And The Practice Continues
Author's Note:
Okay, let me say, I've been in a stump these past few weeks with this story. And not for lack of inspiration or ideas, no. Lack of any clue of how to write this mock battle.
So, in light of this, I hope to finish the mock battle next chapter. After that, I won't be attempting another one for a while until if figure a better way to do it.
So bare with me, we're almost through this train wreck of an arc.
"I don't see them. You think the attack failed?" San Francisco asked as she looked over the water, shielding her eyes from the sun as she watched for movement. Watching as the waves toppled over one another every so often, she eventually turned back to the main American force of the mock battle, soon finding their flagship deep in thought. "Midway? Did you hear me?" The heavy cruiser asked again. Carrier in question briefly looked up at the heavy cruiser, offering a nod of the head in turn, before quickly looking back down in thought.
Arching a brow at this, Frisco looked over to Chicago, who was also silently watching the horizon, scanning the water for any signs of movement. Whether it be friendly or opposition. "What do you think she's up to?" The heavy cruiser asked. Chicago in turn looked over to Frisco, tilting her head a bit as she looked at the girl.
"Who? Mid?" She asked, running a hand along her ponytail as she did so. Frisco nodded her head, as if waiting expectantly for an answer, an action which was met with a sigh. "Couldn't tell you. She's the flagship. She's got a lot more on her plate than either of us do at the moment. Though... Not sure what the idea was behind throwing the Atlanta sisters and our destroyers straight into the fray like that..." She wondered aloud.
But, she had been overheard as Indiana sailed up next to them, coming to a stop next to Chicago. "Is that you I hear doubting our leadership?" Indiana mused, looking down at the heavy cruiser. Chicago shrugged, looking back at the battleship.
"Maybe? Sorta? Possibly? I don't know. I'm just curious as to what her plan is. I mean, we've been sitting here for a good while. And sure, we haven't been attacked yet. Not directly anyways. Big whoop. But when are we actually gonna see some action? This is a mock battle. So, you know... Where's the battle? It's like the whole point of this." Chicago said, throwing her arms up in the air in an annoyed expression. Indiana only chuckled in response as she looked back onwards as well.
"I couldn't tell you. But be too eager to find trouble, and trouble may find you first." Indiana reasoned. Chicago only looked at her in response, confusion evident. Frisco just laughed.
"Yeah! What she said!" She agreed. Chicago rolled her eyes in response as Arizona and Oklahoma neared the three, looking at them.
"It is rather unwise to become interested in petty discussions while we are in the middle of an engagement." Oklahoma said, looking at the girl with a scolding nature. Chicago shrugged as Frisco gestured to the horizon.
"Engagement? Sure, I get it! The engagement that is wasting our time. Whether or not, Chicago has a point. We're just standing around here when we could be going after them!" Frisco insisted. Arizona gave a shake of the head.
"Yeah, no. Their battleships would have shots at us before we even get within our range. Plus, rushing the two credited with being the largest battleships ever built does not appeal to me in even the slightest of chances." Arizona mused. Frisco only groaned as Chicago crossed her arms, looking at the Pennylvania class in turn.
"Then by all means. Will you bless us with the fantastic details of your wonderful plan?" She asked, not doing anything to halt the small smirk that made its way to her lips. Arizona only rolled her eyes as she looked back to Midway, prepared to offer her own opinion. But before the battleship ship could get a word in edge wise, Snook popped her head up from under the waves directly in front of her, a wide grin plastered on her lips.
Instead, looking down at the sub, Arizona decided that the grin Snook was adorning could've only been bad news. Crossing her arms, as if a mother preparing to scold her young, she looked down at Snook, the careful eye ever present.
"You want to share with the class of why you're so happy? Or do we have to guess?" Arizona asked, looking down at the sub. Gato class in turn looked up at her in return, her grin never fading.
"I took a trophy!" She exclaimed. Arizona narrowed her eyes as she looked down at the sub. Apparently overhearing the the two converse, Mississippi and Maryland approached as well, looking down at the sub.
"A trophy huh? What kind of trophy?" Mississippi asked, hand on her hip as she inquired further. Snook only giggled in reply, not giving any sort of actual answer. Maryland just chuckled in reply as Arizona only watched further.
"So, you gonna keep us in the dark any further or are you actually gonna let us know what this prize is?" Arizona asked, already having suspicions of her that Snook's definition of trophy was far different from her own. Giving a nod, Snook lifted her hand, with it, bringing her trophy above the waves, giving sight to what looked like a piece of cloth. Arching a brow, Mississippi leaned down and plucked the supposed prize out of the submarine's grasp, bringing it up to her own height to inspect.
