First Day On The Water
"So let me get this straight." Pensacola began, her words having to overcome the mouthfuls of pancakes the heavy cruiser was in he midst consuming. "We've been called back because a bunch of evil hateful spiteful ocean spirits have risen from the depths and decided to make Humanity's time on the water as hard as possible?" She summed up. Anya nodded as she sat across the table from the girl.
"Yep. Pretty much sums it up." Anya confirmed, taking a sip of her coffee. Pensacola nodded as she stuffed another full pancake into her mouth, evidently not caring about her appearance. It seemed to be a trait shared between the two heavy cruiser sisters, as Salt was eating just as much.
In the time since the six had been summoned, breakfast had begun. After an explanation of how Liz's staff would not be totally free as of yet, the girls were finally able to start eating. Currently, only one table sat occupied in the mess hall. The six new Kanmusu, sisters sitting next to sisters. Joining them were the Admiral and Captain. Next to them sat the Chitose sisters, enjoying their own breakfast as they listened to the ongoing conversation.
"And we were called back to combat them I assume?" North Carolina asked, her and her sister's way of eating much tamer than that of the Pensacola sisters. Sofia nodded as she looked to the battleship.
"Yes. It has been so far more effective to put you girls against them rather then typical means. You girls are more maneuverable, more easily deployed, and straight out more effective than deploying actual ships to fight them." Sofia explained. North nodded as Oakland looked to the two women.
"So I'm guessing that you must have a way for us to do so. Because I'm pretty sure I can't just pull some guns out of my ass." Oakland reasoned, eliciting a laugh from Reno. Anya nodded her head.
"Yeah, we'll get your riggings ordered and all that stuff. Uniforms, riggings. It'll all be taken care of." She confirmed. Oakland nodded as she chomped down on another piece of bacon. Reno nodded with her sister as she looked to the Admiral.
"So, I uh, I get the whole calling us back thing. I really do. But, was there a reason to call us back as human forms? Not only that, but drop dead gorgeous human forms? Not that I'm complaining though. It's just curious is all." Reno asked. Anya shrugged.
"Couldn't tell you. I mean, it makes sense when you consider what the Abyssals are. But other than that, we don't know for sure. Hell, you could've come out as guys for all we know. I mean, it wasn't likely, but who knows for sure." Anya mused. Salt Lake laughed at this, her amusement clear.
"Something funny Salt?" Sofia asked. The heavy cruiser shook her head, her smile still present.
"No Captain, it's nothing." She said. Sofia only nodded as she kept an eye on the cruiser. Shaking her head, Oakland looked back to the two.
"So, we know we're in Japan on Yokosuka Naval Base. We know we're only six of the total number of Kanmusu. And Reno and myself know that we have sisters on base. And since these four are classes of two, I don't think the whole sisters thing is a concern for them. But, I think I speak for all us when I say I'd like to know who else of our Navy is returned and serving." Oakland suggested, causing the other five to give nods of their own at the idea. Nodding, Anya sat back in her seat as she thought about it.
"Well, with you six returned, that brings the total number of Kanmusu up to 96. But, out of those, only 36 are American. The other sixty are of our Japanese allies, including Chitose and Chiyoda here." Anya said, gesturing to the two sisters. The two in question only offered nods as they continued to enjoy their breakfasts, Chitose's being accompanied by some form of alcohol.
"So who's on base?" Pensacola asked.
"At current moment, there are only 12 Kanmusu on base. The others are deployed. Besides you six and the Chitose sisters, there is Taigei, a submarine tender and Mamiya, a former supply ship. Along with those two are Akagi, one of the main fleet carriers of the Japanese. And Enterprise. I don't think she needs an introduction..." Anya said. The six looked surprised for a moment before nodding.
"So where is the ghost? Shouldn't she be here? You know, at breakfast?" Reno asked. Sofia nodded.
"Yeah, she's a carrier so breakfast is usually where you can find her most mornings. Except for today. She and Akagi are having a private breakfast over at Mamiya's."
"Private?" Salt Lake inquired. Anya nodded.
"She and Akagi needed to talk a few things over, figure somethings out. It comes with the territory of being human, something you six have yet to figure out for your own selves." Anya said. Pensacola nodded.
