A Meeting Of Old Allies
A/N: So hi there. Figured what better time to come off my break than the day before an election like the one we're presented with today. I'm just ready for it to be over, one way or the other.
Besides that, chapters should resume a normal posting routine but I can't say for sure.
To those of you who started following me during my absence, welcome to my humble abode.
Oh. Oh yeah. Forgot. Hell Yis for the Cubs.
"Yuudachi! Stop cheating!" Harusame yelled as she reached over, trying to knock the destroyer's controller free from her hands so that the pinkette could actually get an attack in edgewise without her sister's endless shenanigans and disturbingly natural skill at the game. But, Yuudachi was holding her sister of without concern, chuckling as she laid her head on Shigure's lap, freeing her to freely plant her feet firmly on Haru's stomach, keeping the destroyer at bay as she knocked out the chosen Avatar for the umpteenth time in the last ten minutes. Harusame only watched in defeat as Princess Daisy was sent flying across the stars, Wii Fit trainer only taunting in response to the action.
"Come on Harusame! You can't let Yuu when!" McCalla called as she navigated her character to jump over Bristol's, who's was currently moving with no sense of goal at all. For the most past, Bristol was moving her character around the area about as well as a chicken with no head. The younger destroyer only chuckled as she easily avoided the character as she went to tangle with Yuudachi's avatar to prevent another knockout, now pitting Samus against the trainer.
As she did so, a few more members of the allied fleet walked into the room, freshly dried off and repaired. Shouho, Zuihou, and Ryuujou were just now walking into the room. Going to a couch of their own, the three plopped down. Well, the first two did. RJ was busy stuffing the front pockets of her new hoodie with some of the candy laying out on the table, much to the annoyance of the eight caught up in their game.
Ryuujou only shrugged their concerns away as she went back to the other two carriers, splitting her treasure haul among them as they began to converse with each other.
Turning back to their game, the eight continued to battle it out, albeit taking time out to snack upon their sugary treats as they did so. As they did so, Ryuujou looked to the other three non-destroyers in the room.
"I thought Arizona and Haruna were supposed to be here as well. What gives?" She asked, looking at the three. Tatsuta pointed to the ceiling as Mutsu answered the girl's question.
"Arizona and Haruna have retired to the bedroom. Their earlier meal was quite filling from what I hear and they went swimming afterwards. Needless to say, they're pretty exhausted, on top of the fact that Arizona has never once taken a sortie that took so long to sail one way, like the one we have just completed." Mutsu said, looking at the carrier. The light carrier blinked for a moment before giving a small nod in response.
"So they're asleep...? Then I guess that means we shouldn't count on them showing up at lunch later on." She said. Mutsu shrugged.
"You probably shouldn't count on a lot of the girls being at lunch. I know both Yamato-san and Musashi-san each have over twelve hours of repair left to go." Mutsu said, looking to the girl. RJ only nodded as Zuihou nodded at the info.
"That's what happens when an island country like ours builds ships like those two. Of course repair is going to be ridiculous for the two of them." She said. The Japanese ships within earshot of that, mostly the two carriers next to her, Mutsu, and Tatsuta look to the girl in curiosity with San Diego sitting as a listener, not wanting to get involved especially since she's sitting directly in between the second of the Tenryuu's and the second of the Nagato's.
"What's that supposed to mean, huh?" Ryuujou asked. "Yamato-san and Musashi-san are good Ships." She said, defending the two super battleships. Zuihou nodded.
"I'm not saying that they aren't. But think about it. We have Yamato and Musashi, who with any sort of serious damage, are out for hours on end. Where as the Americans, who first and foremost, can easily outnumber our battleships, are much more manageable and easier to repair. Not only that, but they can take hits easier than our own nation'a battleships." She said. Tatsuta only chuckled as Mutsu sighed at the statement.
"Taking lessons from World of Warships I see?" She asked in a condescending voice, causing Z to exhibit a light blush upon her cheeks, bothering to say nothing as she looked straight forward. But as she did so, Tatsuta calmed her laughter for a moment, enough to compose herself so she could speak.
"Although Zuihou's statements maybe be a little less than correct, she does have a point in there somewhere. And that is in numbers. As it stands right now, only three of the five American battleships classes on base have only two members within. The New Mexico and Colorado classes have more than that, a feat only matched by our own Kongou class." She said. Mutsu nodded.
"But that is only because at the time, and even to this day, we cannot hope to meet the United States in raw production power. But that does not mean their ships are technologically superior to our own. Nor are their weapons." The battleship explained. Diego gave a brief nod at that, looking to the battleship.
"Torpedo differences come to mind in that regard." She said. Mutsu simply nodded at that as she looked to Tatsuta. The cruiser only chuckled before looking to Diego.
"And what of your opinion on this discussion, Diego-san? We've thus far neglected to seek an outside opinion and you're as much apart of this conversation as any of we are. If not more so since you represent the other country apart of the question at hand." She said. San Diego nodded briefly at that for a moment, composing her thoughts a moment before speaking.
"Well... if we are comparing the tactics and technology of World War Two era Naval ideals, then it can not be wholly restricted to just Japan and the U.S. For one case that comes to mind, our countries pale in comparison in submarine use compared to Germany. And how effectively they put them to use. And we have someone who experienced that fact of life." Diego said, gesturing over to Bristol. Tatsuta nodded at that as the other four blinked in surprise.
"B-Bristol-chan was sunk by a U-boat...?" Shohou asked after a moment, letting it sink in. Diego nodded slowly, looking over to the carrier.
"Yeah, she was. Why's that so shocking?" She asked, scratching her head as she looked to the girl. The light carrier in question shrugged slightly at that.
