A Dragon's Escort
A/N: The important Author's Note is at the end of this chapter for once!
"Well, I would say that about covers it." The voice offered in supply. Jersey couldn't help but nod as she glanced off in the distance somewhat, already able to make out the different figures of those she'd known a lifetime ago. Called forth for her sake, Jersey knew that she should be grateful.
And she was.
"You really know how to make a girl feel special." Jersey said as she watched the distant gathering of figures, watching as a few of them would glance in her general direction. As she did so, her hand never left Johnny's, the destroyer's firmly locked into Jersey's hold. The voice laughed somewhat, clearly now a woman's voice speaking to her.
"I try J, I really do." The voice said in return as the same tell tale ocean breeze blew by, whipping Jersey's hair around. The battleship laughed somewhat at the happening before both she and Johnny noted Momi stepping up to the two again, Momi ruffling Johnny's hair a moment before taking her cover off of her head and planting it on Johnny's head.
"Momi?" Johnny asked as she reached up to touch the cover, almost as if she didn't think it was actually there. Momi smirked as she pulled the cigar from her lips, letting out another breath of coal filled smoke.
"Keep it safe for me kiddo. Maybe there'll come a day when I can get it back from ya." She said, the Titan of a woman crouching down to the girl. Johnny blinked a moment before practically throwing herself at the woman, wrapping her arms around the woman in a hug. Momi, Being Momi, didn't even budge in the slightest. She just hugged the destroyer back, wrapping her arms around Johnny a moment before releasing the girl, once again standing to her full height as she looked to J. "They're waiting for you two. Best not keep em waiting. I don't know about all of em, but Vestal will beat your ass if you keep her any longer." She said.
Jersey offered a nod as she looked to Johnny a moment, the destroyer looking up at her from under Momi's cover a moment before the two began to make their way over the water's surface towards the assembled group in the distance. Momi watched them go, watching as Johnny held her other hand to her head as she glanced back to Momi a moment before fully committing to Jersey, looking ahead at the distant group. Momi watched them go a moment longer as she pulled her cigar from her lips.
"Quite the doting mother, aren't you?" The voice asked in an amused fashion. Momi scowled somewhat as she let forth another breath of smoke through her nose and lips a moment before glancing at the horizon.
"I don't need that from you." She said. "I'm largely just concerned about the Americans. But you, you offer the same way about you to the rest of the flags. British, Russian, French. That's the pot calling the kettle black if I've ever seen it." Momi offered. The voice snickered, the breeze starting up again as she did so.
"I care for who I can-"
"Which is a lot of fucking caring at the end of the day." Momi snapped. "One of these days, you're gonna miss something and they're gonna pay the price for it." She said, bringing her cigar back to her lips. The voice took a moment to answer, the breeze dying away a time before it eventually came back, brushing through Momi's hair, the thick curls of dark barely being moved by the attempt.
"You day you care for largely just the Americans, but a tone like that suggests you feel for other flags." The voice said. Momi scowled as she took a puff of her cigar a moment before bringing it back down.
"They've all deserved someone watching over them. And sometimes, I really fuckin doubt that's you in the end." She said. "Yeah, it's great you decided to let em help their homes, but what's your method? At first, it was one at a time. Sure. But sixty of them in a single fucking day? Where's the control? Where's the caution? Because you're throwing it all out the window at this rate." Momi Chastised.
"If you believe yourself more capable then myself, by all means, I will hand the reigns to you and simply watch. Only say the-"
"Quit playing fucking games, would you? You and I both know I didn't say that." Momi snarled. "But one of these days, this is all gonna bite you in the ass and all you'll be able to do is sit back and watch. Maybe get a punch in. But other than that? You're fucked. Just like the rest of us. And I swear to Davy Jones himself. You'd best hope if that day comes that I'm not in position to wring your neck. Because I will." Momi hissed.
Despite the threat, the voice laughed.
"Do not concern yourself with my affairs." She offered in retort. "You concern yourself with your children, like the others do, and I will keep the peace." She said. "Believe me, our methods may vary, but our goals align. Do not forget this." She said. Momi rolled her eyes at that somewhat, taking another puff of her cigar for a moment, her anger fading slowly but surely. After a moment, she finally asked another question.
"So What changed then? You were handing them token gestures. Now you're giving them fleets by the dozen. What do you see that no one else does?" Momi asked, looking off into the horizon, the sun glistening against her darkened skin.
"I see what others go blind to. I hear what others fall deaf for. I know what others seek. Long forgotten am I, but remembered Am I. We are both the same in a sense, mothers of our children. But I am not bound by those that they call flags or borders. I care for those I know and seek those I do not. They provide me children and I provide them life. The answer to your question is as same as asking the question for an answer." The voice offered in reply.
Momi rolled her eyes as her cigar met her lips a moment later, taking a puff.
"Fuckin cryptic." She dismissed.
The ocean's breeze blew over her, carrying laughter on the wind as it went.
Her eyes cracked open slowly but with purpose after a moment, before her alarm had even awoken her. Rubbing her eyes a moment, the motion was stopped, given that she couldn't even rub her eyes. In fact, her entire right arm was asleep. And glancing to her side, she immediately learned why.
Both McCalla and Mervine had appropriated her arm for a pillow.
And that said nothing of Bristol who was currently asleep on top of her, snuggled well and good to the Admiral's stomach. Anya stared a moment before glancing up at the roof a moment, letting her current situation sink in. After a moment though, she glanced over at Maryland, who was sleeping on her back, with both Forrest and Fitch sleeping atop her in their own pile, Fitch simply slung over her sister.
Anya only blinked a moment.
Her back started to hurt just looking at them.
And that's when she noticed Ellyson sleeping in the direct middle of the two pileups that was Anya and Maryland, sprawled out in her own pocket of the bed. Somewhat, somewhere, Anya envied the destroyer. But another part of her, a part of herself that Anya didn't really know that well, the maternal instinct, was more than satisfied at her current situation.
Didn't change the fact that her arm was in a dead sleep and Bristol was getting heavier by the second.
Anya huffed.
Craning her neck over somewhat, she found the time at around six in the morning once again. Yawning somewhat, now that she was awake, she knew she wasn't going to be able to return to sleep. So after a moment of silent deliberation, she eventually decided on slowly going about the task of freeing herself from this Gleaves prison she found herself subjected to.
