Help Out Of Time
"Yeah, yeah, I know you want to leave the docks. And in a few hours, I'll gladly release you from their care. But until we can verify that most of if not all White Phosphorus damage to your hull and integrals has been taken care of and repaired, i'm not really inclined to listen to anything you say on the matter." The repair ship Answered as she looked down at the cruiser in her dock, held there by the gangways and cranes that her fairies were using to make sure everything was going as smooth as possible. Akashi hummed as she looked over a list, no doubt provided by her fairies. Hipper huffed at the response, the repair ship only shrugging in turn.
"Can I not let it heal on it's own?" She asked. Akashi blinked somewhat before looking at Hipper.
"You really don't have a history with White Phosphorus do you?" She asked. "Didn't meet it during the old war?" She inquired as she met gazes with the German heavy cruiser. When the woman slowly shook her head, staring up at the repair ship defiantly, Akashi sighed. "No, you can not let it 'simply heal' as you do put it. And it's not like you've anywhere to be. You know you've been taken off the active list roster, yes?" She asked to be sure. Hipper mumbled something under her breath as she sank deeper into the docks, spooking Akashi's fairies somewhat as it sent water cascading on their miniature catwalks. The Japanese repair ship watched them a moment before shaking her head.
"I'll take that as a yes." She sighed as she stood, barefoot, stretching as she did so. "Give everyone a few days to cool off about everything and gain a calm mind about themselves. Everything will work out." She offered.
"Everything will work out what?" A new voice asked, coming from the entrance. The two turned to find Maryland approaching, two trays of breakfast in her grasp. One American, one German.
It'd been two days since Hipper had returned from her unusual sortie, and she was still in the docks dealing with the gifts that the white phosphorus had left for her. That meant two days of being unable to do what she wanted while she was checked on again and again by the two resident repair ships.
It also meant Maryland making repeated visits to the docks to check on the cruiser, something neither of them dreaded any longer like they would have days prior. Every two hours. On the dot. Excusing sleep of course.
The battleship and cruiser had formed a fast friendship over the last two days, given that Maryland wasn't actually trying to kill the cruiser anymore and Hipper had been knocked down a few levels because of information previously unknown to her.
Hipper offered a brief smile to the battleship as Akashi sighed.
"She's trying to weasel out of full repairs. She still has quite a bit of superficial damage from the White Phosphorus. That, and my fairies are still making checks over everything else." Akashi explained.
"Ahhh, na. You can't skip out on any part of dock work. One of the downsides of being a ship girl. Akashi and Dio won't allow for it." Maryland offered as she set the tray of breakfast down next to Hipper's dock. The cruiser sunk further beneath the surface once again, splashing more water at the fairies who in turn looked down at the cruiser with small, unthreatening glares. Hipper stuck her tongue out in return as she stayed submerged for a time before surfacing again, sitting up as Mary took a seat next to the dock.
"Take time to enjoy breakfast. Either myself or Dio will return in a few hours." The repair ship offered, Hipper nodding in response. With that, Akashi took her leave, leaving Maryland and Hipper alone with the fairies working on her repairs.
"So? Where'd you get the shorts from?" Maryland asked with an amused expression as she make them out through the water. Hipper rolled her eyes as she snatched a piece of sausage from Mary's tray.
"Dionysus offered them to me after I made a fuss of being naked for over 48 hours. Sure, there's still a lot uncovered but it's something. Largely, the repairs are now confined to back and shoulders." Hipper Answered her as she bit down on the sausage she'd claimed as hers. Maryland nodded at that as she bit down into her own piece of bacon, chewing a moment before looking to Hipper.
"So? You tell anyone what you saw out there? Who saved you?" She asked.
"That was hard enough to explain to you. I'm not sure how well Ishigara would take it if I told him that I thought I was saved by his lost battleships. And I'm not even sure that's who they were. Not really." She Answered in return. "I imagine that's some sort of touchy subject and I doubt I'm the proper person to address it."
"You May have a point, we need to let someone know."
"They were Ishigara's girls. I doubt your admiral wants anything to do with me. And my admiral is far too new at this to bring something like this to his desk right away." Hipper replied.
"Algerona And King?"
"Algerona probably likes me far less than your admiral does and King's even newer than my admiral." Hipper retorted. Maryland nodded at that.
"Speaking of that, when you're done in the docks, Admiral Johnson would like words with you." She Answered in response. Hipper sighed as she flopped back into her dock, submerging briefly for a moment before resurfacing a moment later.
"So she can scold me I assume?" Hipper asked with a sigh as she lazily put another piece of food in her mouth. Maryland shook her head as she looked to the cruiser.
"It's fairly clear that you've simply just never sat down and held a conversation with her. She can be far more agreeable than you give her credit for and I'd imagine that the request is to simply make sure you're alright. She may be American, but she worries after all the ship girls. That includes you, no matter how much you may protest that fact." Maryland offered. Hipper sighed.
"I did have a conversation with her."
"I mean one not when she's scolding you. I get that you were newly summoned, but from the way I hear it, you were striking nerves under all flags." Maryland offered. "I'd imagine Anya got you for it, but you can't do that. Especially with a bunch of new summons. Do you know what could have happened if you'd riled a bunch of new summons with Admiral in the middle?" She asked as she looked to Hipper. Hipper blinked for a moment, mulling it over, before she paled, clasping her face in her hands.
"Ich hätte die Frau töten können." She Answered dreadfully. Maryland only chuckled at that as she nodded somewhat, taking another bite of her food as she did so, humming somewhat as she watched Hipper a moment.
"Exactly." Maryland offered as she swallowed the bite of breakfast. "You were a new summon so I'm gonna put that behind us since nothing came of it. Besides the obvious of course, but that aside, the old summons are supposed to be role models. And I admit, doing what I did wasn't the best example of that. But the point stands." She offered.
Hipper nodded at that. "Where is the Admiral now?" She asked. Maryland shrugged at that.
"I think she's helping some of the destroyers with their room. But I don't know for sure." She offered. And at that, two more people entered the docks, bringing their own food. And that was Prinz Eugen and Saratoga. Hipper offered a smile to her younger sister as Maryland arched a brow to the carrier. Woman in question scowled at the battleship in turn as the two began to settle down next to the dock.
"Gotta admit, Sara, you're not exactly who I expected to come join us." Maryland offered with a knowing smile. Sara rolled her eyes.
"Look, I Came because Pring- Prinz wanted to come eat breakfast with her sister and I was the only one willing to come with her." The carrier told her. Maryland only nodded but the sly smile Prinz shot the battleship confirmed what she already suspected. Maryland nodded to the carrier as the younger sister offered her eldest another piece of food, Hipper taking it even with her own breakfast in front of her.
