A Prize Nearly Paid
A/N: The more I got to thinking about, the more and more I realized this story probably deserved the big old M.
So, as of now, this story is now rated Mature.
This chapter only reinforces that.
"Yorktown." She asked.
"Yessim?" The Carrier replied in turn, the Essex class woman glancing over her shoulder. The blonde almost hated to ask this, but an answer straight would weigh less on her mind later rather than simply letting the what if's build within.
"What is she doing?" Anya asked, glancing at the oldest Essex on base before looking back to Lexington, watching as the Carrier held a very animated discussion with both Hornet and Hornet.
"I believe she is planning her revenge on the dastardly King. She already got you good earlier so he's the only target left." Yorktown replied, watching her younger sisters with her chin resting against her hands, resting her elbows on her knees.
"And Hornet And Hornet?" Anya asked, though she somewhat already expected the answer. Yorktown shrugged as she watched the three of them for a moment before looking up to the woman.
"Hornet's always looking to get in trouble and Hornet's always ready to prank someone." She told her, looking at the Admiral. Anya hesitated a moment.
"Yes." Yorktown Answered her. Anya only nodded somewhat at that as she took a seat next to the carrier, watching from her side as she watched the two Essex class women and one Yorktown class bicker about something that she couldn't hear. Anya closed her eyes as she tried her hardest not to sigh.
"This is only gonna go one way, I can guarantee it." She eventually resigned herself to the fate. Yorktown chuckled.
"Badly?" She asked. Anya nodded in confirmation, the Carrier snorting in response as she strew her arms out before her, gesturing widely to her younger sisters.
"What I don't get is why you allow Maryland to shamelessly flirt with you when there's so many better choices for a partner. Like my sisters for instance!" Yorktown encouraged, nudging Anya in the side as she did so. The Admiral rolled her eyes at that.
"I thought it was the eldest sister's job to keep her sisters safe from anyone wanting to date them. Not encourage it." Anya reasoned. Yorktown shrugged at that as she dropped her arms to her sides.
"I dunno. Essie ain't here yet and I see you capable of handling the both of them." She said with a shrug.
"Oooooo, are we trying to get Admiral Johnson into a three-way?" Sydney asked from behind as she settled down on Anya's other side. "Oooo, I approve. They've both got just the right afts. You can have a carrier on either arm." The Cruiser jovially Agreed. Yorktown offered a thumbs up as Anya looked to the cruiser with an expression that told She wasn't amused.
"What is it with you and trying to convince people the Command staff is going to get involved with Ship girls?" She asked.
Sydney looked at the woman like she was stupid.
"Because we're hot?" She asked in reply. Anya rolled her eyes as Yorktown cackled. "I mean, the destroyers and subs aside, each one of us has more than enough natural attractiveness and intelligence to provide for a small country." Sydney Answered.
"Venus would say otherwise." Anya Answered in return, sending Yorktown howling into laughter as Sydney scowled at the woman.
"That was one time and the bitch was askin for it!" The cruiser fired back, raising an arm in support.
"This is all going off the assumption that I like women." Anya said with a hum, glancing to the cruiser. At that, Sydney immediately took Anya's face in her hands and looked her dead In the eyes.
"How can you not when you work on a base like this? I'm sorry, but Ishigara And King are sorely outnumbered. There ain't a whole lot of the opposite gender to prowl around at. Ashigara, Blücher, and Houston are pulling at straws here." She said. Anya blinked before shrugging off Sydney's hold.
"Not to mention that Mary sleeps in her bed." Yorktown offered in support. Sydney snapped her fingers at that as she pointed to Anya.
"That's right!" She cheered. Anya rolled her eyes at that as she looked back to the three carriers in the distance.
"What're we doing?" Enteprise asked as she approached from behind, she settling down next to Yorktown, glancing at the woman named after her sister.
"Askin why Admiral hasn't gotten it in with Mary." The Carrier replied naturally. Anya scowled as Enteprise leaned forwards at that, peering around Yorktown to look at Anya. When the woman finally took notice, she looked to Enterprise.
"Yes?" She asked.
"Well?" E asked in retort.
Anya resisted the urge to firmly plant her hand against her face.