"So they fucking or what?" She asked. Anya gave a half sigh half laugh at the question, shaking her head in response.
"First, lets tone down the language. And secondly, that's really not a concern of yours. What they do with each other is between them and them alone. The only ones who would have any incite to that sort of thing would be Ishigara, the Captain, or myself. And that's just to make sure the relationship is beneficial to both parties involved, making sure it isn't harmful to one or the other. In this case, that is Enterprise and Akagi." Anya replied. Pensacola rolled her eyes as she stuffed another pancake in her mouth.
"No fun." She droned, chasing the pancake down with a swig of milk. Any shrugged as Washington looked to the Admiral, dabbing at her mouth with a napkin before speaking.
"If I may, Admiral, you mentioned a name? Ishigara correct? Who might that be?" The battleship asked. Anya nodded at the question.
"My apologies. Admiral Ishigara is the man in charge of the Japanese Kanmusu. Though, I do question his whereabouts. He should be here." She said before looking over to Chitose and Chiyoda. "Do either of you know where he is?" She asked. Chiyoda nodded, swallowing the bite of food she was working on, before speaking.
"Yeah. I checked in with him, and he was in a call. Couldn't get a lot of info about it, but I got a few pieces of the conversation. Kanmusu, Admiralty, New Year's, and Berlin." She said. Anya gave an interested nod, mulling over this a few moments.
"Now there's a few thought provoking phrases." Sofia mused aloud. Anya only nodded as she took a sip of her coffee.
"Berlin? Like as in Germany? What about them?" Oakland asked.
"Well, so far, it's just those of the Japanese and Americans on base. Like yourselves. But, we don't intend so stop just there. Our plan is to bring on more nations, more Kanmusu of varying Countries. But they've been hesitant, watchful of the grudges and feuds that may be left over. So, other countries have been keeping an eye on Yokosuka to see how the Americans and Japanese react around each other. Well, if it's what it sounds like, it would seem that Germany is satisfied with how things are going and about ready to bring their own girls back. So we may see some new faces around the New Year." Anya said. Oakland nodded in reply as Reno spoke.
"Not to intrude, but I believe you were telling us the names of the girls already on base? Or, those who are normally on base?" She reminded the Admiral. Anya nodded at that.
"Right, sorry. Got off track there. So, do you want to know just the Americans? Or all 90?" She asked.
"I vote we just cover all the bases and see who we've got strolling around out there." Salt threw in. Anya nodded.
"Alright. Well let's see. Well then we'll start with the Battleships. For we the Americans, besides North and Wash here, we have Oklahoma, Arizona, Mississippi, Maryland, and Indiana." She told them. "And as for the Japanese, they've called back Yamato, Musashi, Nagato, Mutsu, Ise, Hyuga, Kongou, Hiei, Haruna, and Kirishima." She finished. A small chuckle sounded from Wash, prompting the Admiral to glance at the Battleship in question.
"I do hope there will be no problems between Kirishima and myself...." Wash said. Anya shrugged.
"That's up to you and how you approach her. I mean, if you approach with only good intentions, then you'll be fine. Kirishima, in the time I've known her, isn't the kind of person to let stuff get to her." Anya said. Wash nodded in acceptance as Chitose spoke up.
"Um, I don't mean to step on any toes here, but Washington, when you were summoned, I noticed something weird." She spoke. The battleship in turn looked to her.
"Weird...? How do you mean...?" The battleship asked curiously. Anya nodded in turn.
"I believe she's talking about when I mentioned Indiana's name, you grimaced at the sound of it." Anya told her. Chitose nodded as Wash looked surprised.
"I did...? I didn't even notice..." Wash sighed. Hesitating a moment, not reacting as her older sister put a hand on her shoulder in a caring nature, she eventually looked to Chitose.
"Back then, during the war, I was a defender of my children. The sailors who risked their lives and blood right alongside me. And to your country, to your actions, I didn't lose a single one. Not a single soul was lost to hostile action." She told them. Chitose nodded, already seeing where this was going.
"But...." She said.