"A piece of cloth...? How is this a prize in any way, shape, or form?" Mississippi asked. But as she further inspected the item, she began to recognize it more and more. And after a moment, she finally realized where she had seen it before. Stifling a laugh, she couldn't help the grin of amusement that made its way to her lips. Arizona and Oklahoma, however, had noticed this. Arching a brow, Arizona looked over to Mississippi.
"What is it Missy? Are you finding a piece of cloth as amusing and fascinating as Snook does?" Arizona asked, only half interested as she looked between the battleship and the Horizon. Missy gave a shake of the head, her grin still present.
"Not a chance. But this isn't a piece of cloth, Ari. It's a piece of clothing. More importantly, it's a skirt." Missy said. Attention now on full, Arizona, along with the surrounding American Kanmusu turned to look at the object. And in turn, they did indeed now recognize it as a skirt.
"Hey? Isn't that Nagato's skirt?" Lexington asked, looking at the object. After a moment, realization landed among the girls as Arizona sighed heavily, planting her palm firmly on her face for a moment before dragging it off in an exaggerated manner, looking down at the sub in a new found annoyance.
"Snook. I'll say this once. And only once. That had better not be Nagato's skirt or else I'll throttle you right here and now to within an inch of your life." She said, glaring at the sub girl. The submarine only sighed in annoyance, letting out a small whine a few moments after.
"Why!? What's so important about this one!? It's not like she doesn't have others!" Snook reasoned. Arizona sighed as a few of the other girls laughed at the reasoning.
"That is not the point Snook! It is not the point that Nagato may or may not have more skirts! No!, the point is the fact that you pulled her skirt off! You know how disrespectful that is!?" Arizona yelled, hands firmly on her hips as she glared the sub down. But before the battleship could tear into the girl much further, Pargo and Harder poked their heads above water, grins ever present. Before even starting to consider the possible consequences of her future actions, Pargo proudly held up her prize in a clenched fist for all to see.
It only took a few moments of tense silence overtaking the girls before things began to get rolling again.
The ship girls that were not Arizona, Oklahoma, or Indiana only laughed harder at the sight of the supposed prize claimed by Pargo.
Snook looked desperately to her sister, trying to get the girl to dunk her prize back beneath the waves before Arizona could get a good look at it, fear of being physically harmed by an aggravated battleship coming to her thoughts rather quickly. But alas, the sub girl had no such luck with the silent, pleading request as Arizona's vision locked onto the object in Pargo's grasp.
Snook could only watch as what one might describe as black malice began to spread across the battleship's features, pure and unaltered rage easy to see upon her face. The fact that Arizona was currently glaring craters into the sub girl was both a blessing and a curse for Snook.
The former, being the fact that Arizona had let her anger slip onto someone other than herself, a blessing that she would never let go easily.
The latter, being the simple fact that the battleship's anger was now focusing in on her sister. Snook feared that the Gato class may lose one in the coming moments.
But fortunately for the mischievous sub girl, fate was on her side. She watched as Enterprise approached the battleship, positioning herself between the battleship and the submarine. Holding up a hand, as if to quietly halt the battleship, she looked Arizona directly in the eyes.
"Arizona, you need to calm down. We can deal with this later, they punished at another time. But right now, we need your focus here and present. Plus, I am willing to bet an air wing that Nagato and Mutsu would be more than willing to help seek justice." E said, before glancing back to Pargo. "That is Mutsu's skirt, I'm assuming?" She asked. Pargo only gave a hesitant nod, still holding the item underwater. Enterprise gave a nod as she looked back to Arizona. "Just drop it for right now, Arizona. We can deal with it later." Enterprise said. The battleship watched the carrier a moment, her features still tense. After a moment, the battleship gave a nod as she seemed to relax a bit. Taking one last look at Pargo, Arizona turned away from the girl, tensions still thick and present.
Watching the battleship a moment, Snook wished that she could take back the last twenty minutes. The last twenty minutes that at one time, had been a source of amusement for the girl.
Wanting to fix things, Snook cleared her throat, looking to Arizona carefully. "At least it wasn't Haruna's skirt I stole...." Snook offered helpfully, looking at the battleship hopefully. But as soon as the last word left her mouth, Snook instantly regretted it. Enterprise face palmed as Arizona narrowed her eyes at the girl, an action that only caused Snook to feel worse.
