Villain Unmasked
In a dusty old warehouse, there's a crash that caused a hole in the roof, and out that hole came two figures that fell to the old crates of the warehouse causing dust to fly everywhere clouding the vision of the figures.
But that seems to be futile as one of the figures emitted an orange glow around its body and green light where the figure's eyes should, came from the other. The dust then settled down revealing Kamen Rider Jin facing off against the masked man
Why are you doing this? Takeshi asked breaking the silence between them Machines are meant for destruction, always have, always will be. The man replied You're wrong! Humagears are meant to bring smiles to everyone! Takeshi stated Then it brings a smile to me seeing them do what they're built to do. The man said as he grins underneath his mask So you're just gonna strip away their Humanity? Takeshi asked, his hands shaking in anger Their lives? Their Dreams?! You're gonna take away everything from them!?
So what?! The man then walked around nonchalantly Humanity? Dreams? You're saying that they were alive in the first place He said You're delusional. They never want to have dreams. They want to be bossed around, be told what to do. Just like a Sla-
Don't you dare say it! Takeshi exclaimed as he swung his arm around causing fire to shoot out from his hand and into the boxes nearby I guess talking to you about this is meaningless Takeshi said in a dark tone as he reached for his Slashriser You strip away their free will. Force them to do something they don't want, all because you see them as machines. Takeshi then remembered his father's face when he visited Izu, everything he said about Humagears, as well as his Father's dream I won't forgive you...I will never FORGIVE YOU!
Takeshi took his Slashriser and sent out a wave of Fire at the masked individual. The man leaned to the left, dodging the wave causing it to land on the crates behind him. The man looked intrigued by the flames before turning back to Takeshi who flew at the man and sent him to the air. Takeshi then flew around the Warehouse as a silhouette of a phoenix made of fire is seen around him. Takeshi then flew across the warehouse, hitting his opponent as he soars, he then flew above him before dive-bombing into him. Sending both of them to the ground as the phoenix set fire around the two, forming a makeshift arena.
He-He, Did I struck a nerve? The masked man said with a raspy voice as his voice modulator began glitching out This isn't about what you think about Humagears anymore. It's about me stopping you from doing any more harm to others. It's my job as a hero, a Kamen Rider Takeshi said
Well, aren't you noble? The figure mocked before standing up and went to a fighting stance. Hiro and the others manage to catch up to Takeshi and were shocked to see that the inside of the warehouse was completely on fire, but Takeshi and the man didn't care so they had no choice but to watch the fight until it is over.
The two then resumed their fight, trading blows, dodging attacks. The masked man then sent a barrage of punches at Takeshi who blocks and dodges as best as he could, only getting hit a few times.
Takeshi retaliated by punching the man's side before sending a left hook. Then man blocks the hook and sent out a punch of his own which was blocked by Takeshi. The two locked in a hold, their helmets mashed together as they both stared each other down through their visors. Takeshi then broke their hold, throwing both of their arms out, leaving the man open, before sending a punch across his face.
The man stumbles back before shaking off the hit. He then engulfed his left arm in flames before swinging it at Takeshi, as he tries to block the attack, he was met with a wave of fire hitting him in the face directly. Takeshi knelt down, enduring the flames, before building up his own and send it towards the man canceling out the flames and gets hit by Takeshi's own flames.
I think it's about time to finish this Takeshi said Couldn't agree more The man replied. The two settled in their stance once more before running at each other. The man doing a left hook while Takeshi does an uppercut.
Their attacks connect with each other, but Takeshi followed through. Takeshi recoiled quickly before initiating his finisher while the man is still ascending from his uppercut.
Inferno wing! Burning Rain Rush! (バーニングレインラッシュ)
Takeshi then jumped high in the air as the man then began falling. Once he was a few feet under Takeshi, he did a Flying kick towards the masked man hitting him with his empowered foot before applying more pressure to the kick causing him to kick through the man.
Burning Rain Rush! (バーニングレインラッシュ)
Takeshi slid on the warehouse a bit due to the momentum of his kick as the man's body hits the ground before laying there unconscious, with cracks on the majority of his upper armor and helmet.
Seeing the fight over, Hiro and the others made their way to Takeshi as he tried to stand up, only for him to forcefully de-henshin and fall down to the ground, hard as the fire around the warehouse began to die down.
Takeshi! Hiro and the others exclaimed as they went to check up on their fallen rider. Honey Lemon immediately took Takeshi to her arms and puts Takeshi in an upright position as Baymax scans him.
He is alive Baymax stated as Hiro and the others sighed in relief He appeared to have collapsed due to exhaustion Baymax continued as Takeshi groaned awake, his eyes flickered open before looking at his surroundings. *groan* Did I win? Takeshi asked
Yeah, man! Fred said excitedly You were like boom! blam! and there was fire everywhere! Fred said, trying to re-enact the fight with exaggerated poses How are your wounds? Honey asked Nah, I'll walk it off Takeshi said He has sustained a lot of bruises across his body along with a few burns Baymax pointed out. *Pssh* I'll be fine. Takeshi reassured before groaning as he felt his body becoming sore But you sure did it Takeshi, you finally took him down Hiro said
Took me down? I wouldn't go that far a voice behind them said before chuckling. They looked behind him to see that the masked man is still alive as he slowly stands back up This guy doesn't know when to quit Wasabi pointed out Give it up! THere's six of us and there's one of you and you're in terrible shape Hiro warned Oh, I'll show you...just how much fight left in me The man said as he stood up against the Kamen Hero 6. The cracks in the man's armor grew around him before finally crumbling to a million pieces, revealing his bare chest and face. Hiro and the others were then shocked after the man was finally unmasked, eyes widen as their bodies shake in fear as they look at who the masked man really is.
. that you?
Next episode: Truth Revealed
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