"My crew suffered when I rammed Indiana. She was moving across the formation and not enough warning was present...." Washington recalled, her tone dropping off slowly as she did so. Chitose looked down at her food.
"My bad..." Chitose muttered. Wash shook her head.
"No, it's not your fault. You didn't know. But let us not dwell on the unpleasantries. Please, Admiral, continue." She said. Anya nodded as she went back to naming off the list.
"Alright. Well let's go to the carriers then. American carriers summoned so far, not counting Enterprise, include Langley, Saratoga, Lexington of the Essex, Midway, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Coral Sea. The only light carrier on base is Cabot. Escort carriers summoned are St. Lo, Kitkun Bay, and Bismarck Sea. For the Japanese, excluding Akagi, Chitose, and Chiyoda, there is Houshou, Kaga, Shokaku, Zuikaku, Hiryuu, Souryuu, Zuihou, Shouhou, Ryuujou, Jun'you, and Taihou." She said. The six nodded as Sofia spoke.
"Then, we have the heavy cruisers. Besides the Pensacola sisters, we have Chicago and San Francisco. For the Japanese, they've summoned Takao, Atago, Myoukou, Nachi, Ashigara, and Haguro." Sofia said. Anya nodded as she thought for a moment.
"Excluding your sisters, Atlanta, Juneau, and San Diego, we have no other light cruisers currently summoned. The Japanese have Tenryuu, Tatsuta, Yuubari, Kitakami, Ooi, Sendai, Jintsuu, and Naka."
"And the destroyers for our Navy are represented by Bristol, Ellyson, Forrest, Fitch, Mervine, and McCalla. The Japanese have summoned Fubuki, Shirayuki, Murakumo, Shigure, Yuudachi, Harusame, Amatsukaze, Hatsuharu, Akatsuki, Hibiki, Ikazuchi, Inazuma, Mutsuki, and Kisaragi, and Shimakaze." Sofia explained. Anya nodded at that.
"And our subs. We have Harder, Pargo, and Snook. They have Iku, Goya, Imuya, Shioi, and Hachi." Anya finished. The six gave nods in response, soaking in all the names that were just thrown their way.
"That's a lot of firepower..." Pensacola mused. Anya nodded, sipping at her coffee.
"Indeed it is." She said.
"So you said they're all deployed. When will they be back? Our sisters specifically?" Reno asked. Anya thought about it a moment.
"Well, they're going to Pearl to stay there a few days. Then they'll come back with the ship they're escorting. So maybe two weeks. They left at four this morning, it's about 9:50 now.... They've been on open water for about six hours so far. They've still got a another few days of travel to go just to get there." She told them. The two light cruisers nodded.
"How do you think they're doing so far?" Oakland asked. Anya just laughed.
"Now that's the million dollar question." She mused as she took another sip of coffee.
"This is so BORING!" Coral Sea shouted, waving her arms about as the fleet made their way across the Pacific. Arizona sighed as Midway turned to her youngest sister, the usual indifferent expression that the eldest Midway was known present.
"Coral, please tone down the yelling. We can hear you at a perfectly normal level of talking." Midway informed the carrier. Coral Sea only huffed in response.
"But this is so boring!" Coral stressed.
"Trust me, you'll be asking for boring when the Abyssals finally show those ugly mugs of theirs." Zuikaku said, looking to the carrier. He statement got a few nods from various girls, including Arizona.
"Let's not jinx it Coral. We've already got enough time still to go. The less Abyssals that attack us, the better. However, it's probably best to stay alert. We're pretty exposed out here." Arizona said. Nagato nodded as she scanned the horizon for movement.
"The Abyssal element of this Sortie is inevitable. Eventually, we will find ourselves faced with opposing forces. We must remain alert and ready to act on a moment's notice." The battleship said. Arizona nodded as the nine battleships continued to lead at the front. The only one past them was Shimakaze, the destroyer enjoying the open water of the Pacific Ocean.
The fleet of 41 was currently making good time so far across the water, not having run into any Abyssals as of yet, much to the dismay of some members of the Fleet. Such as Coral.
"Yeah, if we could just get past this Sortie without running into big groups of the things, that'd be swell." Atlanta huffed. Maryland shrugged.
