formula shortage hits home
*Even the Biden's are affected by the formula shortage, so Kamala decides to help baby Jacob by giving Jill some of her supply is breastmilk. I hope you guys enjoy this! Also thank you to ReneeThornton8 for helping me write this! Love • Bree 💕*
May 14th, 2022
It has been a crazy few weeks for the whole Biden-Harris family!
With baby Joey being born in the beginning of April, Easter celebrations and the Easter roll becoming a thing again since the pandemic starting two years ago, Kamala getting covid and her and Ivy being monitored extremely closely (both made it through with no symptoms or after effects), endless amount of traveling, work and many hard events happening all over the country and the world.
Now on top of all of that, there is a formula shortage all over the United States.
A few months ago, Similac and a few others companies had formula recalled due to babies getting sick or even passing away. The supply is now running out due to the plants shutting down and it is causing chaos all over the country and even at the White House.
Jill and Joe are both struggling to find formula for their son, Jacob. Jacob has a sensitive tummy so he has to have a certain kind of formula so he doesn't get reflux or have a bad stomach.
Even though they are the First Lady and President of the United States, they are just like many parents who are having trouble finding formula. Jill and Joe don't get any special treatment.
Jill has been searching all around Washington DC and Delaware asking friends and family to help ask well.
Hallie and Kathleen have been driving all around Delaware looking for Jacob's formula with no luck. Melissa and Hunter have been on the hunt as well in California.
Even Kamala and Doug's family members are searching. Kerstin, Maya and Meena have been calling Kamala and Doug constantly with updates.
Luckily, Kamala has plenty of breastmilk for Devi to have since because Devi was first born, she got so much milk, almost too much.
But Devi does drink some formula as well for times when Kamala had to go traveling for work. Sometimes formula was just easier for Doug or for whoever was babysitting Devi.
Since Devi is now almost nine months old, he is starting to eat more baby foods. He still gets his bottles of breast milk or formula, but he usually takes a meal of baby food!
Kamala has decided to stop breastfeeding Devi because he isn't interested in it anymore and plus he has teeth. Kamala's breasts are extra sensitive due to being pregnant and she does not want Devi to accidentally bite her.
Jacob also eats baby foods but not as often as Devi does due to his sensitive stomach. That's why he goes through formula a little more than Devi or most babies.
Right now, Doug is sitting on the floor with Devi while Kamala is taking a shower.
*Devi's outfit*
Devi is happily playing in his small ball pit that Ella got for him. Ella is always sending Devi clothes she made or toys.
"Aaaaa! Ba baaa!" Devi says as he happily kicks his feet and the balls move all around the pit.
"Woah! You are kicking the balls around! How fun, buddy!" Doug says as he smiles at Devi playing.
*Devi's ball pit*
Just then, Doug's phone rings and it is a FaceTime call from his ex wife Kerstin.
"Hello?" Doug says with a grin.
"Hey, Doug! Is this the right one for Jakey?" Kerstin says showing Doug a can of formula that's on the shelf.
"No, his kind of formula is a purple can of Enfamil. It says gentlease on it and it has to say infant formula. That's toddler formula silly." Doug says as he chuckles.
*Jacob's formula he needs*
"Can you send me a picture of it? Ella told me the wrong thing then!" Kerstin says as she huffs and Doug laughs.
"I will send a picture. Do you wanna see Devi? He is playing in his a ball pit that Ella sent." Doug says as he shows Devi to Kerstin.
"Hi, Devi! Hi, baby! Hiiii!" Kerstin says in a babyfied voice causing Devi to smile.
"Baaaaa! Baaaa!" Devi says to Kerstin with a big ton.
"Say hi, Auntie Keke!" Doug says in a babyfied voice.
"Hi, handsome! I miss you! I can't wait to see you so soon! Does Devi need any formula?" Kerstin asks Doug.
"We are good! He has lots of breastmilk that Kamala has for him and we have a lot of cans of formula for him too. He doesn't need a special kind like Jacob does." Doug says to Kerstin.
Doug and Kerstin talk for a few more minutes before ending the call.
"Did Kerstin find some formula?" Kamala asks as she walks into the living room where Doug and Devi are together.
"She found some but it was the wrong kind. She's trying." Doug says with a chuckle.
"Aw, it's so sweet that our whole family is trying to help Joe and Jill too." Kamala says and Doug smiles.
