Two lions crouched low to the ground, the tall grass hiding their bodies as they waited to attack.
Barika, an antelope, sensing something off looked to the tall grass in fright. After a moment passed of silence, she went back to munch on the grass before her.
A scream left her lips as two lions pounced from the grass towards her.
"I'm gonna get you!" Simba yelled, reaching up on his hind legs to catch the butterflies flying away. Barika had found herself a distance away from where she once was as she looked to Simba and Kamaria.
"I told you! You always miss them!" Kamaria laughed next to Simba.
It had been a few years since their cat fight, as the two liked to call it. Both managed to put the past behind them and continue on. As they continued on, so did time. Simba now had a full mane and Kamaria had more fur on her chest and stomach, symbolizing their adulthood.
"Simba! Kamaria! Its you." Barika let out a breath of relief, she thought she was going to be eaten.
"Did you see that? I was so close!" Simba said as he watched the butterflies fly higher and higher, slowly leaving his view.
"So close, yet so far." Kamaria smirked back.
"I almost had them!" Simba said back, gently pushing Kamaria away. She only laughed at Simba's failure.
"I thought it was a lion! Or, you know, the other kind of lion." Both lions looked at Barika in confusion, "like a real lion?" Barika said questioning herself.
Simba and Kamaria looked to each other, were they not real lions?
"I mean not that you aren't real lions. But, you know, the kind that eats... I'm gonna go." Barika finally stuttered out, failing to explain why they weren't real lions.
"Hey, where you going? Do you wanna get some grubs?" Simba yelled as Barika leapt away. She seemed nervous around the two, Kamaria wasn't sure why. They only were chasing butterflies.
"What's up with her?" Simba questioned. Pumbaa and Timon had just walked up to see their encounter with Barika. Timon shook his head as he, like always, sat atop Pumbaa.
"Um, guys... how can I say this. He's prey, remember?" Simba and Kamaria nodded, remembering what Timon had said when Simba first came here.
"And he is never going to want to frolic with a carnivore." Timon said, jumping down from Pumbaa's back and beginning to walk.
"No, you two will never frolic." Pumbaa said, walking next to Simba. Kamaria walked on Simba's other side, listening to Timon and Pumbaa explain why the other animals often stayed clear of them.
Unless it was eating time, of course.
"Why not?" Simba asked. Kamaria found herself wondering the same.
"Uh, you see, in nature, there's a delicate balance." Timon said, the four continuing their walk to the ant hill. It was lunch time and Kamaria was starving.
"Oh yea! The circle of life! Simba taught me that." Kamaria smugly smiled. She felt proud to already know about the circle of life. Usually she was clueless and got all her information from Pumbaa and Timon.
Pumbaa and Timon instantly started to protest to this idea.
"I don't know where you're getting this 'circle' from." Timon said as he hopped on top of Pumbaa's back again. The three animals walking used some stones to cross a stream.
"Yeah, no." Pumbaa said in agreement with Timon. Kamaria felt annoyed at being wrong and still having to learn from Timon and Pumbaa.
Both Timon and Pumbaa started to mumbled about there being no circle. Kamaria nudged Pumbaa, wanting the two to explain what it was if it wasn't a circle.
"In fact, it's the opposite. It's more of a line." Pumbaa agreed as the three reached the other side of the stream.
"It's a meaningless line of indifference." Timon said, looking from Pumbaa's hair for flees.
"And we're all just running towards the end of the line and one day we'll reach the end and that'll be it." Pumbaa said.
The group of four reached the ant hill, the other Oasis animals waiting to Kamaria and Simba to break it open.
Kamaria and Simba, still listening to the meerkat and warthog, walked around the anthill, using their paws to break open the ant hill. Zola yelled in excitement as Kamaria brushed some harden dirt off and bugs flew out.
"You guys can do your own thing and fend for yourself because your line doesn't affect anyone else's line." Kamaria could see what the two were saying, it made sense. But Simba told her that when lions die, they become the grass, keeping the circle going.
"You're alive and then you're not. Like this guy." Timon said as he ate a moth that flew out from the hill.
"You're sure it's not a circle?" Simba asked the two. His father always said the circle was a precious thing, something he had to fight for when he ruled over the pride lands.
"That we're all connected?" Kamaria added on to Simba's statement.
"A circle would mean all this," Pumbaa drew a circle with his snout. "That would mean what I do affects him, affects you, affects that thing, and that things." Timon voiced his agreement as Pumbaa kept pointing out different things.
Kamaria and Simba jumped up the anthill, having scratched and pawed lines into the anthill.
"Let me simplify this for you. Life is meaningless." Kamaria looked to Timon, sitting down waiting for the two lions to break the hill. She didn't think life was meaningless. If it was, she wouldn't have meet Timon, Pumbaa, or Simba.
"Thats why you just gotta look out for yourself. Thats why you do you Simba." Pumbaa said, walking around the ant hill to face the three on top.
Timon stood up and patted Kamaria's face. Kamaria and Simba sharing an uncertain look.
"Ya, Simba for the first time since meeting you, we are entrusting you to have a plan for us today." Simba nudged Timon onto Kamaria's back, the lioness jumping down from the hill as Simba stood atop it, breaking the dirt in areas.
"This is important, think about all you've been taught." Pumbaa said, moving closer to Simba.
"What do you want to do?" Timon questioned expectingly. Kamaria already knew what they two wanted Simba to say. After all, it's all they ever did.
"Absolutely... nothing!" Simba said. With a little jump up, Simba broken the ant hill in two, pushing a piece down to the ground. The animals below him scattered to avoid getting hit, before all yelled in excitement. Every animal rushed to start feasting on the broken hill.
Kamaria only smiled up at Simba as he hopped down to join her and the rest.
"Good answer." Simba smiled back, a weird heat covering his face at her praise. Both turned to the anthill, plans to do nothing all day on their mind.
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