"I mean, come on. The two of you already sleep together and whatever she did to you earlier seemed to rile you up. A lot." Enteprise told her. Yorktown looked surprised at this, looking to the older carrier for an explanation. "So I don't know what she did, but Maryland leaned over to say something to Anya, and it looked like whatever she said to the woman shocked her. A lot. Cause Maryland immediately bolted." She said. Yorktown looked to the Admiral in shock.
"My oh my. I didn't realize she was growing so bold to try something in front of new summons of all things." She said. Anya rolled her eyes at that as she focused in on back to the three carriers.
"Oh come on Admiral." Sydney chortled. "I've seen Mary and can confirm, she's not lacking in any sort of department. Guns. Strength. Curves..... Aft." She said, sending Enteprise and Yorktown laughing as she grinned at the woman.
"What's so funny?" Arizona asked from behind them, Pennsylvania in tow. Enteprise shrugged as she looked back at the two standards.
"Just asking the Admiral why she hasn't given Mary access to her slipway yet." The Carrier confirmed. Arizona nodded in understanding, as if the conversation was a completely normal thing as Pennsylvania simply stared at the Carrier like she'd grown another head.
"Well, if what her sister said after our first Sortie indicates anything, the Admiral may lack proper experience for an engaging night battle." Arizona told her.
Resisting the urge to plant her hand against her face died away at that as Anya followed through, her hand resting firmly on her features in turn as Enterprise and Yorktown snickered.
"Arizona...." Anya muttered. Arizona shrugged as she Came to stand behind Anya.
"I'm simply saying that not properly providing for her is only asking for trouble. As the Admiral, it is your job to ensure your fleet is properly provided for." Arizona said, her face a mask of straight talk. But the slightest corners of her mouth twitching upwards gave indication that the Admiral's first battleship was enjoying this far too much.
Anya rolled her eyes at that before she noticed Sydney poking at her side. Arching a brow, the Admiral turned her attention to the cruiser.
"What are you doing?" She asked.
"Checking your hips. Maryland isn't exactly light nor small. Just making sure these things can handle all that steel when the time finally rolls around." She said, poking Anya in the side. Anya swatted her hand away, Sydney cackling at the action, as Anya scowled.
"Hmm? This is quite the gathering. What's the occasion?" Atlanta asked as she approached the group, hands on her head as she watched them.
"Asking why the Admiral hasn't gotten it in with Maryland yet." Arizona told her. Atlanta looked surprised for a moment before looking to Anya.
"So? What's the deal? What're you waiting for?" The Cruiser asked, looking to the woman in a questioning manner as she tapped her fingers impatiently along her waist.
"We think she's inexperienced." Enterprise told her.
"Or shy!" Sydney interjected. "Shy's a good reason too." The Cruiser Answered. Enteprise snapped her fingers at that, nodding in acceptance as Yorktown put a supporting hand on the woman's shoulder.
"It's alright, Admiral." The Carrier offered in support. The blonde only groaned at that, through her palm, as she did so. Those assembled somewhat laughed at the reaction, watching as the woman's hands sunk further into her hands.
"May I ask what this gathering is about?" Constitution asked as she approached with Enterprise at her side. Atlanta, E, and Arizona immediately gestured to the Admiral.
"Trying to figure out what it's gonna take to get this woman and Maryland in a bed together." Atlanta explained. Constitution arched a brow at that, looking more than displeased with the explanation.
"The idea of a commanding officer and someone of a lower rank than she engaging in such activities is not an idea I would like to entertain with any train of thought." The woman answered, crossing her arms as she looked at the various girls assembled.
Anya sighed in relief for a moment.
"But that being said, the fact that Maryland does not have any sisters present on base, now would be the ideal time to take things to the next level before you lose your chance before someone tries to interject." Constitution said simply, Enterprise cackling as she did so.
Anya's relief died in her throat.
"See!" E cheered. "You literally have Constitution herself telling you that this is a good idea!" The carrier confirmed. "And she's like our great great grandmother!"
"I never said it was a good idea." Constitution countered, choosing to ignore the age remark. E jabbed a finger at the frigate.
"But you didn't condemn it!" The carrier said in accusation. Constitution rolled her eyes at that, but eventually, nodding in acceptance at it. "Aha!"
"As childish as this conversation is..." Pennsylvania offered from behind. "You two do seem to be happy when together. I do not see the problem of the two of you getting into a relationship with one another."
