Chapter 2: Count up Demons and Are you my Master?
Vice: Last time, Kamen rider Revice: The Devil defied Fate! Hey, everyone glad to see you here! Today I be the narrated! That right, I playing as narrator since my voice actor play narrated in Uchu Sentai Kyuranger! Last time, when Prof Kari chan talking about the progressed of Kamen rider Revice! And my aibou Revi and I just showing of cool we are of our spotlight! And Shirou goes his school life, getting the heroines of Fate! Shirou-chan meeting the mystery loli chan called him Onii chan! Just who is that Loli?! Later on, Looks like Kari chan knew about the death battle of Holy Grail War! Just what is he hiding from Shirou chan and others?!
At Emiya Residence
Shirou: I'm home.... *bit of tired tone entering the indoor*
???: Ah! Welcome, home Onii chan! *Smiles with happy tone*
Shirou: I'm home, Miyu. *Smiles rubbing on her head to recharge his energy abit*
Miyu Emiya the Kuudere Imouto!
Vice: That Miyu chan! She kawaii imouto san you can asked for! She become emotionally attratched to her big brother Shirou is her favourite brother! And... She also the A.R and other protagonist of... *cut breaking fourth wall*
Shirou: What you talking about Vice? And... Where have you been, since I've encounter the strange little girl with silver hair and red eyes? *Asking in question works with bit irritated*
Vice: Ah! What do you mean? *head tilted in confusion tone*
Shirou: Geez, you really are strange for sometime. *sweatsdropped*
Miyu: Onii chan, you talking to Vice again? *notices it he talking to*
Miyu and Mike knew about Vice is Shirou's Inner demon. Sometime seeing weird and strangness of antic between of Shirou and Vice.
Shirou: Yeah...
???: Geez, Nii chan, you really need to control of your akuma. Uncle has entrusted you and chose you, become Kamen rider Revice.
Mike Emiya the Serious Person and also... Shy! Secretly wanted become a Hero
Shirou: Sorry, sorry, sorry, thanks to the idiot who like to causes of wreckages to made the colleteral damages. *Sheepish smiles pointed at Vice*
Vice: Shirou chan! I thought we have special?! *felt his heart broken*
Shirou: And... Mike... I want you to thank you to take over my place, while Uncle called me for emergency. You did well taken care Sakura. *Smiles in genuine*
Mike: S-Save it... Nii san... We're waiting for you to come home... Hurry up we're hungry... *Red tint with bit embarrassed and tsundere*
Shirou: Hai, hai, hai. Looks like, I be using the Kitchen... *Smiles a bit*
At Kaito's Office (Weekened HQ)
Kaito: If the report from the Mage Association is true about the Holy Grail is back.... The Seven Masters has already summons their servants but except one... The one could joins the war.... Is Saber... *Serious tone looking at card*
(Opening: liveDevil by Da-iCE ft. Subaru Kimura)
(Instrumental) Seeing of Shirou before opens his eyes, Shirou smiles facing at the camera different split between of Shirou and Vice walking path.
(No one can ever know) Seeing the seven servants cards, changes to dna helix, then ancient painting of demons and humans wars, later to ancient artifect summons servants, and then Avalon.
(akuma no sasayaki ga calling) Showing the duo riders appears facing the camera, before the titles appears.
(te ni wa oenai genjitsu) Seeing of the Emiya family with Saber, Rin, Sakura and Taiga having their usual live. Shirou mopping the floor, changes to Mike mopping the kitchen.
(oitsume rare Edge of a cliff) Miyu and Saber are wiping cleaning on the floor, changes Rin cleaning the dishes and then Sakura cooking some foods for them.
(kami ni mo mihanasa reshi) And finally of Taiga let out of the hungry looks, wanted to eat some of the foods.
(kokoro no suki nerawa re ma ga sashi) The scene showing of Shirou and Mike having in bathroom, later changes to Miyu with Saber, Rin and Sakura in the bathroom girl. Seeing of the stamp marked on book, changes the Emiya family taken pictures.
