A Quiet Change
Sipping at her glass of wine, Arizona took no time in digging into yet another piece of fried salmon, savoring the taste as Whitney spoke.
"So? What do you ladies think? You like the food so far?" She asked after swallowing her own bit of food. Arizona nodded at the question as Haruna answered for the battleship.
"All of it is quite delicious.... And there's so much to choose from..." Haruna said, taking another look over the table of food before them. "But... I must admit... This is my first time tasting wine of any sorts...." She said, tilting her glass back and forth, watching the red liquid swish around within. Whitney nodded at that, pointing her currently blank fork towards the girl.
"I figured that might be the case, which is why I took a chance on it. I'm glad you two like it." She said. Haruna smiled in response at that as she took another bite, her own meal currently consisting of shrimp and crab. Mostly Alaskan King, there was some Red and Blue king among the meal as well. But the battleship seemed to savor each and every flavor she came across.
As for the two destroyers with the group however, they had taken more liking to the tough meats. Currently, the two were obliterating their fourth plate of barbecue wings. Of course, this was not without the mess as well, if the two's messy mouths was anything to go by.
Watching them a moment, Arizona only chuckled as she looked back to Whitney as she took another sip of her wine.
"So... I've been holding myself from asking this.... But how much is this all gonna cost in the end...?" Arizona asked, looking to Whitney with an arched brow. The sailor only chuckled as she nodded in understanding.
"Fair question. The wine alone is like... Seven fifty a bottle I'm pretty sure... And the food is gonna climb even higher..." She mused before shaking her head. "It's all good though. The Navy's picking up the tab." She said, looking to Arizona. The American battleship nodded slowly as she asked another question.
"But... That's still a lot of money, even for the Navy. Are they sure about this... They do know how much we can consume? Even with just four of us...? Right...?" She asked. Whitney nodded at that, sipping at her own wine, albeit much slower than either Arizona or Haruna were. Simply because Wine would affect her much faster than it would for a Ship Girl.
"Quite right. But, then again, taking care of your girl's fuel needs this way is far cheaper then if you were still your steel hulls. So.... I'd say it's worth it. But, that's probably exactly why I don't get a say in the Navy's budget." She chuckled. Arizona only nodded in response as she went about piling some steamed Lobster onto her plate next to the salmon she already had there. As she did so, she watched as Fitch tore into another piece of meat with no hesitation.
"What about you two?" Arizona asked, looking at the destroyer sisters. "You like the food here?" She asked. The two destroyers gave no verbal response, instead only nodding in response as they continued to eat. Arizona only chuckled as she nodded. After a moment, Whitney looked to the battleships.
"So... Have you ladies thought about what you might want to do after the war's over?" She asked, looking between the two. Arizona and Haruna traded a glance with each other before the latter shook her head, looking back to Whitney.
"Is it not a little too early to try and figure something like that out, Whitney-San? Especially since we do not know if the end of the war is even on the horizon? Nor do we know if it will be in our favor." She said. Whitney nodded.
"I understand this. But you can't tell me the thought hasn't crossed your mind before. I mean, for you Haruna, you've been summoned for almost three years now. Haven't you thought about it even once of what you might be doing if there wasn't a war going on?" She asked. Haruna bit her lip a moment before nodding slowly, looking at woman.
"I mean... Yes, I suppose. My sisters and myself have sometimes let our minds wander to what could have been if we were not on the front lines...." She said. "But... The last time in which we did so was before I met Arizona-San...." Haruna said, blushing slightly at the statement, somewhat brushing her hand over Arizona's. The American battleship only smiled as she rubbed her thumb along Haruna's skin for a moment in response. Whitney nodded.
"So? You two had to guess what you would be doing if there were no war presently going on, what do you think you would be doing?" She asked. Arizona shrugged.
"I don't know.... Since I've been back, i've kind of wanted to see Arizona.... Just to see the state I was named after..." She mused, pushing her food around on her plate with her fork. Whitney nodded at that, accepting the reasoning.
