Arriving At The Sight Of An Old Memory
Author's Note: A thank you goes to The_Pacific_Queen for taking on the role of Atlantic in this chapter. Quite confusing, I know.
November 15th. The fifteenth day of the 11th month is when the Fleet finally reached the surrounding waters of Hawaii, Pearl Harbor not much further away.
The journey had been rough, the oceans had been relentless. The Abyssals had been straight up ruthless as the fleet made their way across the Pacific.
The first issue had been the Princess. The fleet had missed their chance the first day, giving the Abyssal time to escape. She had repaid that kindness with restocking her planes before launching countless strikes, staying just out of range of their fighters, but well within her range of air strikes.
This had of course required the members of the fleet to stay on their guard 24/7. There hadn't been a moment's rest since they started on their course. And of course, this resulted in a fleet of nearly exhausted, nearly empty fleet of Kanmusu.
Some girls had run empty on ammunition on the way over. The only saving grace was that most had girls within the fleet that had the same weapon sizes, prompting the donations of ammunition to various members of the fleet.
Others, such as Yamato and Musashi, were not so lucky. For the last two days on the sortie, the two of them had been operating one main battery each to conserve shells. But even with doing that, as they were on the final approach to Pearl Harbor, they found themselves totally empty on main battery shells, having to rely on their secondaries as their primary offensive option.
But now as they were on final approach to Pearl, their weapons were wound down and the shells unloaded as they prepared to enter the surrounding waters.
Their clothes were either burned or shredded. They had bruises three times over in some spots from where bombs and shells had struck them over and over. The carrier's were about empty on planes and the destroyer's were almost completely empty on torpedoes.
But non of that mattered now. They could see Hawaii. They could see rest and relaxation. They could see all the meals waiting for them ahead. But they had something else to keep in mind as well.
They weren't at full strength. They hadn't been since the first day out on open water and they still weren't. In fact, it had only gotten worse.
This was because of the out cold forms of various members of the fleet. Midway had been the first, staying in limbo from the first second she had entered it. That was the first day. The second day had added Shokaku and Takao to its ranks. The third day had claimed both Yuudachi and Harusame, leaving a very worried Shigure amongst them. The fourth day had added Akatsuki, Inazuma, Ikazuchi, and San Diego.
And as a final surprise, the fifth day had seen the fall of both Haruna and Nagato, proud and strong battleships of the Japanese Navy, brought to their near end by the endless waves of Abyssal strikes and raids.
As Arizona looked over their fallen, keeping an extra close eye on Haruna as she held the girl in her arms, the American battleship gave a huff in response. As much as she hated to admit it though, they wouldn't have made it without their new found ally.
Casting her gaze skyward, she watched as the Winter Camouflaged Abyssal Planes began to pull away from their path, now heading North once again. Watching them go, Arizona hated to admit that they might've lost more than they already had if it wasn't for them. Watching them vanish above the clouds of the darkening sky, Arizona turned her attention back to the form that was Hawaii on the horizon.
But as they did so, a voice rang out over their radios.
"Attention all approaching unknowns. This is Captain Rick James of the U.S.S. Norfolk. Identify yourselves or prepared to be fired upon." A gruff voice sounded off. Arizona only chuckled in reply as she had her fairies prepare her radio.
"This is U.S.S. Arizona responding, Flagship of the approaching Allied Fleet. We'd appreciate it if you'd hold weapons around us..." She replied. The other end fell silent for a moment as she looked up at the darkening sky. After a moment, a reply came through.
"Repeat last. Arizona you said?" He asked, somewhat curious from the way his voice sounded. Arizona gave a sound of affirmative.
"Indeed. Flagship Arizona reporting. Leading allied fleet into Pearl Harbor. We have wounded and unconscious among our ranks." She replied.
"Acknowledged. Falling into Escort position. ETA is 6 minutes." She replied. Arizona nodded as she signed off before looking back to her fleet. Keeping a careful eye on those being carried by the others, she turned her gaze back towards the front as the fleet made their way towards Hawaii. As they did so, the American battleship spied the approaching destroyer, the lights easily found as the ship made pace with the fleet.
Arizona only gave a small laugh as she watched some of the sailors aboard the destroyer look down at the fleet in a surprised manner as it sailed next to them.
"That's a big ship...." Shigure marveled as she looked at the vessel. Arizona arched a brow as Maryland looked to the destroyer.
"Haven't you served with our Navy before though...?" She asked, looking at the destroyer. Shigure nodded as she continued to inspect the destroyer.