"We are a big ole family. That's what we do." Doug says to Kamala and Kamala nods.
"Let me get a bag of breastmilk packed for Jacob." Kamala says as she walks into the kitchen, packing a bag full of breastmilk bags while Doug and Devi walk over to her.
"You are so amazing, Kamala. I am so proud of you." Doug says, kissing Kamala's cheek.
"Aw, stop it! You are too! It's the least I can do to help Jill and Jacob. I don't want Jacob to run out of milk. Hopefully my milk doesn't bother his tummy and he can drink it while Joe and Jill search for his formula." Kamala says to Doug.
"Jill and Joe wouldn't let him starve, silly!" Doug says as he chuckles.
"I know, but Jacob has a sensitive stomach so he can't just eat anything. I guess he could but he would be so miserable." Kamala says to Doug.
"That's true. A fussy miserable baby isn't fun." Doug says as Devi giggles and babbles.
"Hi, baby! Are you ready to go to Pop and Nana's house? You will see Pop, Nana, Jakey, Willow, Commander and Major?" Kamala asks Devi in a babyfied voice.
"Aaaa!" Devi says as he smiles at Kamala and Doug.
"Let's get going! We don't wanna be late to our playdate!" Doug says as he and Kamala both laugh.
Kamala finishes packing up the bag and Doug gets Devi's diaper bag ready!
Once all of the bags are ready, Kamala, Doug and Devi leave their residence, get in their SUV and drive the few minutes drive to the White House!
After the few minute drive, Kamala, Doug and Devi have made it to the White House to visit with Joe, Jill and Jacob!
Joe and Jill think they are coming over for a playdate and to hang out without doing any work, but Kamala and Doug will be giving Jacob a few week supply of breastmilk for him to have while Jill and Joe still look for formula for him.
Kamala, Doug and Devi have made it to the floor where the residence is and they get off the elevator.
Kamala is holding a bag with the breastmilk in it while Doug is holding Devi. With her big baby bump she has now, it's hard to hold Devi and walk around.
"Baaaa!" Devi says as he claps his hands happily.
"Are you excited to see Nana, Pop, Jakey, Major, Willow and Commander?" Kamala asks Devi in a babyfied voice.
"Ma ma!" Devi says to Kamala with a big smile.
"Hi, baby! I see you! Your hair is a mess! Did Daddy forget to brush your hair?" Kamala asks Devi playfully
"My bad. I gotta get better at this. Plus, Devi didn't wanna exactly cooperate." Doug says nervously with a giggle.
"Dougie, it's ok. It happens to the best of us. Mika said the same thing about her son Elijah and brushing his hair. Let's go inside and surprise them." Kamala says happily and Doug smiles.
"Aaaaaaa!" Devi says with excitement
"Okay, let's go!" Doug says as they head to the living quarters where they hear Jacob babbling up a storm.
"Jump jump! Jump jump! You love your jumper that Auntie Hillary and Uncle Bill got you? Yes, yes!" Jill says in a babyfied voice at Jacob as he happily bounces around in his jumper.
*Jacob's outfit*
Kamala rings the door bell, causing Major and Commander to both bark loudly.
"Shh shh shh, you two! It's just Auntie Kamala, Uncle Doug and Devi." Jill says as she takes Jacob out of his jumper so he isn't out of her sight and the pair walk over to the door.
"Who is it?" Joe asks playfully with a smile.
"It's the Vice President of the United States, the Second Gentleman, and the Baby Gentleman. Oh, and Ivy too!" Kamala says playfully on the other side of the door.
Joe, Jacob Jill all happily open the front door together and greet Kamala, Doug and Devi.
Kamala and Doug both hug Joe and Jill with Joe and Jill hugging back.
"Ba ba baaaa!" Jacob screeches loudly.
"Hello, Jacob!" Doug says with a smile as Devi attempts to wave but it looks like he is smacking people.
"Hi, Jakey! Hi!" Kamala says as she kisses Jacob and playfully pinches his cheeks.
After standing by the door for a few minutes talking and catching up on personal things, Joe, Jill, Kamala and Doug all go to the living room and sit.
Doug and Kamala are sitting on the love seat while Joe and Jill are sitting on the couch.
Devi and Jacob are both sitting on the floor playing with all of the toys that Jill had out for Jacob earlier in the day.
"What's in the bag?" Jill asks both Kamala and Doug curiously.
