Who are we?
In the sunny part of San Fransokyo, Krei is giving a speech in front of Krei Tech Industries in front of a large crowd.
This beautiful campus is a culmination of a lifelong dreamKrei began But none of this could be possible without a few bumps in the road, and those setbacks made us stronger and set us on a path for a bright future! He ends as he held his glass up to toast but their cheers slowly turn into fear as a swarm of Microbots made its way on top of the building
The figure rose from the swarm revealing Callaghan as he dove to Krei, encasing him with Microbots before slowly raising him a few stories. Once they were within eye level Callaghan revealed himself to Krei as he bore a shocked expression
Was my daughter a SETBACK? Callaghan asked as Krei began stuttering in fear C-Callaghan, Your daughter- That was an accident!! Krei said No! You knew it was unsafe, my daughter is gone because of your arrogance Callaghan said before lifting three pieces of the failed 'SIlent Sparrow' experiment with his MIcrobots above the Building
Wha-what are you doing!? Krei asked frantically You took everything away from me when you sent Abigail into that machine Callaghan stated Now I'm taking everything away from you! Once the three pieces were connected, it turned on as everything underneath is static to get sucked up into it. No...No, no no you cant!!! Krei protested Your gonna watch everything you built, disappear. Then it's your turn
Robert Callaghan! Takeshi in his Kame Rider form called out as the rest of the team arrived at the scene Put the man down! He demanded There's no need to pretend to be a Hero...Takeshi Callaghan revealed as Krei was left confused before being shocked once again as Takeshi de-henshin before turning to Callaghan
If you knew it was me, why did you keep going!? Takeshi asked Because no one is gonna stop me from watching this man pay. Even you Callaghan said Professor Callaghan please stop, this won't change anything Hiro said as Callaghan turned to Takeshi But what about you? Krei kicked you out because you knew it was unstable, but instead, he went along with it even though it was unsafe Callaghan said to Takeshi Don't you want to see him pay for his arrogance
There are a lot of people that need help and everyone deserves to be treated the same! Takeshi began Even if I want to see him suffer, what good will that do! It won't bring Abigail back. He continued Just stop this sensei. You've caused enough pain already not just to Krei, but everyone else as well!!
Why? Callaghan asked Why would you get in my way!? Callaghan launched a swarm of Microbots at Takeshi lifting him in the air, as the Microbots began beating up Takeshi before slamming him down. Takeshi!! His friends exclaimed as they saw Takeshi bruised and with cuts all over
This is the difference in our tech Callaghan stated Whilst your tech is operational with an A.I, mine will only operate through my commands. He said The reliance on Artificial Intelligence leaves you weak. Cause by the end of the day, they are all just tools waiting to be destroyed This statement broke something from within Takeshi as Callaghan continued on
And that is something you don't get! Callaghan said as Takeshi remembered his talks with Callaghan
Talk #1
Takeshi is bombarded with mountains of paperwork that needs sorting, Callaghan went to check on him as Takeshi was already exhausted with the rate he is going
Callaghan: Don't you have a robot for that?
Takeshi: Yeah, but she works a lot already. so this is just a way of paying her back
That no matter how complex their coding might be... Callaghan began
Talk #2
Takeshi is seen barging into a classroom that Callaghan is teaching as he just finished roll call
Callaghan: Takeshi, Why are you late?
Takeshi: Sorry sir. Mizu thought that throwing pies was a good idea to wake me up, along with a very weird take on driving
...Even if you program it with a certain personality He continued
Talk #3
Takeshi was on his way to leave the campus after checking everything in his bag, he was about to walk to the door but was stopped by Callaghan
Callaghan: Takeshi, do you wanna go to barbeque with me and Abigail?
Takeshi: Sorry sir, Mizu is really curious about the Tokyo tower that we have here so I thought I'd take her there
They will always be tools! Something that your old man is too delusional to understand Callaghan said causing Takeshi to snap as he relived one final memory with his Father.
Takeshi is seen with Aruto Hiden (CEO of Hiden Intelligence and Father to Takeshi) as they walk around the cemetery before reaching a Gravestone for Humagears. It's decorated with pictures of the Humagears along with one long banner that spelled "Humagears" in Japanese. After they paid their respects, they went to a grave beside it, the grave has half of a Humagear Module and is decorated with fresh flowers. Aruto then kneeled and shed a tear as he read the carving of the Gravestone
Hey Izu, It's me Aruto He introduced himself as he began talking about his day. Takeshi took this time to look around the cemetery as he noticed people praying with their Humagears beside them while also paying respects By the way I have Takeshi with me today, say hi Takeshi Aruto brought Takeshi into a hug Uh, Hi ms. Izu, hope you are at peace there wherever you are. Takeshi said. After their visit, they went to Aruto's car and they made their way home.