"I mean, yeah. The Battle of San Francisco was an excellent example of that. But they weren't sailing at a nice even pace like this one is. They were going to and from, weapons opening up when they could because there were so many Abyssals trying to kill us at the time. This time around, it's all nice and quiet. And Hawaii is in sight..." She replied, not taking her gaze away from the Ship. Maryland only nodded in reply as she looked back to Mutsu, the latter doing her best to hold Nagato up. Which for a Nagato class battleship, it wasn't hard to do.
"How's she holding up?" Maryland asked. Mutsu shrugged.
Her fairies are saying everything's normal. It's just that she isn't regaining consciousness. They're chalking it up to a need of rest after this whole trip." She replied. Maryland nodded as did Arizona.
"I can understand that. Anyways, let's get there. Actually..." She spoke for a moment before tuning back to her radio, speaking once again to the man in charge of the destroyer next to them.
"Hey... Uh... You wouldn't by chance know where we're supposed to dock would you? First time here in almost a century. I'm guessing things have changed..." She replied. She guessed that the man had given a nod because he answered right away.
"You'd be right. And it's kind of hard to miss. The Navy spent a whole lot o money flipping and reconstructing part of Pearl specifically to host fleets of Ship Girls. Kind of jealous that I can't walk on water actually..." He replied with a laugh. Arizona nodded hesitantly for a moment before responding with a question.
"You.. Uh.. You sound pretty normal about this whole thing. Aren't we supposed to be highly classified...?" She replied. The Captain gave a grunt of affirmative.
"That you are, Miss Arizona. But to be honest, the second the Japanese girls showed up at San Francisco in assistance, half the Navy has been waiting for girls sporting our colors to show up. Not only that, but when we dropped Captain Algerona and Admiral Johnson off at Yokosuka, that pretty much cemented your coming. All it came down to was how long it would take." He replied as the Norfolk sailed on next to them. Arizona nodded in reply as she once again tuned off her radio. This time, she looked to their downed carriers, Midway and Shokaku.
But much unlike Nagato, Shokaku was not being carried by her sister. Sure, Zuikaku had tried. She really had. But she had become tired after a while, clearly not able to support her sister. So it had fallen to Franklin, the two conscious carriers of the Midway class taking care of the two without much struggle. Of course, that didn't keep Zuikaku from worrying, the carrier checking up on her sister every other 20 minutes.
Chuckling, Arizona turned her head as she then looked to Kongou, who was keeping the out cold Haruna upright. Sailing over next to the battleship, Kongou gave a tired smile to the American.
"How's she doing...?" Arizona asked. Kongou only smiled as she looked down to her younger sister.
"She's hanging on, desu. She took quite a few hits trying to keep that Abyssal off of Midway-san and Shokaku-San." She replied. Arizona nodded, looking down to the battleship herself.
"Yeah, I know.. Worried me that we were gonna lose her..." She replied, stroking the girl's hair. Kongou only gave a small nod in reply, her energy running on it's last legs as they made the final stretch to Pearl. Kongou only nodded in reply as Tenryuu sailed up to the American battleship.
"Makes me kind of glad that we got here so late.. Won't have to deal with the tourist crowd..." She replied. Arizona, Maryland, and Oklahoma looked surprised at this.
"Tourists...? On a Naval Base? In the Middle of a war...?" Oklahoma asked. Tenryuu nodded.
"Not all of it of course. But some of it is. Before the war, Missouri was stationed here as a museum ship. And the Arizona..... Memorial.... Is fairly popular...." She eventually finished, taking a glance at the same named battleship. Arizona gave a slow nod in reply as she took this information in. But before she said anymore, she only shook her head.
"That's a discussion for another time. And besides, only the Japanese would have to deal with the tourists. The rest of the world doesn't know the American Kanmusu program is a thing..." She mused, smirking at Tenryuu. The light cruiser only rolled an eye as they approached the opening to Pearl.
Pacific sighed as she stepped off of the water, emerging from the depths as she surfaced within the Atlantic positioned Abyssal Base, muttering to herself.
As she did so, two figures approached. Pacific smirked, well known figures they were. Mediterranean and Caribbean. The two most notable Abyssal Empress's anywhere. Queen's in their own right, they had about as much respect as any of the five Queen's did.
"Pacific? What are you doing here...? You're a long way from home.... Mediterranean, I'm not seeing things am I?" The Empress asked. The second of the two shook her head, crossing her arms as she looked to the Queen.
"No, I see her too... Pacific, what gives? You've come a long way. You have to have a reason..." Mediterranean replied. The Queen nodded, looking between the two for a moment.
"And reason I have. I've come to see Atlantic..." She replied. "I assume she's in?" Pacific asked. Caribbean nodded.
"Yeah, she's in." She said before looking to Mediterranean. "Come on, let's take her to her highness..." She chuckled, the telltale silver haze of the Empress Class burning brightly from her eyes. Mediterranean only shook her head.