Thinking a moment, she carefully but slowly began to pull her arm free of McCalla's and Mervine's hold while using her other hand to keep Bristol still. It took a moment, but soon enough, she had her dead arm free. Sighing quietly, she carefully but slowly rolled Bristol off of her, moving her over to McCalla and Mervine, where immediately, the two younger seemed to recognize the presence of their older sister and glomped her in their sleep. Anya chuckled quietly somewhat at that as she pulled the comforter up and over the three, tucking them in before yawning again quietly.
Grabbing for her phone, she turned off her alarm so that it wouldn't disturb the group lounging in bed too early. Taking her phone, she turned its flashlight on as she went about scrounging through her dresser for workout clothes. After a moment, when she'd found the outfit she wanted, she made way for the bathroom, quickly slipping inside and closing the door before turning on the light.
It took her eyes a moment to adjust to the sudden change, but soon enough, found it acceptable enough to start changing.
Five minutes later, now changed into her new outfit, she tossed the sleeping attire into a hamper as she quickly and quietly collected her things and slipped from the room, already in the midst of putting her earbuds in. Taking a moment as she reached the ground floor, she turned for the office first, going to make sure that there wasn't anything that needed to be addressed first.
Stepping into the office, She hummed somewhat to herself as she made her way to her desk, as if by chance glancing out the window into the courtyard. And as if by chance, she found someone else up at this hour.
Anya sighed somewhat.
There, sitting out in the courtyard, was E.
Anya watched a moment, the girl sitting there on a bench out in the dorm's central courtyard. Taking a moment, she sighed. The work could wait a little bit longer.
This couldn't.
Making way for the door to the office again, she turned the light off, once again casting the interior of the American HQ into darkness. The only other eyes on her at the moment was that of Sam, the feline lounged on one of the stairs on her left. Stopping a moment, she scratched the cat behind an ear, the feline purring a moment before standing and stretching along the step. After such, he trotted down the steps, mewing at the door. Watching the collared feline a moment, it looked back up at her a moment with a tilt of the head. Rolling her eyes a moment, Anya opened the door and stepped outside, allowing Sam out as well before closing the door behind her.
Walking along and making her way around the side of the building, she couldn't help but note of all the places that Sam could go, the feline was following after her. Watching him a moment, Anya slowly rounded the building as she laid her gaze down upon Enterprise, who was simply sitting on the bench there, staring up at the sky above her.
Anya didn't even need to think about what this could be about.
She'd gotten reports of E crying yesterday.
"Not really the best place to watch the stars." Anya said, announcing her presence, her hands going to her pockets as a cool breeze from the Bay blew over them. But E didn't react, only staring up at the sky a moment longer before her gaze settled on Anya slowly but with purpose.
Anya met her gaze.
It was empty.
The American blonde sighed for a moment before making her way towards the bench, slowly taking a seat next to the Carrier. But E didn't react, not even when Sam hopped up onto her lap, peering up at her. Watching E a moment, she eventually settled down for a Wait when E didn't offer any sort of greeting after a while.
Hands on her thighs, Anya simply stared up at the sky alongside the Carrier amidst the chilly air of the early Japanese morning.
"She was always there with me." E said after a moment of quiet, among the sounds of the bay and the distant sounds of Yokosuka in general, her voice carried weight. And Anya lent her an ear. "After I lost Yorkie and Hornet, Langley, And Lexi, it was hard. There was so much fear. Even after Essex and her sisters began to reinforce the lines, there was still fear. There was so much." E said, still staring up at the sky.
Anya only nodded.
"Imagine that. Me, the Ghost, being afraid. The one that stood in the face of the rising sun and stared right into it. The one that had an entire country's hopes riding on her shoulders. I couldn't even have a proper repair for months." She said.
"Makes perfect sense to me." Anya offered. E offered only a small smile at that, but it didn't reflect in her eyes. They still held the same emptiness about them that they had moments before.
"And then one day, there comes this hot blooded gunslinger out of left field. Talking big game and promising the world, it was enough to make a girl go wild with dreams." E said. "But boy oh boy did she have a mouth on her. Would've made Secnav blush had they heard her talking. Maybe even Momi." She said. Anya paused somewhat at the mention of the unknown person a moment before nodding.
"Sounds like she made an impression." Anya offered. E numbly nodded at that, still looking up to the sky as the two sat under the external lights of the Dorms, bathed in a pale orange light.
"Impression's an understatement. She had a habit of talking more and more the more nervous she became. A lot of the fleet couldn't stand it at first, but I.. I never had a problem with it. For all her faults, Jersey knew how to please. And we all knew it, Halsey most of all." She said. Anya nodded at that for a moment. "But after the war, after the Japs surrendered aboard Mo, I knew what my future entailed for the most part. Midway was fixing to roll off the line, and the Essex's hadn't lost anyone. I knew my future. But Jersey, she'd practically just been born. She was eager to please. But she was born in the wrong war. After Midway, everyone knew that eventually the guns would be shelved and us flattops would take their reigns." She said.
Anya stayed quiet.
"And then, this war happens. This war, with the deep. All of it. And she gets another chance." E said. But her tone was in dark place, it sounded distant, it sounded far away. "Only for them to give her the chance she always wanted and then they gutted her." The Carrier said. Anya only nodded somewhat at that as she gazed up at the stars somewhat as well.
"I grew up learning about the war. The war that made each of you who you are. You, Saratoga, Missouri, Atlanta. Each and every one of you. I just knew that one day, I was gonna join the navy as well and live the experience. But this war, everything about it was not apart of the plan. None of this was on the table nor was any of it expected. But E, this war isn't like that war. And I say that because there's a real big magic spooky portal that allows you girls to come back." She offered.
"If she comes back." E said in reply.
"We are talking about the same Jersey right? The most decorated battleship in the US Navy's history, no? That New Jersey?" Anya asked in reply. E held a moment before chuckling.
"The same." E confirmed.
"Then I don't think there's anything in hell or Davy Jones locker that could keep her away. If she wants to make her way to base, she's gonna make her way to base." Anya said. "Of course, I don't know her like you do, so maybe I'm just talking out my ass right now." She said. E only chuckled somewhat.
And her eyes carried just the tiniest sign of light within.
