An Unexpected Ally
Author's Note: I am aware that this chapter is fairly short compared to others. I know. And with that being said, this will be the last battle chapter for a while. Most of the upcoming stuff will be more plot stuffs. Woo.
"So... How do you think Kaga will react...?" Enterprise asked as she shoveled a spoonful of Ice Cream into her mouth, looking at Akagi, who was currently seated next to her. She swirled the Cookie Dough flavored heaven around in her mouth as she watched her new special friend.
Akagi shrugged, putting her own spoonful of the stuff into her mouth. Taking in the heavenly taste of the frozen treat a moment, she looked back to Enterprise as she shrugged in response to the question.
"I am unsure of how Kaga-nee will react to our new... Relationship status... I'd like to hope that she would be happy for me..." Akagi said, looking down at the Ice Cream the two were sharing at the moment. Enterprise shrugged.
"You can only hope. I'd like to think my sisters will be happy for me when they come through..." Enterprise said after a moment, looking down at the Ice Cream. "I'm not sure how much they'll agree with it though..." She said quietly. Akagi nodded a moment before shrugging.
"Yorktown went down at Midway, didn't she?" Akagi asked. Enterprise nodded, looking to the carrier.
"Yeah. York went down at Midway and Hornet went down at Santa Cruz..." She said after a moment. Akagi nodded in reply.
"Well... If Yorktown-San does have a problem with our little... Pairing, I will claim that you are my consolation prize in return for my sinking." She mused. Enterprise arched a brow as she looked at the Carrier in return.
"A consolation prize?" Enterprise asked, looking at the carrier. Akagi only giggled in reply, covering her mouth with a hand as she fell apart under the American's gaze.
"Hehe yes... I mean that in the best of ways Enterprise-San." Akagi said after a moment. Enterprise only chuckled in reply as she nodded, putting another spoonful of the delicious treat into her mouth.
"Uh huh. Sure..." Enterprise mused before putting another spoonful of the treat into her mouth. Akagi gave a pout in return, looking at the carrier.
"You know what I mean!" She insisted. Enterprise narrowed her eyes as she shook her head in a vague motion, putting on an act as she looked to Akagi.
"No...? No, I don't think I do." She said, shrugging her head, taking another bite of ice cream. "I believe you just referred to me as an item to be claimed and I find that very degrading." Enterprise said, looking away from the carrier.
Akagi looked at the carrier in a surprised state before looking crestfallen at the development, looking down at the frozen treat in sadness. Something not usually done by the otherwise gluttonous carrier girl.
Enterprise, after a moment, snuck a glance up at the carrier. Finding Akagi in a downtrodden state, the American girl gave a quiet chuckle as she looked to her friend.
"Akagi." Enterprise called, watching the carrier sulk as she put another spoonful of Ice Cream into her mouth. As Akagi turned to look at her, Enterprise made her move, the American's lips meeting their partners faster than Akagi could object.
The Japanese carrier didn't even consider objecting though, instead letting out a small giggle against Enterprise's lips as the two embraced, the American carrier pulling Akagi closer to her as she did so, the fleet carrier having no objection to the action. As the two became further infatuated with each other, they didn't notice as a few certain someone's entered the Cafe.
Anya, flanked by the two new battleships to base, watched the two carriers with a slight sense of amusement. North Carolina and Washington also spied the swap meet between the two. If the American Admiral noticed the light blush that began to spread among the cheeks of the two, she didn't say anything, instead electing to head straight for the minder of the Cafe.
"Mamiya?" She called, looking for the woman as she kept an eye on the two carriers out of the corner of her eye. Shaking her head in amusement a moment, she turned her attention back to the front as the woman she was seeking emerged from the back, a smile upon her lips as she looked to the Admiral.
"Ahh, hello Anya-San. It's quite nice to see you today." She mused before letting her sight wander to the two towering women standing behind the Admiral, the two enthralled with watching the two carriers. Arching a brow, Mamiya looked to Anya in an amused fashion. "I see you brought some new faces along with you..." She mused. Anya nodded as she turned to introduce the two.
"This is North Carolina and Washington, Battleships 55 and 56. They are the one and only North Carolina Class. We got four others as well, but they felt that Breakfast should be followed by naps. So they're back at the dorms, sleeping the day away." She told her. Mamiya nodded as she looked at the two amused, watching them for a moment.
