"Just married!" (16K Special)
Dear, Book worms 🥺🥺
Mentions of Tododeku
Modern AU
Lowkey inspired by the course of WE (Warm Embrace) by Chris Brown
Enjoy 😊
"By the power invested in me, I now pronounce you; husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."
Kaminari grinned before diving into a deep kiss, Jirou returning the kiss with passion. "Ladies and gentlemen: Mister and misses Kaminari!" Said Yaomomo. Everyone cheered at the wedding as Kaminari and his new wife Jirou hugged each other.
Kaminari picked his Wife up: bridal style, getting a small scream followed by a laugh out of Jirou as she wrapped her arms around Kaminari's neck.
"Now its after party time!"
The room was filled with people on the dance floor, music blasted through the speaker and Kaminari and Jirou had their first dance as a lawful married couple.
Soon the after party ended with everyone waving at Kaminari and Jirou in their wedding car. Everyone was screaming congratulations, some were even crying of happiness. Jirou and Kaminari spoke to each other softly. After they were done talking, she rolled her eyes as her face flushed a light pink from embarrassment. She stood up and announced that she was going to toss the bouquet of flowers. A few girls getting ready to catch it, And even some men. She turned her back and with one arm threw the bouquet of Daisy's behind her. Izuku who wasn't even paying attention to the flowers was the one to catch the bouquet of flowers in his arms. Everyone laughed and cheered at Izuku. Shoto grinned at him, leaning down and kissing his forehead. Izuku blushed before he giggled.
"Alright! See you guys!"
Everyone waved at the Newly Weds, wishing them a happy rest of their day. They thanked everyone for coming before they pulled off in the car.
"It took them long enough."
"Yeah, they've been dating since high school."
Kirishima looked at Mina. "Do you know where they're going? Kaminari said they're were instantly going on their honeymoon but that Flight isn't in another 3 hours." Mina looked back at him and shrugged. "I don't really know. They probably has some other plans at home before going to Paris."
Now Mina was right.
They most certainly had plans.
3 hours was more than enough time.
You see, Jirou lived in a family that wasn't exactly religious, but if you had sex before marriage, it'd would cause a huge problem among the family.
Her mother did it.
And for that her grandparents would always mention that she was what they called a premature child. Not that she gave a fuck about what her grandparents had to say. It wouldn't hurt her.
She just 1, had body image issues and 2, didn't feel like hearing their mouths like her mother did. And lying to them would make a big fuss of questions because she got those even when she wasn't dating Kaminari and only had a crush on him.
So when she trusted Kaminari with her body, Which took a very, very long time because of Mineta, who's better now by the way, She said she'd marry him.
Not to sound like a perv but, to be honest, Kaminari was waiting for her to take the ring. I mean, he wanted to marry her more than fuck her so that's where most of the anticipation was, but his arm was getting tired Y'know? They were currently 25 years old. They started dating at 16. You do the math of how long he had to hold off. Not that he was angry or anything, if he had to do it for another 9 years, he would.
Yes it took 9 years for them to actually have sex.
So now they were in the back of the car they drove off in, kissing the air out of each others lungs while the car sat in front of a beautiful view of the sun hovering over water, their wedding clothes already off and in the front seats so they wouldn't get messed up. Their flight was at 5. It was 2:30. They had more than enough time. Jirou did take the fact that Her husband wasn't a virgin like her into mind so yes, they did have a later flight they could get on if they were late.
Jirou isn't dumb guys.
She was uneasy. Not a second guessing uneasy, she wanted to sleep with him, wanted to since they were in highschool. But with her body image issues, she held off. What she was uneasy about however, was her being able to pleasure a sexually educated man. Her insecurities were whispering things into her ear, causing her eyes to be unstable and her body to stiffen in fear. Kaminari noticed her body language and leaned into her ear.
"Don't worry about me."
Jirou looked at Kaminari in embarrassment. She opened her mouth to protest against him but he shushed her, staring into her eyes. "I want to make this feel good for you. Let me take care of you, not the other way around."
"I want to make our first together memorable for you."
Jirou's face flushed a burgundy red, her eyes dialating. "Kaminari, I just-" "Don't need to worry." He smiled. "Let me do the hard work, babe." The blonde then leaned down and kissed her cheek, lowering to her neck, to her shoulder, and stopped at her chest. He smiled lovingly. "What's there to be embarrassed about?" He said softly, giving her chest a peck. "Everything about you...it's perfect in the most mesmerizing way."
Kaminari wrapped his lips around one of her breasts. His wife gasped and shivered at the touch. A unexpected wave of pleasure came from his lips pulling at her nipple before he left it go with a soft pop sound of the lips. Kaminari then went to go give the other his attention, doing the same thing. After, he leaned back down, flicking his tongue around her nipple causing another pleasurable shiver to move through his wife's body.
