Ash's Pov.
I kept trying to look over Edward's shoulder to see what he was holding.
"Ezra, Ezra, Nice to see you again."
He is right outside.
I grabbed Edward's jacket. He looked back at me.
"Don't...." I whispered. I let go.
He looked back at the door.
"We need to kill all the Jarrus except one."
"I already know which one." Ezra replied.
Oh gosh.......
"You save the doctor to me." The Maul said.
Edwards tried to get up but I pulled him back down. "Also the siblings and the Miller.... kill him in front of Ash." I began to stand up but, Idra pulled me down.
"I will." Ezra said and his footsteps slowly faded. I can't believe Ezra's doing this.
"Doctor? Philp? Do you miss Rebel?"
I opened the door and closed it behind me.
"Ash Jarrus.... How cute? Finally, got rid of the eyepatch I see." He said, smiling.
I smiled back and said,"I did. I wanted to have full view of me fighting you." He laughed. "What makes you so sure you're going to win?" He asked. I answered,"You just said those things in front of me. I don't plan on losing to a loser like you anyway." His smile faded.
"Where's the Doctor?" Maul asked. I said,"Away from you!" I turned on my lightsaber leaving the other one in on my belt.
He said,"So he told you what I did?" I said,"He told me plenty! Why did you do it? Tell me that." He said,"Just for the fun of it." I said,"You little....... your a little piece of crap." He turned on his lightsaber and said,"Think what you want."
Edwards stood by my side.
It was a lightsaber. He turned it on revealing it was green.
"And Maul I do know a lot more then you think!" He said with a smile.
I put out my pinkie and he held it with his.
"Ready?" I asked.
"More ready then you." He said.
Maul gave us a strange look.
"Run on three." I said I'm a whisper.
He nodded.
"3!" We yelled together.
We ran down the hall full speed.
Maul froze.
We knocked him over.
I gave Edwards an high five and turned in my second lightsaber.
Edwards got ready to blast him put used the force on Maul used the force and knocked him into the wall. He did again on the other wall. He was about to it again but, I swang at him.
He kicked me making me fall back.
I got up quickly then relished Diaden and Idra where on each side of me.
Diaden swang but, Maul blocked it. Idra swang and he blocked it with the other blade.
I swang at the middle of the lightsaber.
Right when I hit it he moved his lightsaber.
"Move!!!" Idra yelled and tried to push me.
Then I was pushed over Maul's head. I turned on my lightsaber slicing his shoulder.
His split lightsaber feel onto the floor and I went along with it.
I looked up which caused my back to hurt.
Pain slowly spread throughout my whole body.
"Edwards!!!" I yelled.
My throat began to burn.
I tried to get up but, I feel to the floor right away.
Idra was on the other side of the hall. Diaden was knocked out not to far from her.
Edwards stood up and put his hands into fist and so did Maul. I never thought I was going to see Maul do that.
Edwards punched him in the chest but, nothing happened.
"Oh snap." Edwards said.
Maul used the force on him and pushed him gains on of the wall.
I stood up and turned on my lightsaber. I jumped over Maul and put my lightsaber over his head. I sliced his horns off.
Edwards kicked him as I landed.
"1-2-3!!!" We yelled.
I used the force on Maul making him hit the wall.
"How do you like it?" We asked him. He said,"That was.... that was something. That just happened! Wait, are okay?"
I nodded and said,"Yah, just I'm going to have a back problem for a little bit. We need to check on them." I ran down to the other side of the hall and they where gone.
I looked back where Maul was and he was gone too.
"Sabine?" I called.
I opened the door and she was gone.
"They got them. We need to find them now!" I yelled.
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