Hey, dad Can I ask you something? Takeshi asked What is it, Takeshi? Aruto awaits his question Why do people still trust Humagears after everything that happened? Takeshi asked as the car stopped due to a red light
What do you mean by that? Aruto asked Well, with the events of Daybreak and Ark, I'm just confused as to why people still put their trust in Humagears Takeshi said Look around you Takeshi Aruto said as Takeshi looked out the window. He spots one Humagear serving a family with a smile as the kid is jolly and bouncing on his chair as it was his birthday, there was one Humagear in a restaurant giving out orders to chefs as he relays what the customer's orders are, and lastly, he saw a Humagear doing comedy in a bar as everyone in the audience laughed at its jokes
Every Humagear has their own dream that they aspire to be, like us Aruto said as the light turned green as he began driving again Daybreak wasn't the Humagear's fault. It was Ark's and ever since we defeated him, Humagears trust slowly began going up again He states Humagears may just be robots, but their dreams, that's what makes them human
So even Humagears can dream too? Takeshi wondered Of course if they didn't what's the point of living? Aruto said Then what's your dream, dad? Takeshi asked To have a world where Humans and Humagears can live together Aruto said Then that's what would I dream of too! like what you always say "To leap towards your dreams," Takeshi said
And you know what they say, nothing like a good inspirational quote to 'leap't your spirits~ Now that's...a show by Aruto!! Aruto said before pointing at Takeshi That was stupid, dad Takeshi said causing Aruto's mood to be gloomy My son, doesn't think I'm funny Aruto said dishearted as Takeshi chuckled at his father's antics
You take that back... Takeshi mumbled as he wobbly stood up with fire in his eyes You take that back, right NOW!!! He exclaimed Nobody messes with my Father's dream! He worked so hard to achieve it, and I'm not just gonna let anyone ruin his dream or anyone's dream!
So you'll still side with Krei, huh? Callaghan asked No, I side for what's right! Robert Callaghan! You used someone else's technology to cause fear and chaos to everyone Takeshi said So I have to stop you because that's my duty as a hero! No... AS A KAMEN RIDER!!!
Takeshi slaps on the Slashriser to his waist before activating his Progrise key
Inferno Wing!
Before putting it inside the Slashriser
BurnRise! Kamen! Rider! Kamen! Rider!
Henshin! Takeshi shouted as he pulled the trigger on the Slashriser
Slashrise! *Techno music* Burning Falcon! The strongest wings bearing the fire of hell
Callaghan! There is only one person that can stop you Takeshi stated before pointing at himself and that's me! He declared
So be it Callaghan said as he sent out his Microbots causing Takeshi and his friends to move in separate directions leaving Takeshi and Hiro separated from the rest.
Everyone, get the mask! Hiro said getting on Baymax before soaring to the air Your not leaving me behind Takeshi said following Hiro to the skies as Hiro charged at Callaghan only for him to dodge and stopping Baymax's momentum causing Hiro to fly into the Building
Hiro! The others exclaimed as they jumped into the fight
Takeshi tried to retaliate, soaring through the skies before swinging his Slashriser at Callaghan sending a wave of Microbots to meet him. They went back and forth with their attacks until they met in a standoff in the middle
You were supposed to be at my side! Callaghan said I was always at your side. But you lost the man you once were, so I'll end this stupid revenge to save you! Takeshi replied I don't need saving. I just want my daughter back!! Callaghan broke their standoff and entrapped Takeshi in MIcrobots as it slowly crushes his body.
Takeshi!! The rest of the team focused on Takeshi that they forgot about the threat in front of them. Fred greeting overwhelmed by the Microbots, desperately using his fire breath to push it back but he just got swatted into the wall before getting pulled apart by his arms.
