's face only inches from Bismarck's.
"Do you mean to tell me you do not know the one piece of history that links you, Cossack, and Ark Royal?" Saratoga asked as she watched the woman. When Bismarck slowly shook her head at that, Saratoga resisted the urge to roll her eyes hard as she looked to the woman.
"Get. A. Cat." Saratoga said slowly, making sure each word sunk in. Tirpitz And Prinz only watched, somewhat both amused and worried by the carrier's antics. But at the mention of a feline, Bismarck's eyes lit up in a way the two German ship girls hadn't seen before the battleship all but bolted out the door, Saratoga seating herself back down in a victorious manner as Irako placed another coffee in front of her, the carrier nodding in thanks as she silently sipped at it.
Tirpitz And Prinz only stared.
Zuikaku hummed to herself as she went about tying her hair into it's usual style as she watched herself in the mirror, the carrier safely tucked away within she and Shokaku's room. She'd been able to grab a quick shower before she was due to set out on Sortie later that day. Surprisingly enough, she'd been designated flagship for it. Even with carriers like Midway and Coral due for the same grouping.
She held a moment, her hands falling to her sides a moment as she looked at herself in the mirror, her own reflection staring back at her.
The Americans.
She'd known them before as the unbreakable wall of steel that had come from the East after she, her sisters, and as much as she hated to say it in Hiryuu and Kaga's cases, her surrogate sisters had bombed Pearl Harbor.
They had come unrelenting to their waters and had promptly sunk every single one of them, half of them being finished in the same fight. Zuikaku had watched as they'd sunk Akagi, Kaga, Souryuu, And Hiryuu.
And then eventually, she was on her own after they'd sunk Shokaku.
And then they'd arrived once again in this life like they had the last.
They came representing the same Navy that had brought her nation ruin and fire. But Zuikaku was no fool to the past and certainly not blind to it. She was not like Admiral Hipper in that sense. She'd been one of the last carriers of her nation to fight against them, to stand in their way.
She should hate them.
And She did at one point.
But the hatred had faded when she'd met Enterprise that first day.
The Hatred had faded when she'd met Bristol and Ellyson, the former far to happy for anyone's good.
The hatred had faded when she'd met Langley.
For all they were, American and the like, Zuikaku almost couldn't remember what the base was like when it was just the first sixty of them on base. And Zuikaku wasn't even apart of the original sixty.
She'd been summoned as a replacement for a battleship.
Only fifty eight of the now over 230 ship girls on base knew what loss was like in this form. And she wasn't included in that number.
They and more all knew what it was like to lose someone in this, the two missing battleships having left void that even today, Zuikaku couldn't hope to fill. She couldn't hope to take their place. She wasn't even a battleship. She wasn't good enough with the destroyers to hope to do so.
And then Arizona and Atlanta had arrived.
Zuikaku sighed somewhat as she went back to making sure her hair was in order, watching herself in the mirror, watching in quiet as she readied herself to Sortie. She was to be out on in the water in only forty five minutes so time was crunching.
But as she did so, once more, she found her mind wandering to the Americans once more. To be honest, the base had been quiet before their arrival, that much was for certain. And then their Admiral had arrived on one of their destroyers.
But she wasn't the only one.
The Captain.
Zuikaku sighed again as she stared at herself in the mirror.
The Admiral and the Captain had been the first ones to shatter her ideals of what the typical American were. Loud mouthed. Rude. That's what she'd expected. She'd expected them to be full of themselves because their country had won the war.
But not once had either of them even mentioned the war to any of them.
And then there was the movie night.
She'd helped the Captain move the destroyers because rightfully speaking, it was the only way the woman would get them moved before the sun peaked over Japan that morning. And sure enough, they'd gotten it done. And then the Captain had offered her a movie. One that still didn't make a lick of sense to her when she thought back to it, but she'd accepted the offer anyways. Even if the woman was American.
That didn't bother her. Not what was bothering her.
She'd fallen asleep next to the woman without a worry.
And Zuikaku didn't know why, she really didn't, but that bothered her.
A lot.
"Zuikaku?" Shokaku asked as she poked her head into their room. Turning her head to the door, Zuikaku met eyes with her sister ship.
"Yeah Shokaku-nee?" Zuikaku asked. Her white haired sister offered a smile in turn at the girl's presence.
"Ah! Good, you're still here." She exclaimed, stepping into the room, hands clasped, her eyes twinkling somewhat. Zuikaku arched a brow as she glanced at her older sister, before turning back to the mirror, going about continuing her work with her hair.