"They're quite interested in Enterprise-San and Akagi-San aren't they?" She mused, looking back to Anya. The American Admiral only nodded in reply as she reached back and jostled the older of the two's arm, gaining her attention.
"Yes Admiral...?" North Carolina asked as she looked to Anya after a few moments, her crystal blue eyes focusing on the woman.
"You.. Uh... You having fun watching the two lovebirds over there?" Anya asked, watched in an amused fashion as a blush began to spread across the battleship's cheeks, North shaking her head in defense.
"No! It's not that!" North said, waving her hands. "It's just... It's a different sight than what me and my sister were used to back then... We never saw interactions like that... It's... Strange..." She said after a moment, looking down at the Admiral. Anya nodded in response, looking to Washington.
"Understandable. All of the girls here on base have had trouble adjusting somewhere down the line, whether it be about actually being human or today's society and the past. New Allies or Old Grudges, there's always something standing in the way. Example, Arizona was hesitant of the Japanese carriers at first. Now, she's the flagship of a fleet filled with them." She said as she turned back to Mamiya. "Anyways. North, this is Mamiya. She's half of the staff of this Cafe. Mamiya, this is North Carolina. And behind her sister is Washington." She introduced. The two sisters nodded as Mamiya offered a wave in greeting.
"It's nice to meet the two of you." Mamiya greeted as she looked to Anya. "Two parfaits then I assume?" She asked. Anya nodded in return.
"That will be fine. Thank you." The Admiral replied. Mamiya nodded as she went to work, preparing the requested items as Anya turned back to the two sisters.
"You never did tell us Admiral. What do the Japanese think of our presence...?" Washington asked, looking at the woman. Anya nodded as she walked over to an empty table, taking a seat as the two battleship sisters sat across from her.
"Well... A few months ago, it was a different story. There were only seven of the American ship girls on base, and they were the first. So it was a little rocky at first. But now? With you six bringing our numbers up to 36? I think a lot of them have adjusted to us by now. And I think a lot of that has to do in part with the first seven." She said, looking at the two. "They weren't outright Aggressive and some even put out a hand of friendship. So now, those of the Japanese have somewhat expected that from all the girls on." She explained.
The two battleship sisters nodded in reply, thinking about this a moment. But they didn't have long as Mamiya walked over with two large Parfaits, setting the treats down in front of the two. The Cafe's tender only chuckled in reply as she watched the two' eyes go wide as she handed them spoons. "Enjoy." She said before walking back to the counter.
Anya only watched in amusement as the two looked at the massive mountains of sweet deliciousness sit in front of them. "Go on. Take a bite." She suggested, nodding as she did so. The two only nodded in response as they began to dig into the treats.
Arizona moved out of the way effortlessly as two of the Altered Hellcat's collided before crashing down into the water next to her.
Snapping her gaze to the closest Abyssal, Arizona didn't hesitate as her guns opened up, striking a heavy cruiser in the back as she had been preoccupied with a combination of Shimakaze and Yuudachi. In turn, the Abyssal turned to show the American Battleship what for. A move that was answered with two sixteen inch shells through the back, ending the Abyssal right then and there.
Mutsu only took a second before turning around as she and her sister opened fire on two approaching Abyssal battleships. The Nagato class threw a total of 14 shells at the two, the Armor piercing rounds shredding through the Ru's gun towers as they embedded themselves in the flesh of the Abyssals, prompting guttural cries of pain from the two.
The distant explosion off in the distance signaled that the Yamato sisters had just fired off another set of salvos. The two Abyssal battleships soon found sweet release as the eighteen shells fell among them, sending them into an eternal sleep.
The peace wasn't maintained for long as Bristol and Ellyson raced through and between shell splashes as they baited three light cruisers into following them, the Abyssals doing so out of hatred. Because they did so, they didn't even question that the two American destroyers could be leading them to their doom.
As the three Abyssals focused on their targets in front of them, they didn't notice the pincer placement of the infamous Japanese made type 93 Long Lances headed straight for them.
They realized too late.
As Bristol and Ellyson made clear, the first row of Akatsuki class fired torpedoes crossed paths, sealing in the three Abyssals and blocking their escape. That's when the second, delayed row of the long lances made themselves known, the weapons striking the Abyssals with no hesitation.