(tadashi-sa de sabaki au yōna kono sekai de) Showing of Revi standing on top of the edge of rooftop seeing of Fuyuki city with Helix. Seeing of Wataru with his friend Jack analysing of Holy Grail War.
(insan'na yami o kakushi) Seeing of Kaito is currently researching of three familiar figures in giant statis tanks. The changes of Caster with Assassin in Ryuudou Temple, Lancer on the bridge and Kirei Kotomine at Church.
(ikidzuku liveDevil) Showing of Deadman HQ revealing of Seven Sins in their human forms with their leader Gifu.
(soredemo hikari sagashi) Seeing of Gifu's Stamp in the displayed glassed. Showing of Shirou on the surface under beneath him is Vice at purgatory.
(aragai tsudzuke sakebe yo hang in there) Seeing of the helix appears, before they're swapped to the different world.
(nigenaide jibun o Breaking through) Shirou holding his Rex Vistamp, releasing of small breath on stamp mark. He stamp it Rex. Behind him is message board before Vice pop out.
Shirou: Henshin!
(Dealing with the devil) They become the Duo Riders known as Kamen rider Revice.
(kindan no chikara sae mo mikata ni tsukete) Revi and Vice battle against the Gifu's grunts. Before the scene went glitches showing Vice dancing, showing them double rider punches. Seeing of Archer battle against Lancer, changes to Rider battle against Saber.
(No one can ever know) Changes to showing Wateru with his squad are investigate and battling against the demons.
(mamoritai ima ikiru jidai) Seeing of Shirou driving his motorcycle.
(kimi no tame ni tsuyoku naru) Changes to Saber ask for more rices, causing Taiga let out comically crying. Showing the laboratory exploded, changes to Illya forming evil smiles.
(Wo - Oh Wo - Oh Just Revice) Showing Vice currently dancing.
(shin ni tatakaubeki mono wa nani?) Seeing in the ruined future there are multiple Gifu's grunts, as Revi arriving swinging slashing using his Ohinbuster in axe mode. Seeing of Vice sliding down on window building before jumped out.
(Wo - Oh Wo - Oh Just Revice) Seeing of Revi driving Vice in motorcycle mode dodging from multiple missiles behind them, before charging into Hoverbike mode to dodge.
(sagashi tsudzuke) Seeing of Shirou releasing of screaming, his home has been destroyed, while the rains pour on him.
(Dealing with the devil) Showing the photos of his adopted father with his family, later showing Revi releasing of powerful bursts leaving the ground shattered. Changes to Revi and Vice in their remixes form causing rampages. The last scene, the duo riders perform their handshakes as vistamps floats.
Shirou: Here you go.
He place down the plates of dinner, revealing is rice curry with gyozas. As his siblings become so hungries of the foods.
Emiya Siblings: Itadakimasu!
As the siblings eating their dinners, they taste the flavours of the foods. It spicy but also so good as well.
Miyu: Oishi! *bleam with enjoy*
Mike: Nii san... You really good of chef.... You should become a chef instead in the future, nii san... *taken the bite*
Shirou: Ahahahahahahahaha.... It nothing... I just like doing of cooking when dad doesn't know how to do... *Sheepish smiles and taken eat*
Vice: Ohhhhhhhhhh!!! I am so jealous! I wanted to eat! Shirou let henshin and let me eat! *Begging him*
Mike: Still playing as hero, nii san? But.... I don't know, why dad left his childish dream and ideal to you. I mean... What up with this dream. It sounds impossible... *blunt in nonchalant*
Shirou: Dad's dream is not childish! I make it ideal to be come true, Uncle entrusted me the power I wa... *cut argued tried to defend*
???: Pardon me for the intrusion...
Shirou: Wataru san! *recognizes him*
Wataru Kadota! A man with sense becoming Hero!
Vice: That Wataru Kadota! He is like A.R version of Hiromi san! Wataru left his Magus family, wanted to find his own path, he like Shirou wanted become Heroes of Justice, but Wataru is serious and different then Shirou! But.... I hope he doesn't die like Hiromi san! *crying with handkerchief*
Wataru: Greeting Emiya siblings. *greeted with no emotion*
Shirou: What you doing here?