"Why wouldn't I be? The fleet isn't set to sortie for another forty five minutes." The younger of the two said before glancing at her sister in the mirror. "Why? Something the matter?" She asked. Shokaku shook her head at that as she looked to her sister.
"There's someone here who wants to talk to you." The older sister told her. Zuikaku arched a brow, briefly halting her hair, glancing back at her sister before shrugging.
"Like I said, I've still forty five minutes so go ahead and send em in. Who is it? Souryuu? Shiratsuyu? Musashi?" She asked. She saw Shokaku shoot the woman a wide smile before vanishing into the hallway. Zuikaku shrugged at that before turning her attention back the mirror. She almost didn't notice the form adorning blue step into the room behind her, the figure seeming to look around. Sighing, Zuikaku didn't turn her glance.
"Yes, Kaga-senpai?" The carrier asked. Whoever it was behind her chuckled somewhat as they glanced around.
"Wrong country unfortunately. And, not ship girl." The figure Answered her.
Zuikaku froze momentarily.
The Captain.
The carrier whipped around almost instantly, her face resting somewhere between a scowl and a curious gaze, if that were possible. Sofia chuckled somewhat at that, crossing her arms as she glanced around, humming somewhat before focusing in on the carrier across from her. It took a moment, but Zuikaku eventually found her voice.
"Captain?" She asked, trying to ignore both the fact that an American, that alone she wouldn't have allowed months ago, and an American commanding officer of the Base was standing in her room.
"Just came to make sure you don't hate me." Sofia Answered her, her arms crossed across her chest. Zuikaku blinked a moment at the statement, before frowning, turning her gaze back to the mirror behind her.
"Why would I hate you?" She asked, her voice remaining even. Sofia shrugged.
"You've gotta admit, you've been acting a little weird since the movie night." Sofia Answered her. "Just wanted to make sure that in a working relationship stand point of things that there's no ill will." She said. "I know the general consensus about how you feel around Americans so just wanted to be sure." She explained.
Zuikaku frowned.
"What's that supposed to mean?" The carrier asked, looking at the woman in the mirror, letting her hands drop to her sides.
Sofia shrugged at that.
"It's never really been a secret that you've been outspoken about our presence here. I'm simply making sure everything's good." She Answered in Reply. Zuikaku held a moment before going back to watching her reflection.
"Yeah, we're fine." She said after a moment. "No harm." The carrier told her. Sofia nodded at that, closing her eyes a moment.
"That's good." Sofia said in return. Zuikaku blinked.
"Wait? Why is that good?" She asked, now turning around once again as she faced the woman. Sofia shrugged.
"Well, it's good because that means I can proceed with my second set of questions. You're out on Sortie in 45 minutes. When do you get back?" She asked. Zuikaku blinked at that somewhat before holding a moment.
"Uhhh.... two days if I remember right." She Answered in Reply. Sofia nodded at that as she leaned to one side.
"So what would you say if I offered another movie night? After all, we fell asleep thirty minutes into episode three and there's still six movies after that. Eight if you count the two extra movies." She said. Zuikaku held a moment before frowning.
"Why'd they feel the need to make so many?" She asked. "Besides that, those movies make no sense. Come on, space knights that make use of an unseen force that lets them move things with their mind?" She asked, crossing her arms.
"Says the woman who possesses the reincarnated soul of the Imperial Japanese Carrier Of the same name." Sofia shot back.
Zuikaku scowled.
The American had a point.
Zuikaku pinched the bridge of her nose a moment before sighing, her hands going to her hips as she gave in. "Fine! But I swear to whoever is sending us through the Gateway, you make any funny moves and the only thing you're gonna be fit to Captain is the Flying Dutchman. We understand one another?" She asked. Sofia simply nodded, offering a smile as she made way for the door.
"Of course~" Sofia Answered.
Zuikaku nodded in acceptance, turning back to her mirror.
"Zuikaku-chan~" The Captain finished.
Zuikaku's face went a brilliant red as she wheeled on the woman, the Captain already cackling like mad as she dashed down the hall, Zuikaku giving chase as she yelled at the woman from behind.
Behind, standing there with her hands behind her back and watching the two with her eyes lit up in wonder, Shokaku simply smiled.
"Do your best, Zuikaku-Chan!" The carrier cheered in a quiet whisper only audible to her.
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