Kanan Pov.
"Mark?" I walked into the alley way. He turned around said,"Kanan? Hey....... What did you need help with?" I said,"No questions asked. It just involves you helping Ash." Mark said,"I hate it when you do that." I said,"I know but this will help her. Trust me. I can't be here long so just follow us around when we're on our way." I turned my back. He grabbed my arm. I sighed and said,"She's a right, Mark. Now......." He asked,"What is that so post to mean?" I turned around and said,"I'll tell you later when you finsh helping." I pulled my arm away and walked away.
Ash's Pov.
"Where's, Kanan?" I asked. Tie said,"Don't know but he told us to start the mission without him." I said,"Start the mission? He is the leader and when does Kanan ever say that. It's always the other way around." I sighed. I looked over at Idra. I asked,"Should we?" She said,"I don't know." "Wait do not start." Kanan climbed up the building. We looked down at the Kallus's. I said,"Kanan get down and why are we here again?"
Kanan got down quickly and answered,"To save your dad." I said,"No..... No........ Wait, why?"
Kanan said,"Because today his having a meeting with Tarkin and we all know what happens then." I nodded. I asked,"Do we have too?" He gave me a look. He said,"Sometimes I wonder how your a jedi."
She smiled and said,"I get it from you, Brother." Kanan said,"I should've seen that coming." Diaden nodded. Idra and Tie said,"You should've." I smiled and said,"Now how we getting in?" BOOM!!! I flenched and Kanan stood up and said,"That's how." He helped me up.
We jumped down landing on the landing platform.
I asked,"Who even was that?" Kanan said,"Not sure." He smiled. I thought whatever. He never says when he doesn't know who it is.
Kallus Pov.
I ran quickly out of the room. I tried opening the door. It was no use. No..... No...... this is not happening! I turned around to see the man walking closer to me.
"There's no point in running. I can make it quick or I can just be mean and make it slow."
I tired opening the door. Not use.
Then all of a sudden I couldn't breath. I began to cough. I looked back over at the man. His walking closer to me. I coughed more.
I turned back around. I grabbed my blaster and shot at him put it was jammed.
I turned back at the door.
I closed my eyes. This is it. I'm going to die!
I was able to breathe again. I gasped for air. I layed on the ground and looked up. It was Ash. I tried to yell,"Astrid!" But it came out in a whisper and it made my throat hurt more.
Ash Pov.
"Give a girl a break!" I said the Force pushing him into the wall. He feel to th ground but got back up quickly. He then Force pushed me against the wall.
I said,"Oh......" That burned. He took off his hood. I said,"You! You........ You stay away from my brother!!!" He said,"And if I do?" Ash said,"Your going to have to kill me first." He laughed. He said,Your funny. Your lucky your mother did that you know that." I said,"What are you talking about I was born that way." He said,"Oh sorry I forgot your the Dragon Master." He laughed. "Where is Caleb?" He asked.
I said,"What makes you so sure I would tell you...... and it's Kanan." He said,"Whatever. His real name Caleb Dume and that's it!" I said,"That's his real first name but I dif was need your last name!" He walked closer to me. He said,"You want to talk to me like that again? I would hate to kill you in front of your father.
I smiled and said,"Go ahead!" He turned on his lighsaber.
He feel to the floor and someone else feel from the vent. I asked,"Kanan?" He stood up and looked at me.
It can't be.....
I said,"Mark?"
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