"Well, look inside and see for yourselves." Kamala says as she hands it over to Jill.
Joe and Jill both look inside and gasp when they see that it's a bunch of breastmilk!
"What is this?" Joe asks in confusion, unsure what it is.
"Joe! It's bags of breastmilk! Kamala, whose breastmilk is this?" Jill asks Kamala and Doug in confusion.
"It's mine from my a huge stock pile I have with Devi and will use with Ivy too. I can't believe my body made all of that milk when Devi was first born! My supply is low right now since I'm pregnant." Kamala says with a smile.
"Kamala, are you giving this for Jacob?" Jill asks Kamala as tears come to her eyes.
"I sure am! Devi doesn't take as many bottles since he eats more baby food than Jakey does right now, but he still takes them of course since he is under the age of one. I know you and Joe have been stressed trying to find Jacob's formula, so I decided to share my big supply with Jacob." Kamala says as she holds Jill's hand.
"We have Meena, Maya, Tony, Kerstin and even Ella, Cole and Greenley on the hunt looking for Jacob's formula." Doug says with a big cheeky grin.
"God, you guys are the best. Thank you so so much!" Jill says excitingly as she hugs Kamala and then Doug.
"You're welcome! Us moms gotta look out for each other. That's what my mom did." Kamala says with a sad smile.
"You know you're mom would be so proud of you for what you just did. I know I am." Jill says as she tears up.
"I'm hoping my breastmilk doesn't hurt Jacob's tummy. Alot of people told me breastmilk can help with tummy issues so maybe it can help Jacob." Kamala explains to Jill.
"Aw, that would be so nice if it did. Since being on his special formula, Jacob hasn't had much reflux, spitting or throwing up. He has been gaining weight faster too!" Jill says with a grin.
"Hunt, Melissa, Kathleen, Hallie and all of Hallie's family are looking for it too. I think Val found a can for us and will bring it up tomorrow. That will help for a week maybe? How long do cans last, Jilly? I don't really keep track." Joe says with a chuckle.
"It depends on the size of the can. A smaller can makes like fourteen or fifteen bottles. So maybe a day or two." Jill says with a sigh.
Just then Doug's iPhone dings and he sees who it is. It's Greenley. Greenley sent a pic of Cole holding three formula cans.
"Greenley and Cole found three cans for us!" Doug says happily as he FaceTimes the couple.
"Yay! Thank you both so much!" Jill says happily to Greenley and Cole who just answered the FaceTime call.
"You're welcome, Aunt Jill!" Cole says as he waves.
"Anytime." Greenley says while agreeing with her fiancée.
"Dad, Momala, does Devi need any formula?" Cole asks Doug and Kamala.
"He has ten cans so he should be good for a little bit since he drinks breastmilk too. Thank you anyway, that is so sweet." Kamala says with a grin.
"Thank you so much, Cole and Greenley. Jill and I appreciate all of you looking for formula even though most of you don't even have children and know what you are looking for." Joe says making everybody laugh.
"Yeah, my mom kept sending my dad pictures of all the purple cans she found and they were all the wrong ones!" Cole says as he laughs.
"Oh, no! I guess that's what happens when you haven't had any babies in over twenty years." Doug says playfully and causing everyone to laugh
"What was that, Doug?" Kerstin says as she walks over to Cole and shows uo on the screen.
"Um, nothing Kerstin. Love you!" Doug says nervously to his ex-wife, causing Kamala to laugh loudly.
"I thought so. Kamala, how's Ivy?" Kerstin asks Kamala.
"Ivy is great! Just kicking the crap out of my ribs. I think I might get bruised ribs with her! Joe made me get ultrasounds everyday when I had covid to check on her and she is wonderful! I really didn't want to get covid but I'm so blessed that I didn't get sick and I'm glad Ivy got more antibodies." Kamala says to Kerstin.
Joe looks down on the floor and he sees Devi and Jacob laying on the backs and both boys are fast asleep.
"Look over here, guys." Joe says as he points at Devi and Jacob sleeping.
"Well what do ya know? Those two are all tuckered out." Greenley says with a smile.
"Jacob has been fighting a nap today, I'm so glad he fell asleep." Jill says as she takes a picture of Jacob and Devi sleeping.
"Devi woke up later today so I didn't think he would take a nap!" Kamala says with a chuckle.