Wataru: I've been requested by Professor. Delivering of the new vistamps. *placing the small case to them*
As two siblings peeked their interests at the small case. Shirou reached the small box cases, before opening revealing one Vistamp.
Shirou: That.... 2 detective sharing in one body known as Kamen rider Double genetic with Eagle, right?
Vice: That our Uncle K!
Wataru: That right. I be taken for leaving.... *turns before reaching to the exit door*
Shirou: Wataru san! Did you find the murder, you guys at the scene! *Asking in blurted out*
Mike: Nii san! *tried to scold him*
Wataru: No... We still haven't confirmed to matched and found out who the killer is. The investigate team still searching on evident of the clues it might be rogue magus or demons. Shirou... I know you wanted to save everyone, but.... You going push yourself not knowing danger come to you. *exited and leaving*
After Wataru has left the sibling remained in the living room. While Shirou in deep thinking knowing he is right. Shirou can't risk and push himself, he wanted become Heroes of Justice.
Until he snaps out of his thinking, when he felt his hand being grabbed. Making him glances with Miyu with reassure looks.
Miyu: It okay Onii chan.... Even if you don't like seeing of everyone dying but... We will always with you... *reassure you*
Mike: She right, nii chan... Even if your dream still impossible and childish but... Even if we not blood related, we're blood family, right? *Showing his kind smiles*
Shirou: You guys.... Thank you... *Smiles* But let eat, before it get cold....
Emiya Sibling: Hai!
At Unknown location
Seeing in the deep slumber of the dark cave, revealing of the large giant web headquarter with bright red.
Seeing of the inside of the large HQ, seeing of the multiple humans involved joined become part of the cult known as Deadman.
???: Saaa! Minna san! You all know of your purposes, back then you were nobody, outcast, and bunches of strays!
Amon Cerberus Sin of Greed!
???: So many... Happiness, joy, excitement, achievement, favourite, talent... Which brings envy of sadness, pain, despair, jealously, hatred and despise... To end of the curse world called happiness.... *Sympathize with child tone*
Aynat Silk Moth Sin of Envy!
Amon: Ahahahahaha! That right! Let put the end so called Happiness of life! We will brings the end and take over the Worlds Using their inner demons will be unleashed freeing of the prison of hell and soon we will show our superiors to the pathetic humans and... awaken our great lord! GIFU SAMA!!!
Making the entire cult spread out of cheering to worshipping of the great demon lord name Giff. All the cults are humans and the other twos are not humans, are actually demons has been sealed.
Cult: Gracias Deadman!
At Homurahara School
Vice: I'm telling you Shirou chan! That two girls Rin and Sakura has totally hot toward on you! The tsundere idol model has eyes on you, and the kawaii kouhai innocent Sakura has crushed on you! *bragging his nonensane*
Shirou: I don't know that, me and Tohsaka just rarely talked. I only see Sakura as my little sister. I don't know why she got hot when I got close to her.
Vice: Just because you don't know of their true feeling to you, you denser hero! *Shouted in annoyance*
When Shirou entering the classroom, suddenly he felt the strange pulse spread out the area of the school. Making Shirou let out of the strange.
Shirou: Vice.... Do you feel that?
Vice: Yeah... Shirou chan, can you smell it?
Shirou: *Sniff* It felt like a magical energy spread out the area... Like the field of boundary surrounded on school... It could be Boundary field... *notices it* I should call Uncle about this.
He take out the item from his pocket, revealing is the smartphone.
At Kaito's office
Kaito: Boundary field? You sure about it? *asking in concern*
Shiro: [Hai! I am positive confirmed about it. I notices the magical energy boundary line at my school. Like someone setting up.]
Kaito: Hmmm.... Shiro, you go investigated. If you found someone, called for backup. If you encounter someone either Deadman or rogue magus. Use the driver for the emergency. *giving instruct him*
Shiro: [Hai!]
As Kaito hang up on his phone, before gentle placing the phone away. He releasing of the exasperated sigh.