"I... I don't know. It's just... I guess thinking back to all the times and battles Japan had with American forces, its hard to remember that America was fighting another half of the war on the other side of the world.... it seemed like with how many forces you had in the Pacific, we had the United State's undivided attention in that regard..." she said. Diego shrugged at that.
"I mean, I can see where you're coming from with that, but... being American and knowing for a fact that I personally knew some girls that were fighting their time within the Atlantic, I can't really I say I know how you feel about that..." she said. Shouhou nodded slightly at that as she looked back to the bag of skittles that Ryuujou had secured for her. But as she did so, the game up front paused as a phone began to ring.
Ignoring the cries of annoyance from the girls, Whitney dug through her pocket to retrieve the item of choice, not bothering to see who was calling her as she slid to answer, putting the phone up to her ear as she held the controller out of the reach of Bristol, Mervine, and Yuudachi. The three of which, who were currently trying to climb over the woman to unpause the game. Whitney only laughed in response as she answered.
"Hello?" She asked into the phone as she was somewhat tackled to the couch by the three destroyers. Laying on her back now, keeping the three at bay with her knees, she focused on her call.
"Hawkson? This you?" Came the voice of Admiral Hayfield. Whitney nodded as she briefly stopped with the rough housing destroyers as she focused solely on what the man was about to say.
"Yes, its me sir. Is there something you need?" She asked. Although she couldn't see it, Hayfield nodded as he replied to the woman.
"I was calling to get an update on the repair times left. Specifically the carriers of the fleet. I might have something that they could find enjoyable and thought I'd see how things are going." He said. Whitney blinked for a moment before looking up over the couch, her black hair failing around her shoulders as she spied the three light carriers.
"Well... I'm looking at Ryuujou, Shouhou, and Zuihou right now. And I'm pretty sure that Zuikaku is repaired as well. But as for the others, I'm not exactly sure. If I may ask sir, why are you trying to figure this out?" She asked as she watched the three light carriers and now most of the other Kanmusu in the room focus solely on her. Hayfield chuckled.
"All in do time. I'll call you back later so you can get me those other repair times." He said. Whitney nodded at that.
"Should we expect you to drop by here soon...?" She asked. Hayfield shook his head.
"I'll be by later today to pick up the carrier's assuming they're repaired by then." He said. Whitney nodded.
"Understood. We'll talk again soon then, Sir." She said. Hayfield nodded at that, with nothing more needing to be said, hanging up soon after. It wasn't even a few seconds of breathing time before the Kanmusu descended upon Whitney, no shortage of questions to be had.
"Was that the Admiral on base...?" Harusame asked. Whitney nodded as she stared at her phone for a moment, trying to figure just what Hayfield was up to with the carrier's.
"Yeah... that was Hayfield... and he's got something planned for the carriers apparently..." She said, looking back at the three light carriers sitting on the couch together. Some of the other girls did the same, turning to look at at the three. The three indicated ship girls only blinked in response as Shouhou looked at the sailor.
"Did... did the Admiral say what he wanted from us....?" She asked cautiously, suddenly finding herself quite nervous. Mutsu and Tatsuta chuckled at this as they watched the three. Whitney shook her head at the question, shrugging as she did so.
"No. He only said for right now that he wants to see when the carrier's repairs will finish. So I don't know exactly what he has planned for later..." She said. Harusame chuckled as she looked at the three carriers.
"Maybe it's something lewd...." she said, giving the three a sly grin. The three preceded to give worried expressions at that, causing Shigure to whap her sister on the head as Tatsuta shook her head, much like Whitney was doing. The American even gave a roll of the eyes for good effect.
"Yeah... no. Admiral Hayfield isn't one to even toy with that kind of idea. He won't stand for improper relationships within Rank and such activities between commanding officer and their subordinates. He's proven time and time again that he follows this code strongly." She said, eliciting a short chuckle from Diego.
"Well, from the sound of that, sounds like Mary's Admiral Fetish is a dying dream." She said, causing Whitney to arch a brow.
"Maryland likes Admiral Johnson...?" Whitney asked, somewhat surprised. Diego shrugged at that.
"Why are you so surprised. With ninety of us in one fleet, one of us is bound to have feelings for the woman in charge. It's just like Kongou and Ishigara. But Maryland can be.... bold at times..." Diego said with a half chuckle. Mutsu stifled a laugh as she looked to the cruiser.
"Are discussing the time when Maryland tried to get the Admiral to join her? By sneaking into her room in the middle of the night?" She asked. Diego nodded at that.
"Yeah. Admiral was irritable all day because of that. And we haven't even been summoned for a month. Maryland's trying to move fast with this." She said. Mutsu chuckled as she nodded at that.
"But the question is this." The battleship said. "Are Mary's ideas just going to remain that? Or is Admiral Johnson going to give in eventually?" Mutsu asked. Diego shook her head.
"No. I mean, I want Mary to be happy just like everyone else I assume, but let's go over the facts. First off, Admiral is not gay. Not even a little. Secondly, her family is of proud Military Origin. I don't see those two going hand in hand very easily..." she said. Mutsu shrugged.
"But we do know that is not the same for her sister." Tatsuta said. "Cynthia was it...? Yes, well she seems to be the odd one out in her family. And with that being said, she is Anya-san's older sisters. Perhaps the younger will be convinced by the wiser..." she giggled lightly. Diego shook her head.
"I don't know. The Admiral seems pretty adamant about not letting Maryland anywhere near herself in such a... lewd way. I find it hard to believe that Admiral would consider such an option." She said. Whitney slowly nodded at all of this.
"Uh-huh..." she said slowly. "And Admiral
Johnson is showing no signs of giving into Maryland's requests..?" She asked after a moment. At that phrase however, the quiet meaning behind the words registered to the girl's, most certainly to San Diego, who stood up in defiance.
