A Dream Realized And A Dream Unexplained
A/N: Yeah, this might be just me getting ahead of myself, but would any of you be interested in a discord server for story discussion and the like?
Reader interaction and all that jazz.
There is a war coming.
They will be caught unaware.
Millions will suffer.
It will seem like the end.
But you can not falter.
You can not back away.
You must face them head on!
"My queen!"
You must stare them in the face!
"My queen!"
They are the world's nightmares!
"My queen!"
So you must match them!
"Arctic!" Someone finally yelled.
Arctic snapped awake almost immediately from her spot on her throne, her white haze suddenly flaring to life as her eyes remained unfocused a moment before blinking a moment, sitting herself up in her throne as she looked before her, finding Empress Kara standing there. Frowning a moment, Arctic leaned against a hand, her cheek pressed to her fist as her gaze settled on her Empress.
"Kara?" Arctic asked quietly, glancing at her Empress. The Empress sighed at the question, looking down at her own reports before glancing up at the woman.
"My Queen you really should sleep in your own chambers. Falling asleep on your Throne isn't required and gives the image that you simply do not care where you lay yourself out." Kara told her. Arctic sighed at that as she rubbed her eyes a moment.
"It appears that way because I do in fact, not care where I rest my eyes for a while." Arctic Replied in turn, waving a lazed hand in a small circle before her. Kara blinked.
"But my Queen, surely you would receive better rest actually resting within your chambers, no?" She asked carefully. Arctic closed her eyes a moment, offering a quiet sigh, before looking to her Empress.
"There is no doubt in my mind that you are right, Kara." Arctic offered in reply to the statement, holding a moment. "But I have never been the one to do the sensible thing. You know this as much as I do." She said.
"But-" Kara tried.
"This is not up for discussion Kara, that much is clear." Arctic told her in a calm tone. "I do not mind you offering your own two cents every once and a while, and I gladly will accept the advice, but do not push it past that. Okay?" She asked. Kara only offered a sigh at that a moment, but eventually, looked up from her reports before nodding.
"Understood my Queen." She said. Arctic smiled at that.
"Well, with that out of the way, i trust you must have reports for me. I assume they pertain to Atlantic's dealings in the Mediterranean?" She asked. Kara nodded, correcting her reports before she looked to the Queen.
"I do." She reported. "The humans lost the vessels known as The New Jersey and the John Finn. Upon your pre-request, we have not secured the wrecks themselves but we have secured permitters around their wrecks. You need only say the word and we shall begin salvage-"
"No." Arctic interrupted. Kara blinked.
"My queen?" The Empress Asked again for confirmation.
"We are not going to salvage the wrecks there." She told her. "We merely hold a presence there to keep Atlantic from doing the same." She said, leaning against her closed fist again, pressing her cheek to it as she watched the Empress.
"My queen? Surely it is a waste-"
"Quiet." Arctic suddenly hissed, gripping her throne as she leaned forwards, the air cooling dramatically as ice began to creep from her form, her gaze falling on and silencing the Empress before her. "We are not going to give considerations to any sort of salvage operations involving those two ships." She said. "Do you know why?" She asked.
Kara opened her mouth to answer at first, but as her eyes met those of her Queen's, she slowly let it close as she shook her head eventually. Arctic sighed as she pressed a hand to her face.
"If we were to salvage the remains of the New Jersey, to repurpose her hull so quickly after she had gone down, and the humans were to discover it? Any sort of uneasy tranquility between our factions would shatter and once again we would be under the assault of their guns. They still keep their weapons aimed at our scouts in the high north. If we were to appropriate A ship so precious to them right after? It would bring us no advantages." She said. "I dare say that it would bring us a whole hand of problems instead. Alone, humans are weak. But when in numbers? They are a threat like no other. Let us not give them reason to bare those numbers against us, shall we?" She asked. Kara simply offered a quiet nod, still standing as straight as stone before her Queen.
"Yes My queen." She Answered.
"That aside, I assume that these are not the only reports you bring to me." Arctic assumed. "Because of their victory in the Mediterranean, I assume the other queen's are making moves?" She inquired.
"Partially correct my Queen. Pacific's Forces have made no move towards since the sinking." She told her. Arctic nodded.
"I simply assume she's being her normal cautious-"
"Atlantic's already begun to move large portions of her forces along the boundaries of our territory." Kara explained. "And Indian and Southern's movement is already progressing. But Pacific's not doing anything out of the regular." She explained. Arctic fell silent at that moment, rubbing her chin a moment, before narrowing her eyes.
"Do we have anymore information on Pacific's dealings? Supply lines?" She asked. Kara shook her head.
"Southern's sub pickets have been picking up in activity, both to prevent the defection of more Princess Class Abyssals and to keep us out. Why? Do you suspect that Pacific is up to something?" She asked. Arctic nodded.