"Ohhh? Are we making headway?" Langley asked as she approached from behind, her arms behind her back. "I couldn't help but overhear the topic at hand and simply had to see if anything was fixing to change." The motherly Carrier said with a sweet smile.
"Where are all of you coming from?" Anya asked as she looked up from her hands, looking around as if she was expecting more girls to join their conversation.
Enteprise shrugged at that as she looked to the woman.
"It's almost like you're on a base of humanized warships." The carrier said in reminder. Anya rolled her eyes at that as she crossed her arms.
"Not my point." She said before looking up at Langley. "Can I assume you're here to tease me about Maryland as well?" She asked as she looked to the Carrier. Langley simply offered a smile at that, shrugging her shoulders.
"I would do no such thing." Langley said in response. "I am simply here to see if things are going to change here on base." She offered.
"Yeah, to see if you're gonna make off like a bandit..." Yorktown muttered under her breath. Anya chuckled somewhat at that as she looked to the Carrier a moment before looking back to Enterprise.
"So why is it just me being questioned. Why can't we talk about Akagi? Or Haruna? Or Tenryuu? Or Houshou?" She asked with an arched brow.
"Because you're the Admiral." Enterprise returned.
"And it's the fleet's job to make sure the Admiral is taken care of." Yorktown Answered. Anya rolled her eyes at that.
"Which would be a whole lot easier if you'd just get it over with and get with the program." Atlanta said with a wave of her arms. Anya's eyes lazily wandered to the cruiser, watching her a moment before sighing.
"I think you're overestimating me a little bit there." She said with a hum. "Besides, when I joined the Navy, someone clearly left out the warning that in ten years, I'd both be an Admiral and have a bunch of wise mouthed warships actively discussing my sex life." She said with a roll of the eyes. "I clearly don't remember getting that piece of info." She said.
"So there is a sex life is what I'm hearing." Sydney confirmed. Anya only let out a long, drawn out sigh at that.
"No, there's no sex life. Being an Admiral to you smart mouths makes sure of that." She said. Enterprise smirked at that.
"That's an understatement." She said with a laugh.
"There could be a sex life if you'd just take Maryland to bed and properly take care of her." Yorktown offered. Anya rolled her eyes.
"Christ, I don't even know why I worry about keeping Cynthia away from the base. Even she'd be blushing by now." The blonde said with a huff. "Again, when I joined the navy, this isn't what I expected." She said.
"But you love us anyways." Atlanta said with a shrug, smirking as she did it.
"You're all a bunch of little shits. That goes for you too Langley." Anya said, glancing at the woman.
The carrier simply laughed.
"Technically you're the little shit. Like Atlanta pointed out, you're the youngest of all of us." Lexington offered as she and the Hornets approached, apparently having noted the gathered group.
"I mean, technically King is the youngest one on base. Which makes me even more worried. The guy is only twenty four." She said.
"What? What're you worried about? It's not like one of us is going to end up takin him." Lexington said with a roll of the eyes. Anya shrugged at that.
"Not if Blücher And Ashigara have anything to say about it." Anya told her with a chuckle. Lexington rolled her eyes at that as Enteprise waved an arm.
"We're getting off track! Back to the original subject source. Come on, we all know you wanna get with Maryland!" She said, nodding her head in conviction.
"Did someone say Burning Love?!" A voice called from behind them. Anya offered only a sigh at the voice she immediately recognized.
"E." Anya said in a deadpanned tone.
"Y-Yeah...?" The Carrier slowly asked.
"You are gonna be a ghost by the time I'm done with you." The Admiral said in return.
"Noted." Came the reply as Kongou practically flipped over the group, coming to a stance in front of them as she wheeled on Anya, pointing a finger at the woman.
"Did I hear you're giving your Burning love to Maryland, Dess?!" The Battleship asked in surprise as Dreadnought stepped up next to the woman, simply watching the events unfold from the side. At that, Anya stood from her seat, brushing herself off a moment before laying her hands on Kongou's arms, trying her best to get her to hold still.
"I'm not giving my burning anything to anyone." Anya said, satisfied that the battleship began to hold still ever so slightly. At that, Enterprise, Lexington, And Yorktown looked to Dreadnought.
"Dreadnought, please tell the Admiral that it is okay to date your descendent." Yorktown said. Dreadnought blinked at the request somewhat before frowning somewhat.