"Hey! Don't you go blabbing any of this to Hayfield! Especially this conversation. I don't want the Admiral to lose her job and I think a lot of the other girls would agree!" Diego said adamantly, suddenly going rigid at the idea of her Admiral being fired because of something that she revealed. Hands on her hips, she watched Whitney with a confident stare, one that Whitney met head on as the room quieted down in an unsettling way.
It was only after a few moments however that Whitney finally nodded, accepting the girl's actions as true as she turned towards the door. "I didn't hear a thing." She said, walking from the room, leaving the girl's in a confused manner as she did so.
Stretching her arms, Whitney walked into the lobby of the room as she looked around. Seeing no one there at the current moment, she took a long look up the stairs where she knew that Arizona and Haruna had retreated to a while ago. But, figuring that disturbing the two battleships from their slumber and possible other activities didn't sound wise to her conscious. So Whitney tossed the thought from her mind as she stayed on course for the docks, not sure what she would find when she walked through the door.
And as it so happened, the underlying aspect of complete chaos when it came to dealing with the Kanmusu didn't seem to be present. Given the fact that most of the destroyers were already finished with their repairs, this gave most of the heavier classes girls time to relax and just talk for once.
Of course, there were still some destroyers present. The Akatsuki class and Shimakaze were still undergoing repairs. But for the most part, they were being tame. Shimakaze was content as she talked with the Renshou, too busy with that to worry herself with anything else.
And the Akatsuki sisters were talking amongst themselves as well, Akatsuki and Hibiki sharing a dock as they chatted quietly with Inazuma and Ikazuchi, much to the relief of everyone after dealing with what had been the Bristol incident earlier that day. But other than that, nothing notable had happened.
Taking only a glance around, she began to make her way for the center console cluster where Rushman was seated within. Too already occupied with something on screen, the good doctor didn't look up when Whitney opened the door, slipping inside of the room alongside her before closing the door behind her.
"How goes things?" Whitney asked, looking at the doctor. Rushman gave no verbal response, instead electing for a simple thumbs up as she continued to tap away at her keyboard. Arching a brow, Whitney shook her head before looking around at the various still occupied docks.
"Long story short. Hayfield wants to gather up the carriers for some sort of field trip. So if you wouldn't mind, I need to know how much each one has left." She said, watching the doctor expectantly. Rushman nodded, leaning back in her chair as she removed her glasses. Pinching the bridge of her nose for a moment, she placed her glasses on the desk in front of her as she moved her attention a monitor raised higher than the others. Standing, she activated it, causing it to come to life. And when it did, Whitney was surprised with what she saw.
"Are those reports... on all the girls...?" She asked as she looked at the screen. Rushman nodded, watching the object for a moment before tapping some more on screen, eventually resulting in only a few boxes remaining on screen. Upon further inspection, Whitney realized that these boxes, five in total, corresponded with each of the five still remaining carriers.
"According to this..." Rushman said, crossing her arms. "The carrier nearest completion in terms of repairs is going to be Coral Sea. She had just under an hour remaining. Your longest waits going to be with Midway and Shokaku, the two of them having about eight hours left between the two of them." She said. Whitney nodded at that, sighing.
"That's... not exactly what I wanted to hear, but I guess it is to be expected..." she said, crossing her arms. Rushman nodded as she looked out the glass, straight to Midway's bay. And to her surprise, she was sitting against the back wall of her dock because Franklin was sitting in between her legs. And the same for Franklin, being pressed against her older sister as the youngest of the three sat in front of Franklin. The three seemed to be braiding each other's hair to pass the time. Well, Midway and Franklin were. Midway seemed to be holding a conversation with Shokaku and Cabot who had taken to doing the same activity in the next dock over. The white headed carrier was seated behind the light carrier as she played with different styles.
"The Midway sisters aren't actual triplets right?" Whitney asked. "I know they weren't laid down nor commissioned on similar days with one another so I'm just somewhat confused." Whitney said. Rushman shook her head, looking back at the sailor as she slipped her reading glasses back upon her nose, pushing them back as she did so.
"By all we know about how that kind of stuff worked, no. The Midway sisters aren't actually triplets by human standards. But then again, what about human standards can we apply to these girls? Their strength? Their resistance to anything? Their looks? No, we can't compare anything that we know about humanity to them. And that's one of the best things about them. For all we know, the gateway could've made them totally different. It could've made every single one of these girls look identical in every way. It could've given them the emotion scale of a rock." Rushman said. Whitney only chuckled as she looked at the doctor before looking back at the girls.
Looking back to the Midway sisters, she then looked to a new group. She soon found Chicago, Atago, and Takao within a conversation of their own. The American of the group seemed to be telling some sort of story to the sisters, the three having moved to one dock to make it easier. Chuckling, Whitney continued to go down the line, seeing what the various girls present were up to. For the most part, the girls seemed pretty content with their current situation. Looking at Dr. Rushman once more, she nodded before turning and leaving the small console area, now walking for the group of carriers.
Coral Sea saw her coming, and in turn looked to her as she offered a wave. This of course stopped the ongoing conversation amongst them as they other four carriers present turned their heads to look at the woman as well.
"Hello Whitney-san? What can we do for you?" Shokaku asked as the woman drew closer. Whitney only smiled in return as she looked to the carrier before looking to the other members briefly before looking back down to Shokaku.
"Personally, there isn't much. I've actually only come to notify you girls of a development in your day. Apparently, after your repairs, Hayfield has some plan for your day. I don't know what it includes but he seems pretty sure of it." She said. Shokaku only nodded a moment at this as Coral laughed at this.
"Maybe he wants to have us all to himself." She chuckled. This of course prompted Shokaku to break out into deep blush as Franklin wapped Coral upside the back of the head, shaking her head in mild annoyance.