"No, this is strange..." She said before looking to Pacific. "What's wrong Pacific? Is there a problem on your turf? I mean, I know about the Human's new weapons. But they're not that difficult are they..?" She asked. Pacific only gave a agitated sigh as she shook her head.
"They're quite the annoying flies, I'll give them that. But something else has arisen... Something that has promise to do far more damage than those... Girls... Ever will..." She replied cooly, looking at the Empress. The girl nodded in acceptance before looking to Caribbean.
The Empress nodded in satisfaction before the two Empress's turned in unison, now heading down the Hallway. Pacific took the cue and began to follow the two through the winding maze that was the Abyssal Base of the Atlantic.
As they walked on, the passed various Abyssals. Such as Ta's, Ru's, Wo's, and He's. All caught briefly off guard by Pacific's presence for only a moment before they snapped back to their senses and kneeled before her. After all, that was the proper thing to do.
The only ones immune to this rule were the Empress's. They didn't have to kneel before one of the five. But that was only if the Queen was merciful. The Indian Queen was rumored to go through quite a few Empress's because of this. Tough job.
As they walked on, a familiar voice began to sound through the halls. A voice Pacific knew better than most.
The cunning, intelligent, brilliant Queen of the Atlantic. To many, she was a threat. An enemy. A problem to be crushed only to realize they were running a fool's dream. But, to Pacific, she was something far different.
She was a confidant. She was a friend. She was an ally. But, above all else, she was a lover.
"No, no, no.... This cannot do... This simply will not do... She's supposed to be sleeping... She's supposed to be slumbering... She's not supposed to have power like this..." The Queen could be heard. Pacific chuckled as they neared the Throne room. "I had patrols... I had fleets.... Where did they all go!?" The Atlantic Queen screamed in rage. Pacific only smiled as she noticed the two Empress's cringe at the sound as they approached.
Entering, the three Abyssals found the Queen pacing back and forth across the room, hands behind her back as her haze burned brightly, her face the very symbol of deep thought. Pacific only chuckled as she walked past the two Empress's as she neared the woman.
"Having trouble are we, Darling...?" Pacific mused, a small grin resting upon her lips as she approached the woman. Atlantic looked up in a rage, ready to scream her tensions at whoever dared to address her so casually. But as she saw it was only Pacific, she sighed in response as she allowed the visiting Queen to wrap her arms around her. Pulling the woman to her, Pacific chuckled as she planted a kiss on Atlantic's cheek. "You sounded quite miffed..." She mused. Atlantic only nodded in response as she rested her head on Pacific's shoulder.
"Why are you here Pacific...?" She asked, still laying her head in the crook of Pacific's neck, embracing the woman's ice cold skin. "I thought you were battling the Human's new weapons on your turf? A journey to come and see me is not a decision you take so lightly...." Atlantic scolded. Pacific only nodded as she began to guide the woman into a dance between the two of them, she taking the lead as they began to twirl around the Throne room.
"I am. I am. I'm facing the Human's head on. But I've encountered a problem not so easily solved just by sinking a few ships...." Pacific replied, taking Atlantic's hand in her own as she began to fully lead the music absent dance.
"Oh...? And what has the mighty Queen of the Pacific so stumped?" Atlantic mused, looking at the Queen. Pacific only sighed.
"It's a six letter word. And she's supposed to be the fifth of our members...." Pacific replied. Atlantic sighed as she nodded.
"Arctic...." She replied. Pacific nodded.
"For whatever reason, she's decided to take the weapons of the Human's under her protection. She practically saved a whole fleet from my Princess, an act I do not plan to take so lightly...." She huffed. Atlantic nodded.
"As you should. But, it's much the same state here. She's giving new sanctuary to the Human's trading in the High North Seas. My forces can't reach them with Arctic setting up such fortified lines... In her latest addition, she had four Princess's... Four! Can you believe that!?" Atlantic demanded. Pacific arched a brow.
"Aren't you the Queen who threw a total of 12 Princess's just to ensure the destruction of the City known as New York?" She asked, amused. Atlantic shook her head.
"That's different. But the fact is that Arctic is a treasonous little fly that needs to be dewinged and crushed into nothing beneath our feet..." She huffed.
Pacific nodded. "I hear you love, I really do. But it's not that simple. We don't know the location of her base and we don't know her total forces. It could be walking to our death. She wouldn't have to lift a finger..." Atlantic nodded.
"I know.. I know.. To many unknowns...." She huffed as she allowed Pacific to lead her in the dance. After a moment, she looked to Pacific in glee. "I've got it!" She smirked. "Do you remember the happenings of the Edo Period of Japan?" She asked. Pacific shook her head.
"No. It's human culture. If it's human related, I don't care much for it..." She said in reply. Atlantic looked at the woman in a skeptical manner.
