Just Another Day
Kamen Rider Jin is seen Flying around San Fransokyo doing his normal patrol around the streets.
Hey, are you sure you don't need help? Honey lemon asked through Jin's intercom Yeah, You know we can do patrols for you Hiro reminded. I'm almost done anyway so there's really no need, besides wasn't the SFIT gonna start the new school year tomorrow? Jin asked I'm assuming you're not gonna attend the morning ceremony? Gogo asked as Jin landed on a nearby roof before he dehenshin You know me so well.
*10-40 Fight in progress, a rogue Humagear is rampaging on the streets of San Fransokyo, requesting immediate backup*
Well then, I'll just wrap that up and call it a day. The male said Be safe, Takeshi! Honey Lemon bid You know me Takeshi said Yeah, we know you won't Gogo pointed out before everyone ended their call Ok, time to be a hero Takeshi said as he placed the SlashRiser on his waist and activating out his ProgRise Key
Inferno Wing!
Before placing it in the Slashriser and began his transformation
Burnrise! Kamen! Rider! Kamen! Rider!
Slashrise! Burning Falcon! The strongest wings bearing the fire of hell!
Alright, let's see what bad guy I'll fight tonight He said before flying to the scene of the attack.
When he arrived he finds police hiding behind their cruisers for cover as they take shots at the Humagear but the bullets bounce off of its armor as it jumps at one of the cruisers and cutting it in half forcing the cop that's hiding behind it to be sent back due to the explosion.
Before the Humagear could get close, it was hit by a wave of fire causing it to be launched back. The police then looked to where the strike came from and relieved to see Takeshi in his rider form
Takeshi Hiden (Kamen rider Jin)
I came as fast as I could, Officers Takeshi said Just in time, Jin. One of the veteran officers said We'll leave this to you then The officer said Are the Civilians safe? Takeshi asked There are no civilian casualties and the streets are roadblocked The officer replied That means I can let loose a bit Takeshi mused Take him down for us will ya? the officer said as Takeshi nods in reply before approaching the rogue Humagear as it slowly got up.
Has anyone told you that you'd be good in a Kung-fu movie? Takeshi quipped, enraging the Humagear causing it to swipe at Takeshi deflect it away as he side-stepped his opponent Especially one with a panda... Takeshi quipped again causing the Humagear to roar at him
Well, that's not very nice The Humagear then went to a frenzy, extending its blades further as it launches waves of sharp wind at Takeshi. He then took out his SlashRiser from its buckle and cut the winds before it could reach him. The Humagear then leaped at Takeshi as it tried to aim for Takeshi's head, to which he dodged before slashing at the Humagear's exposed side and back.
I think it's time I finish this Takeshi thought as he places the SlashRiser back on the buckle and activating the ProgRise Key and began his finisher
Inferno Wing! Burning! Rain! Rush! (バーニングレインラッシュ)
The Humagear leaped at Takeshi once more hoping to stop his attack, but Takeshi kicked the Humagear up in the air before unveiling his wings. He then flew through the Humagear, damaging it with his bladed wings before flying above it, doing a Moonsault into a rider kick as his right foot begins getting caught on fire
Burning! Rain! Rush! (バーニングレインラッシュ)
But before Takeshi could finish it off, a fireball is shot towards the Humagear, destroying it and confusing Takeshi. He looked around to see a man in a white and orange suit on a rooftop as he walks away, Takeshi then flew up and land in front of the man as he confronts him.
Haven't seen you here before, you new? Takeshi asked as the man turned away from him and walked away. Hey, wait up! Takeshi called out as he de-henshins and went to grab the man's shoulder but the man grabbed his wrist and threw Takeshi over his shoulder and into the ground, sending a fierce glare through his tinted visor before flying away.
Ok, good talk... Takeshi groaned as he turned to his side before hearing his ringtone on his phone. He feels his pocket before fishing out his phone and answering the call. Hello?
How was your Patrol, sir Takeshi? The caller, Mizu asked The usual. By the end of the day, I'll feel it in the morning. Takeshi said Would you like me to pick you up? Mizu asked Yes, please Takeshi answered before ending the call and waited for Mizu to pick him up as he waits for a new day to begin
The Next Day
The morning sun is shining on San Fransokyo, birds chirping as it flies through the blue sky, one bird perched down on a balcony of a messy apartment, papers scattered on the desk, comic books plastered on the floor, and one teenage male laid out on their bed as an alarm rang loudly causing the male to groggily wake-up and turn off his alarm clock before finally starting his day by going to the bathroom and turning on the radio on his way.