"Don't be saying stuff like that, you twat. Especially when I'm this exposed and close to you." Franklin scolded. Midway made no offer of objection, silently watching her sister's as Coral rolled her eyes.
"What the heck are you going on about? I'm not about to start groping you if that's what you're worried about. And technically, I'm the one that should be worried about something like that. You're the one that has advantage here." Coral huffed, glancing back over her shoulder at Franklin for only a moment before turning back around.
Franklin blinked at this, adjusting to this information for a moment, before a lecherous grin began to form upon her lips. Giving a preemptive squeeze, the carrier began to sneak her hands around her younger sister's sides before being flicked in the back of the head. Hard.
Instinctively putting a hand over the spot where she had been struck, as if to protect it from further harm, she turned to look at the one responsible. This of course came in the form of Midway, watching her second youngest sister with a sense of un-amusement even though the carrier had the emotional scale of a rock. Franklin only rolled her eyes as she sighed in slight annoyance, getting comfortable once again by laying back against Midway's chest, putting the second oldest carrier's chest on display for those looking on. This mostly consisted of Whitney, but she wasn't very much concerned with the size of Franklin's ballast tanks.
No, Whitney was more concerned with something else. And that was the simple fact that the fleet seemed to be missing a carrier. Looking to Shokaku, she voiced this, looking at the girl.
"Where is Zuikaku? Wasn't she here earlier?" She asked. Shokaku blinked before looking around.
"Well... she was... but that was before Emily-san used the repair buckets on her, Arizona-san and Haruna-san." She said. Whitney blinked in response at that for a moment before sighing.
"That was quite a while ago. Hmmm... and you haven't seen her since then...?" She asked. Shokaku shook her head, prompting Whitney to sigh at that. "Alright... I'll check around, see if I can find her." She said, standing soon after. Shokaku nodded in response, taking one last glance at the American before turning back to the carrier sisters.
"Surprise, surprise. Now this is quite the sight..." The Timor Empress chuckled as she watched the approaching group of six. Leaning against the dark, damp wall of the exit to the depth of the Indian Ocean, she watched as the newcomers to the Indian Abyssal Base dried themselves off.
The figure standing across the hall only watched the group quietly, studying each one as she watched them. But it didn't last long as the one standing next to her shuffled her feet, placing a hand on the woman's shoulder.
"Careful Zanj. I sense trouble...." The Arabian Empress said. Zanj only nodded in response, going back to watching the group.
It was easy to see who had come through the doorway from the depths. The two most notable figures of course were Atlantic and Pacific, two of the five Queens of the Abyssals. Some of the Empress's wouldn't dare approach the two. But for the most part, it was Empress's under the command of Indian and Southern. There was a clear divide between the two groups. And this was just as evident for the three Empress's watching the six. Allies. That's all the two Queens and their forces were. Not friends. Not comrades. Only Allies. Necessary allies at that.
As for the other four with the two, they were Empress's. Easily recognizable was the two forms of Caribbean and Mediterranean. Even if they didn't trust them, the three Empress's knew of the two's reputation when it came to getting things done. But that didn't make them any less unfavorable. Respect for the Job, that's all it was.
As for the other two, the three Empress's under the command of the Indian Queen couldn't think of a better joke if they tried. Bering and Philippine if they recalled correctly. Pathetic in their own right, the two of them only served to be insufferable annoyances when they were together. Which was always.
Shaking her head in slight annoyance at the unknowns in this situation, Timor finally stepped off of the wall, crossing her arms as the golden eye haze marking her as an Empress flared, her attitude at a boiling point as she watched the six.
"So just what in the hell do you think you all are doing here? You can't just show up whenever you damn well please." She said. This of course prompted Arabian and Zanj to give quiet sighs as the third of their group was successful in alerting them to their presence. And with it, the careful eyes of the Pacifc and Atlantic Queens.
Trading a glance with one another, as if silently discussing the act of being greeted in such a way, the two began to walk forward, their empress's trailing behind. Despite the reputation the two held for their abilities, they were not to full of themselves to hold a pleasant conversation with Bering and Philippine, something that the two Empress's seemed to greatly appreciate.
"Careful of how you address your betters..." Pacific said in a cautious tone. Atlantic only chuckled at that as she looked around for a moment as the group came to a stop in front of the Empress's, Zanj and Arabian now standing to either side of Timor.
"I asked why the hell you're here. There ain't nothing to dance around. And forget being addressed like Royalty. Indian is the only Queen in my book. You two are just.... nuisances that we are forced to keep out of necessity." She huffed. The two Queens only arched their brows at this, watching the Empress in an amused fashion as the two Empress's standing behind Timor face palmed. The four Empress's behind the two Queen's were watching with mild interest, keeping a careful eye on their Queens and found themselves surprised at how lenient they were being. But the Queen's paid them no mind, still focusing in on Timor and her apparently too big for her own good mouth.
"Interesting. Is Indian in?" Atlantic asked, watching the Empress. Timor placed her hands on the back of her head as she nodded slowly.
"Sure. She's around here somewhere. Southern is here too. Don't know what she's here for though." She said. The two Queens nodded at that, preceding to walk past the Empress, their own groups following. This was when Timor spoke again. "So... why does Pacific keep the two of you around?" She asked, looking at Bering and Philippine. The two Empress's only blinked in response as they looked at the woman.
"W-what do you mean? Queen Pacific trusts us." Bering offered in response. Philippine nodded at this, somewhat hiding behind Bering as they looked at the Empress. Timor looked unconvinced, arching a brow at this.