"Fair enough. I'd imagine there's quite few places that you'd like to visit, both in Arizona and not." She suggested. Arizona nodded at that.
"Probably. I honestly don't know what there's to do in the U.S. So I can't really say for sure." She said. Whitney nodded at that, picking at her own food as she sipped at her wine. After a moment, looking out at the view for a moment, Arizona chuckled.
"This place is pretty calm... Given everything going on at the moment..." She mused. Whitney nodded as she looked out at the ocean as well for a moment before speaking again.
"They're all ready for it to end... Everyone's expecting an attack on Hawaii at any time... Some wish the Abyssals would just get it over with so they can finally relax for real and not live in this... Plastic wrapping they find themselves in..." She said, not looking away from the distant ocean. Arizona looked at the woman with a curious expression upon her face.
"I'm not sure I follow.... A plastic wrapping..? How does that make sense?" She asked, looking at the sailor. Whitney nodded as she looked to the woman.
"It's a plastic wrapping... In the sense that everyone's going about doing things as if everything's still normal. But they're all just waiting for it to pop. They're more than ready for an Abyssal strike on Hawaii. Hell, some are half expecting it any day now. But because that attack hasn't come yet, it's left a lot of people in this... Routine of sorts. It's both great and unbearable at the same time..." She said, looking to Arizona. The battleship only nodded in response as she looked down at her food for a moment.
"I can see that, yeah...." Arizona murmured. Whitney only nodded before pulling the bag of candy with her foot away from the destroyers who were quietly trying to reach for it. The sailor only chuckled as Forrest and Fitch released whines of discontent. The sailor chuckled as Arizona scowled at the two.
"What did I say?" She asked, looking at the two. Fitch only stuck her tongue out at the woman as Forrest sighed in annoyance.
"But Arizona! It's so long! And there's so much Candy! Even if we eat a few pieces, there's still gonna be enough for our sisters!" She insisted. Arizona shook her head.
"And spoil the meal that Whitney organized on her own time? Something that wasn't in anyway obligated to do?" She asked sternly. Forrest only grumbled to herself in response, shoving a chicken wing into her mouth, bone and all as she began to nom her problems away. Arizona only chuckled as she looked back to her own food, once again sipping at her wine as she went back to enjoying the salmon. Whitney only chuckled as she looked to the two battleships.
"So what's it like? Being human and living among one another as just that?" She asked, looking between the two. Arizona and Haruna chuckled at the question, Haruna nodding in response as she thought about it.
"It's still not normal, I must say...." Haruna answered first. "Every morning, it's still hard to adjust to the fact that I'm doing everything for myself and my crew are only there to add to my efficiency... it's not like how it was in the past..." she said. Arizona nodded in agreement.
"Yes, that and it feels strange not being full of seamen like I was in the past.... it feels... empty..." she said in thought for a moment, not really considering the context of which she was failing to provide. This is exactly what sent Whitney into a bout of sudden, and prolonged laughter at the statement. Even Haruna had a small blush at the saying.
Arizona blinked, looking at the two in confusion at their reactions.
"What...?" Arizona asked, suddenly unsure. "What's so funny?" She asked, looking between the two. Haruna only tried to calm her blush as Whitney continued to laugh, trying in vain to calm herself down, as her face began to had a slight reddening tint to it despite her ebony skin tone. This only served to further Arizona's confusion.
But as the table was consumed in their confusion, Forrest and Fitch looked out to the Ocean, and found themselves surprised at what they saw.
"Woah!" Fitch exclaimed as she got up from her seat and ran over to the railing, hoisting herself up. Forrest did the same as the two watched some distant object out on the ocean. Arching a brow, Arizona looked out over the ocean to see if she could spot what had the destroyers so enthralled.
And to say she could see it was an understatement.