"She's up to something, but I couldn't begin to guess what without more information." She said, letting her mind wander over the subject a few seconds before shaking her head. "We can't worry about that. Pacific's not reared her head so we shan't go hunting. Atlantic's the threat at the moment. I assume our lines and holdouts are still at one hundred percent capacity?" She asked. Kara nodded.
"Mhm. Wander confirms as much, given that she's in that area right now. Other provisional commanders and Princesses are reporting green as well across all fronts. If Atlantic does push her luck here, she's not going to catch us off guard." Kara said.
"Mm, lets not find ourselves asking for trouble. But yes, it seems for the time, we are shored properly. The newest defectives?" She asked.
"Being supplied but kept on active front line patrols and command routes. They know locations of minor bases but know nothing of major installations. Two have been verified as actual defectees and will be rotated into inner defensive measures in the meantime. The rest will be kept at their current postings for another few months." She said.
"And how many defectees does that make of our forces?" Arctic inquired.
"Various margins here and there. But with the newest groups, that totals in close to fifty three Princesses of various typings and class. Majority of them slipping away from Indian, so the likelihood of them being spies is low. This includes the Princesses known as Europa and Armo, two you trust fully mind you."
"Composition of the other Queen's?" She asked.
"Five of Pacific, fourteen of Atlantic, and two of Southern. The rest come from Indian, as I said."
"Eyes aren't being lifted from Southern's, no?" She inquired. Kara nodded in turn.
"Surveillance of the former Southern Princesses remains as it was." She offered in reply. Arctic nodded at that somewhat, leaning fully back against her throne as she ran over the numbers in her mind a moment longer. "But as you've requested, they're being treated no differently than other Princesses from other queens. I understand your concern of them being plants, stationed by Southern no less, but is treating them as our own really the best call?" She asked. "This is Southern, the Spy Queen. Giving them more leeway?"
"Is the best way to turn the tables on Southern. Treating them as our own, if are truly spies, is the best way to turn them to our advantage. Showing them they have a place among our numbers and not ostracizing them will go far. Look at Europa and Armo for example. At first, untrusting and dismissive. Now, candidates I'm aptly considering to become Empresses."
"They were Indian's though. You're a far cry from her. And I'm surprised that you're actually giving consideration to creating Empresses that are truly of your own making. Should I take this is as a warning that you're growing tired of your already present members?" Kara asked. Though the smile tugging her lips upwards gave the notion that she was joking, something that Arctic picked up on simply.
A joke like that would've gotten her killed if she was Indian.
Would've gotten her screamed at by Atlantic.
Would've put her at distance with Pacific.
Would've had her stared at blankly by Southern.
Arctic laughed.
"It has occurred to me that perhaps I could use more Empresses as extra help. Each you already holding the rank so your jobs remarkably and I couldn't ask for anyone better, but it is about time I expand my circle. Especially with no end to this war in sight." She sighed. Kara nodded.
"And Europa, Armo, And Ank?" Kara asked, glancing at her queen somewhat.
"Do you not think them up to the job?" Arctic asked in return, looking to her Empress.
"I did not say such a thing." Kara replied.
"But obviously you've concerns about the idea. Lay them out for me so that I may address them." Arctic Asked. Kara sighed a moment, glancing down at her reports for a moment before looking up to the woman.
"I think it foolish to put so much responsibility on someone that's not originally from your own doing. Though the three of them are mighty warriors and trusted confidants, I hesitate to consider giving them this kind of influence within our own ranks. Plus, it took Chuchki long enough to pick them to begin with. Now, she'll start the process over again and spend months on simple choices. It took long enough for her to develop the biological weapon." She said.
"I trust Chuchki without doubt, Kara." Arctic said with a sigh. "If she wants to take her time choosing her new replacements, I will alot her that time. But you've always been easier to read than this Kara. This is not your only concern. What else bothers you?" She asked. Kara sighed.
"With three more Empresses, that gives you ten. You will not.. grow more attached to them, will you?" She asked quietly. Arctic held back the urge to roll her eyes in an amused fashion.
It was always about the attention.
"Simply because I gain a new Empress does not mean I'm going to suddenly replace you with them, Kara." She said with a sigh. "Or Laptev, or White, or Green, or Pechora, or Wander, or Chuchki. I promise you, that is not the case." She said. "Your all's fears that I will suddenly up and decide that I like others better are unfounded, I assure you Kara." She sighed as she leaned against her throne.
Kara beamed.
Arctic offered a small smile in return.
"I swear, you seven are paranoid about the oddest things." Arctic said with a smirk. Kara pouted her lips at that, her eyes narrowing at her Queen a moment before she sighed.