"Alright. I believe you." Maryland Answered as she glanced at the carrier for a moment before looking back to the cruiser in the docks.
Captain Phillip King was used to being in precarious situations. Either put there by his buddies or siblings, he was not unknown to the strange situation every once and a while, it was just normal for the man. But he had to admit, his current situation of standing next to Admiral Johnson, Admiral Ishigara, And Admiral Herkunft had a bout of strangeness to it. Not because of who he was standing with, the four looking out over the bay watching the fleet go about another practice, planes zipping by overhead, but yet it was because of who was watching him.
He could just barely make out her form, standing at the edge of his vision, standing alongside one of the buildings, watching him from afar.
Like the wolf she was.
"She's not even staring at me and I'm getting nervous." Anya joked as she looked to the man. King sighed at that as he looked to the Admiral, Anya offering only a brief laugh in turn as she looked to the man. "I mean, you knew this was eventually going to happen. I'm just glad it's not one of my girls." She offered. King sighed at that as Ishigara let out a chuckle of his own.
"Captain, I told you that I can put a stop to it if you so wish." He offered the man.
"No, no. It's fine. She's not really causing any trouble and not getting in anyone's way. It's just very nerve racking. Especially when she's chosen a spot where I can just barely make her out at the very edge of my vision, like she's waiting to pounce."
"Which in all likelihood she is." Anya Answered as she looked back over the water, King simply nodding in agreement at that as he did so.
They watched as the new carriers continued to work on their overall operations, Enterprise, Akagi, and Midway making their rounds around them answering any questions or solving any problems that came up. The biggest adaptation to make however was the presence of the Hornets soaring away overhead, playing chase on each other's tails, zooming around over the base as they made the sky theirs. The other prop fighters simply made their own dances as the jet fighters raced back and forth.
Overall, the same sense of peace that'd been present had returned once things with Hipper had settled down and she'd been chilling in the docks. No one seemed to be down on themselves and mostly everyone was just enjoying things as they were. Even the previous fiasco with Hipper out at sea seemed to be forgotten by even Arizona as the Admiral watched she and Nagato work Tosa, Louisiana, and Totomi through their rounds.
"Did Mary mention how Hipper has been doing at breakfast?" Saradia finally asked as she looked to Anya. The woman nodded at that as she crossed her arms.
"Mary makes it sounds as if she's a whole new person. By far, Hipper's attitude seems to have lifted stories above what it was. While I never found a real problem with her attitude before, main issue aside, it is sort a breath of fresh air. Have you not paid her a visit yet?" Anya asked as she looked to the woman. Saradia shook her head.
"I visited her briefly right after she'd been admitted. And I told her once she was done and had everything in order, that she should come seen me at my office so we can figure everything out." She offered. "I don't know her the best, but I'm thankful that she made it out of her mistake alive." She said. Anya nodded at that, completely understanding where she was coming from in that regard. "She's had ample time to clear her head and thoughts and I very much look forwards to holding a simple conversation with her about all of this when she does." She said. Anya nodded at that as she crossed her arms.
"So can we address what happened in Boston?" Ishigara asked as he looked to Anya. The woman shrugged.
"It could've been another New York. But it wasn't. Because of her." Anya offered. "No one's really sure how, but above all odds, Constitution came through for her country once more. And in her original hull no less." She said.
"But what does this mean for all the ships still in their steel hulls?" King asked at that, Anya shrugging in response to the question.
"Wish I knew. Really I do, but until something or someone comes forwards with answers, the best we can do is guess. That aside, we're damn well lucky that Constitution was there and did what she did. If anything, National morale is at an all time high thanks to her." Anya Answered.
"Too bad she's going down for repairs for a while. They did a number on her." King offered.
"But what's important is that they didn't kill her. Or sink her I mean. With Constitution still up and around, our country has a new symbol of hope. Not exactly the one the Brass had intended for, but it's there." Anya said.
"I'm sure they were intending that spot to go to Enterprise or Missouri, no?" Saradia asked as she looked to the American Admiral. Anya shrugged at that.
"I'm not exactly sure who they intended to give the spot to. All I know is that they'd intended for it to be someone from this era of history. Orbit against Constitution holding that position of course, but it still is a little odd. Especially when we don't even have the person herself standing here with us." Anya surmised. The other three nodded at that somewhat for a moment before they were brought from their thoughts as a cacophony of screaming reached their ears. Blinking in response, the four suddenly became very worried as they began to approach where they heard the screaming from.
And in no short order found the cause as being Umikaze, Murasame, and Kawakaze, hiding behind an overturned table.
Standing apart from them were Taylor, Jenkins, and Redford.
The three Americans had apparently armed themselves with Paintball guns.
From where they obtained them, Anya could only guess. But as soon as she stepped into their vision, the three destroyers suddenly panicked as they quickly attempted to hide the weapons behind their back, resulting in a stray paintball hitting Taylor on the arm from Jenkin's gun, the destroyer scowling at her sister in turn. Destroyer in question brought her gun in full view of the Admiral once again and shot Jenkins in the cheek, the destroyer yelping in surprise.
Scowling in return, Jenkins brought her gun back up as well, firing a shot into Taylor's gut, both destroyers ready to annihilate the other for a simple mistake. But before either one could squeeze off another round, Anya let off a loud sigh as she and Ishigara approached the Japanese destroyers, checking them over a moment before turning her attention on the Americans.
"I don't know whether to be impressed or disappointed that you managed to land not a single shot on them." Anya said as she gestured to the three Japanese destroyers who were now merely standing and watching, glancing up at Anya for a moment before back down at their selves. The overturned table they'd been hiding behind had been effectively covered in paint. But not a single ball of paint had grazed the three newcomers to base. The three American destroyers gawked in surprise a moment before their mouths closed in embarrassment. "That aside, this means I have to reprimand you."
"Please don't make us do laps in the bay! We're not like Atlanta!" Taylor pleaded, dropping the gun to the ground, it clattering against the cement, as she put her hands together in almost a praying motion. Anya watched her a moment before glancing to the other two, watching them a moment before looking to the three Japanese. After a moment, she put a hand on her hip as she brought the other to her face.
"First things first. Who supplied the weapons?" Anya asked, crossing her arms as she waited for them to supply her an answer.
"We... don't know...?" Taylor asked sheepishly. When Anya fixed her glare on the destroyer, Taylor waved her hands in front of her. "It's the truth, Admiral! We just walked into our room last night and we each had one on our beds. With the mask and ammo and everything. We don't know who gave us these. Honest." She Answered pleadingly. Anya looked unconvinced but arched a brow as she looked to Jenkins and Redford, who rapidly nodded their heads in agreement to their sister's statement.
