Hunt for Yokai
Its a rainy morning in San Fransokyo, and the Hamada residence is packed with people in black and giving their condolences.
Takeshi slowly opens his eyes but quickly shutting them close and pulling a blanket over himself. He tries to go back to sleep but he heard footsteps hurriedly coming towards him.
*groan* Five more minutes Takeshi whined Oh, hey Takeshi Hiro said a voice depressingly Hey, Hiro...Wait, Hiro! Takeshi suddenly sat up confused. Takeshi looked around from his bed and found that none of it was his, deducting that he was not in his room.
All of a sudden, memories of the fire came rushing in his head remembering why he was there in the first place
How long was I out? Takeshi asked as Hiro sat on his bean bag solemnly A day or two I think Hiro said, Takeshi was about to ask what was wrong until he recalled what happened in the fire So you didn't know... Takeshi said quietly
Knew what? Hiro asked Oh, nothing Takeshi brushed off as he gets himself out of bed, when he stood up he saw that he was only wearing his underwear
Aunt cass left your clothes on the chair by the stairs Hiro said as Takeshi went to the chair that Hiro mentioned Your clothes were mostly charred or burned off so she decided to call your place and asked to bring spare clothes.
Well, at least one piece of fabric survived Takeshi said to himself as he grabbed a neon yellow hoodie that was on the chair This was one of Dad's special hoodies. Wonder why he gave me one in the first place Takeshi wondered
Can I borrow anything that's black? Just for today Takeshi asked There's one in Tadashi's drawer Hiro pointed as Takeshi began rummaging through and found a black tshirt that's just his size, he puts it on and headed downstairs Oh Hiro, My condolence.
After getting dressed Takeshi decided to go down and see what else is going on in the cafe. Just as he reached the final steps he notices Aunt cass and his friends near the stairs.
Hey...sorry for using the shirt, I don't have any black Takeshi said solemnly as he offered Aunt Cass a hug, which she happily accepts I'm sorry for your loss, and thank you for taking care of me
It's ok, is Hiro upstairs? Aunt cass said He is, yeah Takeshi answered Ok, I'm gonna go check up on him.
I suppose you guys have some questions? Takeshi inquired to his friends as they fidget around Yeah... they said in unison. Takeshi then looked around seeing plenty of people still in the cafe How about later? I think its best if we talked after all of this blows over. Takeshi suggested as his friends nods at his proposition
Just one more thing, Do you Takeshi asked No, of course not Honey lemon said as Takeshi sighed in relief Thanks, I'll go offer a prayer then we'll talk later with those words Takeshi left the group as he spots a shrine dedicated for Tadashi
Hey, man... Takeshi stood in front of the shrine as guilt began flowing through him I honestly I have nothing good to say...I guess sorry is the only thing I could say to you.
Sorry I couldn't save you fast enough. That I wasn't strong enough to take you back from them. Takeshi began tearing up as he recalled the events prior, as he recalled he regained his composure as he became determined But I swear I will get stonger, so this will never happen again...and you better hold on, ok bud? I'll come back for you, and I will save you. That's a promise!
With a sigh of relief he finished up his prayer and then left to the cafe, but not before looking back and offer one last smile.
Few hours later
The people from the gathering have left or about to leave as they said goodbye to Aunt Cass. While our hero is behind the counter of the cafe as he pour himself a cup of coffe. After he took a sip from his cup he looked at his phone as he brought up a profile search of Tadashi, but to no avail. Once he put away his phone Wasabi and the others went over to him as they bore a look of solemn and understanding.
So, what do you guys wanna talk about? Takeshi began Well.../You see.../We uhh... Three of his friends blurted out as Gogo sighed in annoyance before grabbing something from behind Wasabi and slamming it on the table in front of him We wanna ask about this. Gogo said
So what do you want to know? Takeshi asked as he sat down on a nearby chair Your not gonna deny that its yours? Honey Lemon wondered You and I both know I can't deny my way out of this He said
*gasp* Does that mean your Kamen Rider Vulcan!! Fred asked as he showed Takeshi a few clips of his heroic acts, from taking down thugs to stopping terrorist acts Well, I was. I go by Jin now. Takeshi said
Why the sudden change? Wasabi asked The shotriser...the one that I was using before, was stolen. Takeshi answered By who?