"Is that so? Because I don't think I could find more pathetic excuses for Empress's anywhere else on this planet." She chuckled, raising a hand to Bering, dragging a nail along the other's arm, drawing a small amount of blood from the girl. This caused the Empress to give a squeak of pain as she looked at her arm with wide eyes, an expression that Timor seemed to relish.
Caribbean and Mediterranean made moves to intervene between the seemingly hostile Empress and their allies, but someone beat them to it.
Where Timor was once standing on her own two feet, she now found her head being jerked back by her hair as she now found a sharp, jagged blade of a knife being pressed to her throat. Standing over her, the one preforming such an action was none other than Pacific, the white haze of her eyes having gone almost a negative white, turning Pacific's pupils a deep black as the Queen's anger began to boil over.
"Listen here you little bitch." Pacific snarled, pressing the blade an inch further. "Those two are mine. Those two are my Empress's. And I don't take it lightly when some skank like you comes along and does what you just did. Now, you know what I'm going to have to tell Indian because of this little situation?" Pacific asked, her voice unrelenting. Timor only rolled her eyes as she shrugged, unimpressed by the Queen's show of intimidation. That's when Pacific jerked the girl's head back further by the hair as she dug the knife all the way in to her neck with a clean slice, causing Timor's eyes to suddenly go wide as she looked at Pacific in a very panicked motion, soon grabbing hold of the Queen's wrists to try and stop the motion. But soon enough, it was proved to be good for nothing as the Abyssal's body went slack, the golden haze of the Empress being snuffed out like a candle.
"She's gonna need a new Empress." She huffed, dropping the head of the former Timor as she watched the body slump to the floor, black blood now pooling where her head should have been. Wiping her knife clean with a piece of Timor's outfit, she slipped it away as she turned to her Empress's, meeting Bering's eyes, an action that prompted the girl to flinch.
Shaking her head, Pacific kneeled to the girl as she looked at her. "May I see where she cut you?" She asked in a kind tone. Bering blinked for a moment before removing her hand from the injury, showing it to her Queen. From there, Pacific saw where Timor had drawn blood from the girl. Sighing, Pacific licked her thumb for a moment before gliding it down the arm of the girl over the cut. Hissing in pain, Bering watched as the saliva of the Queen began to both stop the bleeding and began to heal the cut all within a few seconds. Blinking, she looked back to Pacific.
"Uh.... thank you...?" She said in a timid fashion. Pacific only smiled as she ruffled the girl's hair before standing, going back to Atlantic's side, who was still staring at the unmoving form of Timor.
"Was that really necessary...?" She asked. Pacific only chuckled as she shrugged.
"Probably not. But what's done is done." She said, looking to Zanj and Arabian. "Can the two of you take us to Indian without ending up like your friend...?" She asked. The two Empress's only gave nods in response as they promptly turned and began to walk down the corridor, leading the group of six.
As they did so, much like when Pacific had showed up to Atlantic's base, Abyssals of various typings and classes bowed to them. But much unlike Atlantic's base, some of them were hesitant, and only bowed at the last moment before returning to their previous duties. Not going unnoticed by the two Queen's, they shrugged it off as they kept walking. But only for a few more feet before Atlantic was nothing short of run over in her tracks by a band of Childish Empress's playing tag.
"Lazarev! You gained another casualty!" One laughed as she looked at the girl laying across the Queen that she had crashed into. The girl in question only giggled in response as another spoke up.
"I don't know Somov. She didn't hit her that hard. She can walk it off." She laughed, clutching her hands to her stomach as she did so. Somov only laughed as she nodded, looking back at the girl who had spoken.
"So true Riiser. So true..." she laughed before she and Riiser stepped forward and began to haul Lazarev up and off of Atlantic, an action that was answered with Pacific picking the Queen up off of the ground as she chuckled to herself.
"Little brats..." Atlantic muttered under her breath. Pacific rolled her eyes as she patted the Queen on the cheek with a gentle hand as if to anchor her down so that the Queen wouldn't lose control here. She needed the other Queen on her A-game and going psychotic here and now certainly wasn't going to do anyone any good.
"Easy Atlantic. You know how Southern likes to train her Empress's..." Pacific said in a gentle voice. Atlantic rolled her eyes as she gazed down at the three newcomers.
"You mean not at all? Right? Because that's exactly how much she trains them." She huffed.
"Hey! Southern trains us just fine!" Somov replied in protest, Riiser and Lazarev offering nods in reply. Pacific and Atlantic only rolled their eyes in response at this, prompting the three Empress's to pout in response. Paying them no mind however, Atlantic looked to Arabian.
"Where is Indian from here?" She asked as they came across a intersection in the hallways. The Arabian Empress in turn pointed straight ahead to a rather lavish looking double door, being guarded by not one. Not two. But a total of four Re-Class battleships. Their tails fidgeting wildly, the four Abyssals watched the two Queens with an unusually high amount of caution, as if daring one of them to try and get inside. But before any of the four could possibly end her life early, Arabian stepped up to the four.
"Let us pass. These two need to see Indian and Southern." The Empress said in her usual calm demeanor. Behind her, Zanj only nodded as she kept an eye on the two Queens behind her. In the back of the group, the three Empress's under the command of Southern brought up the rear, keeping the fairly unwelcome guests in their sight at all times.
Back to the four Battleships, they watched Arabian for a moment before looking between one another. After a moment of deliberation in silence, the four tailed battleships stepped aside, allowing the group of eleven access to the room behind.
Nodding in response, Arabian stepped from the lead as Pacific and Atlantic began to walk forward, the former taking no time in pushing the door open.
But what they found surprised them. They had been expecting this to be Indian'a throne room. Or some sort of training compound.
Not the Brute Queen's bedroom.
Not had they expected to find Indian half asleep with a very content Southern snuggled to her side, the two buried under what looked like four different blankets.