Kaito: Goddamn. So much tiring and walking as CEO and Leader of Weekend at the same time. I get the weird feeling that Shirou going summons multiple servants. *cracks his neck*
At Homurahara School
Seeing is Shirou currently in the caferteria for the lunch, until he encounter seeing of Ayako his former club member, and order their foods to eat.
Ayako Mitsuzuri the Archery Club Captain!
Ayako: Listen here as well, after you left the Archery club, he keeps tormenting and tearing of the first years boys and continue harassing the first years girls as well. *informing him*
Shiro: That guy.... He keeps do whatever he want... He doesn't care about getting in trouble.... *Scowl in bit irritated*
Ayako: That right. I like you, worried concern about Sakura's behaviour. She looks normal but the outside something about her scum brother did to her... *Scowl in anger*
Vice: Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! You tell us girlfriend! That seawood boy is the biggest scum in the world! We should henshin and I wanted to eat him! *fisting his fist in air*
Shirou and Shinji used to be friend for long time ago, until he found out his true nature and stop being friend with him. Seeing him the biggest scum of the world for his treatment at Sakura.
Vice tried convincing Shirou tried to henshin and let him rampage and scared Shinji. But Shirou doesn't like it.
Ayako: Be the way... Emiya... Why do you stop doing Archery and quit? Like really? *frown and asking in seriously*
As Shirou remained in silence, knowing his double secret life working for Fenix Industries. It has other division organization battling against the Demon. Does not want the public goes panic of the demons break out to exposed.
Knowing he has no choice to quite the club, due it might stressed him out for having multiple activities. It might put them in danger.
Shirou: Well.... I been busy for the intern... I told you so many time... *lied tone*
Ayako: *Sigh* Of course you say that. But... Everything hasn't been the same.... Since you left the club. After Shinji take over... And you only one stop him and kick him out... *frown tone*
Shirou: I see....
Timeskipped brought you by Chibi Revi and Vice performs rider kicks
And now... the class of the school has been over, seeing all the rest of students are going home or either having activities of the club. Shirou were going to walking down hallway and investigate of the magical field spread out the school.
???: Emiya? What surprised and coincidence to see you there... *mocking tone*
Inner Shirou: Great, why I do have to see him? *frown and irritated tone*
Making him glances his head toward. Revealing his former friend currently walking with two girls in the hallway.
Is Shinji Matou
Shinji Matou Fuck this Worthless piece of shit!!!
Shirou: What you want Shinji? Can't you see I'm kinda busy? *irritated with hidden scowl*
Shinji: Oh what up with your attitude? I just wanted to see my old friend again. Let have the talk. *smug grin*
Shirou: Talk for what? *raise his eyebrows*
Shinji: Guys can you give me a minute I just wanted talk to my old friend. *Smug tone* You see Emiya, can you do me a favour about it? The dojo kinda mess up, it do need kinda clean up if you got free time. *grin in mocking tone*
Shirou: Really? That why, you call me for this? *raised his eyebrow*
Shinji: That right! It a shame you left of Archery club, I heard about the school treating you like the unoffical slave. *mocking tone*
Vice: What in great Shotaro's name?! This guy is making fun of us! We should kick his ass not listen being as his slave! *anger in comically childish tone*
Shirou:... I just wanted to ask you... You need to stop treating Sakura like this... *Scowl tone*
Shinji: What you saying about it, Emiya san? It some of the sibling matter problem, you do have siblings as well. All you do have the reason stick your nose out of it. *Argued tone*
Shirou: You really think I am dumb enough, Shinji? Sakura keeps getting afraid when you approach her. I always knew you beat her. *Argued tone*
Shinji: You getting on my nerves Emiya san. Do you really think you except for believe that, how about you being good boys and do your work? *argued tone*
Shirou:..... Fine...
Vice: What the?! Shirou?!
Shinji: *forms smug grin* Good bo...
Shirou: But... You first years girls just leave go home. This guy is not what you think you are, he a pervert and harassment scumbag targeting for younger first years. *blurted out in truth*
Shinji: What the?! Yo... *cut*
First year girl: What?! Ewwww!
First year girl#2: I thought I didn't believe what Ayako senpai was saying about Shinji senpai. But she telling the truth.