"Okay enough. I assume you three didn't do this to anyone else right? Such as Yamato or Musashi?" Enterprise asked. The three shook their heads at the carrier, Harder explaining it in detail.
"No. After Mutsu's was snatched, the Atlanta sisters and the destroyers arrived for their strike. Plus, Admiral said she'd beat our ass if we messed with Yamato. And that Musashi would beat us if we messed with Musashi. Or Yamato." Harder confirmed. Enterprise arched a brow.
"Afraid of the Admiral are we?" She asked, resting her bow against her hip. The three shrugged.
"I mean... Not really... But I don't look forward to when she finally raises her voice against one of us.... Has she? Has she ever raised her voice?" Pargo asked, looking between Arizona and Enterprise. The two traded a glance before E gave a shake of the head.
"No. She's never even yelled at anything in an upset fashion that we know of. And I don't think she will. She just doesn't seem like the kind of person to do so. But enough about the Admiral. Details. How did the attack go? Who did we lose? Who did we get?" The carrier inquired, looking at the girl.
"Uhh... I know that at least Iku was struck. And I think we managed to get a Yamato out as well." Pargo recalled. Harder gave a nod as she looked at the carrier.
"Yeah. And I'm pretty sure we got a few of their destroyers." The sub said. Enterprise gave a nod, accepting their explanations.
"So we may have lucked out with getting a Yamato out. But how did we fare? Did we lose all six?" She asked. Pargo shook her head.
"I know we lost at least Juneau and her two destroyers. McCalla and Mervine. And Atlanta, Bristol, and Ellyson didn't look like they were coming back based on where they were. Charging right up the middle of the opposing fleet is usually a good way to get killed. Or in this case, covered in red paint." She reasoned. Enterprise gave a nod as she looked to the horizon. And as if answering the questions she had, she spotted the three in question approaching the fleet, the two destroyers waving happily at the rest. Waiting until the three drew closer a little ways more, Enterprise looked to San Diego.
"So? Where do we stand?" She asked, looking to the cruiser. Diego gave a shrug, placing a hand on her hip.
"We lost my sisters and Bristol and her sisters besides these two. But, in turn, we got Iku, Musashi, Ikazuchi, Inazuma, Shigure, and Haguro." San Diego explained. Enterprise gave a nod of the head as she turned back to Midway, making sure the flagship had heard the information.
"Midway? You get all that?" She asked. Midway nodded absentmindedly, not bothering to bring herself out of her thoughts, as she acknowledged Enteprise's question. Arching a brow, E shrugged as she turned back to the girls next to her. But as she did so, St. Lo and her sisters rushed up to the carrier, their own riggings easy to see as their flight decks were propped up next to them.
"Enterprise! Can we launch patrols!?" Bismarck Sea asked excitedly, Lo and Kit nodding in unison. E scratched the top of her head a moment, taking a glance over to Midway, before nodding.
"One wing each. Keep them on the look out for any approaching aircraft." Enterprise instructed. The three escort carriers nodded excitedly as they peeled off from the rest of the fleet, preparing their own wings. Kit taking the lead, she held her crossbow at the ready, freshly loaded with a fighter arrow. Taking a breath, she took one last glance at the horizon before pulling the trigger, firing the arrow into the air.
As her sisters did so as well, Enterprise kept an eye on them. But just as the last of the sisters had launched their planes, Midway looked up.
"Prepare all hands for combat." The carrier stated, preparing an arrow, soon enough nocking it along her bow. Letting it go, it resulted in a squadron of eight corsairs soaring into the air. After she had done so, she looked to the fleet.
"All carriers. Put up two squadrons of fighters and a squadron of bombers. We're not going to give them a chance to rest from now on." Midway stated. Only watching the flagship a moment, watching as she prepared another arrow, the other carriers shrugged in response as they peeled away from each other to launch their own wings.
"So do we actually know if Midway knows what she's doing...?" Saratoga asked, looking to Franklin. The second of the Midway class shrugged in response, taking a glance at her elder sister.
"I may be her sister, but even I'm not entirely sure of how her mind works. I'm not even sure if we're gonna win this battle." Franklin mused. Saratoga just gave a huff in reply as she launched her first squadrons, coming in the form of 12 F4F Wildcats. Those were soon followed by a squadron of Dauntless bombers.