"Anyways, onto other things. As we know, the Human's fleet is growing at a healthy pace. Estimates put them in the low 200's, potentially near 230 if we're being brutally honest. And with Pacific seemingly oblivious or otherwise focused, they've sent large numbers of her forces to the bottom. Of course, this is more than likely negligible if noticeable at all to Pacific's supply and logistics, but it is making the humans bold. Whatever Pacific's planning, it is likely we need to have pre-knowledge of it so the humans do not walk themselves into a trap." She said.
"If there is even a trap for them to walk into. With no knowledge of Pacific's plans so far, we can merely pull at straws and make assumptions. Things that will get people killed if we are not ready." She said. Kara hesitated a few moments before nodding her head in a concede of the point.
"You May have a point my Queen, but I strongly suggest that we-"
"ARCTIC!" Chuchki all but screeched as she ran into the Throne room, the Empress practically scrambling for the Queen. Arctic blinked somewhat as Kara turned, somewhat disgruntled at the sudden interruption, to watch her fellow Empress as she ran for the head of the room.
"Chuchki?" Arctic Asked as she stood from her throne, unused to seeing her science head so startled. "Chuchki, What is it?" She asked. She watched as the Empress before her scrambled for breath practically, trying her best not to seem too worked up. But it was failing spectacularly as Arctic kept her gaze locked to the Empress. "Well?" Arctic pushed.
"We were preforming normal and standard procedures on the fleet. All ships passed inspections and any problems have been corrected. Until, we got to the carrier, the big one." Chuchki said, using her hands in a long motion. Arctic nodded.
"The one I designed, yes?"
"Mhm. Everything was going fine. Maintenance, restock, inventory check. Until we realized we'd picked up something extra without our knowing. Or, someone to be precise." She said. Immediately, Arctic panicked.
"A human?" She asked almost immediately. Chuchki held a moment before nodding.
"That's what it seems to be." She offered in reply. "We have no clue where she came from or how she got onto the ship. Not only that but... well, I think you need to see for yourself my Queen. Make your own judgement about this whole situation." She said. Arctic nodded at that as she stepped down from her throne, gesturing to Kara to follow as she followed the already bolting Chuchki, Arctic settling herself in for quite the walk.
"I've never seen Chuchki white so startled." Kara offered. Arctic nodded at that as she looked to her Empress.
"Indeed." The queen offered in reply. "It does make one wonder just what's gotten her so worked up about all of this, doesn't it?" She asked with a smile as she made the trip to the Ship Yard portions of her base.
Twenty minutes later, she and Kara passed the last corridor. And as they did so, the sounds of welding and metal work became apparent as the two entered into almost a cavernous area, the ceiling high above them as the floor was far below them.
The space was truly massive.
Below them, multiple docks sat on the water's surface, where next to each of them In pairs sat the multitudes of ships that made up the Arctic Steel fleet. Approaching a platform, Arctic and Kara stepped aboard next to Chuchki, the platform starting its descent almost immediately.
They watched as the level below them rose up to meet them quickly, various workers and labor going to and from as they upkept the ships already built while others brought supplies to repairs and construction to those still being worked aboard.
Such as the still in progress Musashi.
It was just receiving it's new guns.
Arctic hummed at that as she compartmentalized that particular fact away within as she focused on following Chuchki in between the various Abyssal labor spread around, going to and from. Abyssals watched from the railings of some of the ships, one in particular being the former USS Atlanta on her right.
"Chuchki, surely this cannot have worked you up this much." Arctic remarked as she followed her Empress past various other ships of the past. In the distance, she could make out the form of a class of two Atlantic specific battleships being rebuilt and repaired for future service, already adorning the white and red livery of her fleet.
Of course, that also included the afts.
Following Chuchki, who refused to answer her, she looked around at the various hulls that made up her fleet a moment until she noted a serious commotion before her. Arching a brow somewhat at that, she followed her Empress to a group of Abyssals standing around, seeming to be looking at something. Following their gazes, She found her gaze being drawn to the Carrier. And on the side, she could just barely see someone sitting, their legs dangling over the edge as they kicked them back and forth.
Arctic furrowed her brow as she put her hands on her hips.
"I'm assuming that's our mystery stowaway?" She asked somewhat as she watched the figure. Chuchki nodded, prompting Arctic to hum to herself a moment before walking forwards, towards the Carrier, prompting Chuchki and Kara to blink somewhat in surprise.
"My queen?" Kara called.
"Well come on." Arctic said with a nod of her head. "She's clearly not gonna come to us and we can't exactly deploy the fleet with her sitting up there." She said.
"Well, I mean we could." Chuchki offered. "Pretty sure she'd be washed right off the deck if we did. Problem solved. Easy as that." She explained. Arctic rolled her eyes at that as she began to make way for the Carrier, her two Empresses trading a glance with one another before they scrambled to catch up with Arctic, their Queen's gaze locked to the figure up top before her.