Wasabi is holding his own pretty well, cutting the Microbots before they manage to reach him but two waves of Microbots approached him from both sides grabbing the floor pannel below him, and began using it to crush him. Getting a little tight He complained
Gogo wasted no time as she skated her way to Callaghan but he anticipated her movement, forming a path of Microbots before entrapping her in Microbots, while Honey tried her best to fend off the Microbots with her Chem balls encasing it before throwing one chem ball in the air but the Microbots burst through it forcing Honey to make a protective bubble on herself against the onslaught of the Microbots
Such wasted potential. This is where your Crusade ends Callaghan stated You guys we need some help! Takeshi heard on his comms, looking down he saw all of his friends are being cornered by the Microbots, with their hope dwindling Hiro suddenly is heard on voice comms
Listen up! use those big brains of yours and think your way out of the problem. Look for a new angle!
Hearing Hiro's suggestion, Wasabi was first to act, cutting through the roof beneath him and landing safely at ground level.
Honey Lemon made two chem balls before sticking both of them to the Microbots as it retracts from her bubble, making her way to safety
My arms! They can't go any further...ARGH! Wait a second, it's a suit Fred realized Hello sign, care to go for a little spin? He rhetorically asked as he spun the loose piece of metal nearest to him at the Microbots that's holding his limbs before leaping away to safety
Here's the thing about humans and their potential Takeshi began as he started to be ablaze You don't get to decide whether it's wasted or not! Takeshi was then engulfed in flames as the Microbots holding him were destroyed and he flew around destroying the Microbots that hold Baymax before soaring around with the Flames took shape of a Burning Falcon.
After Baymax was set free, he flew with Takeshi as he flew above Hiro as he let go of the rope and landing perfectly on Baymax's back with Takeshi soaring with him before regrouping with the others
Haha! I love that kid! Krei exclaimed before Callaghan holds Krei using the sign on his building, folding it in place so that he won't escape
New plan! Hiro declared as they ran with Hiro and Takeshi Forget the mask, take out the bots, they'll get sucked into the portal He stated Now that is a plan! Wasabi commended Honey, Fred. Can you give us some cover?
Like you have to ask Fred said before jumping high in the air as Honey Lemon made five blue chem balls and tossing them in the air Let's do this Freddy! Honey exclaimed
Smokescreen! Fred unleashed his flame breath at the Chem balls enveloping everything around them with smoke. With nothing to see, Callaghan is forced to go up further where he is met with Takeshi and Hiro
The best way to stand out is with aesthetics, right? Hiro turned to Takeshi Glad to see my teachings are working Takeshi commented Just try to keep up Hiro taunted Oh it's on!
Takeshi and Hiro then dived at Callaghan as he sends out multiple Pillars at them which they destroy with ease
Back with the others, using the tools and equipment they have at their disposal, they cut down the Microbots, and with the smoke blocking Callaghan's vision doesn't realize what they were doing
Wasabi using the lowered Gravity to his advantage using his plasma blades to cut down the Microbots with incredible ease.
Following his example, Gogo used the lowered gravity to ride up the Pillar of Microbots with her discs as she cuts any Microbots in her path in half.
Honey stuck one chem ball to her foot, using it as a safety band as she bounced around multiple Pillars of Microbots before sticking her Chem bag in the middle and went down, but not before throwing one last chem ball at her bag causing an explosive chemical reaction.
Fred, now having two metal signs, sets them on fire before going to town with the pillars of Microbots in his trajectory, swinging his signs with profession and skill.
Back with Takeshi and Hiro, the two heroes are fighting side-by-side as they mirror each other's movements as they destroy the Microbots in their way
Back-kick Knife hand, Roundhouse Baymax says before doing said action along with Takeshi Rider Kick! Baymax said as he simulated Takeshi's Rider Kick Where did he learn that? Takeshi thought to himself before being entrapped by Microbots along with HIro. Damnit, Again!
This ends, now! Callaghan declared as he tries to push Takeshi and Hiro to the portal but is unable to Looks like you're out of Microbots Hiro pointed out before he and Takeshi broke from their restraints and went to punch Callaghan as he braced for impact...but it never landed. Callaghan looked back and saw BAymax and Takeshi's extended fist nearly hitting his face
Our programming prevents us from injuring a human being Takeshi states But we'll take that Hiro continued as Baymax took Callaghan's mask before crushing it in his hand causing the Microbots that he's using to crumble as he falls to the portal before getting caught by Takeshi and landed safely before he de-henshins and groups up with the others. Once they've reunited again they noticed that the portal is still open
It's still on! we have to shut it down! Hiro stated We can't! The containment field is failing, The portal is gonna tear itself apart! Krei said Then we need to get out of here now! Hiro said as the team along with KRei and Callaghan ran as far away as they can from the portal, except for Baymax
Baymax! we gotta go! Hiro said My sensor is detecting signs of life coming from there Baymax said as he points to the portal The life signs are female, she appears to be in hyper-sleep He stated
Abigail...she's alive! Takeshi exclaimed giving surprising Callaghan as he and Hiro along with Baymax went to the portal.