Anya held a moment at that before looking back to Ishigara.
"No purchase requests have crossed your desk, have they?" She asked. When Ishigara shook his head, taking a stand next to Anya with Saradia and King standing to the side, observing the whole ordeal, Anya closed her eyes a moment before sighing.
"I'll run this by Langley. Anyways, back to the problem at hand. Drop the guns ladies. Ammo and air-tanks too. But keep the masks on." Anya ordered, three paintball guns suddenly appearing on the ground before her, their ammo and air tanks following soon after. Nodding in satisfaction, the three turned to leave, only for Anya to raise a hand at that. "Didn't say you were free to go." She said with a finger raised. The destroyers blinked a moment before sagging their shoulders in defeat.
Making sure they weren't going to run from her at any point, she bent down to collect one of the guns, looking it over a moment, the weapon and it's strap that was hooked onto it. Rattling it, she could hear it was about half empty on ammo, which means these three had probably been chasing the destroyers across base. Leaving no doubt a paint trail.
"Captain." Anya asked as she looked back to King. "Have you ever been paint balling before?" She asked. When King nodded at that, she nodded in return. "Do me a favor and refill them? Make sure these are ready to go?" She asked. The captain offered a nod at that as he took the gun from the Admiral, already going about refilling it and filling the pressure in the gun back up to full. As he was doing so, Anya looked back to the destroyers. "So. Tell me, what was your plan when you started chasing three Japanese destroyers across their own base? That you'd be untouchable?" She asked, crouching down to the three, her face becoming level with theirs. Jenkins eventually began to slide the paint ball mask up, looking her Admiral in the eyes.
"We weren't trying to get anyone hurt Admiral, honest! We were just having a bit of fun, really!" She tried. Anya nodded at that.
"Do you think it was fun for the three of them? To be chased around like you did so, ready to cover them in paint?" Anya asked. Jenkins faltered somewhat.
"No...?" She tried.
"No. It wasn't." Anya Answered. "More than that, we are guests to this Base. And you've gone around and shot it with paint. Is that how you would want someone treating your things?" She asked. When the three of them shook their heads, Anya offered only a smile in turn as she reached forwards and pulled Jenkin's mask back down over her face.
King was now finished with the guns, each reloaded and ready. Anya nodded satisfactorily at that as she began to pick up the three bandoleers that the ammo and canisters had been attached to, fixed them up, and began to give one to each of the three Japanese destroyers. Immediately, it dawned on Ishigara, King, And Herkunft of just what Anya was planning here.
They almost pitied the three fletcher sisters.
Making sure the three bandoleers were secured properly, the three destroyers pulling at them somewhat curiously, Anya then reached down and picked up the three weapons. And that was when the Fletcher sisters eventually caught on to what was going on.
"Admiral...?" Taylor called uncertainly. But Anya pushed that to the side for the moment as she handed a gun to each of the Shiratsuyu's present, instructing them how to hold the weapons and fire them properly. When that was said and done, she stood to her full height again as she turned to the three fletchers.
"Here's what's going to happen. We are guests on this Base and you've made quite a mess. Given that you didn't manage to land a hit on any three of them, here's what we're going to do. Your options are either A, go find Liz and secure cleaning supplies. Then the three of you are going to clean up every single paintball you fired. These three are going to be your guards. If you slack off or get distracted before the job is done, I'm giving them full right to coat you in paint. Hence why I let you keep the masks." Anya Answered.
"And the second option?" King inquired.
"B. You're going to allow them to chase you with the guns just as long as you did to them. When they run out of ammo, the six of you are going to work together to clean the base of paint." Anya Answered. "Of course, when you're done with that one, the guns, the ammo, canisters, and masks are to be given to one of us and us alone. They do not stay in your possession and you do not let anyone else use them. Do I make myself clear?" She asked. When the six nodded at that, Anya put a hand on her hip. "So which option are we taking then?"
Immediately, before anyone could even voice an opinion, Kawakaze had already aimed her gun and leveled it at Taylor, catching the destroyer by surprise if only for a moment before she fired, a paintball smashing against the visor of the paintball mask. Taylor immediately screamed as she turned and ran, her sister's hot on her heels as the three Japanese destroyers began their chase, already firing shot after shot at the three.
Anya simply watched the six tear off in a new direction, Ishigara standing at her side before he looked to her. "Would it have been fruitful to let the rest of the Base know about this new development?" He asked. Anya shook her head.
"If the three screaming fletchers are not warning enough, I don't know how much more help we can be." Anya Answered in kind. Ishigara nodded at that as the four once again began to return to the water side, again turning their attention back to the practicing ship girls.
But the peace only stayed for a few moments longer as once again, they were brought from their attention as Anya was nearly brought toppling down as Bristol collided with the back of her legs, Ellyson and McCalla following soon after. Immediately, she put a hand to stop the other three destroyers that she knew would be well on their way as well, and they were, stopping just a few feet short of the woman. Anya sighed a moment before looking down to the six with a smile.
"And what are my fearless warriors be doing now?" Anya asked as she looked over the six.
"Atlanta told us to find something to do. So we did. We came to see you." Bristol eagerly told her as she held to the woman's legs. Anya nodded at that as she ruffled the destroyer's hair somewhat as she looked down at the six of them.
"And tell me? Where is Atlanta?" Anya asked.
"We're pretty sure she's taking a nap." Fitch told her. Anya nodded at that.
"That makes sense-" Anya tried to say before Mervine spoke.
"Tenryuu was pretty insistent that we give her some alone time." The destroyer Answered. Anya nodded somewhat at that, suppressing the smallest of smiles as she glanced at Ishigara, who simply nodded his head in their silent agreement. Anya nodded at that somewhat as she looked back down to the six.
"And where is Tenryuu?" She asked.
"With Atlanta." Bristol Answered, still clinging to Anya's legs. The woman simply nodded at that as she put a hand on her hip for a moment before chuckling somewhat.
"Alright then. Well, unfortunately there's not much to do right now. Tell you what. Go have Yancey and Mamiya make you girls some snacks. And when I'm done here, I'll come find you and we'll watch a movie. Sound good?" She asked.
"Battleship?!" Forrest suddenly called, eyes wide as she looked up at the woman.
"Top Gun!" Bristol cried in response.
"Final countdown!" McCalla interjected. Anya rolled her eyes at that, ruffling some of their hair as she nodded.