Another fifteen minutes of ascending various stair wells and corridors, the three of them stepped out onto the deck of the massively built carrier, the Blackened flight deck underfoot making them stick out. Finding her gaze almost snapping to the figure, Arctic made a bee line for the long haired figure before her, still seated at the edge of the carrier's flight deck.
Hands going behind her back, Arctic slowly and tentatively stepped towards the figure, who didn't seem to even take note of her presence approaching her. At least not a first.
"You must see me as a bother if you are coming up here to talk to me like this." The figure said. Arctic gave pause, looking at the figure from behind, her long white hair splaying down from her head and over the flight deck. The Traitor Queen held a moment at that, holding her tongue a moment before shaking her head.
"It is not a bother that drives me up here to you, but instead unsatisfied curiosity." Arctic Answered in return, no longer taking another step towards the woman. "You've sent my workers into questions and commotion, and that isn't easy to do. I find myself vested in figuring out who's managed to do such a thing when even I myself struggle at the same." She replied. The figure before her offered only a brief chuckle, but it sounded down, melancholic. Arctic frowned.
"At least there is someone who yet takes interest in my existence." The figure, Arctic now identified as a woman, replied as her fingers gripped at the edge of the flight deck. Just sitting down, from her shoulders and her arms, Arctic could easily tell that the woman was massive in stature.
"Someone turned you away once before?" Arctic inquired, taking a slow step towards the figure. The white headed woman glanced back at the Queen, Arctic catching sight of the most beautiful pale white eyes she'd ever seen, before she turned back towards overlooking the Ship yards.
"Once." She confirmed. "After that, they gave me no consideration after so, all but confirming what they thought of me." She said.
"The other Queen's?" Arctic inquired.
"A king." The figure replied, still staring down at the ship yards before her a moment before casting her gaze skywards, staring into the darkness that shadowed the massive chamber's ceiling. "Turned their back to me and said I was no more. Too expensive. Too late. I was to be of no use to them, so they purged me from their minds. I could not offer them what others could, yet smaller. I could not prove what others yet could, yet faster. I was a culmination of a dream and ideas galore, only to be casted out the door." She Answered quietly.
Arctic held a moment at the mention of a king, before her eyes lit up in sudden realization.
Arctic's lips tugged upwards somewhat into a soft smile, taking a few more careful steps towards the figure, the pale faced woman merely glancing in her direction as she did so.
"They casted you away without purpose. They casted you away without thought, mercy, or doubt. They casted you away to make room for the future." She confirmed. The figure only offered a slow nod. "So why have you come here? To me?" Arctic inquired. But she already knew why.
The reason was under her feet.
"The moment my former people laid eyes on this creation of war, my entire reason for being flared once more. The moment they witnessed it in its entirety, My entire reason for being became all but certainty." She said. Arctic nodded at that, somewhat slowly.
"If you would, assuming you do not mind, i would have you stand before me so that I can get a proper look at you." Arctic Asked. The figure before glanced at her a moment before offering only a nod as she planted her hands against the ground, pulling her legs up and away from the edge. Holding a moment, she began to stand, stretching a moment, her back hidden by her floor length winter white hair that flowed to the ground in simple grace.
All before she turned to face the Abyssal Queen.
Standing at seven one exactly, the woman was massive in stature, and what Arctic could see if her arms that weren't tucked away behind her, the muscle she sported wasn't to be looked down upon.
Arctic had to stop herself from whistling an impressed gesture.
The woman glanced at Arctic a moment before glancing down at herself a moment, her pale eyes wandering from her own body back to Arctic. And her fears began to emerge once more.
Did she think her inadequate, like in her past? She She think her too tall, or too wide? Or was it to be the fact that she simply preferred everyone around her to be-
"You're magnificent." Arctic eventually let out.
"W-What?" The woman asked, looking surprised somewhat as she looked at Arctic as if she'd gone mad. Arctic simply offered a soft smile coupled with a small nod as she met eyes with the woman before her.
"Back then, your purpose died before you could even be started." Arctic said. "But today, in the war the Oceans they themselves find the world embroiled in, there is no better time for you then now. You search for purpose." Arctic said with a hum. "And I'm offering you one." She said.
The woman's eyes went wide In disbelief.
"What?" Was all she could find herself asking.
"Mhm." Arctic returned. "Before we get into anything however, there is something that must be addressed." She said. "You are not like us and we do possess the facilities to care for you like this. If you accept my offer, you will have to undergo changes to make you better acclimated to life with us." She said. "You do that and I will ensure you have a purpose for this war." She said, offering a hand to the woman.
The woman only stared a moment.
Her eyes met Arctic's.
And all but went quiet for a moment.
Before suddenly wrapping her wide arms around Arctic in a hug that even an Abyssal Queen couldn't escape, her arms wrapping around the woman with no issue, Arctic suddenly feeling immense pressure squeezing her body together.