Same people that took Tadashi Takeshi said blatantly as his friends were shocked before settling down and comforting Takeshi
Hey, its ok. I'm sure Tadashi is in a good place now Honey Lemon comforted Takeshi as she hugged him close followed by the rest of the gang.
I knew you all wouldn't understand Takeshi said as he pried the arms of his friends and took the slashriser. Takeshi is about to step out of the cafe until he remembers that he doesn't have the SD card
Where's the progrise key? Takeshi turned to his friends You mean this? Gogo holded out the Burning Falcon progrise key in between her index and middle finger Give it! Takeshi demanded hmm, no
I said...Give it! Takeshi lunged at Gogo trying to grab the progrise key Catch! Gogo then tossed the progrise key at Wasabi as Takeshi who stopped his momentum before jumping him Here, you have it Wasabi threw it at Honey
Ahh! Out of reflex Honey redirected the Progrise key at Fred, who inspects it closely and began geeking out. Having enough playing around he threw his slashriser at Fred who instinctly leans far back, leaving the progrise key open and within reach. Wasting no time he grabbed the key from Fred before going to the slashriser.
*sigh* What a hassle Takeshi comented as he continued his way out the cafe Let us help! Takeshi stopped his advance as he was close to reaching the door, he then looked at them as they showed eyes of hopefulness and worry I don't need your help...Hiro does Takeshi then stepped out of the cafe and equipped the slashriser as his friends went after him, before they could reach him however Takeshi transformed and flew away leaving small flames on the ground spelling 'bbs'
A few weeks later
Takeshi opened the door to his apartment which is a mess. Paper scattered all over the floor, bulletin board filled with newspaper clippings and blurry pictures, topping off with multiple screens turned on. And the one person cleaning and fixing Takeshi's messes is Mizu a Humagear made by Takeshi which closely resembles Izu, Aruto's former humagear secretary.
Sir, Takeshi. You have been awake for 15 and a half days. I advise you take a rest for today. Mizu advised as Takeshi sat down in his chair analyzing the data on his computer I can redt when I track down the culprits. Until then, no rest for the wicked Takeshi began rolling his chair to different computers
Long absence of sleep can lead to many inconveniences, such as loss of focus or slower brain function Mizu stated as Takeshi gave in *sigh* I suppose your right. But notify me of any emergency in the city, got it? He said as he inclined his chair Understood
With Mizu's affirmation Takeshi took a blindfold, before dozing off he heard Mizu got a notice and waited for her to notify Takeshi...but nothing happened
What was that Mizu? Takeshi asked It was nothing, Sir Takeshi Mizu lied plainly Mizu...! Takeshi pressed again There seemes to be something that causing traffic and almost causing accidents Mizu reported The culprit?
A White ballon like robot Mizu stated Baymax? Takeshi took of his blindfold and looked at the surveilance footage Where is he heading? Mizu then looked at each surveilance camera trying to spot baymax and pin pointing its location.
To an abandoned factory south from the Cafe Mizu said Got it! Takeshi then took his slashriser and progrise key and headed to the door Sir Takeshi! Mizu tried to stop Takeshi I'll rest after I investigate this, I promise.
Takeshi left his apartment and went to the roof, once he reached the top he basked inn the bright city of San Fransokyo before transforming.
Inferno Wing!
Burnrise! Kamen Rider, Kamen Rider
Slashrise! Burning Falcon,
The strongest wings bearing the fire of hell
Once he transformed he flew to the last know location of baymax, in an abandoned factory, once he reached the factory he perched on a nearby lampost and scanned the facility.
How does it look Mizu? Mizu then brought up the factories blueprint as she marked the middle and one moving marker.
There seems to be electricity still running in the factory Mizu said For a building this run-down, I'm suprised no one bothered to check Takeshi quipped That's not all, I've detected many electro-magnetic signals inside, and one life signature inside.
Who? Mizu then pulled up a picture as Takeshi was taken back by the information 14 year old, Hiro Hamada Mizu stated What's that ifiot up to now? Takeshi then leaped of his perch and entered through the window on the roof.
Takeshi surveyed the area until he found a technologically advanced worker arms, something that a rusty factory shouldn't have.