"Thank you guys again for helping us search for formula!" Doug says with a grin.
"You're welcome! We will keep looking and send them your way!" Kerstin says as Greenley and Cole nod in agreement.
"Awesome. Thank you guys! Appreciate it!" Kamala says with a smile.
"You're welcome. We'll talk soon." Kerstin says with a grin.
"See you later, Dad." Cole says to Doug.
"Bye!" Greenley says with a smile.
"Bye, bye." Doug says as he ends the FaceTime call.
"Should we move the boys to a crib?" Joe asks Jill, Kamala and Doug.
"No, Jakey will wake up. He really needs his nap." Jill says to Joe.
"We are all sitting right here so they can just sleep here." Kamala says to Jill and Joe.
"Plus they look super comfortable." Doug says with a chuckle.
Willow the cat walks over and sniffs the boys heads while she lays between them.
"Willow, you have to stay away from Kamala." Jill says and Willow meows, staying put.
"Jill, she's fine! As long as she isn't touching me I'm good." Kamala says, appreciating Jill's concern about her cat allergy.
"Let me put this breastmilk in the freezer so it gets cold." Jill says with a grin as she takes the bag over to the kitchen.
"You two really didn't have to do this." Joe says to Doug and Kamala.
"Yes, we did." Doug says to Joe.
"We really wanted to, Joe. I know how stressed Jill has been trying to find Jacob's formula." Kamala says to Joe softly.
"She hasn't been sleeping because of it and crying for hours. She just doesn't want Jacob to starve or have horrible reflux again. I told her we could give him another kind but Jill said the doctor recommended keeping him on the same kind. And then she feels horrible for not being able to breastfeed. She tried with Ashley too and it just didn't work out." Joe says to Kamala and Doug.
"Oh, no! That's no fun. Kerstin went through the same thing with Ella once she was 7 months old. She couldn't breastfeed her anymore." Doug says with a frown
"Every baby is different, I guess." Joe says while shrugging her shoulders.
Kamala gets two of Jacob's blankets and put them on the boys so they don't get cold. Kissing their foreheads before getting back up again. She suddenly feels Ivy kick again.
"This girl is so active my goodness." Kamala says as Doug feels Ivy moving around.
"You can feel too, Joe." Kamala says as Joe feels Ivy moving around.
"My goodness. She is going to be a gymnast or something when she grows up." Joe says with a chuckle.
Jill walks back over and smiles at Joe, Kamala and Doug all feeling her stomach.
"Is she kicking around in there?" Jill asks Kamala.
"So much. This girl is always awake I feel like." Kamala says with a chuckle.
Jill pats Kamala's baby bump and Jill smiles.
"Sweet girl." Jill says happily.
"We still have a couple months to go before we and all of America meets her. You stay put, Ivy. That's an order from Pop." Joe says playfully
"We'll see if she actually listens to you." Kamala playfully says back.
"Doug and I got invited to Henry and Mia's wedding!" Kamala says with a big grin.
"We did too! It's going to be so fun!" Joe says with a smile.
"It's technically a one year vow renewal and a bigger ceremony because they got married last year." Jill explains to everyone.
"I just think it's nice that they are letting kids come. Most kids don't get invited." Doug says with a chuckle.
"Probably because everyone they know has children. We need to find Jakey a suit, Joe. The one he wore to see the Pope doesn't fit him now." Jill says to Joe.
"I don't want to buy Ivy an a outfit just yet because I don't know how big she'll be then." Kamala says with a chuckle.
"You're gonna get plenty of outfits for her at your baby shower this summer. But then again, you're gonna be buying her clothes like crazy anyway. I know I did when Ashley was a baby." Jill says with a smile.
"You went crazy when Naomi, Finnegan, Maisy, Natalie, Eugenia and Bonny were born." Joe says playfully to Jill.
"Oh shush!" Jill says as she and Joe both laugh at each other.
"Oh, Maya and Meena already have a huge box full of things for Ivy. A lot of it is Amara and Leela's clothes." Kamala says as she giggles.
"Ella has been making Ivy some clothes too." Doug says as he looks down at Devi and Jacob sleeping.
"Henry and Mia got married last year so Mia's father, Miguel, could be present. Right?" Joe asks everyone.
"Yes. He died this past January after battling cancer for over seven years." Kamala says with a frown.
"He battled two cancers. He beat the bone cancer but not the brain cancer." Doug says to Kamala.