Coming in just off coast from Open Sea were five ships. Four of them, two to the rear and two to the front, were sailing alongside the fifth. Arleigh-Burke Class destroyers of Arizona remembered correctly. The most common type of U.S. Destroyer of present day. Arizona had to admit, although not the destroyers she was used to in anyway, the destroyers did a certain charm to them.
But as she looked closer at the small group of five, Arizona immediately decided that the four escorting destroyers had nothing on the fifth member of their convoy. Presumably their charge.
Measuring in at eight hundred and eighty seven feet. Longer than any of her destroyer escorts by a good margin. Weighing in at forty five thousand tons, she was certainly no Yamato. No, some would argue she was better. Armed with nine sixteen inch Naval Rifles, the weapons stood ready to defend her country and her people against any threat that may be stupid enough to try by Sea. And if by air, a combination of both old and Modern weaponry stood ready to pluck any piece of Abyssal Weaponry out of the air with ease. Being able to turn out thirty three knots of pure American ingenuity, it was not her who had trouble in keeping up with her escorts, but instead, the opposite was true as the four destroyers steamed alongside her. Having an armored belt of twelve point one inches of hardened American Steel, she dared anyone who might to take a shot at her and try to escape unscathed.
Born as the third in what had been named by many as the Most Powerful ship to sail the seven seas, she sailed with Pride. Dressed in a dark gray, the number 63 sat on the side of her bow in bright white for all to see.
"Woah..." Arizona breathed as she watched the slender hull sail along the calm waters of Hawaii as she approached the railing. Whitney only nodded as she carefully put her napkin to the side of her plate as she walked up next to Arizona, Haruna occupying the Battleship's other side.
"Battleship Sixty Three. The U.S.S. Missouri, the last battleship to ever be completed by the United States." Whitney said, she watching the five Naval vessels make their way along the coast and towards Pearl. The four accompanying her only nodded in reply, watching as the old girl made her way across the water. But as they did so, Haruna squinted her eyes, trying to get a better look at something.
"Arizona-san.... do you see that...?" She asked. Arizona shook her head, looking at the girl.
"No? What are you seeing? Where?" She asked.
"Second turret." Haruna replied. Arizona nodded as she looked that way as well, finding the outline of the second turret amongst the plethora of steel. And as she did so, she found what she assumed Haruna was looking at. "Is that what I think it is...?" Haruna asked after a moment. Arizona nodded silently as she watched what both she and Haruna had quietly decided on was a figure of a person.
More specifically, a figure of a woman.
The two watched the figure quietly as Whitney took a look for herself, but found herself scowling when she found nothing atop the second turret like the two had so clearly indicated that they had.
"I don't understand... what's going on with the second turret?" She asked, looking between the two battleships. The two only frowned, looking back at the sailor.
"What do you mean, Whitney-san? Clearly, there is a figure of a woman on the second turret of the Missouri, right.... there....." Haruna trailed off. As she had turned back to show the sailor, she found that the figure of the woman was no longer there atop the turret. Instead, the turret stood still, with no one any longer standing on top of it. Haruna furrowed her brow in response as Arizona watched for any sign that there had been a woman there at all. But to her surprise and chagrin, she found none as she looked to the distant figure of the Missouri.
"Uh... huh.... Maybe it's a Ship girl thing..." Whitney suggested. The two battleships only nodded in quiet as they watched the group of five Navy Ships sail along the coast, much to the amazement of the beach-goers below.
As they did so, something occurred to Arizona as she looked to Whitney in response, hoping to solve her confusion.
"But.... I thought the Missouri was apart of the East Coast defense. What's she doing all the way over here at Hawaii?" Arizona said, looking at the sailor. Whitney nodded in response as she watched the ship for herself for a moment before answering.