Soon enough, the total number of planes flew in formation above their heads. A grand total of 216, combination of various types and models. Taking a long glance at the planes, Arizona shook her head.
"Doesn't this seem like a bit overkill?" She asked, looking over to Midway. The carrier didn't hear her, and if she did, she didn't dignify it with a response as she kept looking ahead, her attention not turning from the horizon.
"We will follow along under the planes, letting them secure air superiority as we travel under their care. We will meet the opposing fleet head on." Midway instructed. Arching a brow, the battleships looked to their flagship in surprise.
"And I suppose you want us providing covering fire for this?" Maryland mused. "Because if that's the case, they'll be firing at us faster than we can fire at them." The battleship explained. Midway nodded as she continued to watch the horizon for a while longer, before turning her gaze back to the fleet.
"This is why we have the planes overhead. They will keep the attention off of us until we are in range to start barraging them." Midway explained. Arizona nodded.
"And you're sure this will work?" The Pennsylvania class girl asked. Midway shook her head, looking back to the horizon.
"No." Midway said. Lexington offered a hesitant nod.
"Well that's... That's great..." She said slowly. Other girls only nodded as they took a glance at their flagship before looking back to the horizon. After a moment, Midway nodded.
"Fleet forward." She ordered. The fleet nodded as they did so, the planes overhead moving forward as well, their target well within their range.
"So what's the plan? We got six of them out but they got six of us. Anyone having some ingenious thoughts right about now? Because those would totally help." Jun'you mused from the side, looking between the battleships as she stood with the other carriers.
"I agree. The Americans may be planning another move right this very moment and we would have no idea!" Nachi said. Nagato gave a shake of the head as she looked to Shokaku.
"Have the patrols found anything coming our way?" She asked, looking at the white haired carrier. Shokaku in turn shook her head.
"No, Nagato-San. After their planes pulled back, we found no new additional forces coming our way. But that does not mean it will stay that way." Shokaku said. Nagato nodded as she looked at Yamato, fixing to say something. But just as she had fully turned to the battleship, Shokaku spoke up again, her tone now tense and worried.
"Nagato-San! Enemy planes approaching!" She informed her flagship, looking rather concerned. Nagato, already expecting some sort of second attack, doesn't find herself surprised by this news.
But as she looked at Shokaku, the low hum on engines could be heard off in the distance. Turning her head, Nagato looked to the south horizon to find these planes, expecting a squadron or three.
Giving it a moment, her eyes eventually found the first squadron with the help of her radar. But as she watched, she found more and more of the blue planes. Narrowing her eyes, she quickly looked to the carriers.
"How many planes do we have in the air at this moment?" She asked quickly, expecting an answer immediately. Souryuu looked to Nagato as the rest of the fleet quietly watched the approaching planes, those with the ability for AA already warming up their guns, their fairies effortlessly and efficiently loading up new rounds into their armaments.
"I think we've got close to sixty in the air at this moment, performing various patrols. Shall we call them back for close air support...?" Souryuu inquired. Nagato gave a nod as she whipped around to look at Goya and Imuya.
"Get below surface. If we get eliminated, you two will be our last shot at victory." Nagato instructed. The two subs only nodded before diving, vanishing beneath the water of Tokyo Bay.
Nodding, Nagato looked back to the approaching planes, measuring her options. After a moment, she gave an order.
"All carriers, put up two wings. Focus fire on the bombers approaching within the battalion." Nagato instructed, sending the carriers into a flurry of activity. Nagato listened as Zuikaku muttered something under her breath, but didn't bother to figure out what it was. Watching a moment, Nagato's attention was soon demanded by Yamato. Looking over to the Super battleship, Nagato waited expectantly.
"Nagato-San, my radar is picking up non-air signatures." She informed the flagship, her guns making the smallest of adjustments, still watching the planes approach. Nagato only nodded as she kept her eyes on the planes as well, watching as their numbers continued to grow, the Navy blue planes flying in formations upon formations. And as she watched the planes, her eyes cast downward, soon making out the approaching figures of the American mock fleet. Watching only a moment longer, she looked to Yamato.
"Do you have a shot on one of them?" She asked, her voice the very essence of calm. Yamato only offered the smallest of nods, her parasol in her hands as it kept the sun from her eyes. Nodding, Nagato looked back to the approaching fleet.
"Take it." Nagato ordered. Yamato only nodded as her guns made their final adjustments, taking position as they were set to fire at the first most approaching ship girl.
