good vs evil
3rd p.o.v
*Dabi shoots his blue flames at you causing a smoke screen*
Dabi: is that all you got, eden?
*he sees you standing still in your ark 01 form*
You: if you think this is my full power you mistaken!!!
*you charge at him while loading in a progrise key in the thousand jacker*
???: Jacking break
*you look to see dabi knocked out*
You: weak.
*you runoff to go helo the others*
You: hey guys what did i miss?
Ace: you missed tha amount of ass kicking we did
*you were both about to fist bumb but than you see....*
*you and the other riders started fighting shigaraki*
*but its doing no damage*
You: we have to put everything is this attack, lets end this once and for all.
Shiggy: i'll like to see you try!!!
*all of the riders preform their rider kicks at the same time*
???: All 50 time break/burst/jack/explosion,
Scrap up finish!!,
Ark Rising Impact!!!!
*1:00 to the end*
All: we did it
*then they see Salem badly injured*
Salem: you can't defeat me i will keep coming back until all life is extinct!!
Ace: i have someone who would say otherwise.
*summons kuuga in his amazing mighty form*
*0:39 to end*
Time skip: 2 months
You: its been 2 months since that war and everything has returned to normal, due to Salem's death the grimm no longer attack but only when provoked, sure there still are villains but no leauge of them and im happy for that, but i know somethings coming when ace told me of the future he saw and a dark rider named vx but i know together we can beat him, i know it.
*4:25 to end*
Hey guys for you to know i will be making the final chapter in the fure not now but in the future so be in store for that and sorry if this chapter was short.
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