He stopped, looking up at the girl again with soft eyes. "Is it okay if I touch it?" He asked quietly, rubbing his hands down the back of her thigh to insinuate what he meant. She nodded. "You don't have to ask, I trust you." Jirou said softly to her husband. "Just move slow..."
He gave her a hum of acknowledgment, slowly moving his hand in-between her thighs and rubbing her clit softly, then to softly and slowly push his finger into her. Jirou moaned, instantly wet(ter to be honest) on contact. It made Kaminari grow a cocky smile subconsciously. It turned him on more than he already was to feel his finger slip in with no issues. But because he loved her, he didn't let her being this sexy by accident control the actions he made. He instead returned to her breasts, licking around one of her nipples while playing with the other with his unoccupied hand. Jirou gasped out a breathy moan, her eyes fluttering closed as her husband began sucking on her breast softly.
Jirou started to feel bad again. She felt as if this had to be a 50/50 thing regardless of her being a virgin or not. She wanted to at the very least try to please Kaminari in some way. So she grabbed his arm softly to make his hand movements come to a stop. "Grind against me..."
She flushed the second the words came out of her mouth. Honestly she forced herself to say them anyway. Kaminari stared at her in surprise before he smiled. "Couldn't get ya to stop worrying about me, huh?" He asked in a teasing tone. "Alright but, I'm gonna keep doing this okay?"
Jirou nodded hard, just waiting for this embarrassing moment to end already. Kaminari leaned in, kissing his wife passionately before starting up his hand movements again. Starting to grind against his wife's thigh, he moaned into the kiss, pulling away to gasp for air. "Does that- ah- make you feel more at ease or sh-should I- F-fuck- move a bit faster?" He asked. She shook her head. "Whatever you want to do." She sighed out. "I'm gonna put another finger in, okay?" He said, getting a nod from the wife before he slowly pushed in another finger.
Her legs began to tremble, her chest heaving as her lover stares into her eyes and vice versa. "Does it hurt?" Kaminari asked. "No..I-it feels good." She moaned out. He scissored his fingers to help her stretch out more, kissing her passionately to ease her mind.
Kaminari's fingers came to a stop, the married couple staring into each other's eyes in a comfortable silence. "Are you ready?" Asked the groom, removing his fingers from inside her. "Y-yeah...J-just...Slow, Okay?"
"Of course, Baby. Of course."
Kaminari leaned in to kiss his wife, rubbing his fingers across her thighs softly. He then pulled away, fixing himself into a seat, and grabbing his wife by the thighs, carefully placing her over him. "If it hurts, tell me." Kaminari said, receiving a nod from his wife. He lined himself up with her, as then softly began pushing her hips down onto himself. Jirou's eyes shut, her begining to squeeze his shoulders tightly. He came to a stop, making sure she wasn't hurt.
"N-No it's not that it's just-" Her face flushes a dark red. "Y-You're just...R-really... really big..."
Kaminari laughed. "Oh don't worry, you'll get used to me in no time flat. Thanks for the compliment though." He laughed.
He continued on, softly and slowly pushing himself into her. And because he was such a cautious person, he didn't hurt her one bit.
I mean to be a bit fair he didn't even go all the way in.
That's how cautious he felt he needed to be.
Easily balancing his weight onto hers, he slightly lifted her up and pushed her down, trying to make sure the rest of his length didn't hurt her. Jirou's eyes tightened closed, and with the skip of his heartbeat, he stopped.
"Did I hurt you?!" He asked, worry in his eyes. Jirou laughed. "Not one bit." She said, her arms resting on his shoulders. "Waves of pleasure can get that reaction too, y'know. You've done it twice already." Kaminari sighed heavily. "Jeez, that scared the shit out of me." Kaminari said resting his head on the head of the seat in the car.
"Maybe this will ease your mind."
Jirou leaned into a kiss, pushing herself down onto him. They both started heavily breathing, their lips still connected. With a grunt of pleasure into their long kiss, she finally pushed him all the way inside her. In almost an instant, Jirou pulled away, heaving. "Kyoka, are you-"
"This feels... R-really good." Jirou sighed. "It...it feels...l-like heaven on earth."
Kaminari's face filled with love and pride. Kyoka feeling good was the best part of this entire moment. He's making his wife feel like she's above matter.
He was making her feel good. He was making her feel...
Really good.
He could feel his heart beating. This was no longer a want. This was a need. He needed to hear her crying over him, begging, pleading for more.
Wanting more of the pleasure he could provide.
"What's with the look...?" Jirou asked weakly, snapping him out of his head. "O-oh. Nothing I just..."
Wait for her. Keep your composure.
"It's nothing. Tell me to move when you're ready." He gave his wife a smile. Jirou returned the smile and wrapped her arms around his neck. She nodded, letting him know he could move.
Keep. Your. Composure.
His grip around her waist tightened, lifting her up slowly and softly pushing himself back in. The both of them let out a shaky moan, their eyes locked. "C-can I- fuck- can I speed up- A- A bit?" Kaminari asked his wife. Jirou nodded at him, refusing to let her eyes stop staring into his. His arms wrapped around Jirou's waist before he started pushing into her at a slightly faster pace. Jirou let out a loud moan, her eyes closing for a half of second.