"You don't know her but you're right on the money. You got it easy. Missouri's the calmest of the Iowa's. Had you gotten Jersey or Wisconsin first, and I promise you that you'd be asking for a desk job somewhere state side." She laughed somewhat before it died off, the laughter fading as the same even expression returned to her features. Anya watched a moment before looking back up to the sky.
"You remind me a lot of the Captain right now." Anya said. This finally prompted E to fully look at the woman, arching a brow.
"What?" The Carrier Asked. Anya nodded.
"During the battle of San Francisco, when the Abyssals came knocking a second time in force, none of us were sure we were going to make it out of there alive." She said. Enterprise nodded at that somewhat.
"I keep forgetting you've actually seen Combat in this war and you're not just a Desk jumper." E offered. Anya gave a dry chuckle in response to that, rolling her eyes somewhat.
"Geeee. Thankssss." Anya replied. E offered the woman a grin for a moment before it slowly wilted away.
"As you were saying?" She asked. Anya nodded.
"When the Japanese fleet finally showed up in San Francisco, we were finally allowed some breathing room. When I was finally able to get a look at everything, Captain Algerona had called me over and over trying to get ahold of me." She said. "I'd worried her sick and I don't think she really every forgave me for that." She said. Enterprise arched a brow at that.
"She was that worried?" She asked. Anya nodded, clasping her hands as she leaned forwards somewhat.
"She was." She said. "Something you must understand about Captain Algerona is that she's a mix of a lot of things. She'll tell you the darkest jokes you've ever heard while also worrying her ass off about everything." She said.
"But I'm not-"
"You're not worried that Jersey won't come through?" Anya asked, interrupting her. E paused a moment before sighing somewhat, Anya in turn reaching over and rubbing the carrier's back. "It'll all end ok in the end." She said.
Enterprise arched a brow at that. "How do you know that?" She asked.
"Because if it ending well results in the Gateway fucking me in someway, then it's all but guaranteed." She said, glancing at her ring a moment before looking to E. The carrier only smiled somewhat at that, looking to Anya a moment.
"Saying stuff like that is how you get a fleet of forty on your ass, you know that right?" She asked. Anya shrugged.
"As long as Jersey, a New Orleans, And a Colorado Class battleship is apart of that fleet, I couldn't care less who comes through. Hell, the Gateway could even give me thirty Fletchers and I wouldn't be mad." Anya said. Enterprise narrowed her eyes. And immediately, Anya put her hands up in mock surrender. "I'm kidding, just so you know." She said. Enterprise only watched the woman a moment, eyes still narrowed.
"You almost wished for the base to fall apart at the seams, you know that right?" E asked. Anya only laughed somewhat at that as she nodded, reaching over and scratching Sam behind his ears, something the feline much agreed with if the loud purring was anything to go by.
"Yeah, maybe not my best moment ever. But what about you?" She asked, glancing to the Carrier. "You gonna be ok?" She asked. E held a moment at that, as if thinking about her answer a moment before they heard the door to the dorms open, both Admiral and Carrier turning to look that way. And they found both Yorktown and Hornet practically scrambling out into the early morning, looking around frantically.
"My guess is that if they had their riggings, they would've just shot the door down." Anya commented. E subtly nodded as the two of them watched five and eight look around wildly for a moment before Yorktown's gaze landed on the two of them, E offering only a quiet wave. Immediately, the two carriers began to make a beeline for the two on the bench, still dressed in their pajamas, all consisting of white pajama pants and tank tops.
"E?! What are you doing out here? Do you know what time it is?" Yorktown asked. E shrugged.
"It was three when I Came out here." Enterprise offered in reply. At that piece of info, even Anya had to blanch in response.
"Three?" Anya asked in sudden surprise. "You need sleep, Enterprise." The Admiral offered. The carrier shrugged as Yorktown and Hornet finally reached them. E shrugged somewhat at that as she looked up at the sky again.
"Couldn't really sleep." She said with a slight shrug as she finally brought up a hand to Sam's head, scratching the feline under the chin, much to his delight. "Figured that I just come out here and sit a while." She said, glancing to Anya. The blonde met her eyes a moment before sighing.
"Awful decision aside, why're you out here in the first place?" Yorktown asked, putting her hands on her hips as she stood over E like a protective older sister. E only shrugged somewhat at the question as she continued to scratch Sam under the chin.
"Just sitting out here, thinking. Why ya so worried though? I've got the Admiral right here with me, don't i?" She asked. Yorktown only turned her gaze from E to Anya.
"Should I assume that you've been sitting out here since three as well, or no?" She asked. "I'm sure Arizona would find that information very interesting." The oldest carrier offered. Anya shook her head at that as she leaned back against the bench.
"Only a little while at most. I got up to do my exercise when I noted her here. But I didn't know about the being up until three portion or such." She offered. "Though, given that she doesn't have a Sortie today, I really can't see a serious problem with it."
"And have her miss dinner?" Yorktown demanded. "Because she is eventually unable to keep her eyes open any longer?" The oldest demanded. E sighed at that as she looked up to her eldest sister.
"Back off yorkie." E snapped. "I was just sitting out here. It's not like I was on the water or anything!" She said. "All I was doing is some thinking, okay? Still hard to process she's gone." E told her quietly. Almost immediately, Anya noted, any aggravation that seemed to be upon Yorktown's features vanished. The eldest carrier offered a quiet sigh a moment. "And don't snap at the Admiral for my sake. It's not like she knew i was sitting out here." She said.
"You do need sleep." Yorktown tried.
"Later. If I wanted sleep, I'd be in bed right now." E fired back. Hornet sighed as she looked to Yorktown.
"I don't see what the problem is. Sure, she's not getting sleep, but she's still close by. And besides, the Admiral's out here with her." She said. Yorktown sighed a moment, a frown twitching at her lips a moment before directing her gaze to the blonde.
"And why are you out here?" The Carrier Asked, lightning yellow meeting those of Emerald green. Anya shrugged as she tugged at a strap on her tank top.
"I was going to go for my usual morning run. But I figured this took priority." She offered in reply. Yorktown only watched her a moment as Hornet arched a brow.
"And why don't you go for more sleep, honestly? She asked. Anya shrugged at that.