"We'll see. Go get yourselves some snacks and we'll talk about it later. Now go." She said, pointing off in the direction of the snack house. Immediately, the six in turn sprinting off in that direction. Anya watched them go a moment before sighing, glancing to Ishigara. "I wonder how correct their information actually is."
"Best that we leave it be. At least they sent them away if they are indeed with one another." Ishigara offered. Anya nodded somewhat at that, preparing to turn away and back to the practicing fleet somewhat before once again, her attention was called elsewhere. Once more by another set of her destroyers. And Vampire.
"FLETCHER!" Bismarck shouted, her accent clear to hear as she and Tirptiz pursued who looked to be Fletcher, Nicholas, O'Bannon, And Vampire. Holding a moment, Anya blinked when she eventually noticed what the four destroyers seemed to be in possession of. And cursed her luck as she began to make way for a trip of interception against the three.
When the four saw her and King making way to intercept them, they suddenly panicked at that, Fletcher giving an immediate order to her partners in crime.
"SCATTER!" She yelled before suddenly bolting a different direction, suddenly sending her three compatriots panicking as they began to pick their own directions, the four destroyers desperately trying to escape the Bismarck sisters and base command. Unfortunately, just rounding the corner into their line of sight came Missouri and her sisters, the Iowa's blinking for a moment.
"Missouri! Catch them!" Anya ordered. And just like that, the four destroyer's fates were sealed as the three Iowa's suddenly began to pursue the four, Illinois chasing O'Bannon, Kentucky going after Nicholas, and Missouri taking both Fletcher and Vampire. And with the sack that Fletcher was carrying with her, there was really no challenge to be had.
Anya only watched somewhat amused as the three fast battleships made catching the four destroyers nothing more than a trivial task.
Anya only held her hands on her hips in a victorious fashion somewhat as she watched the four being hauled towards her and King as Saradia touched base with her battleships.
"So, given that I've never heard Bismarck yell like that yet, I assume whatever you have in that bag is pretty important to the sisters here." Anya said as Missouri put Fletcher and Vampire down in front of her, the other two destroyers still being held by Missouri's sisters. Watching them struggle a moment, Anya only looked back to Fletcher, who was clutching the bag in both arms as she refused to meet eyes with the woman. Anya only nodded somewhat at that as she turned back to Bismarck and Tirptiz, afterwards looking to Saradia. "How bad is the take?" She asked.
"From what I can gather, they're both wearing one layer. What you can see is that layer." Saradia Answered. "They stole everything that they could get at." The woman Answered. Anya nodded at that, glancing at the two battleships for a moment.
"I am curious. How did they get everything if you two were dressed?" She asked.
"They were showering when they struck. The destroyers hit their room first and then came for their clothes ready to change into. The only recent they're this decent is because Z-25 spotted them entering the showers and alerted these two. The destroyers already had grabbed their prize by the time these two made it to their clothes." Saradia explained. Anya nodded at that as she looked back to the destroyers, offering a hand.
"Fletcher. Give it." Anya ordered. Fletcher however refused to meet her eyes, almost as if she was acting as Anya wasn't there. The American Admiral rolled her eyes somewhat at the motion, offering only a sigh in exasperation for a moment. "Fletcher, give me the sack." Anya tried again. But when the destroyer refused to relent her grasp on the item, Anya rubbed her face a moment.
"Fletcher, we've been caught. Just give them the bag so we can be let go." O'Bannon tried.
"Come on. It was fun while it lasted but let's give it up." Nicholas tried. Fletcher rolled her eyes at that, muttering something under her breath before releasing her grasp on the bag, releasing it to Anya, who immediately turned and offered it to the two German battleships. Nodding thankfully, the tow turned and began to make way back to their dorms as Missouri prepared to release Fletcher and Vampire. But Anya put a hand up at that.
"Release Vampire. She's not one of my girls so I can't say what happens to her. But as for these three, Missouri if you would, toss them in the bay." Anya asked. Missouri only blinked somewhat before offering a nod and a slight smile at the order, hefting Fletcher to her shoulder as the other two battleships matched pace with their sister. All the while, the three destroyers were pounding on their backs to be let down before the three could reach the water's edge. But that was a fool's errand as the second Missouri stepped up to the edge, she took Fletcher from her shoulder and hefted her over the side and down into Tokyo bay, Nicholas and O'Bannon soon following in their older sister's path.
Anya watched as the three suddenly surfaced, sputtering water as they caught their breath. Looking down at them for a moment, she couldn't help the small smile that overcame her lips. "How's the water feel?" She asked, only for Fletcher to splash it in her direction. She laughed somewhat as she stepped back just in time as it splashed down at her feet. Taking a moment, she let her arms fall to her sides.
"I'm not getting tossed in too, right?" Vampire timidly asked from next to King. The captain shook his head as he placed a hand on her head.
"Not this time. But please, try not to fall in with the wrong crowd. Make sure whatever scheme you're invited for isn't gonna come back and bite you." He advised. Vampire simply nodded at that as Anya looked to her.
"If you want to Vampire, the gleaves sisters are at Mamiya's having a snack. If you're up for it, you can join us for some movies later." She offered.
"Crocodile Dundee?" Vampire asked in turn. Anya held a moment before shrugging at the question.
"I don't see why not. We'll have to see when we get to that point." Anya Answered as she looked to the destroyer. Vampire nodded as she trotted off to go find the destroyers in question, her dismissal drawing immediate flack from Fletcher, who was still in the water of the Bay.
"What?! You throw us in the bay but you let our partner in crime go free?" Fletcher demanded. Anya rolled her eyes at that as she stepped towards the edge, close enough to meet the destroyer's gaze but far enough away so that she couldn't get grabbed by one of the three.
"Partner in crime my foot. I'm going to assume you somehow wrangled her into it." Anya accused as she looked at the girl. Fletcher for all her worth, at least had the decency to try and put up a Defence at the accusation. Not that it meant much when Anya noticed O'Bannon flinch.
"D-did not!" The destroyer replied.
"Was she playing with Sherman when you got there?" Anya inquired.
"M-maybe..." Fletcher admitted somewhat hesitantly.
"Did you threaten Sherman?" She asked afterwards. When Fletcher's answer didn't come from the girl, Anya simply nodded at that as she turned away from the bay, looking back to the other three officers present for a moment. "Note to self. Fletcher's are more trouble together than they are apart." She said, King offering a simple nod as Saradia laughed somewhat.
"I'm sure it's simply a phase they're going through. I would imagine that they'll settle down sooner or later." Ishigara offered in reply. Anya smirked at that as she looked to the man.