"My queen!?!?" Chuchki and Kara called in tandem, already preparing to launch themselves at the mystery woman. But somehow, Arctic managed to find the words she needed to keep the two at bay as she waited for the mystery woman to stop swinging her around like a rag doll as she hugged very nearly all of the life in Arctic's body from her very being. When she'd eventually stopped, allowing Arctic a break, she chuckled somewhat, wincing partially as she did so.
"Damn, You've got strength." Arctic said. "That aside, I take it you've made your choice then?@ she asked, looking up to the woman.
She nodded. Arctic smiled as she looked to Chuchki.
"Prepare a conversion chamber for our friend, would you?" She asked. Chuchki hesitated a moment, before glancing up to the Titan of a woman.
"Does our guest have a name?" She asked as Kara and Arctic looked to the mystery woman.
She smiled.
"Call me Habba."
She sat at her desk, holding her head in her hands quietly, staring blankly at whatever was before her. But she hadn't really bothered to actually pay attention to anything that was actually on her desk. She hadn't given anything a second look at the moment. She only offered a sigh.
"We should probably get to breakfast, Anya." Sofia offered. The blonde woman seated at her desk simply offered a quiet nod at that, eventually standing with a sigh. Sofia was right and she knew it. After all, they'd watched as each and every ship girl had come from the American dorms and made their way towards the Mess Hall.
All except for the Iowa's.
"What do we-"
"We can ask Liz to send em something later in the day. Other than that, we can just keep an eye on them. Rather, the fleet will be more than willing to do so once they learn what happened." Sofia offered. Anya offered a slow nod at that as she stood from her desk, sighing once and once alone before she stepped away from her chair and made to follow Sofia out the door, the two women stepping out of their office and out of the American HQ.
Stepping out into the morning air, Anya did nothing to stop Maryland from embracing her as the battleship spotted her, apparently having been waiting for the two to leave the building, pressing a kiss to Anya's lips before she pulled back.
"Anyone else know yet?" Maryland asked quietly. Anya and Sofia shook their heads at the question.
"Just the Iowa's." Sofia supplied. Maryland nodded at that somewhat, offering Anya a hug real quick.
"I'm assuming you're gonna tell the fleet at breakfast?" She asked. The two officers nodded at that.
"And the Iowa's?" Anya asked. Maryland only offered a quiet nod.
"Still in their room. It didn't sound like Missouri was crying anymore, which probably allowed the fleet to be able to get ready without worrying. But I did keep anyone from disturbing them at the very least." She said. Anya nodded at that somewhat, sighing as she gestured to the general direction of the Mess Hall, the three soon making their way there.
Soon enough finding their way into the Mess Hall, most of the Fleet, three Iowa's aside, was already well into breakfast. Their presence wasn't even noted by most, many still deep within their own conversations, apparently unknowing of what exactly had transpired the day prior. As much as she wanted to keep it that way, they had a right to know just as much as the rest of the world did.
But she at least wanted some coffee before she went about tanking the mood for the day.
Making way for the officer's table, the three of them took their seats quickly and quietly, prompting the silent questioning from Saradia, Ishigara, and King as Emma munched away at a waffle between she and Anya.
"Never thought I'd see the day when the Americans are the last ones to breakfast." King chuckled, taking a sip of his drink. "I'd always figured that it was an unspoken rule that you..." He trailed off when he caught the look that Maryland was shooting him. It wasn't one of promise violence by any means, but the silent command to shut up wasn't lost on him. "Bad night?" He asked. Anya sighed.
"I take it the three of you haven't heard mention of it from your own Navies then yet?" The woman asked. The three other officers shook their heads. "We lost the New Jersey." She said.
King took a moment to process what had just been said. Saradia however was faster on the uptake.
"Missouri and her sisters?" She asked immediately.
"Have been mourning since about six this morning when I first told them." Anya said. "I'll check in with them later on today, but right now, I'm giving them their space." She explained.
"And the rest of the American fleet?" Ishigara inquired as he looked to the blonde Admiral. Anya shook her head at that, her eyes wandering over the fleet in full a moment before shaking her head.
"Was fixing to tell them in a few moments." She offered. And at that point, Liz walked in from the kitchen, her tell tale mug in hand as she made way for the Officer's table, sipping at her drink somewhat as she took immediate note of the mood.
"I come from talking to a friend to this gloom party." Liz said with a slight hum. "So? What's up?" She asked. Anya only offered a slight smile at the attempt to make a joke before she sighed.
"New Jersey went down yesterday in the Med." Anya said. Based on Liz's reaction, she suspected the first words out of her mouth had Emma not been present would not have been child-ear friendly.
"That... geez. I take it that's why Mo and Co are no shows?" She asked, though the woman already suspected her answer. Anya nodded, Liz sighing in return. "Well, ill have something whipped up for em and I'll take it over to them in a little while. I don't take it you've told the rest of the fleet then, no?" She asked. Taking a moment, Anya shook her head.