"I don't know, I'd like maybe a chance to see what it's like. I mean, I've got my guns now. I'm trained. I want to put them to use." Maryland said. Arizona nodded in understanding.
"Ok, I can understand where you're coming from, I really can. But if we can help it, I'd like at least one day on this sortie where we can just sail on in peace, non of this deep sea demon stuff." The battleship said. Both Yamato and Musashi nodded at this.
"Sound advice, Arizona-San." The battleship replied. Arizona nodded as she turned to look at the six Gleaves sisters, watching as the six chatted amongst each other.
"You six doing alright so far?" Arizona asked, slowing her speed, coming to a pace near theirs. Bristol nodded as the six sisters looked up to the battleship.
"We're doing fine big A." Bristol replied, looking up to the battleship with her usual grin. Arizona cocked a brow at the nickname but chose to ignore it for the moment as she looked to Bristol's sisters.
"That right? You all doing ok?" She asked. Ellyson nodded.
"Y-yes Arizona. We're d-doing alright so f-far." Ellyson spoke. Arizona watched as the other four sisters gave nods in agreement to their older sisters.
"Alright then. Just checking in on you girls. Let us know if you need something." Arizona said. Bristol put her hands on her hips in defiance.
"What?! You think we can't handle ourselves!? We're destroyers after all!" The girl stated, staring at the battleship. Arizona put her hands up in mock defeat, bowing her head in surrender.
"My bad. I didn't realize you were so prepared. I will not bug you anymore." Arizona said. Bristol nodded in a confident manner, watching her for a moment before the Battleship sped back up, catching up with the other eight battleships.
"How long do you think they'll last?" Oklahoma asked. Arizona shrugged.
"Maybe four days, five days tops. After that, we'll have to keep a careful eye on them." Arizona said. Oklahoma nodded as Haruna neared the two, sailing next to Arizona with no issue for speed.
"I wouldn't worry about them too much. Tenryuu-San will keep an eye on them closely. And that says nothing of how much Atlanta-San will be keeping an eye on them." Haruna said. Arizona nodded, looking at the fast battleship.
"Quite true." She said watching Haruna a moment. When the battleship in question finally began to sport a small blush at the attention, Arizona smiled.
"W-what is it Arizona-San?" Haruna asked carefully. The American battleship just smiled, shaking her head at the question.
"It's nothing Haruna. Don't worry about it." Arizona said. Haruna only nodded, her blush still present as she sailed next to the battleship. Thinking a moment, Arizona looked to the carriers.
"Sit rep!" Arizona ordered.
"The North is clear." Midway replied.
"The South is clear." Franklin responded.
"The West is clear." Zuikaku informed them.
"The East is clear." Shokaku said.
"The NorthWest is clear." Zuihou replied.
"The NorthEast is clear." Shouhou replied.
"The SouthWest is clear." Cabot informed her.
The SouthEast is....." Ryuujou trailed off, going quiet as she listened to a report from her fairies that only she could hear. Arizona in turn looked to the carrier, as did a few of the other battleships. They waited expectantly for an answer, watching the light carrier for a moment.
"RJ? What's up?" Maryland called back. Ryuujou looked to the battleships.
"The SouthEast is not clear. My planes have found Abyssal presence that way. Not only that, but their appears to be a civilian vessel in close proximity to the Abyssals." She informed them. Arizona sighed heavily.
"How close are we talking?" She inquired, already thinking up a plan. Ryuujou waited a moment before replying.
"Too close. The Abyssals will be on top of them in no time at all." The light carrier said. Arizona shook her head in annoyance.
"Damn civies.... Ok! Listen up! Tenryuu, Tatsuta! Take a couple destroyers and go take care of the Abyssals. Then, get those Civilians to turn back to land! Kongou, Haruna! Provide support. Coral Sea, keep the skies in their control!" Arizona ordered. The girls that had been named nodded in response as they went about the action, soon enough a task force splitting off from the main fleet.
"What about us, Arizona? Should we go too?" San Diego asked. Arizona shook her head as she watched the ten girls, Tenryuu apparently having decided on bringing the Akatsuki sisters, Harusame, and Yuudachi along with them, as they went to protect the Civilian transport.