"Yeah, that's what Hillary and Bill told us when we saw them in New York a few months ago. He did death with dignity." Kamala says with another frown.
"Beau thought about that but he got sick near the end so he couldn't make that decision." Joe says as he tries to not cry about Beau.
Jill holds Joe's hand tightly and kisses it, causing Joe to smile.
Willow purrs as she lays with the boys on the floor.
"Willow loves the boys. She is always right by their side." Jill says with a grin.
"The dogs love the boys too. Commander is learning how to be around the babies but Major is really great with them." Joe says happily.
Devi wiggles around in his sleep but remains sleeping. Meanwhile, Jacob is sucking his thumb.
"I wish Jakey wouldn't suck his thumb. I tried to stop it when he was a smaller baby." Jill says as she watches Jacob happily suck his thumb in his sleep.
"Sorry, Jilly. But it's not gonna work. Plus he's not gonna be little forever so cherish it now." Joe says playfully.
"You're right." Jill says with a sigh.
"Has Jacob managed to say Beau's name yet?" Doug asks Joe and Jill.
"Not yet, but he's trying." Joe says while looking at a picture of Beau in the living room
"Look. The boys are smiling in their sleep." Kamala says with a smile.
"I think Beau and your mom are playing with them in their dreams right now." Joe smiles at her back.
Major and Commander both bark as they see squirrels and birds outside.
"Commander. Major! Shhhhhh! You'll wake the boys up." Jill says with a stern look on her face.
Luckily, Jacob and Devi sleep through the barking and Joe chuckles loudly at Jill being stern.
"The breastmilk I brought should last about two to three weeks for Jacob." Kamala explains to Jill.
"I am so thankful for you two. You two have no idea how stressed I have been looking for Jacob's formula." Jill says to Kamala and Doug
"You are very welcome! You guys are family." Doug says with a smile.
"These two were supposed to have a playdate not a nap date!" Kamala says chuckling loudly.
"Well, babies always seem to have their own plans." Joe says while laughing softly.
"This summer we need an updated picture of all of the kids together. We have to wait until Ivy is born though!" Jill says with a grin.
"You're right. Maybe we could do it when we have the boys' first birthday party in August!" Kamala says happily.
"Oh, I am so excited for their birthday party!" Jill says as she gets excited.
"I know! I still can't believe that these boys are gonna be a year old." Doug says with a smile.
Just then Devi begins to stir awake and he yawns.
"Hi, baby! Did you take a nice nap? Hmm?" Kamala asks Devi and Devi babbles softly.
"Uh huh. What else? I saw you smiling in your sleep. Was Nani playing with you in your dreams? Huh? She would've loved you and your sister so much." Kamala says to her son as she thinks about her late mother.
Doug picks up Devi and holds him close, kissing his head.
Jacob begins to stir in his sleep, sensing Devi was awake now as well.
"Hi, Jakey! How was your nap, baby?" Jill asks Jacob and he babbles softly.
Jill kisses Jacob's cheek and rubs his back.
"Are you hungry? Let's try some of Auntie Kamala's milk! She brought it just for you!" Jill says as she hands Jacob to Joe to hold while Jill makes Jacob a bottle.
Doug meanwhile is getting a already made bottle for Devi.
"Devi is going to have some breastmilk too!" Kamala says as Devi babbles happily.
Five minutes later, Doug and Jill come back with bottles for the boys.
"Devi. Jacob. Look what we got? Two bottles full of milk just for you. You want em'?" Jill asks them.
Jacob and Devi both smile up at Doug and Jill.
Jill hands Joe Jacob's bottle and Doug hands Kamala Devi's bottle.
Jacob and Devi begin to drink their bottles happily.
"It seems like Jakey likes my breastmilk! Yay!" Kamala cheers happily as she watches both Jacob and Devi drink their bottles.
"Mmm, is it good? We have to thank Auntie Kamala and Uncle Doug with lots of kisses." Joe says to Jacob happily.
"Look at you two big boys. Holding your own bottles!" Jill says as she records a video of the boys.
Jacob babbles softly while drinking his bottle.
"What we're you dreaming about, Jakey? Was your big brother Beau playing with you? Huh?" Joe asks him softly.
"Beau and my mom would've loved these kids so much." Kamala says with a sad smile.
"I know they would have." Joe says to her back.