Don't stare at me like that...
Kaminari could feel the heartbeat again. He was losing control. She felt so good...She looked so fucking sexy...He didn't want to rush. He didn't want to push. Her terms. Her terms only.
So the blonde broke the heated eye contact, burying his moans into Jirou's neck. The vibration from his now muffled quiet moans sent shivers through Jirou's body. It made her wonder.
If he were to get louder...Would it feel better?
Kaminari cheered in his mind before he sped up. His throat let out a series of moans, all against the girls sweet spot on her neck. The smile that creeped onto the girls face was one he'd never expect.
Honestly, Jirou could feel his heavy heartbeat from the second he almost lost it.
And she now knew, she had no problem with him letting go.
She pressed at his chest, causing him to come to a stop. "S-Something wrong..?" He asked, mouth still pressed against Jirou's neck. Jirou shook her head. "Your heart just feels like it's about to beat out of your chest." She said sweetly before grabbing him by his hair and pulling his head back -Something he already mentioned he had enjoyed- and leaned into his ear.
"No need to go slow anymore. I'm fully ready for you, don't hold back."
Her whispers made him whimper. "Are you sure...? Kyoka, I'm not sure if I even know what I'll do."
"Oh I have a good hunch." She whispered. "Regardless. I want it. I want you, Denki."
The only sound you'd hear of you could hear the grooms thoughts. His arms grip tightened, and he lifted her, and then slammed her down. Jirou gasped in a pleasurable surprise before he did it again, constantly, at a quick speed. The blonde buried himself in her neck again, whimpering. The chanting, "Jirou- K-Kyo- oh god- oh gosh Kyo- I- babe- babe- oh baby-" was heaven to the woman. She laid her head down, giving his neck soft kisses and bites -Another thing he had already mentioned he'd enjoyed- to try and shut her own whining and get more out him.
One of those two things worked.
Kaminari cried, his heart starting to beat faster as he pushed faster into the girl, sweat forming on their bodies as he pounded lovingly into her. He didn't want to be to loud, he wanted to hear her over himself. And his plan worked.
Jirou bit her lip, huffing out grunts with every thrust. Kaminari could hear her body language. He could hear her body, crying over him, begging, pleading
And wanting for more of the pleasure he could provide.
It was overwhelming...
"I'm so greedy..." He mumbled to himself. Though, his wife still heard that remark and cocked (Stop y'all) a brow in confusion. "I just want to keep making you scream..."
He turned their bodies, laying her down across the back seats of the car. Jirou's eyes widened in surprise. A sudden form of dominance like this from him was unlikely.
Not unwanted, however.
So Jirou smiled, placing her arm around his neck. Grinning, she coo'd, "be greedy." into his ear. She heard his shaky breath, it made her grin widen. Kaminari pushed himself up, their eyes meeting.
"You flip a switch in me..." He whispered before thrusting into her once, getting a loud moan from his wife. "I feel so uncontrolled. Unhinged." Said before another thrust. Kaminari leaned in, kissing his wife deeply as he began thrusting constantly. Jirou's legs lifted, wrapping around her husband.
Her stomach tightened as the man pulled away from the kiss. He panted, still thrusting. To be honest, Jirou didn't want this to end. She wanted this to continue, even if only a bit longer, but she felt him twitching and her stomach was tightening up, a new feel rushing through her veins.
"Denki- I'm- I'm gonna-"
A sharp thrust, and the bride cried out in pleasure as her climax hit her only half as hard as her husband did. The man pulled out, jerking himself and bringing his own body to climax, covering his wife in the salty seed. After they were both done they just sat and stared at each other, panting like dogs until Kaminari's switch had flipped off. He blinked a few times before going into a small panic.
"Oh- shit- let me get you cleaned up, S-sorry!"
Jirou gasped and panted quietly, a soft smile.
Some would say it's weird and/or slut/whore like to have sex with your husband in your just married car.
But, she didn't care.
The only this that rested on her mind as her husband silently cleaned her up with some tissues was;
I should have fucked him sooner.
I'm getting better y'all I didn't leave for years 😩
I'm no exactly sure how many episodes there'll be. But! I do know it'll be more than 2!
I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter of my 16K special.
I love you guys so much. You, my editor, my friends, all helped me through this painful journey called life.
My day ones; thank you for being so patient with me and my stories, I promise, I really am trying. Thank y'all for the be support you gave me when I got off the ground.
New readers; thank you for seeing that my books are barely updated and still giving me a chance. I truely hope that I'm exceeding your expectations with what I do get out.
I love you so so much, and I can never leave you guys alone. Not for to long anyway- 😭...
Hope you guys have a wonderful, beautiful, and blessed night. I love you book worms, so much :3
Signed by only yours truely-
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