"No, I haven't." The woman admitted. Liz nodded.
"Well, you figure out how to address that I'll get to making the Iowa's some breakfast." Liz said, taking a moment as she sipped at her drink. Holding a moment, Anya nodded at that as she looked over the fleet once again for a moment before offering a sigh.
And then the opportunity presented itself.
"ADMIRAL JOHNSON!" Hiryuu all but screamed across the Mess Hall, standing from her seat. Notably, Souryuu was trying so very hard to keep the orange themed Carrier in control and get her to sit down. "I HAVE TO ASK! WHERE IS MISSOURI?!" The carrier screamed, a large grin on her face, much to the dismay of Souryuu. But the question had caught on, other ships nodding in agreement as more and more began to look to the blonde in question.
Admiral Johnson sighed.
She slowly began to stand herself up from the table, more and more eyes falling upon her.
She closed her eyes a moment before stepping away from the table, turning to address the fleet.
Her lips pulled into the same thin line she'd had this morning.
The grin Hiryuu was wearing dimmed somewhat.
"You ask me where Missouri, Illinois, And Kentucky are this morning." Anya said for a moment. "And I will tell you in return that last night, the Abyssal supposedly in command of the force that brought New York toppling to the ground made an appearance once again." She said. "A fleet of seventeen Abyssals broke into the Mediterranean yesterday with purpose. They went hunting." She said. "For those of you who don't know, or are unaware, the Mediterranean has served as New Jersey's stomping ground since her full recommissioning."
Hiryuu's grin wasn't even present anymore.
But Anya Noted that Souryuu's eyes were focused solely on her.
As were many.
Especially the battleship population of the fleet.
"I could say a lot here. I could tell you what happened, I could give you the eight minutes that it covered. But in the end, I'll only say one thing. Missouri and her sisters are not here this morning because themselves are mourning."
"W-What?!" Enterprise demanded, suddenly standing from her seat. "You're not actually telling us that-"
"USS New Jersey was lost last night to enemy action, in an engagement that lasted exactly eight minutes. On the clock, in that eighth minute, her second turret was penetrated and it sent her Ammo stores up in flames. As of yesterday, there are only three Iowa class battleships still remaining in their steel hull forms." Anya explained, her hands at her sides. "New Jersey is gone."
The first movement anyone makes is Souryuu, standing almost immediately as she rushed for the Mess Hall doors. Some of the fleet only had a moment to catch sight of her before she was gone, breakfast left behind, as she apparently made way for the American dorms.
Anya only watched her go.
What else could she do?
Her world seemed to shatter in an instant, her green eyes unfocused as she slowly lowered herself back into her seat.
New Jersey?
She didn't want to even entertain the thought.
But what reason would the Admiral have to lie about it?
The world around her seemed to blur. Like it had when she'd lost Yorktown. When she'd lost Hornet. Wasp. Lexington. Langley.
And now Jersey.
She only stared straight ahead.
It was as if the world around her was moving on without her.
For the first time since she lost both of her sisters, Enterprise, the mighty grey ghost was at a loss of what to do. She didn't know what to do. Those around her asked her questions, they were talking to her that much she could tell. But to her, in that moment, it was all just noise. All just side thoughts, things that her mind couldn't process.
It was all taking seconds to what she knew first and foremost.
She'd lost something she didn't know how to deal with.
It wasn't until a few moments later did she realize she was crying.
As the day had gone on, the mood hadn't seemed to change after breakfast.
Nor had it seemed to change after lunch.
And when dinner had come around, it was no different.
Anya sighed, rubbing her eyes as she stood, looking to Sofia. "Goodnight Captain." She offered in passing as she made way from her desk towards the exit to the office. Sofia offered a word of passing of her own as Anya stepped out of the office, her shoulders still seeming to carry the weight of the day about them. She didn't know how to address what she'd learned and she doubted she put it to the fleet that well either.
She noticed the fleet's sisterhoods sticking close to one another over the course of the day. Even Maryland, who was currently without her own sisters on base, stuck close to the other four members of battleship row throughout the day.
The Atlanta's.
The Shiratsuyu's.
The Fletcher's.
The Essex's.
The Fubuki's.
All of them.
They dared not leave one another's sides.
And she could only imagine what the Iowa's were like. She hadn't checked in with them since the morning, when she'd told them what had come of it. But a combination of Liz and strangely enough Hiryuu told her that they were hanging on at the very least.
She'd make it her priority to check in with them before breakfast, or at the very latest, directly after.
They'd not left their room all day and it wasn't really something that she could blame them for. The idea of losing a sister was a haunting one for Anya, let alone actually trying to imagine going on with life after losing either Daisy or Cynthia. She wasn't sure what she'd do.