"If you would like to trade me the Shira's for a day, I will gladly watch how that pans out for you." Anya offered. Ishigara only chuckled somewhat at that as he shook his head.
"The Kongou's for the Fletcher's." He offered. Immediately, Anya shook her head as she waved her hands in dismissal of the idea.
"Forget I said anything about trading. I like them, I really do. But the last thing I want to think about is-"
"ADMIRAL!" A voice shrieked from somewhere nearby. Anya paused a moment, holding as she listened to the voice before releasing a sigh as she pinched the bridge of her nose in half amusement, half annoyance. She already knew who it was of course, and given that so far she'd had a run in with every other one of her destroyers, she should've guessed it was going to come full circle. Even more than that, she should've guessed that it was going to be those three last out of all of them.
Turning towards the sound of the voice, she got her answer.
Johnston had just rounded a corner, her vision immediately locking onto the blonde. And soon after, Hoel and Heerman followed suit, the three looking thoroughly panicked and rushed. Her first instinct was to ask if they were alright. But her second instinct trumped that as it told her to ask herself who were they running from.
Six seconds later, Anya got her answer as she watched the form of South Dakota round the corner. Then came Indiana and Massachusetts. And then Idaho, Mississippi, Nevada, Oklahoma, finishing with Pennsylvania. And none of them looked too happy either as Anya watched the three destroyers run for her and the other officers, the three Fletcher's crowding around behind Anya. Arching a brow, she watched as the battleships approached.
"Should've guessed." Anya muttered as she rose a hand to slow the battleships careening in her direction. "So I'm going to assume that they've done something to warrant this kind of reaction."
"Those three cretins are the reason North Carolina and Washington can't walk right now!" Pennsylvania said with an accusatory finger pointed at the three, who were using their Admiral as a human barrier. At the accusation, Anya arched a brow, looking down to her side where she found Johnston peeking out from behind her.
"Can't walk?" She asked. If a prank had injured two of her battleships in any serious way, this was something that she needed to pay more attention to. But as she watched Johnston go fishing around in her pocket for a moment, the Admiral figured she'd get her answer soon enough. Casting a glance back up to the battleships still trying to get a grasp on the three of them, she really couldn't leave the three to the wolves like they were no doubt hoping she would.
However, when Johnston tugged on her side again, she cast her glance back to the destroyer, finding the girl handing her a canister of something. Carefully taking it from the destroyer, she held a moment before laughing somewhat. "Itching powder? You sidelined two of my battleships with itching powder?" The admiral inquired. When the destroyer slowly nodded, she pinched the bridge of her nose somewhat once again, still chuckling slightly.
"Admiral! I fail to see how this is amusing! Two of our battleships can't walk!" Nevada interjected, hands going to her hips. Anya nodded at that as she kept the canister of itching powder in her grasp as she put up a hand for her to calm down.
"From the way you put it originally, you made it sound like they'd cut off their legs." Anya Replied as she made no move to let them at the destroyers. "Tell me, where are Wash and North right now?" She asked.
"Arizona and the Kongou's are with them. They stayed back to try and help them." South Dakota supplied. Anya nodded at that somewhat as she looked back to them.
"Have the five of them help them to the docks, carry them if they must. Get them in the docks but make sure they're wearing gloves while they get their clothes off. I can only assume these three used a less than safe amount of this stuff for a prank and I don't want half the battleship population laid up because of a prank gone too far."
"That's their fourth canister. They had three more originally." Indiana told her. "They used a canister each on the North sisters and the third is now being scrubbed from the Yorktown's room. We caught up with them before they could put that one to good use." The battleship told her. Anya held a moment, reading over the canister a moment once more before looking down at the destroyers peeking out from behind her.
"Well, out with it then. Who was this last canister intended for?" Anya demanded as she looked to Johnston, then Heerman, and then to Hoel. When none of them wanted to answer, Anya peered down at the canister in her hand for a moment, inspecting it before suddenly looking up.
"Where did you find them eventually?" She asked, looking to her battleships. They blinked, not expecting to have suddenly been addressed.
"Indiana found them outside, in the dorms courtyard. That's when she alerted us to their presence and we chased them from there to here." Pennsylvania Answered the admiral. Anya nodded at that somewhat as she did so, letting out an amused huff. The nerve of what they had apparently been planning. "Admiral..?" The battleship asked.
"If their targets were both American ship girls and their rooms alike, which based on evidence they were, there's only one American ship girl that these three would have to leave the dorms to get after. Assuming they're going after battleships and fleet carriers." Anya surmised. It took only a moment for the realization to dawn on the battleships for a moment before both Nevada and Pennsylvania scowled at the destroyers, the Fletcher's only staring back. "But more than that, given just who she shares a room with...." Anya trailed off, slowly turning to face the three destroyers, the Fletcher's backing away as Anya settled a hand on her hip as she began to toss the canister up and down in her hand. "I would dare say you three were about to make a very very dangerous mistake, given past evidence on the subject." Anya surmised as she neglected to take her eyes off of the item, watching as it flew up and down. Repeatedly as she tossed it up and down.
"You wouldn't..." Heerman accused, pointing an accusatory finger at the admiral as she and her sisters backed away. Of course, Anya brought up a valid point. The three of them hadn't even considered what could have happened had they caught Anya in the crossfire.
"You're right, I wouldn't." Anya Answered, ceasing her tossing then and there as she settled her other hand against her hips as well. "But that goes to teach you a lesson about pranks. I'm serious, had I got caught in the crossfire of this charade, we could've been looking at it all over again. Maybe not to the scale of the other two of course, but my guess is she still would've retaliated." Anya explained before looking to the other three officers present. "If one of you would dispose of this when you have the time, the faster this stuff leaves American possession, the better." Anya surmised. When Saradia took the canister from the woman, Anya nodded in thanks as she looked back to the three before her.
"Are we in trouble?" Hoel eventually asked.
"Whether or not you got to me is irrelevant. You still doused the Yorktown's room and Wash and North can't walk. You're in trouble Alright, but the battleships behind me aren't getting their hands on you." She Answered, much to the relief of the Fletcher's and the chagrin of the assembled squad of battleships present.
That's when Missouri clamped her hands onto Johnston's shoulders, the destroyer suddenly wrought with a new sense of panic.
"However, the Iowa's are not behind me, therefore they do not count. Missouri, would you and your sisters send these three to spend time with Fletcher?" Anya asked cordially. Missouri simply smiled in return, offering a simple nod as she hefted the destroyer from her feet, Johnston flailing as Kentucky and Illinois plucked Hoel and Heerman from their feet as well. Before the three could wonder what was going on, and the assembled battleships could ask what she was planning, the three Iowa's promptly turned and tossed the three into the bay, nearly landing them on the already present victims. Anya watched on as the battleships that had persued them there looked on with some amusement before eventually dispersing, most of them returning to the American portion of the base.