"I couldn't tell you honestly. I'd imagine that Hayfield would have more of an insight into that sort of move. And I'm pretty sure he'll brief you on it if he decides the need is important." She said, watching the ship for a tad longer before going back to their table. Arizona only nodded slowly for a moment before doing the same, she along with Haruna returning back to their food as they left the two destroyers to continue watching from the railing.
"Slow down! You get lost out here, and we're gonna have a problem!" Arizona yelled as she watched the two destroyers run along the beachside, splashing through the water as they apparently played a game of tag with some of the children staying at the resort. Haruna only chuckled as they watched.
It was an hour and a half after they had started eating, and the two destroyers among the group had decided that they wanted to go play on the beach. Arizona and Haruna had had no problem with this idea. Whitney had volunteered to stay back at the restaurant to keep watch over the four and the bags of candy. So this left the four warships free to wander about the Beach. And it was turning out to be more relaxing than they thought it would be. Well, for the most part anyways.
"Do they ever slow down though, Arizona-san?" Haruna asked, holding hands with the American battleship, as they walked along the beach. Arizona sighed as she shook her head.
"Not on their own power, no. And that's exactly what I'm worried about. I don't think one of those kids could take a full force impact from those two and walk away unscathed. I'm betting there'd be at least a few broken bones. Now, I'm no expert, but I'm absolutely sure that would raise some questions among those present." Arizona said in response. Haruna only chuckled as she shook her head.
"You talk of this as if you were a refuge, trying to keep off the grid. There's no harm in letting the girl's play around for a while. The only thing that would possibly give us away at first sight would be Forrest-chan's golden eyes." She said, watching the two run ahead. "Besides, we should take some time for ourselves." She suggested. Arizona arched a brow at that.
"And what exactly did you have in mind?" Arizona asked. Haruna looked over as she pointed towards the resort, towards a towel station.
"We're wearing swimming suits under our clothes. Why not put them to good use?" Haruna asked. Arizona blinked in response.
"Wait... what? We're not wearing swimming suits. We only have underwear on..." she said in response, looking at Haruna. The battleship only chuckled.
"That underwear you put on?" She asked. Arizona nodded. "Yeah, that's a bikini. It's used for swimming." She said in response, looking at the American with an amused smile. Arizona only blinked in again in response.
"Wait, wait, wait.... I'm supposed to be seen in public... dressed in something that shows so much...?" She asked. Haruna only chuckled.
"It's called modernity, Arizona-san. Come on, it'll be fun." She chuckled, pulling on the girl's arm. After a moment, Arizona finally relented, giving in as she let the Japanese battleship pull her towards the towel station. As she did so, she watched as Fitch and Forrest continued to charge across the beach back and forth as they continued to round up kids for their makeshift game of tag. A game, which, they were winning with no trouble at all. Even a few adults and teens were playing with the kids, and even they couldn't outrun the two Gleaves class destroyers.
Arizona only chuckled as she turned her attention back to the table they were approaching, which seemed to be in an Air conditioned tent run by two of the hotel employees. As the two battleships approached, the two employees smiled at them.
"Welcome. How can we help you two today?" Asked the first one. Haruna nodded as she smiled.
"A key for a locker and some towels." She said. The woman only smiled as she nodded, reaching down under the table. Producing a silver key on a lanyard for the two, the other employee turned to pick three towels up out of the big bin behind the table, handing them to Arizona.
"For an added fee, we also provide access to private suites for couples further up the beach should you choose to decide that privacy becomes a concern." She said, looking at Arizona. The battleship only blinked in response at this. Before anything more could be said, Haruna pecked Arizona on the cheek.
"We might just have to take that offer..." she chuckled, waving to the two women before pulling Arizona by the hand out of the air conditioned tent over to the side, over to the lockers. "You looked like you were considering that offer." Haruna giggled. Arizona only shook her head.
"Sorry.. spaced out there for a moment.." she murmured as they stopped in front of the lockers. Haruna only nodded as she unlocked the locker coinciding with their key, inspecting it for a moment before nodding approvingly. Skipping the key around her neck, she began to unzip her jacket, going about removing it as she looked to Arizona.