"I do not know how much sway I actually hold in this topic of conversation as much as that may be. True, my design went on to influence many of your battleships, giving me some relation to them, but I do not believe that I am permitted to give an opinion on the subject. Perhaps Constitution would be-"
"She already said yes." Enterprise, the schooner Answered. Dreadnought blinked at that as she looked to the woman in question, who nodded.
"Oh..." Dreadnought said after a moment. "Well, in that case, I don't suppose it would hurt to ensure the happiness of those that came about because of my design." The battleship said, more sure of her words this time around. Anya's shoulders sagged somewhat at that, the woman's words cutting her like a knife.
"Have I no allies?" Anya asked in almost a whining tone. Dreadnought offered an apologetic chuckle at that.
"See! You've got Maryland's grandmother agreeing and her mother!" Enterprise said in victory.
"And if she were present..." Pennsylvania offered. "I'm sure Momi would agree as well if she'd had a chance to see the two of you together." She said. Arizona nodded in immediate agreement at that.
"That's three for three!" Enterprise cheered. But before Anya could ask or question just who Momi was, she noted Atlanta pulling her phone from her pocket, watching as she dialed away at the device before holding it up to her ear, a sinking feeling forming the bottom of Anya's stomach.
"Atlanta...?" She asked.
"Well, we already got a yes from three mothers." The Cruiser said. "Let's see what the fourth says."
"The fourth?" Sydney asked in confusion.
"Oh no..." Anya said with an expression of absolute dread. Enterprise looked at Anya with a brief moment of confusion before it clicked, cackling like mad as she looked to Atlanta.
"You actually got the General's number?" She asked with a wicked smirk. Atlanta nodded at that.
"Hell yeah." She said as she changed it to speaker phone, listening to it ring.
"The general?" Constitution asked in confusion. A number of the ship girls who already knew, including both Hornets, Arizona and Pennsylvania, Yorktown, And Enteprise pointed to Anya.
"General Johnson of the United States Air Force. And our Admiral's very own mother." Lexington Answered with a smirk of her own as the sound of the phone ringing sounded through the air, Anya seeming to be the only one that hoped no one picked up on the other end of the call. But her hopes were dashed when the call connected, the other side of the like apparently being answered by someone.
"Hello?" Asked the voice. But it clearly wasn't Nancy answering. It sounded like a small child. Atlanta looked surprised for a moment as Anya sighed at that, taking a step towards the phone.
"Jason?" Anya called. Immediately, the voice on the other end became excited.
"Auntie!" The small child exclaimed. Anya chuckled somewhat at that as she spoke again.
"Jason, sweetie, can you give the phone to your mom or dad?" She asked In a kind voice. Jason made a noise of affirmative at that, what sounded to be running sounding through the phone. At that, Hornet, CV-8 looked to Anya for an explanation. "My nephew." She Answered.
A moment later, the phone was seemingly handed off to someone else, they speaking to the assembled group now.
"Anya?" Jill, her sister in law asked. Anya sighed.
"I don't suppose I could simply talk you into hanging up the-" Anya tried but suddenly found herself unable to speak as someone, she identified as Langley, slapped a hand over her mouth as the carrier narrowed her eyes at the woman.
"Don't listen to her." Atlanta said for her. "Look, we're looking for Nancy. Could you put us on with her?" The Cruiser asked.
"It's really important." Enterprise said in agreement.
"Uber important." Lexington added.
"Errr, is... Anya Alright? This isn't a hostage call, right?" Jill asked, sounding more than unsure of what she was listening to.
"Yeah, yeah she's gonna be fine and all that." Atlanta said. Anya rolled her eyes at that as she simply resigned herself to watching whatever this was becoming play out.
"So it's not a hostage call... can I get a name then?" Jill asked. Atlanta made a noise of confirmation.
"Light Cruiser Atlanta."
"Carrier Enterprise."
"Carrier Lexington."
"Carrier Langley."
"Battleship Arizona."
"Oh.... ship girls. Okay, that makes me feel a lot better." Jill said. "Unfortunately, you're out of luck. Nancy forgot her phone here and she won't be back for some time." The woman Answered. "Sorry."
Anya let off a sigh of relief.
"But if you're really committed to this, it's not the same, but Mr. Johnson is here." Jill offered.
Anya wanted to scream.
"Ooooo, ooooh! Give him the phone! Give him the phone!" Sydney practically screeched in agreement. Atlanta nodded in agreement at that as she did so.