Watching them go a moment, Anya nodded in eventually victory. Every single one of her destroyers handled, albeit six of them were now soaking wet. But as she was putting her hands down, her ring caught her eye, the woman putting attention to it. And sure enough, her day wasn't quite done.
A new summoning was happening.
Anya nodded in understanding.
"Well, it would seem I've got new girls coming through. I'm going to-"
"Oh Admiral~" a voice cut off her thoughts, the woman turning to find the last of the six Fletcher's pulling themselves from the bay. And all six of them were focused on her, eyes narrowed as they watched the woman. And suddenly, Anya's previous confidence was ripped away from her. "We're oh so sorry for acting up Admiral." O'Bannon told her, looking up at her with soft eyes. But her voice was void of emotion.
"We'd very much like to hug you to show you just how sorry we are." Fletcher continued, taking a step towards the woman as a challenge, one that Anya took a step away from as she did so.
"So... that summoning..." King began, crossing his arms in amusement somewhat as he watched the six take another tentative step towards their Admiral. "I'll let the Captain know she should head that way." He said as he began to reach for his phone. And for good reason.
Anya immediately turned on step and bolted, the six Fletcher's launching themselves after her, the seven filling the air with laughter as they vanished from sight.
Saradia, Ishigara, And King only chuckled somewhat as the Aulstralian captain tapped away at his phone.
Sofia let out a sigh as she stepped out of the American HQ building, closing the door behind her, taking a moment to correct any imperfections with her uniform before continuing on her way.
Rechecking her phone a moment, the message from King confirmed it. There was a new summoning and it'd have to fall to her this time, as Anya was otherwise distracted. Of course, the Aussie captain didn't say what that was exactly, leaving the woman to simply wonder what could be going on that would have the blonde so distracted to have herself handle a summoning.
And given that she knew Maryland was in the docks with Hipper, Sofia was drawing a major blank.
Of course, it really didn't matter. Sofia knew she could handle this and if Anya has decided she needed a break or something along those lines, the woman wouldn't or couldn't blame her. Almost her entire day, every day it felt like was devoted to the girls recently. If she'd decided to simply lay back somewhere and snooze, that was perfectly fine with the Captain.
But as her mind began to wander away from the sister she'd found in the blonde, it began to wander to the subject of the woman that held that title by blood, her older sister. Even now, years after the fact, Sofia wondered what Jess would think. Of what she'd turned her life into, or how she'd broken free of their parents influence.
Unknowingly because of Anya's family.
Was she even still alive? Was she happy? Did she have a family?
It was something that weighed on Sofia's mind at least once a month if not more, the only other thing bugging her just as much was that she'd never gotten to say goodbye.
Her sister had been the one person holding their family together in the end, keeping their bother under just enough control to keep out of serious trouble. Keeping their mother in bounds and their father from going to far. The middle sibling of their family had been the core that had held everything together. But when she'd vanished, their family had cracked and splintered in various ways.
Sofia had just wanted to say goodbye.
She let out a long and forlorn sigh from her lips as she walked on, the distant sound of laughter washing over the base as the sound of nearby chatter filled her senses. She couldn't tell who it was, but they were clearly having a discussion of sorts, one that they were animatedly involved in if the hushed shouts and loud whispers were anything to go by. Simply pushing them aside, she went back to focusing on her main objective at the moment, which was hopefully not going to be as dramatic as Anya's previous summoning had been.
Nearing the Summoning chamber doors, she put a hand on the handle, letting her breath steady for a moment before pulling it open, and taking a glance inside. However, where'd she been expecting a large group of ship girls to be gathered around, chatting, laughing, fighting in some cases, she found nothing of that. Instead, as she stepped into the summoning chamber, she instead found one lone figure, standing there with her back to Sofia, seemingly staring into the Gateway as if she was waiting for something to happen.
She was quiet, serene, everything that Sofia had yet to see from a ship girl, especially newly summoned. She stood there with purpose, dressed in navy blue. But it wasn't the usual sailor top and skirt the others had emerged in. This one looked to be dressed in an officer's coat, her feet spaced as she stood at attention, still faced away from the Captain. Sofia held a moment, letting the door to the summoning chamber swing closed behind her, the light from outside fading as it closed fully. But when the noise of the door swinging closed did nothing to sway the woman from her stance.
Watching for a moment, her gaze shifting between the unknown and the Gateway, she held a moment before walking forwards, the silence only bending to the sound of the ocean beyond the gate and the Captain's own footsteps. And it seemed, that was enough to draw the woman's gaze away from her quarry as the mystery woman turned away from the Gate to meet eyes with the Captain. And as she moved her arms from crossed across her chest to placing them on her hips, Sofia can catch almost a glance of something that looks dangerously close to the hilt of a sword hidden underneath the coat.
It gave Sofia a moment of caution as she approached the ship girl staring her down.
Keeping her hands at her sides, she approached the woman slowly, her eyes darting between the woman's face and where she'd seen what looked to be the hilt. Of course, this didn't go unnoticed by the presumable new summon, who shifted her weight to one side as she adorned a smile, brown eyes now showing a kindness to them.
"Would you feel better if I handed you the saber?" The summon asked, keeping her eyes on the Captain as she brought the side of her coat back, confirming Sofia what she'd previously thought.
The new summon did in fact carry a sword.
But at that, her whole train of thought suddenly shifted. It wasn't just the sword, her entire outfit screamed of a different era. Totomi and Louisiana had been passable, simply because they'd arrived in something other than the norm. But the woman before her, looking like an officer of the navy long past, the Captain found herself wondering just who this was.
"It's not that exactly. It's just the other girls typically have to wait a few days before being armed. You're brand new and you've already something to kill with." Sofia Answered her as she looked to the sword again before back up at the woman. The ship girl nodded at that, reaching for the handle. Pulling it free of it's holding, she turned it before handing the handle first to Sofia. Seeing no other choice, Sofia locked her grasp around the handle of the item, hefting it free of the woman's grasp and immediately found herself surprised.
For it's size, it was lighter than she'd been expecting. Resting the back of the blade in her other hand, she looked it over, from the silver flash of the blade to the bronze of the handle. Expertly made and well crafted, it reminded her of something straight out of a Pirate movie or the like. And as she looked over the sword once more, bronze etched into the blade caught her eye with a glint. Focusing in on that a moment, she found it to be lettering.