"So what was on your mind? Did it have something to do with Missouri?" She asked, look at the American as she hung her jacket within the locker, soon moving to her shoes. Arizona only nodded as she hung her own jacket within the locker, next to Haruna's as she now focused on her shoes as well.
"Well... yeah. The fact that the Missouri should be patrolling the Atlantic is one thing. But what really bothers me is that woman we saw earlier. I don't know what to make of it at all, but my mind keeps coming to one conclusion and only that. We saw Missouri." She said, untying her shoes as she kicked them off by the heel. Haruna only chuckled at that, shaking her head as she went about slipping her socks off.
"Well of course we saw Missouri, Arizona-san. She was kind of hard to miss after all." She chuckled. Arizona shook her head.
"No, that's not what I mean. The woman we saw on the turret. I think that was Missouri. But she was so far away, I can't say for sure. But think about it. No one's just going to get up on top of a triple mounted turret. Especially not in a time of war. And think about when Whitney tried to find her. She was looking for her before we turned to look at Whitney. And we even specified the second turret, and yet, she couldn't see her. But you saw her. I saw her. Forrest and Fitch both saw her. But Whitney didn't. And thinking about it, there's only one major difference that separates us four from her." She said, looking at Haruna. The Japanese battleship nodded at that, thinking about the whole scenario.
"She is a normal human. Not a kanmusu like us." She said. Arizona nodded at that, reaching down and gripping the bottom of her shirt, pulling it up over her head, giving sight to the bikini top that she was in fact wearing. The prominent colors being red and white, Haruna giggled slightly as she looked at the article of clothing. Arizona only took a look down at the clothing after she had put her shirt in the locker.
"I guess this isn't so bad..." Arizona said after a moment, inspecting the bikini top. Haruna only nodded in response, taking no time in pulling off her shirt as well, giving sight to her own blue bikini top. Connecting the cups of the item was a gold ring, interlaced as a connecter for the item. Arizona only nodded in response as the two of them reached down, soon unbuttoning and unzipping their jeans, pulling their pants down and off, stepping out of them as she did so.
Arizona's second piece of her suit was like her first, being a mix of red and white as it did a fairly good job of preserving Arizona's person, much to her relief. Haruna only chuckled as she took a look down at her own Bikini bottom, the same color pattern as her top. The dark blue with gold accents. Haruna only chuckled as she look d between the two outfits.
"It would seem someone thinks we look better adorning one another's official colors." Arizona chuckled, looking at the outfits as well. Haruna only nodded as she pointed towards the water's edge, an action that prompted the American to give a nod.
"Yes, lets." Arizona said, starting to walk towards the water, her hands hanging by her sides as Haruna nodded, soon following after the battleship.
As they reached the water, Haruna took no time in walk out into the water, letting it come up to her stomach as she took in the feeling of the pleasantly cool water. Arizona was doing the same, albeit somewhat slower than her Japanese counterpart had so easily demonstrated. But, she was slowly making her way into the water as well.
Haruna chuckled as she stood, waiting for the old dreadnaught to come and join her. She smiled softly as she felt the sand between her toes, a feeling that she really didn't know why she liked it so much, she just did. But what she liked even more than that was the woman making her way into the water towards her. The Japanese woman only watched in amusement as Arizona finally reached her.
"I don't know how you just walked right in... this water is freezing..." Arizona said, looking at the battleship. Haruna only giggled in reply as she walked up to the battleship, hooking her arms around the back of the battleship's neck, wrapping her legs around the woman's waist as she held firm to her. This in turn prompted Arizona to place her hands on Haruna's waist so that she didn't slip off of her.