Reaching the stairs, she slowly but surely began her ascent towards her room, taking the stairs one by one as her mind continued to tumble and mix within on itself, her head in a flurry of thoughts, she slowly but surely made her way to the top of the stairs, almost immediately going for her door. And already within as she opened it, did she find Maryland, lounged back on the surface of it as she simply stared up at the ceiling of the dimly lit room, the only light source being that of the bedside lamp.
Deciding against flipping on the lights, not wanting to blind the woman, Anya simply closed the door behind her to announce her presence, which Maryland picked up on almost immediately, propping herself up on her elbows. "It sounds awful, but I simply want this day to be over." Maryland offered. Anya only offered a nod in agreement to the statement as she sighed, sitting on Maryland's side of the bed.
Where immediately, a strong arm wrapped around Anya's middle and pulled the blonde to her, so much to the point that Anya was laying against Maryland. And immediately, Anya laid her head back against the battleship, Maryland resting her chin on the woman's head, staying like that for a while, the two not sparing a single word in turn.
But after a little while, Maryland pecked Anya with a kiss on the side of her face as she further wrapped her arms around Anya's middle. "You worry too much." Maryland said. Anya frowned somewhat at that as she turned her head somewhat, trying to glance back at the battleship. Only for Maryland to peck her on the cheek with another kiss.
"I worry too much?" Anya asked. Maryland only offered a quiet nod.
"Mhm." She replied. "You do." The battleship confirmed. "I know what you're thinking right now. You're probably thinking about some worst case scenario regarding Jersey. Or even another one of us going down. You need to stop." She said.
Anya frowned. "I wasn't even-"
"Please don't lie to me." Maryland said, pecking Anya with another kiss. Anya frowned deeper a moment before her mouth closed, her voice failing quiet. Maryland only chuckled somewhat at that as she nudged the woman's face with her forehead. "There's gonna be days in this war where we want nothing more than to step away. To call it to an end then and there. There were back in the old war and this one will be no different. There will be days when faces we know no longer come back to us. Days when those we love no longer know how to go on. Days when everything just seems useless. But we are still here." She said.
Anya glanced up at the battleship a moment, still firmly within the woman's grasp.
"And what if, one day the one that doesn't come back is you?" Anya asked after a moment, one of her hands clasping with Mary's. The Dreadnought offered only a small chuckle at that, Anya frowning somewhat at the sound. "It's a legitimate concern, Mary."
"I know, I know. And I don't want to make it seem like I'm making light of it. But Anya, I've only known you a few months and already I can tell you naturally worry a lot. I can only imagine what Nancy went through raising you." Maryland offered with a laugh. Anya frowned.
"Do not invoke my mother's name or I'll invoke Momi's." She said.
"You still don't know who Momi is do you." Maryland said with a smirk.
Anya only huffed. Maryland laughed as she hugged Anya to her.
"I really don't care if you invoke Momi's name because honestly, here's the thing. In her own words and I quote: So fuckin what?" She said with a chuckle. Anya frowned at that somewhat as she crossed her arms, looking to the battleship.
Maryland chuckled somewhat as she did so. "I'm not giving you another hint." She said with a hum. Anya huffed again at that as she worked her way free of Maryland's grasp, turning herself over as she sat herself on Maryland's waist.
"And why not?" Anya asked. Maryland shrugged somewhat as she wrapped her arms back around Anya.
"Because watching you struggle." The battleship hummed. "Is amusing." She said before pecking Anya on the lips. The blonde Admiral rolled her eyes at that as she pecked Maryland back, the two slowly getting into it more and more, Maryland's hands slowly unwrapping themselves from Anya's waist as she slowly made the trip south, intent on grabbing handfuls of the Admiral's stern.
Just as there was a knock on the door.
Slowly and reluctantly, the two pulled away from one another, Maryland offering a resigned sigh.
"Can you really blame her?" She asked. Maryland held a moment before shaking her head, sighing.
"Not today, no." She said in return. Anya nodded.
"I'm gonna grab a shower. Let her in would you?" She asked with a hum, patting the battleship on the stomach. Maryland nodded as Anya turned around to go collect her things.
Only for Maryland to slap the blonde's rear in turn, prompting Anya to jump in surprise. Turning her gaze on the battleship, Maryland shrugged.
"My crew simply wanted you to know how much we appreciate your aft." Maryland offered. Anya scowled, but even that couldn't get rid of the small grin her lips adorned. Securing a change of clothes and the like, the blonde retreated into the bathroom for a quick shower.
Fifteen minutes later, the door to the shared bathroom swung open, Anya still drying her hair somewhat as she walked into the bedroom. "So? You girls already settled in?" She asked, assuming either Bristol or Mary would answer her in return.
There was a brief pause.
"You got a sixth of that right." Maryland Answered. Anya frowned as she finally opened her eyes.
And just stared.
As she met eyes with the Gleaves class.
Orange, Blue, Green, Gold, Purple, And Pink eyes met her own Emerald gaze.
