Reviewer: scrabblepost
Harlequin's Tales: by_a_dancer
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Title: 5/5
The title is attention grabbing. I immediately want to know what it's about.
Cover: 5/5
The graphics are beautiful and fits perfectly with the story.
Blurb: 4/5
Blurb is really good, but there's a tense slip in the blurb.
A decade ago, ...,Doge has amended the constitution.
Here: A decade ago indicates the past. While 'Doge has' indicates present and 'amended' again is in past tense.
A decade ago,..., Doge amended the constitution.
The last line, hook, is amazing.
Genre: 5/5
Historic Fiction
Descriptions: 8/10
The scenic descriptions were beautiful. Although the character descriptions could have been better. Since it's historic fiction, their attire, makeup and hair needed more detailing.
Dialogues: 8/10
There were a few punctuation mistakes in the dialogues. Other than that, the dialogues were realistic and believable.
"Maybe I don't wish for a husband though you never take interest in my wishes!"
"Maybe, I don't wish for a husband though. You never take interest in my wishes!"
Plot: 8/10
I liked how you dedicated an entire chapter to different characters. It helped understand them a little better. Though the story seemed to break between the switch. Try to add more familiar elements in the middle of the chapter rather than just the end.
Grammar and structure: 16/20
The grammar was decent for the most part. Just a few mistakes.
Some of the commas were missing.
This is your chance to find your sisters proper husbands.
Edit: This is your chance to find your sisters, proper husbands.
Some run down sentences.
Meanwhile, Giulietta locked her eyes with exotic looking fellows, who like by the power of a magic wand a second later appeared next to her letting her fingertips....
Edit: Meanwhile, Giulietta locked her eyes with exotic looking fellows, who like by the power of a magic wand, a second later, appeared next to her, letting her fingertips....
Or separate the sentences to make it easier.
Meanwhile, Giulietta locked eyes with exotic looking fellows. They appeared next to her a second later, like magic, letting her fingertips....
Try not to repeat the same pattern.
Defeated, Giulietta leaned back.
Beaten, Giulietta pulled back.
You have used en dash (–) instead of em dash (—) to show interruption.
Don't forget to separate different character actions and dialogues.
Ex: ... Giulietta hopelessly recalled...Aleissia opened her eyes..."Veneri is watching."...Then she giggled as if Giulietta...
Here it's confusing who said the dialogue.
...Giulietta hopelessly recalled...
Aleissia opened her eyes..."Veneri is watching."...Then she giggled as if Giulietta...
Vocabulary and spellings: 7/10
Since it's historic fiction I expected high end vocabulary. But the words were decent. Try to use a little more retro words.
I noticed adverbs in almost all of the paragraphs that were outside the dialogues. Try to limit its use.
There were a few spelling mistakes that needed amendment.
Flow and pace: 7/10
The flashback in the middle of the story seemed a little abrupt. Try to tell only relevant parts throughout the chapter or dedicate an entire chapter if you want to tell in detail.
Overall Enjoyment: 7/10
The only hindrance to enjoyment is the grammar and editing issues apart from that the core story is good.
Total: 80/100
Final thoughts:
It is a very interesting concept. The execution could have been a little better.
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