"I never do. Especially not this morning, not with a Colorado class battleship and six Gleaves class destroyers sleeping in my bed as well." She said. E snorted at that as Hornet blinked somewhat at that before chuckling, apparently not having expected an answer like that.
"So that's why their room was so calm last night. They weren't even in there." Hornet said. "I'm assuming Bristol lead them that way?" She asked. Anya shrugged.
"I've got no idea." Anya admitted. "All I know is that I stepped away for a shower and when I came back, all six of them were already seated on my bed, Maryland doing absolutely nothing to stop them." She sighed. "Sometimes I wonder if Tenryuu hadn't told that stupid horror story, would Bristol be having these nightmares." She said. Yorktown and Hornet blinked at that.
"What story did that jap tell her?" Hornet asked.
"Why, it was one of the ghost of course." She Answered. Yorktown and Hornet blinked somewhat at that before glancing at E, who simply offered a nod in return at that. Hornet of course busted up laughing at that, apparently finding it more than amusing. Yorktown also found it amusing, but the quiet resigned sigh said that she found it less so than Hornet did.
"All that aside, E, you really should come back to bed." Yorktown said. E rolled her eyes somewhat at that as she did so.
"I'm already up and it's only a few more hours until the base wakes up anyways. So I think I'll pass. One day of less sleep is not going to kill me." She said, glancing up at her eldest sister. Yorktown offered pause at that, meeting the gaze of her sister before sighing.
"Fine, Fine." Yorktown Answered, relenting after a moment. E only smirked victoriously at that before a noise coming from towards the American HQ building brought their attention back to it. Hornet looked first, and laughed.
"Speak of the Devil." She said. Anya glanced that way and found a very tired looking Maryland, dressed in her black pajamas, carrying one very tired looking Fitch. Wandering along after her Came the other five Gleaves class destroyers, all looking just a little bit lost.
Looking at them all as one, it took all Anya had not to simply pull her phone and snap a picture.
"Admirallllllllllllllllll..." A very tired Bristol put into the air as she stepped away from Maryland, slowly navigating for Anya. The woman chuckled somewhat as she opened her arms as she sat on the bench, Bristol slowly drifting her way into them, where she immediately threw her arms around the blonde in a lazy hug as she pressed her face to Anya's chest. The woman chuckled somewhat as she hugged her back, leaning down and resting her chin on the top of the destroyer's head
Only for her five sisters to make their way to the Admiral as well, either wrapping themselves around Anya herself as well or simply making themselves content near their sisters. Even Fitch had gotten down from Mary's grasp to join in. Anya chuckled somewhat as she cycled through, making sure to give each of them a hug and a pat on the head as she looked up to Maryland. "What happened to sleeping?" She asked.
"Fitch happened." The battleship said. Anya chuckled somewhat as she looked to the destroyer now seated between she and E for a moment, the girl in question offering a tired grin before Anya looked back up to Maryland. "She noticed you were gone and sounded the alarm. I tried to tell them that you'd gone for some Exercise, but they wouldn't have it. Even as tired as they are." She offered. Anya chuckled somewhat at that as she leaned over and pecked Fitch on the head with a kiss, something the destroyer leaned into her for. But of course, granting Fitch once sent the other five up in a flurry, almost whining somewhat.
Anya huffed.
"Hey, that's on you." E offered in some support as she watched the woman try to manage the other five destroyer sisters. As tired as they were, that was quickly wilting away as they began to find new energy. Anya rolled her eyes at that.
"So did anyone end up talking or checking on the Iowa's?" Maryland asked as she looked to the three carriers. Yorktown nodded somewhat at that, looking away from the Admiral a moment before turning her gaze to the battleship.
"Souryuu surprisingly enough. Told us, though expectedly that Mo ain't dealing with it the greatest. But Illinois and Kentucky are staying with her through it so at least there's that. Souryuu didn't say that the other two were crying either, which is odd." She said. "They lost a sister too."
"But they didn't know Jersey like Mo did. Yeah, Jersey's their sister. But at this point, it's only in name. That'll only change once they actually meet Jersey." Hornet replied. Yorktown paused for a moment at that before sighing.
"Alright. Guess you have a point there." She said. Hornet nodded at that somewhat as Anya hummed as she pulled both Bristol and Ellyson onto her lap, much to the chagrin of their sisters. Sighing, Anya let her head lean back somewhat as she did so, Bristol and Ellyson already leaning against her.
"Heh." E chuckled. "Admiral's got too many destroyers and not enough headpats." She laughed. Anya rolled her eyes at that somewhat as she did so, closing her eyes a moment. Maryland chuckled at that as well as she watched.
All before Sofia Came walking from the American HQ, towards the group.
"Figured you'd already be over there." She said as she adjusted her uniform. Anya blinked at that before glancing at her ring, pausing a moment.
There was the glowing. Of her ring. Telling her that her life was just that much closer to getting harder. Offering a quiet sigh, this allowed the Gleaves class that was in the midst of scaling the woman.
And just like that, the six were wide awake.
"SUMMONING!" Bristol shrieked before hopping up immediately and off of Anya's lap, her sisters already forming up on her, as the six charged ahead, still dressed in their black pajamas.
Anya sighed.
"Admiral. Shouldn't you go put your uniform on?" Yorktown asked. Anya shrugged as she looked down at her current outfit.
"I mean, I Answered a summoning Of forty nine in pretty much the same outfit. The only difference is that I had a hoodie as well." She explained as she stood, stretching somewhat. "And besides, they're deciding to cross over before seven in the morning. They're lucky I'm awake." She offered.
Lucky indeed.
"But-" Yorktown tried.
"Ah come on, Yorkie! She's the Admiral!" Hornet said, looking to her eldest sister. "It's a summoning. Let's not keep em waiting." She said before dashing off after the Gleaves, still dressed in her Pajamas as well. Yorktown sighed at that, shrugging her shoulders a moment before following after Hornet, prompting Anya and Sofia to follow as well, with Maryland and E bringing up the rear.
But as they did so, Anya glanced back at E, the Carrier smiling back at the woman.
The light in her eyes was back.
Was it filling the darkness?
Or simply covering it?
Anya hoped she never had a chance to find out.
It was a pleasant five minute walk amongst the early, darkened morning.
The found the Gleaves practically generating their own power, being unable to hold still whatsoever. Chuckling somewhat at the sight, Anya and Sofia went for the door, the Gleaves moving out of the way for them. And after they did, Anya opened the door, immediately allowing the Gleaves to rush inside.
