Fortress under Siege
Takeshi sat on his bed, blanket wrapped around himself as he looks blankly at the wall. Footsteps could be heard in the distance and slowly, it grows louder until the man in the black suit is standing outside Takeshi's cell, but he didn't pay the man any glances and just continued staring at the wall.
Giving me the cold shoulder already, Takeshi? The man asked rhetorically Is it because of what I said about your dad? Oh don't worry your pretty little head He began You and the rest of your friends will be next The man finished before cackling like a maniac before walking away from Takeshi's cell.
I hope this works Takeshi said to himself as he looks at the ShotRiser that he hid next to him Just stick to the plan...Wait for their signal, and then-
-We bust Takeshi out from the enemies hands! Hiro finished Easier said than done Gogo commented How are we even suppose to find Takeshi? she asked Well I noticed something strange near the San Fransokyo docks where he fought Sunfire Chloe brought up Yeah, Zea picked up something strange near there as well Izumi added
You're right A voice confirms, causing everyone to jump and turn to the voice as izumi and Saeko pointed their ShotRisers at the unknown person, only to put them down once they knew who it was
It was you! The man back at the port! Hiro deduced Uncle Horobi The lieutenants blurted out Uncle?! Hiro and the others exclamed So your Uncle abducted Takeshi for our enemy? Hiro said in shock You'd be forgiven to assume that Horobi said just as Jin popped out next to him Hi, everyone! Jin said Jin onii-chan!
Let's get back on topic shall we? Horobi stated before placing a hard drive in Takeshi's computer as a picture of a man that took Takeshi. The man has long dark hair with a raspy beard and blue eyes. He wore his signature black suit while the screen displayed the rest of the details about him
The man's name is Corvo Macille. He's a corporate overlord with an ambition to rule the world. Horobi said He has been on A.I.M.S list for a long time Saeko interjected Then it appears we've found him Jin said But how does that corelate to the thing they found near the docks and in finding Takeshi Honey said Well about that... The group then felt a slight tremor beneath them, causing Horobi to be interrupted That, is the reason how Horobi finished
Lieutenants! an A.I.M.S soldier bursts into the room something is appearing near the San Fransokyo bay the soldier reported What!? Show me! Saeko demanded as the soldier handed over his tablet and everyone scooted close to see what he's talking about.
The screen showed a communications tower slowly rising from the water, as it continued upwards it slowly revealed an underwater base along with it.
TV's around San Fransokyo including the tablet that Hiro and the others went static, before a video is being broadcasted around San Fransokyo. Once the TV's are back online, Corvo is seen standing in the middle of a platform and behind him is a tall communications tower.
Hello, people of San Fransokyo. I am Corvo Macille Corvo greeted This is a message, a declaration of my ruling! This communications Tower will transmit a signal across San Fransokyo and will cause every single Humagear to rampage around the city. This will occur in the next 6 hours If you manage to gather up and destroy the Humagears along with surrendering to me, I'll show greater mercy that I have given you now. He stated
And don't bother praying for Kamen Rider Jin to show up, because I have the little birdie under lock and key Corvo said as shows a video of him tazing Takeshi before the transmission cuts off .
At least we know where Takeshi is Fred pointed It's only the matter of getting him out Saeko mumbled We go with Hiro's plan with A.I.M.S as back-up She stated But what about the people and the humagears here? Wasabi asked Saeko This matter is more important to me than anything in the World! I'd be lost if he's not here... She replied Then what are we waiting for? Hiro asked as he grabbed his helmet before placing it on his head WE have a city to save.
An A.I.M.S ships is seen approaching the Corvo's base as Baymax flew past them along with their friends and went on to land on the platform near the surface of the ocean as the A.I.M.S ship docks next to them.
Horobi stepped out of the A.I.M.S ship along with Jin, Saeko and Izumi before leading the team into the base. They walked inside a dark facility inside the base and immediately, Fred hears something amidst the shadows.
Uhh...Guys? I'm picking up some noise with my suit Fred said It's coming from this room He stated as Horobi ordered the team to stop advancing as clanking of metals and countless beeps are heard around them.
Horobi unsheathes his katana and slashes his side with deadly swiftness, something then rolled to his feet, everybody looked at it and saw it was a Magia head by Horobi's feet.
Light it! Horobi commanded as Fred uses his suit's Headlights to light up their path. What they saw was dozens of Trilobite Magia staring at them, waiting for the command to attack
Oh, well if it isn't the rest of the so called 'Kamen Hero 6' Corvo said through the intercom Give us back our friends, Corvo! Hiro demanded I'm afraid that's not possible, but if you so desperately want to get them back... The Magia grunts began growling at them as Corvo gave a slight chuckle THen you'll have to get past my army He said as Jin gave a frustrated sigh
This never turn out easy, doesn't it? Jin sighed Then it wouldn't be much fun Horobi pointed out Hmm, I guess your right Jin said as he quickly changed his demeanor before pulling out his SlashRiser along with the other riders while Hiro and his friends prepare for battle.
The riders slapped on their drivers and activated their ProgRise keys...
Dash! / Assault Bullet! / Inferno Wing!
before placing it in their drivers as they begin their transformation sequence
AuthoRize! / BurnRize! Kamen! Rider! Kamen! Rider! Kamen! Rider!
ShotRise! Ready...Go! Assault Wolf! No chance of surviving
ShotRise! Rushing Cheetah! Try to outrun this demon and get left in the dust
SlashRise! Burning Falcon! The Strongest Wings bearing the fire of Hell
As the Riders finished their transformation, Horobi revealed a driver of his own. His driver is a black contraption with yellow accents accompanied by a yellow hinge that is bonded to the contraption by a metal piece.