First year girl: Thank you for telling us the truth. *bow down*
As two girls started departed to avoid meeting Shinji again knowing of his true nature. he tried to protest and explain but no response.
He glare at his former friend.
Shinji: I will get you next time! *rushes away*
As Shinji started to be leaving, while Shirou forming the satisfied smiles knowing he keep roasting and insult of Shinji.
Vice: Ahahahahahahahaha!!! Get what he get! I bet Shinji going be dead for good! Right Author san? *breaking fourth wall*
Vice:.... Please, don't tell me, you going make Shinji like Olteca become like Fake Spider rider?! *breaking fourth wall and realization*
(Doct:.... Let bring timeskipped)
Vice: Wait! Wait! I just wanted to know... *cut*
Timeskipped brought you by Chibi Vice bringing the sign "BRING BACK HIROMI AND AS TRUE KAMEN RIDER DEMON AND OVER DEMON!!!" While Shirou sweatsdropped
After Shirou has finished cleaning up the dojo's floor thanks to Vice's help stamping him on the mop. Vice possessing the mop goes faster and quicker to make the entire goes shiney with no spot on it.
He going to investigated if he ever encounter, holding his Gundephone 50 in gun mode. Moving in silent and investigate the different room. He exited out of the building be on guard.
Vice: Shirou! There nothing to be there! We're been searching the entire room, still nothing! Let go! Mike and Miyu are worried of their big brother! *whining*
Shirou: Vice, not now... If we ever encounter something high and dangerous... We should...
He was interrupted felt the shockwave air blown on him, causing him uses his arms to shield his face.
Making him looks up, revealing the battlefield at his school yards, weapons exchanges each blows.
Shirou: Crap!
Blue lancer: Who there?! *demanded tone*
Making them notices Shirou unrecognizable not to far ahead. As Shirou taken a chance to run. As the blue figure started chasing after him.
As the person is Rin.
Rin: Shoot! There still the person at the school?!
At Shirou
Vice: Shirou, why not we henshin and fight?! You have the driver and stamps against someone!
Shirou: We don't know yet, but... I need to call Uncle for the back up... *tried to called*
???: What you trying to call someone? *careplay tone*
Suddenly Shirou heard the sudden voice close to him, causing him startled. He quickly jumps and turn using his gundephone to shoot at someone. But the blue figure quickly deflected with his red spear.
Lancer The Dog Hound!
Lancer: Yo, fancy you to be here. But didn't expected someone like you just appear out of nowhere in the battlefield. *smirk*
Vice: Shiro! That guy wielding the spear... It could be the long bladed murder guy!
Inner Shiro: Which mean, of course!
Shiro: I wanted to ask you... Were you involve of this? *Serious in asking tone*
Lancer: What do you mean? *raised his eyebrow*
Shirou: I ask you again... Were you involve of the murder homicide of the four family except for the little child? *Serious tone*
At Rin
Rin: That student... Could it be... Emiya kun?! What he doing here at the hour of the night?! *exclaimed shocked to be here*
Rin was actually sc... No anxious and worried about of Shirou would involve of the death battle. Remembering of the time he captured her heart.
Archer: Rin, it seems like our little friend asking our enemy some question. *notices it*
Rin: Are you kidding me?! Why he didn't just run away?! Don't he just realized he in double in front of him! *shouted in panick*
At Shirou
Lancer:... Abahahahahahahahahaha! You wish kid, but it wasn't me. *smirk*
Shirou: What? *raised his eyebrow*
Lancer: As for your question about the murder of the homicide family, I don't like innocent bystander involve of the wars. *admit it*
Inner Shirou: If it not him... That mean it might be Deadman?! *putting up pieces in puzzle*
Lancer: Well, enough for your question. But... It has been unlucky fate to be here... That you witnesses... *preparing to thrust him*
Vice: Shirou! *call his name to snap out*
At Rin
Rin: He going killed him! Archer, do something!
At Shirou
Making Shirou snaps out of his thought quickly rolling on the ground to dodge from incoming red spear attempted to thrust toward his heart.
He take out the item from his jacket, before slamming on his waist revealing his driver Revice driver.