"That'll be fine. Thank you." The Cruiser said. Jill gave a noise of acknowledgment as the woman presumably began to go hunt down the man in question. As she did so, all eyes present slowly wandered to the blonde at the center of the discussion.
Her green eyes were alight with fury.
Most simply laughed.
A minute later, the phone made another noise as someone else seemed to bring it up to their ear. "Hello?" A man's voice asked.
"General Johnson?" Atlanta Asked, the Admiral's first ship girl watching the woman smugly as she asked the question.
"That's me." Fredrick Answered. "Jill told me who this is. So what can this old man do for ya, Atlanta?" He asked.
"Such a gentleman." Dreadnought commented, Kongou nodding in agreement as all eyes focused on the phone.
"We wanna know what you think of the idea of your daughter, youngest, ending up hand in hand with a battleship?" The Cruiser asked with a hum, kicking her legs in amusement as her eyes never left Anya's.
The Americans were gonna lose a light cruiser, Anya was sure of it.
She was gonna strangle her herself.
"The idea of Anya ending up with a battleship?" Fredrick asked, though his tone was already making Anya incredibly nervous.
It's not that he had a problem with these kind of things.
It's the problem that he always went four steps over the edge.
"Well, I suppooose I'd be fine with it as long as I'm still walking my little girl down the aisle." Was the man's response.
Anya's eyes closed in defeat as practically every other pair of eyes present slowly widened as they looked to Anya in some unholy combo of surprised and victorious.
The Admiral screamed into Langley's hand.
"If I might ask however, which battleship are we talking about." The man inquired. "It isn't by chance Maryland is it?" He asked. At that, Atlanta nodded as she looked back to the phone, with some surprise.
"It is.. actually. How did you know?" The Cruiser asked. The man chuckled, filling Anya with a brief sense of panic.
Did he know it was supposed to be a secret?
"Oh I just figured as much after how much Nancy went on about her. Low and behold, both she and Daisy really seemed to like her quite a lot. And combining that with the fact that Anya's grandfather was stationed aboard her during the war, I can The two of them being a perfect match. I'd be more than happy to have Maryland as a daughter-In-law." He said.
"Mom and Dad have approved!" Lexington cheered.
"And eldest sister. And with us, we all know how much weight that holds." Hornet added.
Kongou's eyes lit up with amusement as she eyed the Admiral with wonder.
Constitution, despite herself, allowed a small chuckle to sound off.
Arizona simply offered the Admiral a grin.
"Uh, I don't suppose Anya's present, is she?" Mr. Johnson asked after a moment. Atlanta nodded.
"She is. Would you like to speak to her?" The Cruiser asked.
"I would, yes." The man replied. Atlanta nodded at that as she stood, walking to Anya who was now being released by Langley. At that, Atlanta presented the phone to her with an open hand.
"Admiral, the General So respectfully requests your presence." The Cruiser said with a slight bow. Anya grumbled to herself a moment before taking the phone, switching it off of speaker as she brought up to her ear.
"Hi dad." Anya greeted, glaring daggers that those assembled before her. They stifled laughs and giggles.
"Hi Anya." Her father returned the greeting. "Your uh, your girls sound like quite the rambunctious group of people." He said. Anya huffed.
"Make no mistake. The ship girls are powerful to be sure, but I'm quickly realizing just how much of little shits they're capable of being. And this isn't even a fraction of them." Anya said. Her father laughed as Atlanta held her hands to her chest, as if she'd been shot, before slowly falling over backwards. Anya scowled at the woman as she did so.
"Clearly they're not bugging you that much. Even with all this, I've heard you worked up before, Anya. And you don't even sound a fraction of what that is." He said in response. "Plus, they sound like they're having a good time, albeit teasing you. Figured you wouldn't want me saying anything about what your mother told me. I'm happy for you, I really am. But there a reason you're keeping it from them?" He asked. Anya glanced at the girls assembled for a moment before shrugging.
"Like I said, they're all a bunch of little shits." Anya said with no remorse or regret. "But...." she sighed. "I love em anyways."
"Awwwwwwwwwwww!" Lexington gushed, clapping her hands to her face in mock surprise. "The Admiral is gay!" She cheered.
Anya immediately scowled again.
Her father, apparently having heard the declaration, laughed from his end.
"Based on that sudden announcement, I'm guessin that they don't exactly know yet then." He said. "That's fine Though."