"I... was unaware that Indian and Southern were involved.... with each other..." Pacific said after a moment as the group walked into the room. Arabian shrugged, crossing her arms as she looked at the Queen.
"You'd be surprised what you'd know here if you would stop by a little more often. And if memory serves me correctly, last time I was at the Pacific base, Pacific's bed seemed to be a little... too messy for just one person to be the culprit." She said, taking a sideways glance to Atlantic, an action that prompted a glare from the Queen.
Shaking her head, Arabian looked to Riiser and Somov.
"Riiser. Somov. Wake them." She said. The two Empress's only looked surprised at the command for a moment before giggling madly and darting forward, taking no time to just into the air and crash down. Not only onto Indian's bed, but onto the sleeping Queen's themselves, much to Atlantic and Pacific's surprise.
"Energetic... aren't they..?" Pacific asked slowly. Arabian only nodded as she stood quiet with Zanj as they watched the after effect of the two's jump began to take effect, the two Queen's now stirring awake as the two Empress's atop them only giggled madly. The first to awaken was Indian, the two visiting Queens now worried for Somov's safety and bodily health, should she be prepared to lost a limb or head in the next few seconds.
Somov only smiled as she looked down at the Queen below her as the White Haze began to flutter through the air as Indian fully came to.
"What..... are you doing...?" Indian asked in a quiet, almost serene voice. Somov only giggled as she pecked Indian's cheek with a kiss, an action that Indian made no move to halt.
"You have visitors. Atlantic and Pacific are here." She said. Indian arched a brow at that, clearly not having expected such a happening. After a moment, the Queen nodded in response.
"Very well...." She said, gently rolling the Empress off of her and onto Southern, where Riiser already was. They didn't have to wait long though, as the sleeping Queen wrapped her arms around the two, snuggling them to her in her sleep, something that the two Empress's only giggled at as they snuggled their Queen right back, the two of them pressing their cheeks against hers. Indian watched this a moment before chuckling to herself, scratching her head as she sat up, holding the blanket to herself. And to no surprise, she found Atlantic and Pacific there, watching her.
"So... what can I chalk this visit up to? Just for the hell of it? For old time's sake? Or just for simple annoyances?" She asked, looking between the two. Atlantic rolled her eyes at this as Pacific nodded.
"Somewhere along those lines you could suppose. We're here with a proposition. One for both you and Southern." She said, her eyes briefly darting to the still sleeping Queen. Glancing at her bedmate for a moment, she looked back to the two.
"I'm listening... what might it be? A new target? A levying of forces?" She asked, looking to the Queen. Pacific nodded.
"Both, in a way. How much trouble have you had with Arctic and her annoyances?" She asked. Indian sighed at the question, causing both Pacific and Atlantic to exhibit small smirks. Knowing that their troubles were not exclusive to them was a small gift upon itself.
"Since my territory doesn't directly border what is supposedly where she is based, I can't imagine that we've been given the same trouble in terms of that. But, Arctic's been annoyances in more ways than just sinking my forces." She said, sighing as she ran a hand through her jet black locks, the same color that Southern had as opposed to Atlantic and Pacific's white hair.
"And that is...?" Atlantic inquired. Indian sighed.
"Two of my Princess's went turn coat on me, and along with them, the forces they controlled. Last I saw of them, they were making high waters for the North under the escort of Arctic destroyers and air forces. It was only after the fact that we learned they had been in contact with one of Arctic's Empress's, Chukchi."
"Turn Coat? And you let them? I'm surprised. You must be losing your touch." Pacific said in an amused fashion. Indian sent the woman a glare as she sighed.
"Watch your tone. But besides the point, something about Arctic is alluring to the normal Abyssal I haven't a single idea of why. And you're not one to talk. You're the Queen who has the weapons based in her territory and have yet to sink more than five. And the two that you did sink, you failed to recover." Indian said in response. Pacific only rolled her eyes at that, shaking her head.
"I should've had them. I suspect the underwater currents moved their remains to another spot away from the one we were searching. The fact is though, that we have still sunk them and removed them from play." She said. Indian only laughed at that.
"Over a year ago. The weapons no doubt have replaced and bulked their numbers."
"Even more so now than ever, now that another country has sent the call to arms." A voice said. Indian only chuckled as she and the two other Queens looked to the other side of the bed where Riiser and Somov were still snuggled to their Queen. But Southern herself was no longer asleep, her haze now present as she began to sit up somewhat.
"Was wondering when you were going to wake up. How is the Queen of the Secrets?" Atlantic asked. Southern only chuckled.
"Quite well. And actually quite glad that you decided to show up today. With Caribbean no less." She said, gently moving her Empress's off of her before she began to get up, the white dress she usually adorned summoning itself to her body, along with the various accessories. Straightening out her outfit, Atlantic gave the woman an odd look, glancing back to Caribbean.
"What does my Empress have to do with anything...?" Atlantic asked, somewhat moving herself in between Southern and Caribbean. The approaching Queen only chuckled.
"I have no ill intents. I only wish to talk with the girl." She said. "If you'll let me, I promise this has a point to it." She said, looking at Atlantic. The Queen in question only arched a brow, glancing back to Caribbean before giving a slow nod, removing herself from Southern's path, giving the woman a straight shot to Caribbean.
Walking over to the Empress, Southern kept her gaze locked onto the girl as she approached. Caribbean did much the same, albeit taking a few steps back from the Queen. She had heard the legends surrounding Southern. Most of the time, the Queen was a lovable ditz, not having a care in the world. But, few times, few and far between, Southern was sharper than a hawk. And it would seem, that this was gonna be one of those times.
