19 | Cindy | Where Is My Love??
Where Is My Love?? by Kpopians_ARMY
Reviewer - cwang1
Title [3/5]
I thought your title would be pretty good if you changed it around a bit. You don't need two question marks, and the "BlackPink and BTS FF" looks kind of excessive. Maybe you could put that in the blurb. Also, you might want to change it to something like "Finding My Love," which might fit better.
Cover: [1/5]
Sorry, but I didn't get your cover. There was text, but it was barely readable, and the images looked like they were just dropped on a random background. Part of the cover was also cut off, so I had no idea what it read. I would recommend making it more formatted.
Blurb: [4/5]
It's a bit short, but it gives a good synopsis of the book and really draws the reader in. I always thought Blackpink was just formatted as "Blackpink," but maybe that's just me.
Genre: [5/5]
It fits the genre well!
Originality: [9/10]
To be honest, I don't read many Kpop fanfictions, so I don't really know if there are tons of other books like this. However, the concept seems pretty original, so props to you!
Description: [6/10]
You don't really have much description, and since most of the words that you used were pretty simple, the description didn't really flesh out. Thus, I would suggest improving your vocabulary to, in turn, help to improve your description.
Character Development: [7/10]
To be honest, I felt that you didn't really describe the characters enough. If I were to be an outsider with no knowledge of any of the Kpop groups, I would really have almost no idea what these idols were like, what their personalities were, and if they would be friends with me, etc. I would suggest using dialogue more to help to describe your characters, and also just describing them in general with description. I did like how you sometimes added adverbs like "whining" to help me get to know them a bit better.
Plot: [8/10]
I thought that your plot was pretty good! It was interesting, and if I were a Kpop fan, I would probably be captivated throughout the whole story. For non-Kpop fans, I think they would get a bit confused if they read this, but I do think that your story is for Kpop fans. I would, however, recommend that you use more cliffhangers, a tactic that you don't really use often. Other than that, a great job in this category!
Grammar: [9/15]
I thought that your grammar was a bit weird. You often used many punctuation points (like "!!!!) randomly, and that's considered quite informal, so try not to do that. Also, though your sentences were grammatically corrected, they didn't really flow well, something I would try to work on. Also, you sometimes used emojis, which threw me off.
Structure: [3/5]
Your structure was, overall, pretty good. You didn't put a return after the dialogue, however, so I would try to do that. Additionally, you sometimes had very long blocks of text, which I would try to break up. Other than that, a great job!
Vocabulary/Spelling: [7/10]
Your spelling was, overall, good. You didn't have any obvious spelling mistakes, and it definitely didn't detract from the book. You didn't really use very many good vocabulary words, so I would just try to keep an eye out for that.
Overall Enjoyment: [7/10]
The grammatical mistakes and the very casual writing style in this book definitely threw me off and made the book a little less enjoyable. However, I think that the concept and plot is really good, so if you just touch up on a few spots, you would have a great book!
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