Well, at least I know where the spike in the electric bill comes from Takeshi looked once more and spotted Hiro looking at a barrel and right next to a bulletin board. Investigating further he jumped down to the bulletin board
Quite an interesting haul there Takeshi said startling Hiro W-who are you! Hiro pointed the broom that he was holding at Takeshi My names Jin Hiro then looked at him suspiciously Were you the one that made these things? Hiro questioned as Takeshi grabbed one of the microbots that was inside a barrel Do I look like a guy to use some small robots?
Microbots! Hiro corrected Microbots, got it Takeshi then observed the bulletin board posted with multiple news clippings and a logo of a bird Something big is gonna happen.
Hiro? A robotic voice said causing Takeshi to turn around as Hiro jumped in surprise Baymax! You gave me a heart attack! Hiro exclaimed My hands are equipped with defibrillators Baymax said, paying them no mind Takeshi heard noises behind him, as he turned around he saw dozens of barrels filled with Microbots slowly forming up Go kid! I got you covered Takeshi said But-
Just Run! with no time to complain Hiro began running with Baymax slowly walking behind him I am not fast Baymax said Yeah no kidding! Hiro then pulled Baymax away from Takeshi as he slowly tries to destroy the Microbots.
Takeshi turns back to the Microbots, only to be engulfed in the wave as it makes their way to Hiro, Takeshi manages to break free once the Microbots began climbing to the top noticing the sudden shift in Direction, he looked up and spotted a tall black man in a mask as he guides the Microbots as if he's controlling them. he also spotted Hiro in distress as he tries to push Baymax out the window. Takeshi leaps up to the scaffolding and comes face-to-face with the mask person
So, do you always wear the mask, or is that just a festive thing? Takeshi quipped as the masked man launched a wave of Microbots at him. Takeshi retaliated by grabbing the Slashriser and activating his progrise key before pulling the trigger
Inferno Wing! Burning Rain!
The Slashriser is then engulfed in a dark red flame as Takeshi spun himself around making several waves of fire and incinerated the Microbots. With a few more swings he formed three more waves and send them towards the masked man forcing him to use his Microbots to block the incoming attack, giving Hiro enough time to flee and for a chance to land a surprise attack on the man, Takeshi waisted no time as he flew through the Microbots and tackled the masked figure.
Tell me, who are your accomplices Takeshi pressed I don't know what your talking about The man said There was a fire on the SFIT student showcase event. I know its not an accident Takeshi grabbed the man by the collar and slammed him on the wall Your group were the reason behind it. So I'll ask again, who are your accomplices
As Takeshi pressed for answers, he failed to notice the Microbots forming behind him. Once he finally realize the threat he was swatted away by a hand made of Microbots LIke I said, I have no accomplices nor was I the cause of the fire. THe figure then rode the wave of Microbots as he flee from the scene, as he was laying down on a large pile of barrels Takeshi received a call from Mizu.
So how about that sleep? Mizu asked plainly Yeah, yeah. can you come pick me up? Takeshi groaned I am on my way Takeshi then waited for Mizu to arrive. Killing time, Takeshi began recalling the events that transpired, from the dozens of barrels filled with Microbots. to the masked man that he fought Why does he need so many Microbots? Takeshi asked himself but before he could think of an answer Mizu smashed the lock on the front door open causing him to shield his eyes from the light outside.
Sir, Takeshi Mizu greeted Hey... Mizu took Takeshi's arm and put it over her shoulder and help him stand up Wait, wait, wait Takeshi pleaded What is it, Sir Takeshi?
There's a bulletin board there do you mind duplicating it? Takeshi asked Are you sure? Mizu questioned Yes Mizu suddenly dropped Takeshi as she went ahead and duplicated the data on the bulletin board Oww,,,
My apologies for the wait Mizu returned and helped Takeshi up on his feet...again Yeah, its ok Takeshi groaned Shall I book an appointment to a hospital? Mizu inquired No need, I'm just gonna walk this off
I believe this is the second time you have been bested. First was from a fire, now its miniture robots Mizu brought up If you keep this up you might hold the record of most pathetic arch nemesis Sir Mizu taunted Just shut up, will ya?
Hmm, Understand the two then walked out of the factory and into the car that Mizu drove Can we stop to get some chilli-fries on the way? Takeshi asked No, sir Mizu denied But-
No! Mizu interrupted as they drove off back home
Done! took me longer than it should have,
Anyways, vote if you wanna
share to your friends if you have any
And I'll see you, when I see you
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