"My Queen...?" Caribbean asked as she watched Southern stop in front of her, glancing to Atlantic. The Queen shrugged as she watched Southern, keeping an eye out should she need to intervene. Southern however made no moves of hostility or aggression towards the Empress, instead kneeling down in front of her as she looked at the girl from below.
"So how was your trip up North?" She asked in a methodical tone, watching the Empress for any signs of sudden nervousness. Caribbean only blinked, causing Southern to chuckle somewhat as she looked to Atlantic.
"Atlantic, you recall, five or six months ago, when some of Arctic's forces grabbed Caribbean and made a run for it?" She asked. Atlantic looked to the Empress before looking to Southern, nodding slowly.
"Yes I recall. I was unable to assist her in a breakout because Arctic had a Princess Fleet on standby. Communication with her was lost for approximately three and a half minutes before she resurfaced, regrouping with out forces." She recalled. Southern nodded.
"At which point, the Princess fleet did what?" She asked. Atlantic blinked.
"They scattered. Why... where are you going with this Southern?" She demanded. Southern held up a hand to calm the Queen.
"Easy. This all has a point, I assure you. Now, three minutes is a fairly short amount of time. And for one such as Caribbean, especially with the skills she has, three minutes in the hands of the enemy is child's play. This is what'd I'd agree on... if I wasn't absolutely sure on one thing." She said, looking down to Caribbean again. The Empress blinked in response as Atlantic looked to the Queen.
"And that is?" She asked. Southern only chuckled.
"That Caribbean never returned to you. At least... not the Caribbean you knew before hand." She said, glancing to the Empress. And that's when she saw the Empress's eyes widen only for the briefest of moments.
"What lunacy are going on about Southern?" Atlantic demanded, taking a step closer to the Queen in question. Southern only continued to speak, ignoring the woman.
"You see, when Caribbean was taken, I had scouts follow the group, in hopes of learning where Arctic was based. Well, in the end, the group practically disappeared. But, before I had time to question it fully, she reappeared. Not visibly hurt at all, she was absolutely fine." She said, looking to Atlantic. The Queen roled her eyes.
"So? She's skilled." She said. Southern shook her head.
"Not that skilled. There was at least four Princesses and an Empress I still haven't put a name to hauling her off. And yet, Caribbean comes out fine. And there was one major problem. My scouts found no remains or evidence of a struggle anywhere within the direct area or the miles of ocean surrounding it. If Caribbean had gotten away, there would have been some sort of remains from her captors. Yet I found none and she returned absolutely normal." She said, looking at the Empress again. Atlantic shook her head in annoyance.
"What are you trying to suggest Southern? That this isn't Caribbean?" She asked whilst placing a gentle hand on Mediterranean's shoulder. No one except Atlantic knew what the two Empress's meant to each other and talk of something wrong was starting to bug the Queen. Southern nodded.
"That's exactly it. Atlantic, I know you have pride in the skill of your Empress's, but humor me for a moment. Given all the unknowns about Arctic's forces, defenses, and tactical ingenuity. Now, say Caribbean was dragged off to an Arctic base somewhere along the northern most point of the Globe. What are the chances of Caribbean having any chance of coming back down to you in the Atlantic without any serious damage, even surviving something like that?" She asked, hands on her hips. Atlantic toyed with the idea for a moment, harboring the thought before sighing.
"Not great. But if that is the case, then what about the Caribbean we have sitting in front of us here?" She asked. Southern nodded as she looked at the Empress again. Around this time, Indian, now dressed, moved to stand behind the girl along with Pacific should trouble arise.
"Good thing you should ask that. Years ago, we all remember how Arctic was even before the War and her traitorous actions. She was closed off, kept to herself. That probably should have been our first clue, but that's beside the point. I paid the base she used back then some visits, when she was bringing up her Empress's to their skills. Met some interesting characters while I did so. Laptev, White, Greenland. All... dangerous. But there was one Empress, Pechora, that I hated Arctic for training. Simple because I couldn't have her for my own. And that was because she had the start of the Infil ability." Southern sighed. Atlantic narrowed her eyes.
"You're saying that I've had a plant among my most trusted circle this entire time?" She demanded. Southern nodded as she watched Caribbean begin to fidget. The girl was looking to Mediterranean for support, but the latter made no move to step to her support should the accusations prove true.
"If you'll grant me a little leniency with how I treat your Empress in your attendance, I'll figure it out once and for all." She said. Atlantic took a final glance at Caribbean for a moment before nodding, pulling Mediterranean to her side as the Empress buried her face in the side of Atlantic's dress. Southern nodded as she looked to Somov.
"The Syringe if you would." She said. The Empress only giggled as she handed the Queen the item sought after, a Syringe filled with what looked to be a cloudy gray liquid. Southern, flicking the needle for good measure, began to bring it towards Caribbean's neck. That's when the Empress snapped, trying to run the other way as she kept her eyes glued to the needle.
Having moved to prevent this, Pacific and Indian clamped their grips onto the girl. Pacific gripped the side of Caribbean's head and her shoulder, keeping them apart for a needle injection as Indian forced the Empress to her knees by kicking her legs out from under her. Southern only smiled somewhat at this.
"I had always wondered what use Arctic had made out of you.... such a wonderful gift, wasted..." she said in a whisper like fashion. Caribbean only struggled against the two Queen's in response, her answer being the force being applied to her body increasing to near bone crushing pressure.
Sighing, Southern made it quick, burying the needle into the girl's neck before pressing the plunger, sending the unknown concoction into the girl's blood system and from there, onto her nervous system, coursing through her body in a matter of seconds.
Screaming in pain, Caribbean's mouth was muffled with a hand from Pacific as Atlantic looked to Southern.
"If you knew something, why not say it earlier?" She asked. "Could've spared Mediterranean this trouble long ago." She said, keeping a gentle hand on the Empress's head.