Watching as the three went up In a cloud of water and death, Chicago turned her attention back to the two heavy cruisers that herself and the Takao sisters were dealing with. Firing full salvos, the three Allied cruisers pelted the two with a mixture of high explosive and armor piercing rounds.
The two Abyssals seemed to pay the there's actions no mind as they returned fire, the high explosive shells finding their way to both Atago and Chicago, scorching the two Kanmusu in various degrees.
However, the three didn't have to return fire as someone else had done it for them.
Maryland and Oklahoma, sitting a fair distance away, fired, their sights confused on the two cruisers. A mixture of Mary's armor piercing and Homa's high explosive found the two Abyssals running head first into what looked like certain doom.
And it proved to be just that.
The mass of the Abyssal's bodies didn't halt the shells at all, the fired explosives rippling through the heavy cruisers like a hot knife through butter. There was only a short cry of pain before nothing, the ocean reclaiming the Abyssals like it had for so many before them.
The two battleships watched the two sink for a moment before Arizona approached the two, the collective three now looking straight at the Aircraft Carrier Princess.
The Abyssal Princess looked worried about little, her intense gaze locking onto the Kanmusu fleet. Her fleet had not faired well, but her Hellcat's combined with the mysterious Zeroes were holding the air in their favor, something she seemed to take pride in. If you could find an emotion on her face.
The Princess let her gaze wander to the three American battleships, just long enough for her to issue an attack order, before letting her gaze snap to the distant carrier task force. Her planes had already put two of the heathens out of commission, prompting the scrambling of more fighters from the remaining carriers.
A solution that would not find them peace.
The Abyssal Princess summoned a new wing of her Hellcat's, sending them into the air as she began to feel her forces waning in numbers. But as she did so, she felt something else. Something she hadn't felt in a long time.
She snapped her gaze to the direction where she felt the emotion coming from. Her face remaining a constant symbol of calm, she scanned the horizon like a predator waiting for it's prey.
And she found it.
Three whole squadrons of Abyssal drones, heading towards the ensuing chaos between the two fleets. Jet streaming through the air, nothing could stop them from reaching the battle.
But the Princess knew better. She knew better than to trust these beings.
Most abyssal drones were black. Darker than night, they brought pain and suffering to those who fell under their gaze. That was the way it went. That was the way it was supposed to go.
The approaching Abyssal drones did not follow that rule.
The first thing that set them apart was their armor. Not black like the rest, these were colored a Snow White in armor, standing out against the dark sky.
The Princess knew. She knew what the white armor meant. She knew what it symbolized.
These fighters came from a carrier under HER command. They came from the orders of a traitor. The came not for the heathens, but instead, herself.
The Princess only watched in response as the Abyssal fighters descended upon the ensuing dogfights, taking no time in finding targets and letting loose, plucking her precious Hellcat's out of the sky. The altered Zeroes were soon to follow, the planes crashing into the water below as it gave the heathen's forces breathing room.
Her Queen would hear of this treachery. The Princess would make sure of it.
Arizona only stared, slightly confused and slightly relieved as she watched the new set of Abyssal fighters rip into who should've been their allies. Instead, these new white Abyssal fighters were giving their forces breathing room as they ripped into the altered fighters, sending them plummeting. After, they only took a moment before splitting off into pairs, going after more of the Abyssal fighters.
Arizona only watched a moment longer before her radio sparked to life, Atlanta's voice coming through.
"Arizona? Arizona, you there?" The light cruiser asked over the radio. Arizona took her gaze away from the ensuing dogfights as she answered back.
"Yeah, I'm here Atlanta. What's up?" She asked as she looked back to the dogfighting overhead. She soon found Atlanta replying to her question.
"Yeah... Uh... What's going on over there? All the carrier's are reporting that their planes are being pulled out of the Abyssal's mercy by Abyssals. And the new guys are showing the baddies what for. Can you confirm?" She asked.
"I can confirm. Secondary Abyssals are present and they're kicking ass... Their sea forces are trying to pull back but our girls have them on the ropes. The Princess is also more focused on the new guests. She's forgotten about little old us." She replied. Atlanta made a noise of confirmation.
"Any idea of what this means...?" She asked.