"Then allow me to warm you up..." Haruna giggled as she pressed her body to Arizona's. The American holding her only nodded in response, smiling as she made no move to stop the girl as she held her close among the calm waters of Hawaii. As she did so, Arizona quietly watched Haruna, the only sounds to be heard were the waves they found themselves in and the yelling and screaming of the kids on the beach, still quite enthralled with the game of tag they were playing with the two Destroyers unknowingly.
Haruna giggled after a moment, staring back at Arizona. "What... what is it?" She asked, looking at the battleship. Arizona only gave a soft smile in return as she leaned forward and placed a kiss on Haruna's cheek. The Japanese battleship only giggled, leaning in to return the kiss. But as she did so, a wave somewhat bigger than the last few brushed up against the two, somewhat rocking Haruna and Arizona. And in turn, what had meant to have been a kiss on the cheek ended up being a full kiss on the lips.
Arizona blinked.
Haruna blinked.
The two only stared at each other a moment before their cheeks began to rapidly heat up, not stopping there as their faces joined in as well as they slowly pulled apart, putting some room between their lips as neither of the two women said a thing in response to what had just occurred.
Only the sound of the waves let them know that they were still fully conscious, and the cold of the water let them know that no, this was not a dream. Yes, they had in fact just kissed each other. On the lips. And exactly that was what was prompting the nervous silence that had suddenly settled between the two.
But only for a moment.
Haruna began to giggle, still clinging to the dreadnaught as she did so. This of course prompted a look of conditions from the still red Arizona, looking at the girl in a quizzical manner.
"What's.... what's so funny...?" She asked slowly, not taking her eyes off of the girl. Haruna took a moment to recompose herself before answering.
"Out of all the time that we've spent together and known each other, that was the first time we're ever kissed each other on the lips." She giggled, still blushing slightly. "And it was only because of a miscalculation..." she mused. Arizona slowly nodded at that, before chuckling in return.
"So it would seem...." she said after a moment. Haruna only smiled before leaning in for another, an action in which Arizona gladly returned.
The door to the Kanmusu Compound was flung open in a flurry, giggling easily heard as Forrest and Fitch ran through the front door, soon followed by Haruna and Arizona and Whitney. But, this time, instead of going right to the docks, or going upstairs to the bedrooms, the two destroyers charged through the door to the left.
This lead to the living room like area within the compound that was there to serve the girl's during their off time. Fitted with various couches and the life, the main focal point of the room was a large crescent black leather couch with a large table in front of that.
Hung on the wall a ways from that was a flatscreen T.V., just about the biggest you could commercially. Currently hooked up to the T.V. Was a seven player game of Super Smash Bros.
And playing it was none other than the Shiratsuyu class and the remainder of the of the Bristol class, freshly repaired and clearly enjoying. Keeping an eye on the girl's were an assortment of Tatsuta, Juneau, and Mutsu, all freshly repaired as well as they sat on one of the other couches as well, having a private conversation of their own as they sipped from what looked like water bottles. But as the five entered the room, the three looked up from their conversation to greet them.
"Ahhh... Arizona-san and Haruna-san... how was the trip?" Tatsuta asked as her halo hung over her head. At the question, the lights on said device seemed to glow a bright blue. Arizona and Haruna nodded as the other two destroyers with them practically jumped on their sisters, eliciting Shigure to pause the game as she and her sisters tried to calm them, which only prompted Yuudachi to join in the chaos. Arizona only chuckled as she watched the play encounter before walking up to the table in front of the destroyers, soon dumping the two bags of candy out on the table, immediately bringing a halt to the problem.
"Woah, poi....." Yuudachi said, looking at the sudden pile of candy. The reaction was much the same between the other destroyers as they took the sight of the pile in before looking back up to Arizona.
Arizona shook her head. "Don't look at me. This is all Forrest and Fitch's doing." She said, taking a step away from the table. The only answer the other destroyers got from that was the sight of Fitch picking up a bag of skittles, immediately ripping off the side of the packaging, and dumping the whole contents of the bag into her waiting mouth, prompting a very content smile to show upon her stuffed cheeks. The other destroyers needed no other prodding as they immediately dug into the candy, sorting through the pile. As they did so, Whitney stood by as Arizona and Haruna approached the other three.