"I couldn't openly approach you about this. The first problem was that I only recently recalled meeting Pechora. Secondly, I didn't want to alert her too early that I suspected something. So that forced me into the corner of waiting for her to present herself unknowingly. Such as she had done today." She explained as she stood. Atlantic nodded as Pacific looked at the Queen, still holding a writhing Caribbean, who was slowly turning back to Pechora.
"So... Somov has been holding a syringe of that stuff since you figured all of this out?" She asked. Southern nodded as she looked to her three Empress's, ruffling Somov's hair as she smiled.
"All my Empress's do. They carry a variety of tools and chemicals that I may find myself in need of should I be out of reach from one of my sources." She said. "But the infiltration of Atlantic's inner circle does present a problematic and potentially devastating issue to our cause." She huffed. Atlantic nodded.
"How far does the white corruption spread..." Atlantic said. Southern nodded. Southern nodded at this.
"Yes. While the general make up and forces of our Armada's are easily dismantled and replaced, the Empress's can not be treated so causally. Not only are they far above our simple forces, but they are Empress's for a reason, meaning they have earned our trust. Or... in Indian's case... just the next in line." She said, glancing at the Queen. "Speaking of that, where is Timor?" She said, looking around.
Pacific suddenly found herself unable to look at the two Queens as Atlantic chuckled.
"She... needs to get her head on straight. She said she'd be around sometime."
She said, looking to Southern. The Queen only nodded as Indian looked at the two Northern Queens with a watchful eye before sighing.
"Anyways... so why did Arctic send an Empress to infiltrate Atlantic's ranks if the Human's weapons are all based within in the Pacific Territory?" She asked. "That doesn't make sense." She said. Southern nodded.
"True. But you're going and assuming that Arctic's only power play is to get free movement for the Weapons. What we've uncovered here shows us that Arctic is far more involved than we expected. If she's making moves against both Pacifc and Atlantic of this magnitude, she has something planned or is already in the middle of pulling said something off." Southern said as she watched Pechora continue to writhe in pain. Looking to Pacific, she nodded.
"Release her. The change is starting." She said. Pacific nodded, releasing her grip on the girl, sending her falling to the ground to her hands and knees as her body continued to shake in pain. Watching her a moment, Southern looked back up to the other three Queens.
"For the time being, sorting through the Empress's is not an option considering that what Atlantic and Pacific here have come to ask about seems like it requires more immediate actions rather than not." She said. Indian nodded as she looked to the two Queens, crossing her arms as she nodded.
"So... you two want to say what you came here to say?" Indian asked. Pacific nodded.
"We're proposing a close alliance for a Pacific based operation. This is for all intents and purposes, a plan to rid ourselves of the Weapons controlled by the humans. Or... at least a portion of them." She said. Atlantic nodded.
"And while that is going on, no doubt Arctic will have the overwhelming need to play hero and send her forces to save them. And as that is being done, we will send a second force to the Northern Points of Pacific's territory to try and locate some sort of staging base for Arctic's forces. Should we find it, Arctic's doom is all but sealed." Atlantic said. Southern and Indian nodded at this.
"But what's in it for us?" Indian asked, looking to the Queen. Atlantic nodded as she looked to Pacific.
"The fleet that the Humans currently have positioned at the Naval Instillation Pearl Harbor is a well rounded fleet, having all types besides a sub. Should we sink this fleet, their remains will be free to split up and add to our ranks. And with enough members, there be no need for fighting amongst us." She said. The two Queens only nodded at this.
"Fair enough. How much thought have you put into this?" Southern asked. Pacific shrugged.
"Enough to the point where we're not grabbing in the dark. We have the general idea. At this point, we just need to iron out the big details. For instance, we know that myself and Southern would be deployed to face the fleet head on while Atlantic and Indian go north to face Arctic." She explained. Southern nodded at this as she kept an eye on Pechora, who was now starting to change, her previously white hair turning black as her skin seemed to go up two shades of paleness.
"And this layout would have nothing to do with the fact that Pacific may or may not have a grudge against these girls for reasons that don't need to be drawn out?" Indian asked. Atlantic nodded.
"There is that. But for the most part, we would be able to eliminated two birds with one stone. Arctic would be dealt a heavy blow and the Human's will lose a large portion of their weapons, something that may stem the tide of battle in their favor and allow us to focus on eliminating what remains of the various Navies throughout the world." She said. Indian and Southern nodded as the latter hauled Pechora to her feet, gripping her by the arms as she looked to her Empress's.
"Somov. Take Pechora to one of the Submarines and tell them they'll have a guest on board during our trip back. Riiser, contact Haakon and let her know that the fleet needs to begin preparations for a joint operation with Pacific's forces. Have the Empress's scramble their subs and make sure we have a trigger line across the Pacific." She said, looking to the two. The two Empress's nodded as they went about their designated tasks, Somov throwing Pechora over her shoulder as they walked out. As they did so, Pacific looked to Southern.
"That's a lot of fuckin subs needed to cover the Pacific. Just how many do you have?" She asked. Southern shrugged.
"Twenty Five percent of my total production capabilities are focused on producing and upgrading my Submarines." She said. Atlantic nodded slowly.
"Fair enough. Point is, we have a plan. After this operation, I believe we can leave the Empress's to you Southern?" She asked. Southern nodded.
"Yes. After this operation, send them all to my base and I'll run my tests." She said. The other three Queens nodded at this as they took one last look to each other before quietly leaving the room, their Empress'a following. Or, in Atlantic's case, carrying them like a child.
"We'll find her. You know that right?" Atlantic said, looking down at Mediterranean. The Empress quietly nodded in response, laying her head in the crook of Atlantic's neck as the Queen walked on.
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