Rotating the blade to where she could properly read it, still quite careful with it, she immediately picked out the word 'Ironsides'. And then she found Old in front of that.
Old Ironsides.
That meant-
"Constitution...?" Sofia half asked, half blurted out in surprise. The woman still facing the Gateway simply smiled as she reached for the handle of the sword once more, flourishing it once for effect before slipping it back into position at her belt.
"That I am. A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Ms....?" She trailed off, indicating that she'd never gotten a name. Sofia blinked, it taking a moment before shaking her head.
"Sofia. Captain Sofia Algerona of the United States Navy." She introduced herself. "Sorry for the lack of etiquette, but I wasn't exactly expecting to well... summon you?" She Answered after a moment. Constitution simply smiled at that, nodding in understanding as she put a hand on her hip once more, still looking to Sofia.
"Nor was I expecting to actually receive the chance." Constitution replied in turn. "But I suppose we will always find ourselves surprised when working in situations like the one we are presented with." She told her before looking back to the gate, her hands going behind her back as she continued to watch.
Sofia didn't respond. Didn't choose to respond. She couldn't afterall, as she was more caught off guard with the fact that she was standing next to the longest serving member of the US Navy in history. She'd had an active crew up until the Abyssal war. And even that hadn't stopped her if the events in Boston were anything to go by, videos of the ship battling it out with the monsters all over the Internet. YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and the like were all singing her praises, nation be damned.
The last she'd heard, the Navy was quickly receiving the donations they'd need to repair the ship.
They'd made what they'd needed in an hour alone.
Just standing next to the woman was giving Sofia a feeling that she'd never experienced. Not even in the one in person encounter she'd had with James hayfield himself. But then again, she was a living legend.
Constitution stood at an even six foot. While tall compared to a lot of ship girls on base, she didn't have the muscle that the others did. She wasn't frail by any means, but she had far less muscle mass than those of the Iowa's or North Carolina's. Expected, Sofia surmised, given that she couldn't even sail under her own power. She had the look of a solider, but she wore it like that of a scholar.
For being almost 300 years old, the woman looked damn good.
A silence settled over the two, Sofia taking glances up at the woman every so often. As a Captain, did she even outrank someone like Constitution? Like, should she even try to tell her what to do?
Sofia would have much more preferred the group of forty nine to the one in this case.
After a moment, Sofia eventually looked up to the woman. "So? Do you want to get something to eat? Or....." Sofia furrowed her brow a moment. "Or are you waiting for someone?" She eventually asked. Constitution simply smiled at that as she offered a small nod, eyes still focused on the Gateway and the fog within. Sofia watched Constitution a moment, not really sure how to proceed.
She was used to them coming back having questions, used to them not having any idea of what to expect. But technically, Constitution was still alive. Had been alive since her launching. She'd watched the world change in ways that others could only imagine. So it was unsurprising that she'd have a grasp on what was going on.
Standing silently, taking one last glance at the woman that had known their Navy since it's inception, she too stopped and watched the Gateway.
Ten minutes.
That's how long it took for the next form to appear amongst the fog. But it this one's wake didn't make as much noise as all the other summonings Sofia had witnessed. Of course, there was still noise. But watching as the figure emerged from the fog, gray hair falling to her shoulders, she briefly wondered who they could be, as they were dressed in the same uniform Constitution was.
But Constitution did not wonder who they were.
And the reverse was true as well apparently as the second those pale green eyes landed on Constitution, the woman's face lit up the room as they emerged from the Gateway, only to sprint at the woman.
"Connie!" The woman shouted, leaping in the air at Constitution. For all her worth, Constitution didn't as much flinch as she opened her arms for the woman, catching her mid air as she spun around a moment, working off the momentum that the mystery woman had brought with her. The two of them shared a laugh that rebounded through the room, a sight that even Sofia couldn't help but crack a smile at. At this point, Sofia couldn't be sure, but she guessed that the woman had just crossed over had been someone who has served with Constitution in their prime.
"Pri, come on. I need you on your own two feet." Constitution said a moment or two later. "We've got a Captain in our midst and she probably wants to know your name." The woman said, still holding a hand in the small of the other woman's back, rubbing it somewhat. When the second mystery woman muttered something into Constitution's chest, the woman rolled her eyes as she shifted her weight forwards, somewhat slamming herself into the second woman, throwing her off of her as the woman stumbled backwards.
"Connie!" She cried indignantly, her fists resting on her hips as she looked at the woman.
"Pri, for crying out loud, give Captain Algerona your name." Constitution told her again. This Pri woman rolled her eyes for a moment before shaking her head, a radiant smile taking place on her lips as she whirled around to face Sofia, meeting her gaze almost immediately.
"USS Enterprise, ready to serve Captain!" Enterprise said proudly. Sofia blinked somewhat, but eventually nodded.
Standing maybe six inches shorter than Constitution, Enterprise merely watched Sofia with a kind yet alert expression. Hands behind her back, Sofia nodded somewhat as she looked over her gray hair and pale green eyes. Clearly based on the outfit alone and the recognition given by Constitution, Sofia knew there wasn't a chance in hell that this couldn't be sixty five, let alone eighty. Watching her hair a moment, Sofia hummed. "Wonder if it comes with the name..." she spoke more to herself than anyone. At that, Pri tilted her head somewhat at that.
"The name?" Enterprise inquired. Sofia nodded at that as she looked to the woman.
"My apologies, I was just thinking that we have another Enterprise. And although nothing alike in terms of personality, you both share almost the same color of hair. I wonder why that is."
"Another Enterprise? Ooooo, who is it?" Pri asked as she clapped her hands together as she looked at the woman happily, as if she'd been told she'd won the lottery.
"CV-6, the seventh to hold the name. Speaking of that, given that you know Constitution so well and how familiar you are with her, I'm gonna wager you're either the second or third in the line of Enterprises." Sofia Answered her. Pro nodded at that somewhat, hands going to her hips.
"Indeed. So Captain Algerona, I must ask, are you the one in charge around here?" Enterprise asked. Sofia nodded at that before hesitating.
"Constitution, are we waiting on anyone else?" Sofia asked. When the woman simply nodded at the question, Sofia offered only a simply nod in return as she returned her gaze to the Gateway, Pri returning to Constitution's side in no time flat.
It was another two minutes before she spotted another figure among the fog. But this time, it was two of them and as they broke the fog cover, Sofia had a sneaking suspicion that these two weren't going to be American. Based on the fact that they weren't wearing the Navy blue. Looking over their outfit a moment, the colors and the like, Sofia eventually arrived that the likelihood of them being British was best.