"No, you three need to remain here. The whole Carrier defense relies on you three should the fighters miss anything." Arizona told her. San Diego nodded, somewhat disappointed at the decision. But just as she was starting to question if things would ever pick up, Midway answered it for her.
"Arizona there are approaching Abyssal Heavy Cruisers from the North. Recommend interception immediately." Midway informed her. Arizona nodded, looking to Takao and Atago.
"Stop them. Shigure, Shimakaze! Provide support and keep them at a distance!" Arizona ordered. The four Kanmusu gave calls of acknowledgement as they veered off course, now heading to engage the approaching forces. But just as quickly Arizona had given the order, a new problem arose.
"We've got Abyssal battleships approaching from the West, under the cover of Fighters. And they're looking restless. And with our current speed, they're gonna catch up to us." Zuikaku told her. Arizona sighed, looking at the carrier.
"They just show up?" She asked. Zuikaku gave a nod.
"Pretty much. Ryuujou gave her report and they showed up about then." She replied. Arizona nodded.
"Yamato, Musashi. Fall to the rear of the fleet and give those girls a few shells to chew on. Maryland, accompany them and open fire when they're within range. Zuikaku, provide air support and let Atlanta and her sisters know immediately should a plane get through. Bristol and Ellyson, start throwing some torps their way, maybe we'll get lucky and they'll just run into them." Arizona ordered. The girls nodded as the three forward facing battleships slowed their pace, falling to the rear of the fleet along with the two destroyers.
"Let's give them a bit of trouble shall we?" Musashi asked to no one as she laid eyes on the distant forms just crossing over the Horzion. Allowing her aim to align with her sight for a moment, she made the last of the final adjustments.
Musashi's nine eighteen inch guns opened fire, sending the shells loaded within flying across the water as they made their way towards the approaching Abyssals. Seconds later, Yamato did the same, firing off her own salvo.
The eighteen shells soared through the air, the whistling noise easy to hear as they went on their way. But, luckily for the approaching Abyssals, the shells splashed down in the water in front of them.
As the Abyssals lined up their salvos, the Yamato sisters were already making adjustments for their next set.
The first to open fire were the two Ta-Class battleships, their salvos making themselves known as the opposing Abyssals continued to sail. After them came the fire of the three Ru-Class battleships, their guns sending a second wave of shells. The sixth battleship of the group, the lone Re-Class didn't make a move, only watching the distant Kanmusu fleet quietly instead. The usual smile the tailed and infamous class was known for was not present.
As the shells fell among the girls, most splashed down harmlessly, the only damage being done was the soaking of their outfits. But, a couple of shells met their mark. Two struck one of Musashi's turrets, negligible at best.
Another struck the rigging of Maryland, the battleship shrugging off the glancing blow. She only counted down the seconds before she could fire her first salvo.
One shell found its way to Bristol, striking on of her torpedo tubes. After doing a damage check, the destroyer turned her attention back to the approaching five.
As Musashi and Yamato made the lay adjustments for their next salvos, three wings of Zeroes passed by overhead, no doubt heading out to engage the approaching Abyssal planes.
Taking a last check, Musashi fired another salvo, the Armor piercing shells more than willing to tear the approaching deep sea life to pieces. Yamato followed suit, her own guns answering the Abyssals the very same way.
Watching as the two battleships kept the approaching battlewagons at an arms length, Arizona turned her attention back to the front of the fleet where Oklahoma and Nagato were keeping an eye out for any other approaching threats. Mutsu had gone to assist Takao and Atago with the approaching Heavy cruisers, the two sisters having requested help when another three appeared.
"Tenryuu? How's the situation over there?" Arizona asked over the radio. A few moments of static later, Tenryuu had a response for the battleship.
"It could be going better, but it's going well enough. For the most part, it was just a bunch of destroyers." Tenryuu said over the Radio. "Tatsuta is in the process of getting the Ship to turn back. There's a few remaining destroyers but Yuudachi and Harusame have got them under control for the most part." The light cruiser said. Arizona nodded.
