Strongest Wings Bearing the fire of Hell
The SFIT Student Showcase, I said this was gonna be lit...but not literally.
People running in Panic as columns of the building are crumbling and fire is everywhere.
Tadashi!! Takeshi called out while pinned underneath a pillar
A few hours ago
Takeshi and his friends were in Wasabi's Van on their way towards the SFIT with a cargo truck following behind them carrying recycling bins for Hiro's project.
Aunt Cass
Ooh, I'm so excited that Hiro's finally going to college Aunt cass said while looking at the rear view mirror Me too, I'm actually shaking right now Hiro said.
Well, its much better than Takeshi's student showcase Gogo piped up from the back The poor guy almost pissed his pant's while presenting
Oh, you did not just say that to me just now. Takeshi looked at Gogo who is sitting behind him in disbelief We were all showcasing that day, and if I recall You were the most nervous out of all of us!
Yeah...sure I did Gogo said sarcastically You tripped and fell on the first step of the stairs!! Takeshi said *Pssh* now your making stuff up, woman up Takeshi
Oh, really now? Then explain this video evidence of you, tripping on nothing Takeshi said as he pulled out his phone and showed the footage
Give me it!! Gogo said lunging for the phone but Takeshi manage to pull away in time Now what would happen to little miss speed demon, when I post this online?
You wouldn't? Gogo asked I will Takeshi replied Ok...go for it then Gogo said sitting back down.
Are you sure? Takeshi asked Yeah, go for it Gogo said trying to call his bluff. Ok then...
Takeshi then sat back down and began typing away at his phone, trying to break Gogo's stoicness. His attemps soon prevailed as Gogo peeked around Takeshi's phone
What are you doing? Gogo asked Logging into twitter. Takeshi said and just to remind you, I have lots of followers.
This put Gogo over the edge as she lunged for Takeshi's phone again demanding him to delete her embarrasing moment.
Kids settle down, we're almost to our destination. Aunt Cass announced as Takeshi and Gogo sat back down reluctantly as Takeshi discarded the edited post.
Once they reached the venue, they unload the trucks container and began placing it around the parts of the building
Is this really necessary? Hiro asked Of course it is! You aren't just gonna present this like your in a Ted talk. You gotta stand out, and the best way to stand out is with aesthetic. Takeshi stated
Now, I'll handle my part you guys set up the rest. Takeshi said before running off with one of the bins to a location that they discussed.
After placing the final bin to the spot he notices a few suspicious hooded figures walking around, before leaving the premises. Shrugging it of as it were nothing he continued with his day as he went back to his friends
Everybody say "Hiro"!! Honey Lenon said as they were about to take a picture. Not wanting to miss out, he booked it to the group picture diving in frame while doing a pose just in time before the camera flashed before being followed by fumbling from behind them
*groan* Did I made it? Takeshi asked Dude you ok? Wasabi asked I'm fine, as long as I'm in the frame we should be good Takeshi assured Anyways, I think your up Hiro He said sitting up from the floor.
Now calling to the stage, Hiro Hamada
Looks like this is it, go get 'em lil bro Tadashi said as Hiro began walking up the stage Wait a second, Hiro Takeshi stood up quickly and put his arm around Hiro's shoulder
Let me give you a piece of advice, from one bot fighter to another. There is no such thing as beginner's luck. You have what it took to get to where you are right now, so be confident in your ability and show them what your made of, Capeesh?
With those words, Takeshi pats Hiro's shoulder as he became more motivated to present with a burning passion.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Alright, Hiro!/That was so cool!/not bad, nerd Hiro's friends congratulated him as he walked down the stairs See? I told you, you have what it takes. Takeshi said as his friends crowd Hiro in excitement and proudness
Takeshi admired his friends for celebrating such a admirable achievement until he spotted a peculiar businessman walking towards them.
Hey, heads up! Takeshi warned Hiro as the businessman walked towards the group
Alistair Krei
Hiro Hamada! Your invention is superstellar!! Alistair commended Think of your decision carefully from this point on. Takeshi said before walking away
Mr. Hiden! Where are you off to in this fine night? Alistair said halting the teen Just to get some fresh air, sir. The crowd this intense is quite suffocating Takeshi said I understand, the offer still stands regarding your partnership with Krei tech, Mr. Hiden.
I'll be sure to look at my binder again, but I'm afraid I still need time to think. Takeshi said with a exhausted smile Very well, take as much time as you need
Takeshi then walked away as Alistair began discussing business with Hiro's invention passing by his mentor
Better hurry, before he takes another of your students Takeshi said sarcastically before leaving the building and to the park
Takeshi began wondering off, walking in any direction he chooses.
I wonder what would father would react when he sees me now? Takeshi wondered
Takeshi I am very proud that you are working very hard...but you gotta Take it easy (Ta-ke-I-shi), Now that's...a show by Aruto!!
Yeah, Dad would say something like that Takeshi thought, he spent a few more minutes around the park until an explosion happened near him causing him to snap back to reality.