"Beau would probably be in D.C almost every day of the week just to see Jacob." Jill says, causing everyone to laugh and she tries to not tear up.
Jacob and Devi continue to drink their bottles and look up at their parents.
"That's right, boys. We're talking about your guardian angels in heaven." Joe says with a smile.
"I think we see our late loved ones every time we look at the eyes of our kids." Doug says with a smile.
Jacob finishes his bottle first and Joe burps him on his shoulder. Jacob burps loudly, causing everybody to laugh.
"You drank your whole bottle! Good boy! I know that milk was different for you." Jill says, wiping off the drool from Jacob's face.
"Are you done too, Devi? You drank all of yours too!" Kamala says as she burps Devi.
After a few rubs on his back Devi, burps loudly too.
"Well, excuse you!" Doug say playfully as he wipes his son's face.
"Let's get something to eat, Joe and I's treat!" Jill says to Kamala and Doug happily.
"You don't have to!" Doug and Kamala both say in unison to Jill.
"No! Let us! You gave Jacob lots of breastmilk, it's the least we can do." Jill says to Doug and Kamala.
"Do you boys wanna play?" Joe asks Devi and Jacob and they both babble with big grins.
"I'll take that as two yeses." Joe says to his son and grandson.
"There's a burger restaurant not too far from here. Shake Shack on 18th St. NW. We can go there. It's was one of our go to restaurants when Joe and I were VP and Second Lady." Jill says with a smile.
"That's perfect! I'm kinda craving a burger right now. Thanks a lot, Ivy." Kamala says playfully to her belly.
"And maybe the little guys can have a couple French fries since they have enough teeth. Plus, it'll be good for the boys to get out and interact with the people. Especially after all that's happened these past couple months." Doug says with a cheeky grin
"Aaaaaaaa!" Jacob and Devi yell happily.
"I think they agree. Everyone will be happy to see them. I'll call and make reservations and tell Secret Secret." Joe says with a smile.
Joe gets up to call the Secret Service team about their plans while Jill, Jacob, Kamala, Devi and Doug all stay in the living room.
"And maybe these two can have some ice cream! Mmm!" Jill says as she picks up Jacob and fixes his outfit.
Doug picks up Devi and Kamala fixes Devi's hair.
Joe, Jill, Jacob, Doug, Devi and Kamala all head out to Shake Shack to have some lunch!
Joe, Jill, Doug and Kamala all talk with the patrons while Jacob and Devi enjoy french fries and ice cream!
After their lunch at Shake Shack, Joe, Jill, Jacob, Devi, Kamala and Doug all enjoy time in the Rose Garden and watch the sunset :)
*Picture of Jill feeding Jacob a bottle as Joe kisses Jacob's head*
potus @flotus and I know first hand how parents all across the country see feeling with the formula shortage. We are struggling to find formula for our own little guy.
*Picture of Devi and Jacob enjoying some ice cream cones together*
joebiden I am so happy that the boys are old enough to really enjoy ice cream. Both boys love it 🍦🍦
*Picture of herself and Jacob sitting together in the living room. Jill is feeding Jacob his bottle*
flotus I am forever grateful to @vp and @secondgentleman for giving some of their breastmilk for Jacob to have while we search for his formula! Jacob has been eating it and is doing great, no tummy aches!
*Picture of Jacob and Devi sitting in the rose garden together*
drbiden The boys watching the sunset 🌅
*Picture of Jacob and Kamala. Kamala is giving Jacob's kisses and Jacob is smiling at her*
vp I am so thankful I have been able to breastfeed Devi since he was born and my supply was such a surplus! Since Devi is eating more baby foods for his meals, I decided to donate to some of my breastmilk for Jacob to have. @flotus and @potus have been searching high and low for Jacob's formula without any luck.
*Picture of Devi and Jacob enjoying some french fries as they sit in high chairs together*
kamalaharris Devi and Jacob are enjoying some French fries! 🍟 I think Devi will be like his Mama and be obsessed with them just like me 😂
*Picture of himself, Devi and Kamala all standing together. Doug is holding Devi and Kamala is holding Devi's hand*
secondgentleman The Biden-Harris administration is doing everything we can to end this formula shortage!
*Picture of Devi and Jacob with ice cream all over their faces. Devi is holding a french fry and Jacob is smiling*
douglasemhoff These boys love to try new foods! These are their favorites right now 🍟🍦
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