Chapter one: shes blue dab a dee...dab a die 💔
Melania sits off to the side serving face, while her fatass husband does a presidential debate. She cant help but wonder WHY she married him.
Oh right. Money and citizenship.
So she sits off to the side looking pretty because her husband doesnt so she has to.
She assumes that trumper is debating Joey again so when she actually decides to look up. She isnt expecting to see...the most BEAUTIFUL woman in her life
Shes smart too. I mean smarter than trump.
Thats actually not really a compliment
Melania pushes her thoughts back, shes married, with kids! And she's definitely not into women.
She cant Help but stare at the lady though.
She thinks about if trump wins.
Thats a lot of cash. And popularity!
But she'll have to decorate that damn White House every Christmas
That is NOT gonna happen bro
It is at this point that she remembers
She cant be friends with the enemy! This lady is a...d-d-democrat.
Shes blue. Dab a Dee...dab a die... 💔💔💔
Push the thoughts back Melania. Think about how orange your husband
Youll be spending the rest of your life with him...
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