A few tense moments later, the relative silence of the water was shattered like glass as Yamato's eighteen inch guns threw up the nine type 0 rounds, the ammunition flying through the air like stones.
The Japanese fleet watched as the first round of ammunition fired by their own, making its way through the air towards the Americans. Nagato and Mutsu joined as well, firing off their own salvos in accordance. They watched as the American fleet scrambled, dodging each and every way to avoid the oncoming fire.
As Nagato watched them approach in the distance, the Zeroes roared overhead, passing them as they went for the approaching planes, focusing on the forward most squadrons.
The three battleships fired off a second round of salvos, this time not waiting to see how the opposing force would respond. But before they could make a choice, the enemy returned fire, coming in the form of Indiana's sixteen inch guns.
"I wasn't aware their range reached this far!" Hiryuu yelled as the shells landed among them, splashing harmlessly into the water. But it was warning enough that the Americans could now return fire.
"What do you mean you thought their range couldn't reach this far!? They're battleships!" Zuikaku yelled as she received an alert that her planes had now engaged those of the Americans.
"I just thought that Arizona had less range than that is all!" Hiryuu replied, watching as her squadrons enraged the Americans as well.
"How do you know that was even Arizona!?" Zuikaku replied. "It could have easily been Indiana or Maryland! Plus, they're both younger than Arizona so it stands to reason that their range would be greater!" Zuikaku yelled as the fleet dodged another nine shells, losing no one this salvo either. The three Japanese battleships returned fire, their guns lighting up in a blaze as the shells went flying.
"Flank them. Right and left! Go!" Nagato ordered. Those who could, such as the light cruisers and destroyer did just that. Tatsuta, Fubuki, and Yuudachi, and Sendai taking to the left as Tenryuu lead Hibiki, Akatsuki, and Mutsuki to the right. Jintsuu and Naka fell back with Myoukou, Ashigara, and Nachi as the five swerved right and left, attempting to void fire as they went up the middle, guns aimed at the approaching Americans.
"Yamato! Fall back to the carriers! Provide them with Anti-Air cover but continue to engage the Americans if you can!" Nagato ordered. Yamato gave a nod as she fell back, a few moments later now floating next to the six Japanese carriers part of the mock fleet.
But as the now separated fleet went to accomplish their goals, the short distance that they had already traveled put them within range of the other four American battleships as well.
As what sounded like rippling machine gun fire echoed through the air, new rounds of shells were thrown in every which way as they traveled on courses bound with the Japanese fleet, thrown their way by none other than the American battleships.
"Look out Fubuki-Chan!" Yuudachi screamed as shells headed their way, intent on covering the destroyers her three companions.
Nodding, Fubuki stopped just short of being struck directly with the paint loaded shell, watching as it splashed down in front of her. But the sound of another salvo pulled her attention back to the sky, where more shells were arcing across the sky to meet her.
As if letting the shells have all the fun was against their nature, a wing of SBD's peeled off from the swarm of American aircraft, finding the four ship girls far too enticing to ignore. Pushing their engines to their max, the planes dropped down as they set their sights on the four, ignoring the wing of zeroes that elected to follow them.
"We've got incoming!" Sendai yelled, already taking aim at the bombers, putting her AA to full use as she fired full force at the oncoming planes. The the two destroyers did as well as Tatsuta maneuvered away from the other three, hoping to draw the attention of the bombers.
Upon seeing this, the bombers seemed to agree. Leaving only two to go after Sendai, Fubuki, and Yuudachi, the other four of the bomber wing pointed their attention to the escaping light cruiser. A cruiser that would not be escaping for much longer if they had anything to say about the subject.
Veering off, the planes focused their attention on Tatsuta amidst the anti-air Fire that those of the Japanese were putting up. Taking a chance, the planes went in for the strike.
Lowering themselves at Tatsuta, the four Navy Blue bombers dropped their payload. And were met with success as the light cruiser was drenched on her right side in the blue liquid, taking the number of active Japanese Kanmusu down to twenty three.
But, not all was going as easily as hoped for the Amercans either.
As the three Japanese battleships pelted the American fleet with salvo after salvo, they continued to grow closer in striking one. And that's exactly what they did.
Between the salvos of Mutsu and Yamato, they found their targets in the form of Cabot, striking the carrier's flight deck and turning it a dark shade of red. Their second target was impacted in the stomach of Chicago, just after the heavy cruiser had fired a salvo at Myoukou, which ended up missing.
As the battle raged on, one could only wonder. Who would be the victor?
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