He placed the driver to his waist, causing metal centipede to wrap around him before turning into a belt. Horobi then held his hand out to his side before revealing a purple ProgRise key with a picture of a scorpion before activating it
Sting Scorpion ProgRise Key
Horobi placed the progrise key into the ForceRiser as a loud beeping is heard
A metal scorpion then appeared from the driver causing Hiro and his friends to fumble in surprise
Dude it's a freaking Scorpion! Fred exclaimed as Horobi pulled the lever on his driver
ForceRise! Sting Scorpion!
The scorpion then turned around and pierced it's stinger to Horobi's chest before wrapping around him as he transforms into his armor
The scorpion just stabbed him in the chest! Fred screeched in excitement as pieces of Horobi's armor is extending away from him before it slammed to different parts of his body revealing his Rider Form
Kamen Rider Horobi
Horobi manifests a briefcase before transforming into a bow
Attache Arrow
He drew his bow and shot an arrow in the air, the arrow soars to the top of the room before shattering into multiple arrows before raining down on the Magia. Starting off the battle as our heroes break off and initiate the fight.
Wasabi is first to engage. Activating his plasma shield and dagger, he leaps into the horde of Magia and uses his shield to keep them back as he picks a few of with his dagger, cutting the Magia in half before doing a full 360 spin, knocking back any Magia that tries to overwhelm him while cutting any that got too close. He manages to destroy a Magia with his plasma shield before swapping to his plasma swords and unleashing more chaos.
Fred leaps into battle after Wasabi, sending out a streak of flames from his suit while stomping on any Magia unlucky enough to get crushed by him as he continues to give vision with his headlights.
Using the chaos to her advantage, Honey lemon used her chem boots and skate around the Magia, freezing them in place before bouncing high up in the sky before turning her chem bag into a bazooka and shoot out dozens of chem balls, rooting any Magia hit for Wasabi and Fred to take out.
Hiro and Gogo flew past Honey Lemon as they take out a few Magia of their own. Using Gogo's hover disk to her advantage, she used it to fly past the Magia while destroying them with her discs, while Hiro lets Baymax grab a Magia before dragging it across the floor crushing any Magia in his path
With the Riders on the other hand, they are wreaking their own havok. Vulcan and Valkyrie set the perimeter, taking out any Magia that tries to get close to Horobi who picks off any Magia that he could get while Jin tries to control the momentum by sending out waves of fire and cutting the Magia with his SlashRIser.
Yet despite all of their efforts, the Magia wouldn't let up and it continues to attack them and Horobi notices this, causing him to click his tongue in frustration
They just won't let up Horobi complained as he tries to find a way out. He scans the room and noticed a doorway further into the base Everyone! I'll cut a path through the horde, use it to reach further into the facility Horobi said as everyone nods in reply.
Horobi pulls out a ProgRise key with a Hercules beetle on it
Amazing Hercules ProgRise Key
He then placed the ProgRise key into the Attache Arrow before drawing it back and aim it towards the doorway. He lets go of the extender, sending out an energy arrow with the head in the shape of a Hercules beetle horn
Amazing Kaban Shoot! (アメイジングカバンシュート)
The arrow cuts through the horde of Magia, giving the others a chance to run to the Hallway. Jin manages to destroy the stranglers that tries to attack the group before standing before them
Big bro! Izumi exclaimed as she tries to reach Jin Go! Me and Jin will stay behind and keep them away from you Horobi interrupted But- Saeko tried to stop them but Jin held his hand out in protest Dad's right, if we come with you, they'll just come after us. Jin said Don't worry your pretty little head, me and Dad are unstoppable He assured Just focus on getting Takeshi back, okay? Jin bids the two riders before flying off and helping Horobi
Guys, come on! The path leads this way Hiro called out as Gogo and the others followed after him Come on, no use sitting around here. Besides he's right we still need to save Takeshi Saeko said as Izumi brightened up before the two caught up to the others.
Horobi slashed a Magia into pieces before looking over the group just in time to see them advance through the facility. He then faced the Trilobite Magia who are now spread apart with the horde slowly thinning out.
Let's get this over with now shall we? Horobi asked just as Jin lands behind him, standing back-to-back I thought you'd never ask Jin said as he detaches his SlashRiser and activated his finisher while Horobi activates his driver twice before announcing his finisher
Sting Utopia!
Jin twirls his SlashRiser around him, forming waves of fire and suspends it in the air as he charges up his SlashRiser before swing it down sending a large wave of fire that is accompanied by the waves suspended around him.
Horobi meanwhile extends his arm forward, causing a scorpion stinger to extend outward and grazing any Trilobite Magia hit before wrapping the stinger around one in the far back. Horobi then retracted his arm, pulling the Magia towards him, toppling the Magia that the stinger grazed as the Magia that was wrapped around the stinger is sent flying towards Horobi.
The Stinger then wrapped around Horobi's right leg as he used it to kick the flying Magia, stabbing the stinger to it's chest as it, along with the rest of the toppled Magia started sparking before combusting along with Jin's attack. Wiping out the horde
Sting Utopia! (スティングユートピア) Burning Rain! (バーニングレイン)
Yeah! We did it! Jin exclaimed causing Horobi to chuckle at his antics Now then, let us find another way up Horobi said just as they felt large pair of footsteps, they turn to see something with tusks like a mammoth walk past them Cause I think the path ahead of us might not be in tact.
Next episode: Lots of Mistakes...
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