"They go to sleep almost immediately. They don't want to wake up. But now they are already hyperactive. How?" Anya asked to no one in particular. Sofia only chuckled at that as she stepped into the summoning chambers after the destroyers, Anya following her with the four Capital ships following after her.
"And to think. Only a couple days after we received over sixty ship girls." Maryland offered. Anya sighed.
"Don't talk like that. Talking like that could bring around 120 ship girls. And something tells me that five four Capital ships and six destroyers can't hold back that many brawls." She offered. "And after the other day's summoning, I'd rather not have a repeat of that." She said as she walked towards the Gateway once again, coming up along side Sofia as the two and the ten ship girls stood before it, now starting their wait.
And immediately, they were already given sustenance as the sound of a ship's wake began to sound off through the summoning chambers, telling them of an approaching figure. But quickly where they heard one approaching, the sound began to grow louder, giving sign to the fact that whoever it was wasn't alone. And soon enough, the first figure in the fog appeared.
And soon enough broke through.
The assembled group of twelve, six watching with much anticipation, could only watch as the figure made way for the solid ground. Soon to be followed by more and more.
Soon enough, standing before them, was a newly summoned group of thirty ship girls.
Anya sighed somewhat, letting her gaze travel to the ground in resignation for being patted on her back by Sofia in support. All before Sofia pushed her forwards somewhat, sending Anya into their immediate attention. And immediately, one of them, one of the taller ones among the group, chuckled somewhat to herself as she looked to Anya.
"Assumin you're the Admiral, you're just a little underdressed for the job." She offered. Anya shrugged at that.
"You ladies are the ones who wanted to cross over at this time of the morning. I was just getting ready to go for a run." Anya offered in reply. "But that aside, am your Admiral. My name is Anya S. Johnson, a Vice Admiral of the United States Navy."
"And I am Captain Sofia I. Algerona, her second in command." Sofia introduced herself. "As you can see, we have those who are already summoned present, but we'll keep them nameless for a minute so we can learn names without chaos ensuing." She explained. The thirty seemed to nod at that, glancing at the ten in question a moment before Sofia looked to Anya, a hand on her hip. "So? How do we wanna start this?" She asked.
Anya bit her lip a moment in thought, her eyes glancing over the assembled thirty for a time before shrugging. "How about this. Are there any non combat vessels in attendance?" She asked. And before her eyes, not one but two figures stepped up to her, moving their way to the front of the group.
The first one stood maybe 5'8 in height, somewhat shorter than Anya in stature. Light blonde hair made itself known, though it barely fell to the woman's neck in length.
Deep crimson eyes watched the woman in question.
The second of the two stood at about 5'10, Pretty much matching the Admiral in the height department. Dark black hair fell to her shoulders in a messy style that Anya couldn't really tell what It was supposed to be. But she didn't really get the chance to look further.
The second's dark crimson eyes were watching the woman with a sense of annoyance mixed with an unimaginable look of impatience. Nodding to the second figure first, Anya waited.
"AR-4. USS Vestal." The woman introduced herself. "I can only imagine what kind of fleet you're running here, Admiral." She said before stepping out of the way. Arching a brow somewhat at that, watching her go, Anya looked back to the first figure.
"And you?" She asked. The woman nodded.
"IX-64, the former USS Wolverine at your service." She offered in greeting. Anya blinked in surprise somewhat at that, no doubt the three Yorktown's behind her doing the same.
"I've gotta say, you're not exactly who I was expecting." Anya said. Wolverine offered a small nod packed with a smile as she did so.
"Indeed. But I heard the call simply like everyone else and figured that you must have some use for me, no? I imagine that there are quite a few Carriers in need of some refreshment." She hummed, her gaze wandering to that of Yorkie, E, and Hornet.
The three sisters flinched under the carrier's gaze, who in turn simply smirked somewhat to herself before she turned her gaze back to the Admiral, her crimson eyes meeting Anya's green for a moment longer before Wolverine slunk away over towards Vestal. Watching her for a moment longer, Anya turned her attention back to the still present other twenty eight.
"Why don't we just start with the destroyers." She finally said, looking over the group. All the way before a total of fourteen figures stepped forwards. But four of them in particular seemed to be a little disgruntled, the one closest to Anya even going as far as to roll her eyes. She barely stood taller than Bristol, yet the figure before her seemed just about ready to brawl. Holding a moment, glancing at the four, she looked to the other ten who were simply watching her curiously. And then it hit her.
"Destroyer Escorts." She said as she looked back to the four, who in turn offered nods. None barely stood taller than Bristol, but they seemed to have more maturity about them. At least, in that very moment. "Alright then, how about you first?" Anya asked as she gestured to the closest of the four presumable Escorts. She offered only a nod at that coupled with a sigh as she put her hands on her hips.
"DE-413. The former USS Samuel B. Roberts." She introduced, her black hair tied into pigtails. Her light blue eyes looked up at Anya a moment, noting the look of surprise. At that, Sammy B. giggled somewhat, despite the tone she'd just used with the woman. Anya only watched the girl a moment longer before nodding at that.
"John C. Butler class then." She finally said. "Well, you'll be happy to know that I've got three very fighty Fletcher Class tin cans that have been anticipating your return for some time now." She said. Sammy B. Only grinned at that, looking up at the admiral a moment before stepping away, over towards Vestal and Wolverine. Nodding at that, she then looked to the next of the four destroyer escorts. "And you?" She asked. The girl before her with the dark brown hair and the wide green eyes giggled.
"DE-635. Former USS England at your service." England introduced herself with a wide wave above her head, even though Anya was standing right there. The Admiral chuckled somewhat at that, nodding in understanding.
"It's good to meet you England. I gotta say, maybe you'll be able to corral our subs somewhat, since they don't want to seem to listen to anyone else." She said. England only giggled at that, placing her hands on her stomach as if she thought it was the funniest thing in the world.
"Sure thing Admiral! I'll get those subs!" She laughed as she stepped off towards Sammy, allowing Anya to look to the next of the four.
"So we have Sammy B. And England. Who might we have next?" She asked. The girl before her, dark gray hair and light green eyes only grinned as she waved up at her new Admiral.