"Yet, here you are leading me through the motions of a professional level of the Waltz. A human dance mind you." She mused. Pacific shook her head.
"You didn't let me finish. I don't care much for it unless it paves the way into your pants..." She mused, a suggestive grin upon her lips with a waggle of her brows thrown in. Atlantic only rolled her eyes in response, not being able to help the small smile that accompanied the motion.
"Focus Pacific!" She scolded in a light hearted tone. "Anyways, you know how a Nation will invade another, they'll take their army with them? Well, in the Edo period, this was all too common. Borders were changing faster than most people knew. But in more than one place. When one state invaded another, a third state would invade the invaders!" She chuckled as Pacific continued to lead through the dance. "That's our answer Pacific! We let Arctic rush to the rescue of her new friends! When she does so, we rush in when her forces are out and take care of her! It's ingenious!" Atlantic mused.
Pacific shook her head, thinking it over a moment. "Okay, sounds doable. But what about the fact that her base could be somewhere close to the Kanmusu's station?" She asked. Atlantic only shook her head in response, looking to the Queen.
"First, if that were the case, I would hope you would be able to notice such a happening. Besides, the Weapons can not hope to take on both the might of the Pacific and Atlantic. Besides, if we can get an attack in on the Weapon's base, good riddance. Their leadership can suffer for the inconveniences they've caused us..." She replied. Pacific shook her head.
"Do not become overconfident Atlantic. Such a thing will come back to bite you in the ass, I assure you of that." She replied, giving the woman a slight glare as she said it. Atlantic nodded.
"I know, I know.... But think about it! This could be our answer to knock out both of our enemies! The weapons would lose all hope and Arctic would see an end to her days!" She laughed, it soon becoming on the verge of straight up psychotic. "Think about it! We could end the war! Bring the surface under our thumb! Make the Human's hide in fear!" She surmised as she continued to laugh. Pacific sighed.
"That's great! Except we don't have any idea of how many more of their weapons will be summoned! Not only that, there's only two countries utilizing them so far!" She reminded her. Atlantic shook her head.
"No! This is how we will do it! This is how we will see the day we end the-" She tried to continue, but was slapped out of the state by Caribbean. The Empress sighed as she looked to Pacific as the Queen looked at the Empress in surprise.
"My apologies Lady Pacific. But Queen Atlantic has been succumbing to these episodes more and more recently. It's nearly costed us a few too many forces as a result. Personally, I have studied human tactics and strategies. And what Atlantic suggests is a sound battle strategy. The chances of it succeeding are high..." She mused before glancing at the recovering Atlantic. "Assuming all stays normal..." She huffed before falling back to Mediterranean's side, letting the Queen's continue.
"My apologies Pacific..." Atlantic said after a moment, rubbing her cheek where the Empress had slapped her. "I am unaware of what overtook me there...." She replied. Pacific rolled her eyes.
"There's a word for it. It's called Insanity. You need to keep it in check lest you wish to make a mistake you can't take back..." She replied. Atlantic nodded.
"I know.. I know.. I'm trying... But what of the plan? Could it work...?" She asked, looking to Pacific. The Queen nodded.
"With the two of us? Possibly. But there's a lot of unknowns there. Not to mention the forces you would have to relocate to my territories. Forces that are crucial to holding the Atlantic firm..." She reminded her. Atlantic nodded.
"Quite right. But there's been no sightings of any of their Weapons here. And there's no evidence supporting there will be for a good while. So leaving the necessary forces behind, I would be free to move whatever I see fit to the Pacific theatre in support of your war. Not only that, but I would be glad to receive the chance to remove the weapons from play." She mused before clearing her throat, looking to Pacific again. "I suggest we run it by the others?" She mused. Pacific gave a nod.
"We'll run it by Indian and Southern. See what they think. If they think it doable, we'll have more forces in addition. Plus, we can start tasking the Empress's with their orders. This would be quite a large assault..." She mused.
Atlantic nodded. "Sounds reasonable..." She said as she stepped back from the dance. "I'm assuming we should probably head that way then?" She asked. Pacific nodded in return.
"Yes, let's..." She replied before turning to leave. Atlantic nodded as she followed, gesturing for the two Empress's to as well. But as she did so, Pacific looked back to Atlantic. "By the way, did you hear?" She asked. Atlantic shook her head.
"No, what?" She asked. Pacific only laughed.
"The Human's are up in arms with eachother. Apparently a lot of World War Two wrecks have gone missing. Destroyers, carriers, battleships. All gone missing. They're trying to deal with us while also trying to prevent wars with eachother. They're practically doing our job for us..." She mused. Atlantic only chuckled in response as the four walked out of the Throne Room.
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