Revice Driver!
Lancer: What the hell is that? *intrigued*
Shiro take out the Rex Vistamp before pressed it.
Until the message's board appears.
Vice: Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy! I can't wait to believe with Doggie!
Shirou: Vice, seriously? This guy is trying to kill us
Vice: But he could be a murder!
Shirou: no, he just confirm he didn't witness involving of the murder scene. But it not our guy.
Vice: What?! Then who did?!
Shirou: Whatever! We need to save ourself! You in?!
Vice: Yosha!
Shirou place the stamp mark on the large pad of the driver leaving it mark.
Come on! R-R-Rex! [5]
Seeing of Vice pop out from Shirou, making Rin and Lancer forms the surprised looks while her servant Archer unfazed but serious looks. Vice flies around Shirou before conjuring a giant empty vistamp.
At Rin
Rin: Wh-What the hell is going on?! Why Emiya has some strange spirit on him?! And what he wearing the strange device?!
Archer: So... Demon controlled by demon, huh?
At Shirou
Shirou: Henshin!
Buddy Up! Ohing! Shoning! Rolling! Going! Kamen Rider! Revi! Vice! Revice!
Shirou become... No... Shirou and Vice become double rider akuma, fighting against who would dare face them. They are Kamen rider Revi and Vice known as Revice!
At Rin
Rin: Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh?!?!? What with the armor Emiya is wearing?! And where did the black guy come from?! What kind of magecraft he using?!
At Revi and Vice
Vice: Ehehehehehehe akuma riders is here, it time for showtime! *grins and showing his sign of horns*
Lancer: I don't know what happening? But, let have interesting to fight! *grins*
Revi: Let go, Vice! *charging*
Vice: Osu! Hope you watching, minna san! *breaking fourth wall*
As double riders started to be charging exchanging throwing the blow of punches as Lancer quickly reacted to blocked it using his spear. Lancer counter parried attempted to hit them as Vice duck and Revi caught using his forearm.
Making Lancer bit surprised and form a excitement smirk. Revi sprinted in full speed as Lancer kept his feet hold still against the flat floor. But unable felt skidding back in backward.
As Revi threw the midair kick while holding and let go of his spear, against on his gut. Lancer skidding back in half meter away with left hand and one knee on the floor. As Vice pop out of nowhere behind Lancer's back.
Vice: Ehehehehe.... You off guarded... Gaah!!! *got smack by red spear*
As Vice mentally curses that Lancer quickly swifted turns behind Vice before swinging blade of spear contact smacking against his cheek forcing Vice to fly across through the wall. Causing it crashed through make it form a wall.
Lancer with smirk looking at the hole where Vice send off, however Lancer felt the close presence close to behind. Making him quickly dodge from incoming slash. Revealing Revi wielding his Ohinbuster50 in axe mode.
Revi landed on floor, giving the big scar leaving on the flat floor. He glance his head facing at Lancer forms like battle smirks. He dashes forward at his opponent, while Revi standing on ground.
Both of them exchanging the blows using of their bladed weapons in several times in furious. Before they're both clashed their weapons against each others. Struggling to using their strength to pushes against each other, Lancer notices seeing of Revi using his magic/suit circuit on his free left arm, throwing the palm strike cover with fist to Lancer's unguarded chest.
Lancer quickly realized before he separated his spear from his opponent's blade. Blocking to protect his chest from flame palm strike. Causing him stumbled back to the hole behind him.
Vice pops out of hole attempted to tackle Lancer, as Lancer quickly duck down causing Vice to be miss landed rolling on the ground toward at Revi making him knock out losing his balance.
Revi: Watch, where you doing Vice! *retorted slap his partner's head*
Vice: Sorry!
Inner Lancer: Such a strange, the kid using the strange device buckle summoning the strange spirit with the demonic presence? Transformed with the armor, huh whatever. I having great day of my fight!
Vice: Shirou chan! Let use the eagle vistamp that prof Kari chan! *proposes*
Revi: Yeah!
He removed the Rex Stamp from his slot, causing Vice suck in back to Shirou. Much to surprised and confused to Lancer and Rin.