Takeshi looked behind him as he saw the SFIT student showcase building is up in flames. This kicked Takeshi's hero instincts to overdrive as he sprinted towards the burning building
I gotta get these people out safely Takeshi said to himself as he pulled out a gun connected to a belt
Takeshi swung the belt around his hip as he pulled out an SD card with a picture of a wolf
Shooting Wolf Progrise key
Takeshi then opens the card before pressing the button on the side and putting it inside the gun
Bullet! Authorize, Kamen Rider, Kamen Rider
Takeshi then unclipped the gun from the belt and aimed it in front of him before shouting
The bullet then traveled formard before curving back towards Takeshi, who punched the bullet as it slowly formed his armor
Shooting wolf! The elevation increases as the bullet is fired
After his sequence is finished, he wasted no time going to the nearest trapped civilians and helping them escape
Everybody this way!! Takeshi guided them outside as he continues to help any trapped civilians he see.
As he was helping the civilians, he saw someone walked in not knowing the danger they are putting themselves in. Takeshi helped the civilians up before looking at who entered the building and shocked to find Tadashi
Tadashi looked around before sprinting in a direction that he chose. Not wanting to see his friend die, he quickly escorted the bystanders out before running of to find Tadashi
What the hell is that idiot doing!? Takeshi asked concered as he reached the room where Tadashi was in, when he got there he saw Tadashi laying on the floor unconscious as the hooded figures he saw earlier picked him up.
Hey, let him go!! Takeshi demanded as he drew his gun and pointed it at them, but the hooded figures just turned away as more of them suddenly jumped at Takeshi.
Seeing no other option he quickly fired at the one close to him before kicking the second one away, Takeshi then blocked an attack coming from his right before knocking him out with a punch. He then ducked at the next attack from his left and block the follow up before punching its abdomen and kicking him in the face.
Stop, damnit!! Takeshi then went after the remaining hooded figures but the one that's behind the person carrying Tadashi struck Takeshi out of his form, launching him back and dropping his shotriser.
*groan* I won't...give up!! Takeshi said as a column crumbled as the debris trapped Takeshi forcing him to watch as the one that struck Takeshi out of his form taking the shotriser before continue walking away
No...Tadashi...Tadashi!!! Takeshi tried to reach out to his unconscious friend but more debris had blocked his view of the hooded figures.
Damnit, I can't give up! I'm not gonna die like this!! Takeshi groaned as the fire is starting to grow stronger and cries for help grew louder If only I could be stronger.
Just as Takeshi was lossing hope, he hears a bird screeching as a flaming falcon flew by him destroying the debris crushing him before divebombing in front of him erupting a small pillar of fire near Takeshi's face causing him to shield himself with his hands.
As the fire slowly calmed down, he noticed a device similar to his shotriser but in a form of a blade instead of a gun and an SD card with an Image of a Falcon on fire.
Burning falcon Progrise Key
Huh, I guess wishes do come true Takeshi said.
Feeling a sense of familiarity, he placed the Slashriser on his waist and and pressed the button on the SD card
Inferno Wing
Takeshi then placed the card in the slashriser and extended it to the bottom
Burnrise! Kamen rider, Kamen Rider
Henshin! Takeshi said before pulling the trigger
The flaming falcon from earlier suddenly appeared and flew around Takeshi before pulling apart and encasing him in fire revealing his new armor
Burning Falcon! The strongest Wings Bearing the Fire of Hell
Now wielding new powers, he wasted no time rescuing civilians that are trapped, he starts by unraveling his wings and blowing away the fire before pushish away some debris before noticing a column to heavy to lift up alone.
Everyone step away from the column Takeshi warned as he wielded his Slashriser, pressing the SD card before pulling the trigger
Inferno Wing! Burning Rain!!
Takeshi then twirled his bladed diagonally before sending it to the column, destroying it allowing the civilians to be free
Everybody please evacuate the premises and assist those who are injured Takeshi requested as he made a path for them by blowing away more flames.
Thank you, Mister... one of the civilians act You could call me Jin, a Kamen Rider Takeshi asked as the civilian nodded and continued its way to safety.
Looks like everyone is safe Takeshi said as the building then began shaking This isn't a good place for a grave, I better get out of here Takeshi then began leaving until he felt pain in his mid section and forced to fall on one knee
Damn! I'm running on fumes here. I gotta leave before I give out Takeshi stated before looking up I guess I'll try this wings out for a test flight.
Takeshi then flew through the roof and began flying away, not while getting picture taken by the crowd outside.
I think its best to crash somewhere else Takeshi thought as he was about to faint Now, I can't fly for too long as well Takeshi began looking around until he spots Aunt Cass's Cafe with its lights on and with his friends along with Aunt Cass herself
Over there! Takeshi then dived towards the sidewalk bear the cafe while in his form, when he reached the stairway, he began wobbling up the stairs as the adrenaline is slowly lossing its effect
With a little bit more effort Takeshi burst throught the door, nearly going unconscious as his body suddenly glew a bright red hue. The sudden open of the door startled the people inside as they look to see who barged in the cafe. They went to the front door to see Takeshi nearly unconscious with the slashriser still on his waist. His friends went to him sme asking where he was been, or is he feeling ok, but it all fall in deaf ears as the adrenaline finally wore off as Takeshi slowly became unconscious. Takeshi then recalled the events that had just happened, and with the last of his breath he muttered something before going unconscious
I couldn'
Well, that chapter was lit, isn't it?
Haha, I'm not sorry
Anyways Vote if you wanna
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And I'll see you when I see you!!
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