"Yeah. Anyways, Dad, I'm gonna have to call this short. I'll talk to you later." She said. Her father made a noise of affirmative.
"It's Quite Alright." He returned. "And in case I don't get the chance to say so, Happy early birthday." He said. Anya smiled despite herself at that.
"Thank you. Bye." She said before ending the call, bringing the phone down from her ear. Looking up from it, her eyes darted from it to both Atlanta and Enterprise, The Cruiser And Carrier immediately cackling.
"We're two of your first ship girls! You won't do anything to us!" Atlanta cheered. Anya rolled her eyes as she tossed the phone back to the cruiser, Atlanta catching it with ease as the Admiral let out a long, drawn, sigh.
"Admiral?" A voice asked from a distance as she grew closer. But Anya went rigid somewhat, and she knew the voice immediately. But she didn't even need to guess who it was based on the way most of those present seemed to quiet down almost immediately. Turning, she slowly brought her gaze to one need no introduction Colorado class Battleship and her Heavy cruiser lead companion.
"Is everything here Alright?" Admiral Hipper asked as she neared the blonde, standing next to her. If Anya noticed the way Enteprise, Atlanta, Arizona, Lexington, or Langley seemed to bristle at the sight of the cruiser being so close to her, she didn't comment on it.
"I'm being bullied." Anya replied in turn, closing her eyes as she leaned her head on the cruiser's shoulder.
"Bullied?" Maryland asked as she stood on the woman's other side, her eyes lazily wandering over the assembled group of ship girls a moment before looking back to Anya.
Subtly, ever so slightly, Anya winked at the battleship, Maryland only offered a slight nod.
"Bullied." Anya said as she let out a sigh as she got off of Hipper a moment as she turned to face the woman.
"Bullied about what?" Maryland asked, arching her brows as she looked to the woman. Anya offered a long sigh in response as she approached the battleship.
"They're bullying me about why I haven't finally gotten around to asking you out." Anya said, a mischievous smirk trying to very hard to pull at her lips. But she kept it contained. Had to. "But..."
"But." Maryland echoed, slowly letting her hands wander to the woman's waist, trying her hardest to ignore the widening expressions of those watching.
"But..." Anya offered in a tone that was sounding more and more less like her normal one. "If I'm being totally honest with myself here, if I'm really being honest here, honestly..." She trailed off.
"Yes?" Maryland asked, finding it very hard to hide the smile that wanted to tug away at her lips.
"Honestly, i'd rather have you take me back to my office...." Anya supplied. Maryland slowly nodded as those watching, Enterprise and Atlanta to be sure, began to ever so slightly lean forwards on the edge of their seats.
"Mhm." Maryland offered, nodding for her to continue.
"Lock the door and strip me down..." Anya continued as she slowly pressed herself to Maryland. For show, Maryland slowly titled the woman's face up to face hers. But as their eyes met, only for the two of them, Green and Periwinkle shone with wicked amusement.
"Hmm." Maryland's answer Came.
"Bend me over my desk and let you have your way...." Anya said slowly, but sure enough to where those watching could hear her. And ever so slowly, their faces grew closer and closer to one another, their lips only inches apart at this time. Anya swore she could hear Sydney hyperventilating.
"And...?" Maryland asked with a hum.
"With only your lips." Anya finished as for a second, it looked as if the two's lips would actually meet, only at the last second for Anya to pull away and out of the battleship's grasp, Mary's hands leaving her waist as the blonde shrugged. "But I'm not being honest." She said in finality.
Maryland simply shrugged as Anya wheeled back to look at the assembled group of ship girls, smirking as she looked over their expressions. Among the most notable was Atlanta, who's mouth was simply hanging open. "Close your mouth Atlanta. That's how you catch bugs. Anyways, I'm out. Toodles." The blonde said with finality as she offered a wave in passing as she walked off in a direction away from the group.
A second of blessed silence passed.
"No!" Langley screeched as she clamped her hands to the sides of her head.
Maryland And Hipper traded a glance before shrugging to one another and continuing on their way, leaving those assembled in silence.
"Inexperienced my ass." Sydney chortled.
"Y-Yeah." Enterprise stammered.
"A-Agreed." Atlanta followed.
Kongou's eyes shone brighter.
"Dear lord." Pennsylvania rolled her eyes.
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