"DE-173. The former USS Eldridge of the Cannon Class." Eldridge introduced herself with a wide grin. She giggled nervously as she played with her gray hair that stretched down to her mid back. Anya chuckled somewhat as she sent Eldridge off to the rest of the DE's before turning her gaze to the next and of the four. Nodding for her to introduce herself, the girl smiled.
"DE-238. The former USS Stewart of the Edsall Class at your service." She introduced herself. Bright blue eyes stared up at the woman in wonder a moment before she too began to resort to playing with her long blonde hair as well. Chuckling somewhat, Anya ruffled the girl's hair a bit at that before sending the girl on her way. And was just about ready to actually get to the Destroyers when a commotion behind her drew her attention away.
"Don't you dare hug me." Vestal hissed as she eyed Maryland. But the battleship continued to creep closer and closer to the Repair ship, the woman in question crinkling her nose somewhat at the apparent idea. "I am serious, I do not want-"
Maryland pounced.
Vestal could do nothing but grumble as the Colorado Class woman practically scooped her up in her arms and wrapped them around her in a bear hug for the century. When Vestal was firmly within the battleship's grasp, she only offered a resigned sigh in turn, already settled to her fate at the hands of the Colorado Class woman.
"Hi Maryland." Vestal grumbled. Maryland only laughed, hugging the hapless Repair ship to her more and more, so much to the point that Vestal's feet weren't even on the ground anymore.
"Mary. Put the repair ship down." Anya chuckled somewhat, glancing back at the still assembled ten. "Hmmm, let's see. The chances of you ten being in the same class aren't great. So if you would, would you mind splitting into groups based on your classes?" She asked. And so they did, presenting Anya with five groups of two before her. Nodding at that, she gave each of the five a once over before she noted the group on the end left was watching her curiously.
With bronze and silver eyes.
Pausing a moment, she eventually found herself walking over to the two of them first, watching as the two seemed to grow giddy with anticipation.
"Alrighty then. What class might we have here? Allen M? Benson? Maybe some Gleaves?" She asked. Their eyes widened as they offered matching grins at that, Anya chuckling somewhat. Taking a moment, glancing back at Bristol and her sisters, the six of them were clearly trying to hold themselves back at the mention of more sisters. Looking back to the two, she focused in on the one with silver eyes. "So how about you first then." She suggested. The silver eyed destroyer offered an exaggerated nod.
"DD-647. The former USS Thorn, a member of the Gleaves class." Thorn said as she looked up at the woman. Anya offered only a slight chuckle at that, looking down at the dark brown haired destroyer before looking to her presumable sister.
"And you?" She inquired.
"DD-648, the USS Turner." The girl greeted. Anya nodded at that for a moment, laying a hand on Turner's short blonde hair, her bronze eyes seemingly lighting up at the touch.
"Thorn, Turner." She said before backing away somewhat, gesturing to the six already present. "I knew we said we wouldn't name names just yet, but say hello to Bristol, Ellyson, Forrest, Fitch, Mervine, And McCalla." She said as she introduced the six. And after a moment of pure surprise, Thorn and Turner giggled madly before all but throwing themselves at their sisters, the six's laughter joining with there's as they all but collapsed to the floor with giggles. Anya watched them a moment before offering a quiet chuckle as she turned to the next set of two.
"So, I ask. Could the two of you be Fletchers?" She asked, gazing at the two of them somewhat. One of them grinned, short black hair shaking with mirth, as her green eyes focused in on the Admiral before her.
"Aye, Lass." She greeted with a wide grin, throwing her arms in the air, nearly socking her apparent sister in the face. This of course prompted the girl from being hit, but she did tumble, knocking herself over somewhat from the sudden movement. The first girl blinked at this and immediately turned her attention to the downed sister, wincing somewhat. "Shit, Sorry Willie." She said as she offered the girl a hand.
And just like that, Anya had a pretty good idea of just who was standing before her.
"579 and 661. USS William D. Porter and USS Kidd." She Answered, glancing down at the two. Kidd offered a sheepish smile as she helped her sister off the ground, the down fletcher offering a quiet thank you in turn before the two of them looked to their new Admiral.
Willie shared the green eyes of kid, but her hair was a light brown, tied into a ponytail.
"You told Sammy that we have sisters on base. Is it just three?" Willie asked unsurely as she looked to the woman. Anya shook her head.
"With the two of you, that makes eleven fletcher sisters in all, now the biggest class of destroyers on base." She Answered, ruffling Willie's hair. The destroyer only offered a quaint smile at that, nodding in understanding before allowing herself to be lead off to the side by Kidd.
Only for her to almost trip.
"sorry..." Willie mumbled as Kidd helped her stabilize herself. Anya shook her head in amusement somewhat at that, watching them go before making way to the third class set of two. In greeting them, she spoke.
"Sorry to say, but as far as our destroyers go, we've only had Gleaves and Fletchers on Base. It'll be nice to expand the lineup somewhat. So who am I looking at now? Some Mahans? Gearings? Bensons?" She asked. The one standing before the other grinned just a little bit at the mention of the third class, Anya nodding in satisfaction. "Benson it is. Maybe even.. the Benson?" She asked.
"Affirmative." Benson greeted. "DD-421, former USS Benson reporting." She said in greeting before gesturing to her apparent sister. "This is DD-459, the former USS Laffey. She doesn't talk much but she's happy to be here too." She explained.
Laffey offered a proud nod in agreement. Anya chuckled somewhat at that.
Benson had dark, dark brown hair. But her pale green eyes drew the attention to those first. As the name-ship of her class, Benson stood at 5'3. Laffey was no different in the height Department, but her dark red hair was a far cry from Benson's own. Coupling that with her dark scarlet eyes and it gave the destroyer quite the appearance.
Anya nodded at that as she did so.
"Cool. Like I said, you two are the first Bensons on base. So I hope the Fletcher's don't give you too much grief." She said as the two stepped away off to the side, allowing Anya to make way for the fourth group of two. "Hmmm, we we've had Fletchers, Gleaves, and Bensons. What about a couple of Sumners?" She asked.