Revi take out the new item, revealing is Green Stamp.
He stamp on the pad, leaving the eagle mark on image.
Come on! E-E-Eagle! (5)
Buddy up! Araburu! Takaburu! Sora kake meguru! Eagle! (Eagle!) Omae no hane o kazoero!
Revi transformed in Eagle Genome form, based on Kamen rider Double before Vice pops out transformed like Eagle.
Vice: Saa, count up da Vice!
At Rin
Rin: EHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh?!?!? They're transformed with different form like Eagle?! What kind of magecraft he using?!
At Revi
Lancer: Ohhhh... You can change forms you like? What you going to do with that? *Smirk*
Revi: Vice!
Vice: Osu! Here come my speed birdy tornado storm!
Vice has been accessed with Magic spell with Eagle Vistamp, in quick speed in blink of eyes. Making Lancer off guarded. Seeing he surrounded with whirlwind tornado made by Vice.
Lancer tried to escaped and hit on Vice, but kept missing due to Vice fast like the eagle, while the demon let out of laughing.
Vice: Ahahaahahahahahahahahahahaha!! You feel like you got stuck inside of the storm you can't escape, Doggie! *taunting*
Lancer: I'm not the dog! You bastard! *anger tone*
Revi: Vice, we're leaving!
Vice: Wait! I hadn't....
Remix! Buddy Up! Hissatsu! Miracle! Guruguru! Eagle!
Hearing the sound of driver's announcement. Forcing Vice felt his entire body move forcefully return to his partner. They're transformed as Eagle.
Making them forms the surprised looks on their face, seeing of Revice Eagle jumped out the window flew and escaped.
Lancer: You not going away escaped! *started chasing him*
Rin: Archer. *serious tone*
Archer: Hai.
???/???/???/???: I ask you.... Are you my master?
Revi: Huh?
Vice: Ohhhhhhhhh!!! This could be interesting, Shirou chan just summons the strongest class of servant! See ya next time, minna san! *breaking fourth wall and pulls sign*
End of Chapter 2
Omake: Taiga and Vice's DOJO!!!
Taiga: HOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooohhhh!!! Welcome, everyone, how are you doing today, it is I! Your worthy instructor Taiga Fujimura! GAOOO!!
Illya : And I am Illyasviel Von Einzburn, Number one student, please treat me kindly!
Taiga: Now, I supposed what you wondering what we're doing here? We known for giving guides for all the young people giving the choices if they picked the wrong choices in bad ending. And it's our job to whip them up into better shape, so they could achieve a better choices to achieve the true ending! So this isn't the visual novel, so Number one Students!
Illya: Yes, ma'am! Since this isn't some of the visual novel avoid of the bad choices, we're here to explains of the Vistamps that Onii chan use, thinks of it like encyclopia for Animals and Kamen riders.
Taiga: That right! We he...
???: Wait! Don't you guys forget about.... MEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?!??!
The voice is coming Vice.
Vice: Yes, it is I! Vice! One of the main character of Kamen rider Revice!
Taiga: You! Why you here?!
Vice: Oh miss Tiger, it is pleasure see you again. I am here, because the Author has place me to join of your little club, and I am official part of it.
Taiga: What?! You can't do that!
Illya: Unfortunately, it true. I got message from Author san about Vice has offically joining of our dojo club.
Taiga: Nooooo.... This is not fair.
Vice: Anyway, let us reveal of Vistamp! First of....
Taiga: The Rex Vistamp! It is the primary form and based used by Kamen rider Revice of his first form! That Revice is the first Kamen rider's motif is dinosaur!
Illya: Hai! The Rex vistamp has the ability of higher punching, kicking and lower jumping. That stamp with the ability of the of strength and speed the Rex Vistamp has boost up user magic circuit with 38 percent.
Vice: That right! 38 is Revice's official rider for that! That so cool and awesome and our remixes form is T-Rex!!!
Taiga: That right and that conclude for our Taiga Dojo. Hope to see you for the next chapter, see you again!
Illya: Bye bye!
Vice: See you all again, minna san!
Next chapter: Reunion and Explaining of Holy Grail War
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