"Just... how much candy did you just give them...?" Juneau asked, arching a brow as she looked at the battleship. Arizona shrugged.
"The cashier at the store weighed the bags up to be around twenty four pounds." She said, looking at the cruiser. Mutsu and Tatsuta only stifled some small laughs at this while Juneau sighed at the number.
"Really? And it didn't occur to you that giving them that much sugar wasn't such a great idea?" She asked. Arizona shrugged.
"It was Free." Haruna answered, looking back at the destroyers as they got back to their game, the eighth player position having been taken by Whitney, upon the insistence of the girl's. Juneau only blinked at that.
"They gave 24 pounds... of candy... away... for free?" She asked. "Screw that. I'm grabbin some." She said as she hopped up, and walked over to the group, leaning over Yuudachi and Bristol as she grabbed a handful of the stuff. The two destroyers gave their own problems with the action.
"Juneau-san, poi.... you got me killed..." Yuudachi poured as she watched her avatar go flying off screen because of a punch from Harusame's own avatar. The sister of the blonde destroyer only chuckled as she continued to play. Juneau however, only shrugged as she watched the game as she popped a Hershey's kiss into her mouth.
The two battleships watching them only chuckled as they turned back to Mutsu and Tatsuta.
"So... are the two of you going to be joining us for Lunch later?" Mutsu asked, looking up at the two as she seemed to enjoy her own new clothing. Arizona shook her head as she jerked her head towards the door.
"Me N' Haruna are gonna go catch some sleep. The meal we just had was more than filling enough and we swimmers after that. So.. food isn't really that big of a concern to us right now.." Arizona said. Haruna nodded, giving a yawn for effect. Mutsu only nodded slowly as she looked at the two, eyeing them for a moment.
"Well... alright then. Sleep tight..." she said. Arizona only nodded as she turned to Haruna, giving a nod, which in turn was well received as the battleship wheeled around and began to walk for the door. Arizona only nodded as she followed after her.
Making their way upstairs, the two were stopped as they came across various stacks of boxes, each having two labels. One of the labels simply said clothing on it, fairly easy to see. The second label however, was independent on each and every box within the group. And that label was a name of each and every ship girl on base at the current moment. Watching the set for a moment, Arizona shared a nod with Haruna as they began to look through the stacks for the ones adorning their own names, hopefully looking for something to slip into rather than their own still somewhat damp bikinis that were currently under their clothes.
Soon enough, finding the boxes with them in mind, Arizona hefted the two onto her shoulders as Haruna lead the way down the hallway.
Eventually, Haruna reached one specific door she was looking for. And in response, she twisted the handle of the door with their nameplates on it. Leading the way inside, Haruna held the door open for Arizona. Thanking her, the American battleship stepped inside, prompting Haruna to let the door swing close behind her as the woman set the boxes down.
Taking no time at all, the two began to rummage around within the boxes, soon enough finding clothing that would serve them well as sleeping wear.
Chuckling, Arizona pulled out a pair of pajama shorts and a tank top, laying it on a bed as she began to peel off her own clothing. Haruna did very much the same, picking out clothes as she went about peeling off her current layers, placing them within a hamper along with Arizona's.
After all was said and done, the two were now clothed in clothing that would serve well for sleeping wear. And Arizona took this to heart as she crawled onto her bed, soon flopping down onto the space. But before she began to fully work on sleep, she held her arms up and open, and was rewarded with her Prize as Haruna crawled her way into them, now laying on the side of Arizona as she pressed her back to the American's front. Arizona only chuckled as she wrapped an arm around Haruna's stomach, pulling the girl to her body as she buried her nose in Haruna's hair.
Soon enough, the two were quickly nodding off with no trouble at all.
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