She got two grins in response, one more wild then the other. Anya chuckled somewhat at that as she looked to the wild grin a moment. "How about you first then." She suggested. The destroyer only grinned wider
"DD-724, Apart of the Allen M. Sumner Class. Former USS Laffey reporting." She greeted, her wild silverish hair seeming to move in the slightest when she did. Her bright orange eyes watched the woman with a wild expression. She stood taller than the two Fletchers present, but not much. Anya nodded at that.
"So we've got Laffey." She said, glancing back at the Benson. "And Laffey." She looked back to the one before her. "And Laffey's presumable sister?" She asked, glancing to the second. Destroyer in question grinned as well
"DD-725, former USS O'Brien reporting." She said with a nod. Anya chuckled somewhat at the grins the two were adorning.
"You know my knowledge with the Fletchers has taught me to be wary when destroyers grin. Will that trend continue with your class?" She asked.
Laffey And O'Brien only grinned in response, O'Brien's dark purple eyes seeming to promise much mischief. Her curly, dark brown hair accentuated the look. Anya sighed in resignation, though she offered both a pat on the head before sending them on their way. After she did so, she looked to the last of the five pairs, stepping up to them.
"Hmmm..." She hummed as the two watched her. "Honestly, I don't have a clue." She said. One of them, the one standing close to her only chuckled somewhat at that.
"Don't worry about it Admiral." She offered. "DD-360, former USS Clark, member of the Porter Class Destroyer leaders." She greeted. Anya nodded at that as she looked to the second.
"DD-361, USS Phelps." She greeted, resting her arm around Clark's shoulders, pulling her oldest sister closer, prompting Clark to laugh somewhat.
Both of them had black hair, Clark's being just a tad longer than Phelps's. Clark had light blue eyes while Phelps had light red eyes. The two of them were the tallest American Destroyers Anya had met thus far. Anya nodded at that.
"Well, it's nice to meet the two of you. Like I said to the rest of them, you girls don't have any sisters on base just yet. But I hope you'll settle in well enough." She offered. The two destroyers offered smiles to the woman before stepping away, giving Anya a moment to recount her names before nodding in satisfaction. Taking a moment, she looked to Sofia. "You want to learn a few?" She asked.
Sofia offered a nod at that, rolling her shoulders somewhat before stepping forwards, looking over the last remaining fourteen new summons. Humming a moment, she couldn't shake the notice that four of the still unnamed summons stood at about the same stature as the Gleaves.
Almost as if they were Escorts.
"Carriers. Front and center." Sofia asked. And to her some surprise and some not, she watched as nine of the remaining stepped forwards, Sofia watching a moment.
"The range is really gonna need that upgrade." Anya remarked behind her. Sofia nodded at that as she looked to the nine a moment before nodding.
"If you don't mind, separate into Fleet, light, and escort maybe?" She asked. The nine nodded at that as they organized, apparently there being one fleet, four light, and four more escort carriers. Nodding at that, wearily eyeing the four escort carriers a moment, she chuckled somewhat as she stepped towards them a moment, standing over them. And immediately, the four of them giggled wildly as they met eyes with the Captain before them. "So... could have four Casablanca's before us?" She asked.
The four broke into even wilder giggles. Sofia sighed in resignation, though she offered them a smile and nod. After a moment, she pointed to the first of the four.
"CVE-57." She introduced through giggles. "USS Anzio, apart of the Casablanca Class." She explained before breaking into more giggles. Sofia chuckled at that somewhat, the carrier's giggling almost infectious. It certainly seemed to be working on her sisters, none of the three having stopped laughing yet.
Anzio had very light brown hair, long and curly. Her dark brown eyes peered up at the Captain, even while covering her mouth to try and stifle her giggles. Sofia chuckled somewhat at that as she ruffled Anzio's hair a moment before moving onto the second one, preemptively ruffling her hair.
"CVE-59, USS Mission Bay." She greeted, somewhat melting under the Captain's touch. Sofia chuckled at that somewhat as she nodded.
Mission like Anzio had light brown hair. But her eyes were a dark green as she looked between Sofia and Anya, still giggling somewhat at everything, as if she found just everything more than amusing. Moving onto the next of the four, she was given a name.
"CVE-68, Kalinin Bay, Captain!" She greeted with laughter. Sofia chuckled somewhat, the laughter from the four never really having calmed down in the slightest. Sofia only offered a slight chuckle at that, ruffling Kalinin's light blonde hair for good measure. Her ruby red eyes looked up at the woman in glee as she made no move to push her hand away.
After that, she looked to the last of the four escort carriers.
"CVE-69, USS Kasaan Bay." She grinned up at the woman with unrestricted glee. Sofia only chuckled at that as she planted her hand on her head as well, ruffling her hair just like her sister's, the carrier's dark brown hair mixing with her vibrant blue eyes.
"Well, that makes four Casablanca class. Altogether, that makes seven." She offered, prompting the four to look up at her in glee. Chuckling at that, she stepped towards the next set of carriers. Taking a moment, she gestured to the first of the four for her to introduce themselves. The carrier in question offered a nod, her crimson eyes studying the woman a moment.
"CVL-48, USS Saipan reporting for duty Captain." She said with a nod. Sofia nodded at that as she looked to the second.
"Don't suppose you're her sister, are you?" Sofia asked. The woman nodded.
"CVL-49, USS Wright, second and final of the Saipan class, Captain." She greeted with a smile. Her dark blue hair, a far cry from most of the other hair colors on bass aside from a few. Her green eyes looked up at the Captain for a moment before glancing to her sister, Saipan offering a smile in turn.
"So we have Saipan and Wright. So who might our other two be?" She asked as she looked to the second pair of the light carriers. The first offered a small wave.
"CVL-22, USS Independence at your service Captain." She said before looking past Sofia and offering a wave to Anya. The woman chuckled somewhat as she waved back as Sofia only offered a small smile looking over the carrier, meeting the carrier's golden eyes. That combining with her dark, brown-reddish hair, it gave Independence quite the appearance. Sofia nodded at that as she looked to the one next to her.
"Maybe another independence? Maybe we can give Cabot two sisters?" She asked. Both Independence and the one before Sofia got wide eyes at the mention of the light carrier. Sofia chuckled at that, nodding. "I think she'd be happy anyways. She's the only American light carrier on base at moment." She said. "So, what might your name be?" She asked, looking to the last of the four light carriers.
"CVL-23, USS Princeton." She greeted finally, giving her name. "Pleasure to be here Captain." She said. Sofia nodded.