Wait! the portal is de-stabilizing. You'll never make it! Krei stated Not if I can help it Takeshi said I'll try to buy you some time before it collapses, just focus on getting her out He assured as Hiro nodded before going in the portal
Takeshi, you can't be serious! Krei protested I failed to save her before Takeshi began as he turned to Callaghan I won't fail to save her again, I promise Takeshi then began manually adjusting the portal, buying Hiro more time as he saves Abigail. He then used his phone to access the system but it failed to connect as the Portal is starting to be unstable
Hiro! whatever you're doing there make it quick! Takeshi said I can't keep the portal open for long, the rest is up to you! Takeshi then stepped back from the portal and went with the others. All hope was almost lost until they saw a pod along with Hiro on top exit the portal before the portal exploded, they went to Hiro excited and glad to see that he made it...but without Baymax.
Soon the Paramedics came and took Abigail out of the pod and immediately taken to a hospital while the police began arresting Callaghan. The team was about to leave but Takeshi was stopped by a reporter
Excuse me, Mr. Hiden! The reporter called out as Takeshi turned to her Yes? What can I do for you? Takeshi asked I was wondering if I could get an interview with you? The reporter asked I didn't know I was well known Takeshi pointed out I'm a news reporter in Japan. You're all the rage back there The reporter said Really now?
Yeah! Kamen Rider of San Fransokyo as well as Hiden intelligence's son is making headlines in another country. SO of course you're huge The reporter exclaimed So about that interview? The reporter reminded Well, I guess I have an interview guys. see you soon! Takeshi bid to his friends before going with the reporter
The next day
The cleanup continues here at Krei tech industries, reports are still flooding in as a group of mysterious individuals who prevented what could have been a major catastrophe. In other news. Kamen Rider Jin, has been the savior of San Fransokyo as he along with the mysterious figures...
Argh! Kill me now! Takeshi complained as he slammed his head on the table Come on, you weren't that bad Wasabi commented
...calling it Kamen Hero 6 as he and his group are helping people in need...
But seriously...Kamen Hero 6? Gogo brought up Shut up! You know how I get when I'm under pressure Takeshi sheepishly said as he curled in his seat Glad at least nothings changed Honey commented as everyone laughed Aunt Cass! They're messing with me again!
Aww, don't be so down Takeshi Aunt Cass comforted You'll always be a sweet baby boy to me, whether your famous or not She teased as Takeshi groans in discomfort. Soon Takeshi's suffering ended as Hiro made his way to them before heading their way to the SFIT
So, ready to finally begin your Journey Hiro? Takeshi asked Hiro You bet I am Hiro said before getting nudged by Gogo Great, now we have a dork Gogo teased as they enjoyed their walk to the campus
And Thassa wrap!
Hope you guys had fun reading this as much as I enjoyed making it.
Up next to finish is Accel World so if you haven't read that yet. then Come on over there.
But with all that said, Thank you to everyone that stuck with me till the end and You know the drill
Vote if you wanna
Share to your friends if you have any
and I'll see you when I see you when I see you
Bye-bye!!! <3
Thank you for choosing San Fransokyo airlines. we will arrive at our destination shortly, please fix all your things nad please put away the tables. Thank you The flight attendant announced.
We focus on one girl in a white turtleneck with a yellow overcoat and skirt is looking out the window as she sees the clouds before setting her eyes on San Fransokyo. Once the plane has landed she turned to the monitors in the airport showing the latest news and focused on one headline specifically
Kamen Rider Jin: Savior of San Fransokyo
There's a Kamen Rider even here as well? She questioned If it were my father, he'll 1000% try to fight him. She stated as she made her way out of the airport, once she's out she followed the directions on her map to locate her next destination.
On the other side of the sidewalk, Takeshi and the others are passing by the airport to go to a store that they want to check out, as Takeshi walked with them he passed the girl that was looking at her map but she didn't notice Takeshi. He then turned around feeling that he passed by someone he knew but he second-guessed himself.
Hey Takeshi! We might leave you if you keep staring at the crowd all that Gogo called out as Takeshi shook out the thought Yeah, Yeah I'm coming! He called back as he watched up with the rest and went on with his day not knowing that the two will cross paths once again.
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