78 | Genio | Broken and Broke
Book: Broken and Broke by applejuice456
Reviewer: Genio | wOt_iS_tHiS_LiFe
Title [5/5]
Simple but fits with the blurb, kind of sounds like a romance movie title. Definitely haven't watched those before... jk. Anyways, it's a creative title.
Cover [4/5]
It's a nice cover, simple and easy to tell where the focus should be. I like how it says "a typical love story" on the cover. I think it'd be nice if the title were a little bigger and more visible, but it's a nice cover.
Blurb/Synopsis [5/5]
I love the fact that there's an excerpt from the story and a description. The description tells the reader what the story is about and the excerpt makes the reader want to read it, to properly understand that part.
Genre [5/5]
Definitely was a romance story.
Originality [10/10]
Ok I've seen plenty of romance movies and read some romance stories before but none have ever followed the guy before, and none were quite like this!! {will be explained more in overall enjoyment}
Description [7/10]
The way people speak along with what the characters are doing is described so well! However, there's less description on the characters physical appearance, but it's there. I don't recall much detail on surroundings though...
Character Development [8/10]
You do get to see a lot more details of each character as the story progresses (Especially Jordon- I love Jordon). I do wish there was a little more detail on what Andrew's personality was like before some of the other stuff though.
Plot [10/10]
I like that it focuses on his past first, instead of the present then flashing back. I rarely see that. Story flowed well, didn't seem choppy and I just kept wanting to read further!!
Grammar [13/15]
Grammar was good for the most part, only occasional errors, periods where commas should be, but not much. Overall, not many mistakes.
Structure [5/5]
New paragraphs started when they should be, none of the paragraphs are too long.
Vocabulary/Spelling [8/10]
i liked the words you used, they helped move the story along without being super repetitive. I did notice the occasional spelling error, but not too much.
Overall Enjoyment [8/10]
I did really like this story! And Jordon. I said it before, and I'm saying it again. Jordon is the best.
This might just be me but when Robbin is introduced I don't like her because I'm like sympathizing with Andrew and he's actually interested in finding something out but then she's just sorta rude.
That's probably just me feeling for Andrew though loll, it'd probably be annoying if someone grabbed your wrist and wouldn't let go.
Your story is a little heavy, but I think that only adds to the originality. Most romance movies I've watched or stories I've read is like: girl meets guy, don't get along then start to get along and secretly like each other and then someone messes up and then BAM they're together.
Your story is different, it's not really super cheerful at the beginning, unlike other stories.
Good job!!
[ Total: 88/100 ]
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