The male washed his face and brushed his teeth, after that he fixed his disheveled hair before looking at himself in the mirror
Takeshi Hiden
Man what an amazing beat! The Radio's mc commented after the song as Takeshi went to his closet and finds out what to wear. It's a beautiful 10:30 morning here at San Fransokyo, with clear skies all day! The mc exclaimed shocking Takeshi It's 10:30!!? He exclaimed as he frantically looks at his alarm clock to see that it was 10:30 Oh crap I'm gonna be late!
And to help you get pumped up this morning here is Alive by Warbly Jets
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Takeshi ran out of his room fully clothed as he ran to his kitchen, where Mizu is waiting beside the table with his breakfast as he scarfs down his meal quickly
Good Morning, Sir Takeshi Mizu greeted Goormp Murmning Takeshi replied with his mouth full Have you pack all your essentials? How about your SlashRiser and Risephone? Mizu asked as Takeshi grunted and nod Then you must be on your way, you're already late. Mizu pointed out as Takeshi gulped down his food before running to the door Thanks for Breakfast Mizu, see you later! Takeshi bids as he runs down his apartment building greeting his neighbors before reaching the lobby. Takeshi pulls out his phone and hits the motorcycle app on his phone and waits outside his building
Late again I see? One of the security guards pointed out Hey, people oversleep sometimes Takeshi defends himself as a motorcycle lands beside him Well, see you around! Takeshi said before getting on his bike and gunning it to the SFIT.
Takeshi weaved through traffic, barely reaching the green light before drifting to the left. After his successful turn, he noticed another rider to the right of him and that rider is wearing black leggings, a black jacket grey shirt, and a black helmet, what surprised Takeshi is the fact that the rider is riding a pedal bike and it's keeping up with his.
Gogo? You're late too?! Takeshi asked as the rider lifts its tinted visor to reveal Gogo with a stressed look
Gogo Tomago
Well if it wasn't for this idiot, we'd be at the institute already She said pointing towards Hiro who was sitting behind Gogo chuckling awkwardly.
Hiro Hamada
Their conversation was cut short by a beep to their left. They turn to see Wasabi in his van with Honey Lemon shotgunning next to him as she applies make-up
Honey Lemon
Wasabi? Honey? You guys are late too? Hiro asked I know! I had 9 alarm clocks and everything so that I won't oversleep! Wasabi exclaimed Let me guess, it was all over the place so you arranged them before you left? Takeshi guessed How'd you know? Wasabi asked confirming Takeshi's guess
So there's five of us here, Baymax is in the Institute, so where's Fred? Hiro wondered, and right on cue a helicopter flew above them as they saw Fred watching cartoons inside while eating a full course meal
Frederick Flamarion "Fred" Fredrickson IV
One of these days!! Takeshi declared as he and the others stop due to a red light. Oh no, if this keeps up we'll be late! Honey said Hey, Gogo. I know a shortcut near here, wanna take it? Takeshi asked Sure, I'm always down for a shortcut. Gogo said Then try and keep up Takeshi said as he weaved through the cars and turned to an alleyway with Gogo following close behind Ok, cool! We'll meet you at the Institute! Wasabi said
Back with Takeshi, He's riding through the alleyway after alleyway before turning right into a construction site Wait, are you guys sure about this!? Hiro exclaimed Hold on! Gogo told Hiro as he gripped Gogo tightly as she followed Takeshi.
Takeshi jumped the nearby ramp into one of the constructing floors of the building before going left again and straight until they reach a drop Ready, Gogo!? Takeshi asked I was born ready Gogo replied I wasn't born ready, for this!! Hiro exclaimed as the two riders jumped the drop and into the open street below, Takeshi swerved a bit from the jump but managed to gain control again as Hiro was now having the time of his life as he celebrates that he managed to live through their antics Take a right and we should be at the SFIT Takeshi said, turning left to the corner and relieved to see the SFIT building
*phew*, We made it Takeshi stated How's Hiro Takeshi asked as he and Gogo turned to Hiro to see him still breathing heavily Still coming down from his adrenaline Gogo said as they parked their bikes on the open parking lot as Wasabi arrived before parking next to them.
Well, that was quicker than I expected Takeshi said Yeah, just gonna reroute the GPS and you're set Wasabi replied Well then, shall we? Takeshi pointed to the SFIT Huh? Hmm? what? Hiro grumbled as he came down from his rush What happened to Hiro? Honey Lemon asked Well, he could fly Baymax, but it seems that he isn't ready for Gogo's speed driving yet.
Wassup, Mon Amigos! Fred greeted So you guys coming or what? He asked We were just about going to. Come on guys Wasabi said one by one we went to the SFIT leaving behind Hiro Hey guys! Wait up.
Next episode: S-S-Senpai!?
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