Anya's will never had a chance as she only offered a resigned sigh, her hands sinking into her black pajama panted pockets. "Fine." She finally spoke.
The six destroyers giggled as Anya approached the bed, Maryland already going about trying to organize things the best she could.
Climbing onto the bed, Anya was immediately glomped by a trio of Bristol, Ellyson, And McCalla. Shaking her head, but hiding the roll of her eyes, she laid back, her head meeting her pillow. Bristol clung to her right side and Ellyson on her left.
McCalla simply sprawled herself out over the Admiral as the lights went off, Anya meeting sleep eventually, even with the uninvited but not entirely unwelcome guests.
Bristol found herself being lead down a corridor she didn't know, being lead by the hand by someone she couldn't make out. Rows of doors stretched either way as she looked ahead of her, darkness claiming most of the hallway from her gaze. The hand leading her seemed to reel under the increased pressure Bristol began to exert out of fear, but the one leading did not seem bothered as they continued to walk down the corridor.
Suddenly, one of the doors flew open, a cackling, haunting laugh filling the darkness and echoing up and down the hallway, sounding almost down right demented.
Bristol flinched.
Another door. And another. And yet still another. Flying open only to slam closed a few seconds later, the laughter all but persistent, some of it even sounding as if the owner was standing directly next to Bristol at times.
Their foot steps echoed up and down the hallway along the wooden floor, mixing with the laughter, creating a sound that Bristol wasn't sure that she could ever forget.
That laugh was haunting, almost foreboding.
Bristol shivered as a cold breeze caught her off guard.
The unknown figure continued to lead Bristol by the hand, her hand keeping a firm grasp on Bristol. Notably, as Bristol looked up at the hand leading her, was the presence of one discernible feature.
The figure was wearing two rings.
Bristol looked at them a moment longer before looking back to the hallway before them. Just as another breeze blew past her. She shivered, turning her gaze back as she looked over her shoulder, her entire body seemed to freeze.
Just before the darkness was the figure of a woman. Pale skin and hair white as snow.
But she had no face.
But she was looking right at Bristol as she walked step in step with the figure leading Bristol by the hand.
Panicking, as the laughter grew louder and wilder, Bristol tried to yank her hand free of the figure leading her. But instead of stopping, the figure leading her seemed to look down, a few strands of blonde hair Falling free from the shadows obscuring their face.
But before anything could be done, the figure suddenly stopped as they looked back forwards, and Bristol followed their gaze.
There standing amongst the darkness, all but shadowed from view. A taller one in the lead, with the shorter of the two at their side.
And then the taller one seemed to point not at Bristol, but instead the figure still holding her hand. Immediately, the figure leading Bristol pushed her behind her in a hurry, as the laughter echoing in the hallway seemed to come to a boiling point.
And all at once, every single door burst open, the laughing nearly deafening for a moment before heat began to build rapidly.
Racing from the darkness of the hallway behind them Came a raging inferno of flame, split between two colors.
One blazing away in a Periwinkle that Bristol would know anywhere.
The other burning in the deepest crimson Bristol had ever seen.
The raging inferno consumed the hallway more and more, racing towards Bristol faster and faster.
Bristol only watched as the inferno overcame the figure walking behind them, racing through each door and burning down whatever they held within.
Bristol only watched as the raging inferno raced towards her, the heat building faster and faster. And right at the point of no return, Bristol's eyes clamped shut.
Only to find herself surprised when she wasn't burned. Slowly opening her eyes ever so carefully, she found that the inferno had bypassed them, separating just in time to miss she and the figure that had been leading her, only to swirl back together, a mix of purples and reds as they continued to tear down the hallway.
Blinking, Bristol glanced up at the figure that still had her hand within their grasp.
And met the eyes of Anya.
"Bristol!" She shouted.
And Bristol woke up.
Bristol suddenly bolted upright, her face beading with sweat as she gasped for breath. And she was immediately pulled to someone's side a lone arm.
"Shhhh..." Anya quieted, patting the girl's head. "It was just a bad dream, Bristol. That's all it was." Anya said, who was already apparently sitting up against the headboard. McCalla was asleep still, laying her head against Anya's stomach as Ellyson glomped to her side. Bristol held a moment before practically attaching herself to Anya's side. The Admiral only yawned somewhat as she kept her arm wrapped around the girl, Bristol's hands going for hers out of instinct. "It was just a bad team Bristol. Just a bad dream." Anya said, but her eyes lidded.
Bristol could only watch somewhat as the woman slowly slipped back to sleep, leaning back against the headboard. Watching a moment, Bristol began to think back on her dream.
She remembered.
She remembered her dream.
She remembered everything.
She grinned slightly as her hands played with Anya's hand a moment, grinning somewhat to herself before she frowned, glancing down at the appendage.
The admiral in her dream had been wearing two rings.
Where was her Admiral's other ring?
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