"Pleasure to have you here." Sofia returned. "So we have four light carriers, four escort carriers, a training carrier. And our unknown fleet carrier." She said, looking to the last presumable carrier as she stepped over to them. "My first instinct wants me to say you're apart of the Essex sisters. Am I wrong?" She asked. The carrier frowned somewhat.
"How do you know for sure? I could be apart of the Yorktown's for all you know." She tried, crossing her arms as her crimson eyes narrowed at Sofia. Sofia pursed her lips a moment at that, nodding slowly.
"You could, you really could." She said for a moment before stepping to the side as she pointed to three carriers that came in with her. "But given the fact that that's CV-5, 6, and 8 right there, I'm gonna guess no, you're not a Yorktown. So unless you're about to tell me you're either CV-2 or 4, I'm guessing you're an Essex." She assumed.
The girl in question offered pause for a moment before sighing somewhat, her shoulders slumping as she leaned forwards somewhat.
"You're right." She huffed. "CV-38, USS Shangri-La." She said before glancing at the three carriers a moment before huffing again, her strawberry blonde hair going down to her shoulders. Sofia chuckled somewhat at that as she nodded, sending Shangri-La to the side as she looked back to Anya, who was stepping up to the woman's side.
"Can we get some cruisers?" Anya asked. And to their watching, three of them stepped up, one standing at about six foot while the other two only stood at about 5'7. The two looked them over a moment before Anya pointed to the taller one.
"I'm gonna guess you're our heavy cruiser and you two are lights. No?" She asked. The three of them nodded in response to the question as the middle one, the one who had called Anya out on her outfit earlier, chuckled somewhat, peering down at the woman.
"Your outfit leaves less to the imagination than it should." She hummed, narrowing her eyes at the woman somewhat, a deep crimson gaze watching Anya's every move. Anya stared back a moment before shrugging at that.
"Like I said earlier, I was planning to go for a run." She said. "But then you all decided to show up." Anya fired back with a smile, looking up to the cruiser. "That all aside, who might you be?" She asked. The red eyed woman chuckled somewhat.
"CA-148." She said. "USS Newport News, member of the Des Moines class of Heavy Cruisers." She introduced herself, her short blonde hair being swept out of the way by a hand. Anya nodded at that.
"Have to say, we've been rather lacking in our CA's this far. You'll be much appreciated around here, no doubt." She said.
Newport only nodded at that, her crimson eyes slowly making their gaze to Shangri-La, who was already talking with the Yorktowns a moment before chuckling, nodding somewhat. "Yes, I'm sure I will." She said, turning to walk off to the side.
It was hard to ignore the aft the woman was sporting, Anya rubbing her face a moment as Sofia chuckled. Shaking her head, Anya looked to the other two.
"So, our new light cruisers. Certainly not Atlanta Class. And doubtful a sister to Helena." Sofia offered. The two nodded at that, the first crossing her arms.
"Certainly not. Atlanta and her sisters are nice girls, but we're not one of them." She said. "CL-55, USS Cleveland. Next to me is CL-58, Denver." Cleveland greeted, her crimson eyes lighting up in amusement.
Denver nodded in agreement, her own crimson eyes seeming to light up with her own sense of amusement. "Mhm. We're just happy to be here." She said, her dark blonde hair standing out from Cleveland's light blonde locks. Anya and Sofia nodded at that as the two stepped off to the side, allowing them to focus on the last two of the group. Both of them standing shorter than Anya, they offered a grin.
"We'll save you the confusion. I'm battleship Iowa. And this is Battleship Wisconsin." Iowa greeted, gesturing to herself and then to Wisconsin, who simply grinned.
Iowa, standing at 5'7 only grinned. Anya paused somewhat at the sight, tilting her head somewhat. Iowa's bright blonde hair only seemed to dance in mirth as the woman watched Anya with a wide grin. After a moment, Anya finally spoke.
"You're not Iowa class are you?" She asked. "Either of you?" She guessed. Iowa smirked at that as she crossed her arms.
"USS Iowa, BB-4." She introduced herself before looking to Wisconsin.
"USS Wisconsin, BB-9, Illinois Class." She explained, her own crimson eyes watching the woman, her sandy blonde splaying down to her shoulders in a mess. Iowa Nodded at that, prompting Anya to pause somewhat before nodding at that.
"Well, all in all, this new fleet is a welcome-"
"Admiral, though we are a fleet." Wisconsin Answered. "We are But an escort fleet." She said. And at that, both Iowa and Wisconsin turned to look back to the Gateway. And as if on cue, another ship's wake began to sound through the air. Anya offered pause for a moment before watching the fog, where already they could make out the form of one person. Only for her to realize that there was two, seeming to be holding hands.
A moment later, they cleared the fog, Anya already focusing in on the taller one of the two.
Her Green eyes met those of Crimson.
But her attention was quickly taken away from that as the smaller of the two seemed to recognize her, breaking her contact with the other as she made a mad dash for Anya.
"CAPTAIN!" She shouted, her eyes locking to Anya's. Anya blinked somewhat at that for a moment, her green eyes clouded with some confusion before she realized.
She'd only been Captain of one ship in her career.
"Johnny..." Anya muttered. All before five seconds later, the woman braced as the pig tailed destroyer leaped at her, Anya's arms instinctively wrapping around the girl in a protective manner. Blinking, she eventually looked down at the destroyer who had her face buried in Anya's stomach as she threw her arms around the Admiral. Taking a moment, Anya eventually brought a hand up to John Finn's Head, ruffling her hair.
The woman offered a quiet smile as she found herself unable to take her attention away from the Arleigh B destroyer in her arms, Sofia chuckled as she stepped forwards, towards the last unnamed figure. Looking up to her, the blonde haired presumable battleship offered a slight grin. Standing at 6'6, the woman glanced down at Sofia.
Sofia smiled back.
"I could guess at your name, but considering that's John, there's only so many you could be." She said. The woman smiled at that, nodding as she opened her mouth to respond, all seconds before something hit her.
Before a ghost hit her.
Nearly stumbling back somewhat, the Carrier wrapping her arms around her middle, the battleship simply put a hand on her head as she glanced down at her.
Her past wanted her to say more.
Their past demanded she do more.
But in the end, Jersey simply sighed.
"Hey E."
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