"Keep us posted. Finish up there and regroup with us as soon as you can." Arizona said. Tenryuu gave acknowledgement before signing off, leaving Arizona to focus on her immediate surroundings. But as she did so, she soon wished she hadn't.
"Arizona-San! Abyssals to the East!" Shokaku reported. As she did so, lightning cracked across the sky to the East, alerting them to the oncoming storm approaching them. "Reports are calling of a large Abyssal fleet!" The carrier said in a frantic manner. Arizona nodded as she watched the dark clouds in the distance.
"Give me a breakdown! What do they have?" The battleship ordered. Shokaku nodded as she listened to the report being sent in by her fairies, and began to list off the opposition.
"They have 12 destroyers, 4 light cruisers, 3 heavy cruisers, five battleships, six carriers, and a......" Shokaku trailed off as she tried to confirm the last detail. Arizona looked at the white haired carrier expectantly, waiting while she got it figured out.
"And...?" Arizona asked, listening as thunder rumbled in the distance. Eventually, Shokaku looked to Arizona with an uncertain expression.
"A Princess...." She eventually said. Arizona gave a heavy sigh at that, looking back to the Horizon. Nagato crossed her arms in response as the newly experienced American ship girls looked to the more experienced members of the fleet. For Juneau and San Diego, this was Atlanta.
"A princess? I thought they were called Abyssals! Now we have another threat?" San Diego asked. Atlanta shook her head at her sister, electing to explain the difference.
"No, the Princess Class are Abyssals as well. But they're a lot stronger and a lot more dangerous than the normal Abyssal. I've never actually had to fight any yet, but from what I hear, they don't go down very easily...." Atlanta said. Zuikaku nodded at that, watching the Horizon for any sign of the new approaching threat under the darkness of the storm clouds.
"Yeah, but the last one we fought was a land based on. Shokaku-nee, you're telling us that this one is free moving?" Zuikaku asked. Shokaku nodded.
"Indeed. She's located at the middle of their fleet. But I don't recall ever encountering this one before. She's new...." Shokaku said. Nagato looked to the carrier for an explanation.
"New?" She asked. Shokaku nodded.
"Yes, she's..... Hold, she's launching planes..." Shokaku said, slowly trailing off as her pilots began to relay the info to her. The rest of the fleet waited patiently for the new information, watching as the dark clouds neared them.
"Arizona-San.... She's launching Hellcats....." Shokaku said, her tone going serious. Arizona looked at the carrier in surprise.
"What?" Arizona asked, this time turning fully to the carrier. Not just Arizona, but other girls had looked at the carrier in a surprised motion as well, Atlanta and her sisters among those who had done so.
"Well this is fantastic..... Wonder how Lexington's sortie is going..." Atlanta sighed.
"Watch Out!" Lexington screamed as an Abyssal Plane crashed down between her and Saratoga, splashing water on the two carriers. The two Zero fighters responsible for the kill flew past overhead as they went to tangle with more of the Abyssal planes.
"Are you alright Lexington? Saratoga?" Langley asked, pulling up next to the two. The two gave nods as they looked themselves over, just to make sure they hadn't overlooked any damage that had been done. Luckily, they had gotten away unscathed. But, that was before the shells fell among them, splashing more water among the carriers.
"Missy! Kill that thing!" Saratoga yelled at the battleship, whom was currently in range of a Ru class battleship. The American battleship rolled her eyes at the statement, electing to fire off another salvo at the girl, watching as the shells began to arc through the air.
"What do you think I'm doing!" Mississippi yelled back.
"Not killing it!" Saratoga supplied. Mississippi rolled her eyes as she, Hatsuharu, and Amatsukaze went back to focusing on the battleship. Saratoga sighed as she put up another wing of F2G's, the bent wing fighters taking no time in getting straight into the thick of combat going overhead.
"We're not even anywhere close to Canada! Is it really going to be like this the whole way!?" Lexington asked to no one in particular, watching as a wing of her Hellcats chased down three more Abyssal fighters.
"Most likely Lexington-San." Houshou supplied, watching as two of her Zeroes tore through a sixth pair of the Abyssal planes. Lex sighed.
"Great....." She sighed as the first battle of their sortie continued to fight on.
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