Oh, and they carried swords too. Excellent.
Sofia watched as the tallest of the two eventually made landfall, taking a moment to steady herself before turning and offering a hand to the second, that figure offering a kind smile and nod as she graciously took the woman's hand and stepped from the water's surface to land next to her. When the two of them had settled themselves, they turned their attention to Sofia and approached her.
The two before Sofia didn't remind her of any of the British Ship girls already on base. Now granted, there was only two so far, but the woman doubted that these two were about to be related.
She looked to the first one, standing at a strong five foot even. She was short to be sure and her gray eyes only offered that of a kindness. Her brown hair was straightened and fell to her shoulders. Sofia offered a simply nod as she gestured to the woman.
"So what might your name be?" She asked. The woman before her offered a curtsy in turn as she looked up to Sofia.
"HMS Argus." The woman introduced herself with a bow of the head. Sofia blinked somewhat at that. First, the oldest ship in the US Navy. Second, a ship that served in her prime with the first. And now, the first fully functional aircraft carrier of any Navy on earth. She wasn't as tall as her compatriot, who looked to be only a hair taller than Constitution, but Argus didn't seemed to be bothered by that.
"I've gotta say, this day is getting stranger and stranger. Mixed nationalities is one thing, but you guys aren't exactly what I would call expected." Sofia told them. Argus simply smiled at that, nodding her head in return.
"You aren't exactly what I was expecting either. When Connie told us what happening, we were surprised to be sure that the Gateway would let us come here at all." Argus told her, clasping her hands together at her waist. When Sofia offered a surprised look, Argus simply offered a giggle in return. "Surely you must know what I mean. Connie, a wooden sailing ship. Enterprise, a schooner. Myself, the world's first carrier. We aren't exactly up to the same par as our... well, our children I suppose. In some cases anyways." The carrier told her. Sofia nodded somewhat.
"Well, it had crossed my mind somewhat, but I didn't want to seem like you aren't wanted." Sofia told her. Argus snorted in amusement as Enterprise chuckled.
"Wanted or not, we're staying. We didn't come all this way just to be thrown back in. Besides, not every solider who fights a war is the one who pulls the trigger, yeah?" The schooner asked. Considering she was one never pulled the trigger, she nodded her head in acceptance of the point at that as she did so. Eventually turning her head away from Argus, who rocked on her heels happily, her sheathed saber bouncing against the back of her thigh as she did so, Sofia looked to the last summon of the moment.
The other summon seemed to be watching Argus amused, her arms crossed as she did so. Like Constitution, she was six foot. But she also had the muscle that Sofia was used to as opposed to the wooden ship that had made herself known.
The woman before her was a black haired beauty if Sofia had anything to say about it. Sure, she looked no older than 26, but something about her showed far more age than Sofia really knew what to do with. Eventually, the woman looked to Sofia, pale blue eyes looking her over a moment before she offered a serene smile, bowing her head somewhat like Argus had done.
"HMS Dreadnought at your service Captain." The woman introduced herself with a smile.
Sofia blinked.
First ship.
First carrier.
The ship that had revolutionized battleships.
Most of the US's early battleships owed their very existence to the woman before her, and she'd just.. showed up, simply because she'd wanted to. Sofia blinked once more, and when Dreadnought simply smiled back at her, tilting her head somewhat as she watched the woman, the Captain let out a sigh at her luck as she put a hand on her hip.
"Mother of the US Navy. Mother of Carriers. Mother of Battleships. And let me guess, you four are not the only apparent legends making an appearance today." Sofia figured, looking between the four. When three of them looked to Constitution, she simply nodded at the question, looking back to the Gateway. And of course, the rest of them followed.
As she did so, Sofia looked back up to Dreadnought, who simply offered a smile in return.
"So, I've got to ask. Why, honestly? Constitution and Enterprise are one thing, but you? And Argus? You guys aren't American. Why come through for us even when your Admiral isn't here? You all seemed to be far more in tune with what's going on, considering Constitution knew to expect you." Sofia surmised. Dreadnought and Argus nodded at that as the two looked to the Captain.
"Even though we are British built and served with them, ships like us... ships that have such a wide sphere of influence of who we were and what we were tend to blur the lines between nations, simply making sure those who followed in our footsteps are alright. I may be British, but I can name every single carrier built after me. And in order." Argus explained. "Even those not quite born yet. Such as Enterprise number nine."
"Much like me. Though not to the scale of Argus, given that those who followed in my footsteps do not number as high, I still wish to make sure they are alright. Whether they be of my own country or another, which, at this time, your country has called back the highest amount." Dreadnought told her. "Arizona and Maryland in particular."
"Okay, I can somewhat see the supernatural logic. But please do not go immediately prying into their lives. That's gonna cause more problems than not." The Captain Answered. Argus And Dreadnought simply shared a smile at that as the five of them once again turned back to the Gateway.
Ten minutes is when the last two of the new summons eventually emerged from the Gateway. And immediately, Sofia could tell that they were American. But their uniforms were more modern than that of Constitution and Enterprise's. But they didn't go as far as Argus's and Dreadnoughts. Also carrying swords, the two of them stepped onto land in the summoning chamber with relative ease.
The first of them was taller than the second, stretching her arms somewhat, clearly muscled as she did so. Her hair was a dark brown, ending in curls around her shoulders. And as Sofia looked to the woman, her blue eyes focused on the Captain in turn, the girl soon adorning a smirk in turn.
The second was shorter than the first, by almost a foot. Less muscle than the first, she was more petite, but looked like she could still put up a fight. Blonde hair fell to her neck straight as can be as her green eyes also focused on Sofia. Eventually, the two traded an amused glance with each other as Sofia arched a brow of her own.
Sofia waited a moment for them to finally introduce themselves, but when the two hadn't spoken a word, the shorter of the two crossing her arms in amusement, Sofia looked to Constitution.
"They probably want you to guess who they are. Shouldn't be hard." Constitution told her. Sofia furrowed her brow at that, looking to the woman.
"If you need some help." Enterprise began. "Connie and I are the only ship girls summoned back on base who don't owe our entire existence to these two." The schooner told her.
Taking that info to heart a moment, she looked back to the two of them.
Owing their existence to these two?
Both American?
Serious size difference?
Suddenly, Sofia had a sneaking idea that she knew just who the two of them were.
"Their most famous battle? Happened to be against one another?" Sofia asked, still looking at the two. Both offered predatory grins at that as she heard Constitution grunt in confirmation. That sealed the deal.
She knew who they were.
The Mothers of any modern day Navy.
Monitor and Merrimack.
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