"Yeah. It means our very understanding of the Abyssals has just been turned on its head by the Abyssals themselves. Hey, while I've got you, would you let Yamato and Musashi know that there's no little gremlins to tank hits for the Princess. So the first chance they get, line her in the crosshairs and open fire." She replied. Atlanta gave a noise of confirmation as Arizona heard call out the order to the two battleship sisters.
Arizona heard in the distance that her request had been fulfilled as the distant explosion gave way to the fact that Yamato and Musashi were locked in on the Princess. And the quickly approaching shells were evidence of this as the descended upon the Abyssal.
The Princess saw them coming as she maneuvered out of the way, she armor piercing shells splashing down next to her. But those were enough for the Princess to call it quits and turn tail, now sailing in the opposite direction of the Kanmusu fleet.
"The Princess is fleeing. How's Midway doing?" Arizona asked. Atlanta took a second to look over at the carrier before responding.
"She's not doing great yet. Coral's still got her." Atlanta replied. Arizona nodded as she issued an order.
"Attention all forces. Let the Princess retreat. Her fleet is beaten and she's low on planes. Let her slip." Arizona said over the Radio channel, making sure the fleet heard it. The other battleships nodded in response as Zuikaku came over the radio, letting the battleship know exactly what she thought of that idea.
"What?! Are you crazy? We've got her on the ropes! Let's crush the thing!" Zuikaku demanded. Arizona shook her head.
"No. She's leaving and we have a wounded carrier to tend to. Carriers, put up new squadrons for patrol before pulling back currently deployed. If any of you can, make room for Midway's fighters during the time she's out cold. We have to make sure we're at full force again before we go picking needless fights. We don't even know where the Abyssal Zeroes came from. You think we can take on another whole fleet with possibly another Princess at the lead?" Arizona asked.
"Recalling planes now." Zuikaku replied in return. Arizona gave a nod.
"It's your girl's call on what you want to do about the new Abyssal fighters. Shoot em or leave em, it's up to you all. We'll let you know if any of them start to get aggressive..." She replied. She received an answer of affirmative as the Kanmusu's fighters began to vector off, heading back towards the carrier's. Arizona only gave a sigh as the fleet began to regroup, watching the Princess the whole way.
She slammed her fist on her throne as she took in this news. This was not how it was supposed to go. This was not how the plan was to unfold.
Had there been no interference, she could have added the heathens to her forces. She could have added them to her ranks. And what powerful additions they would have made.
But her plans had been ruined, torn in two by three squadrons of Abyssal fighters. Torn in two by things that she should've been able to crush under her thumb.
But instead, her fleet had been shattered and her Princess forced to retreat to the safety of a standby fleet, something that shouldn't have happened in the first place.
Japanese. American. Whatever. They should've fallen. Eliminated and assimilated.
The Pacific Abyssal Queen sat back in her throne as she rubbed her temples, thinking about the entire screw up. She couldn't take this. She had more important things to focus on than another Queen stabbing her in the back.
But she couldn't focus long as two lone figures entered her chambers, fidgety and clearly nervous about their current location.
Pacific rolled her eyes as she looked down at the two. Philippine and Bering Empress if she recalled correctly. There were so many Empress's, she lost count some time. The only notable ones were Mediterranean and Caribbean. But they were under Atlantic's command. The others were useless half of the time. And when they weren't completely useless, it was usually with mundane tasks such as sinking the odd cargo ship here and there. Nothing like taking on a fleet of Kanmusu.
Pacific sighed as she looked back down to the two, watching as they bowed before her.
"So... Was it her?" Pacific asked. The Bering Empress nodded.
"We've confirmed that the fighters that intercepted the fighters from your fleet were launched from Wo's under the direct command of the Arctic Queen." She replied in a shaky voice. Pacific gave an annoyed sigh as the white haze emitted by her eyes flared up, her anger rising.
"I see...." She said as she stood, starting to walk to the exit of the throne room. Bering and Philippine watched her cautiously, the latter eventually speaking to her as she walked by them.
"My Queen...? Where are you going?" The Empress asked. Pacific only smiled as she walked past the two.
"To have... A talk with an old friend..." She replied as she walked out of the lit throne room, into the darkness of the halls. The two Empress's only traded a nervous glance in response as they watched her go.
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