"we are bulletproof "
(Narrator's pov)
It was crowded. There were lots of people, celebrities, directors, staff, producers. It was the melon music award show, the best time of the year.
BTS had won album of the year, artist of the year and two more awards. They were really in a very good mood.
Jungkook was munching on fries while Jimin was teasing him, Suga was sitting with a glass of soju, feeling the vibe around him. Namjoon, Jin and Hoseok were talking to TXT, joking and laughing together.
Taehyung was feeling a pressure build in his bladder, he had to pee. Ugh, he hated using the public toilets.
'Do I have to, but I can't control it any longer, aish!' He thought.
He turned to Jimin and Jungkook,
"Chim, kookie, I am going to the washroom, I need to pee"
Jimin smacked his back, "aish Tae, how much do you drink? Anyways, go get some relief haha"
Jungkook smirked and Taehyung hit them playfully while getting up from his seat.
"Excuse me, which way is the bathroom?"
He asked a staff standing in the corner of the hall.
"Oh, turn right and then go left sir, thank you"
The staff replied with a smile.
Taehyung thanked him quickly, and followed the instructions given to him.
'Such a huge place this is, I'll pee here if I don't find the restroom now!'
He thought to himself and continued walking.
Soon, he found himself in front of the washroom.
Ah, finally,
He relieved himself, humming a tune. He sweared to himself that this was the best feeling ever, he felt light.
He came out of the cubicle and turned on the faucet to wash his hands, when suddenly a staff wearing a cap came inside the washroom.
'This is strange, isn't this one just for the celebrities, ah, anyways'
Taehyung wiped has hands and took a tissue, while he was heading towards the exit door, he felt a tug behind his back.
He turned back and saw the staff holding him, a gun in his hands.
He knew that this was not okay.
'This is not okay, shit
I need to get out of this place
Shit, what do I do now
He told himself '
He ran for the door when two other crew members blocked the exit, one of them was the same man who had a showed him the way to the bathroom.
'Fuck, now what? SHIT, HYUNGGG..'
Taehyung tried to scream but one of the crew members covered his mouth, holding him tightly.
This was bad, very bad.
'It was past twenty minutes, what was Taehyung doing in the washroom..'
Jimin thought.
Their manager was calling them, as they had to head back to their hotel.
"Where is Taehyung ah? We have to head back, aish this kid!"
Namjoon said, slightly irritated.
"TaeTae hyungie had gone to the washroom, but by now he should have come back, right?"
Jungkook said, frowning.
"What if he's unwell or something?"
Jin said, concern evident on his face.
"We should go and see if he's okay, and I swear that if he is fooling around, I am going to smack his head"
Yoongi said jokingly.
They were really close to the washroom when they heard a groan and a whimper.
They ran to the washroom and their hearts dropped.
Three crew members were holding Taehyung, while Taehyung was struggling in their captivity, crying.
One of them had a gun with them.
They had to act fast.
Hoseok ran towards them.
"P-please let T-taehyungie go, p-p-please, w-we beg you"
Jimin sobbed, his voice cracking.
Namjoon ran to call the guards, while the members started shouting for help.
"We are going to take him, and if you try to stop us, we will take you as well"
The crew members said, laughing maliciously.
Jungkook, Jin and Suga went towards Taehyung and the crew members, and they started pulling Taehyung, desperately trying to free him from their grasp.
Taehyung could not stop crying as he himself tried to get out if their gasp.
'What was that sound...a gunshot? Why, ..'
Jimin thought as he felt his whole world stop.
Taehyung, in front of him, was covered in red, his blood pooling out of his stomach, rapidly forming a puddle below him.
The crew members left him, the person who had shot Taehyung was confused himself, as this was not intentional. Their plan was to only kidnap Taehyung.
The crew members tried to escape but the guards came in just in time and caught them, dragging them by their collar outside the washroom.
Taehyung was now supported by Jungkook, he was leaning on Jungkook while Suga pressed his hands on the wound, putting pressure on it.
" Taehyung, hey, don't close your eyes, good boy, Taehyung, stay awake, stay awake for hyung, yeah?"
Jin said, patting Taehyung's cheeks.
Namjoon was on the phone calling an ambulance.
"The ambulance will be here soon"
"H-hyung, I can't do this, i-it h-hurtss so m-much, h-hyu-ung"
Taehyung gasped, he was bleeding profusely.
Taehyung closed his eyes.
"NO, NO, Taehyung, KIM FUCKING TAEHYUNG OPEN YOUR EYES, please just please"
Suga screamed.
Jungkook's clothes were covered in Taehyung's blood.
Hoseok held Jimin tightly, as the younger was swaying on his feet, sobbing harshly.
"The ambulance is almost here, they will be here in a minute!"
Namjoon cried out.
Jungkook held Taehyung more tightly, cause he was afraid, 'if I leave him, what if he goes, I won't let him go.'
He started humming Butterfly,
Don’t think of anything
Don’t say anything, not even a word
Just give me a smile
I still can’t believe it
All of this seems like a dream
Don’t try to disappear
Is it true Is it true
You You
You’re so beautiful, that I’m scared
Untrue Untrue
You You You
Jungkook was humming, tears rolling down his cheeks. He could not stop.
Will you stay by my side
Will you promise me
If I let go of your hand, you’ll fly away and break
I’m scared scared scared of that...
Jin ran his fingers through Taehyung's hair, crying. Suga kept on pressing Taehyung's wound, hands covered in his blood.
Hoseok and Jimin hugged each other while crying, sobbing, screaming.
Namjoon tried to be the strong one, he had to be strong for others, he was the leader after all.
'I can't break, I need to be strong, I can't, I can't, I-I c-can't br-reak, I..'
He could not control himself as he broke down, sobbing into his hands.
The ambulance had arrived. There was a crowed which had formed near the entrance of the washroom, the guards were clearing a space for the medical crew to get in. Soon, a few paramedics entered.
Namjoon briefly told them what had happened.
The paramedics took his vitals and put him on a stretcher, carrying him out of the room into their ambulance.
Jungkook went with him while Sejin, their manager hired a car and took them to the hospital.
(Jungkook's pov)
I was in the ambulance with Taehyung. The paramedics had put a few pads on his chest,, and they kept on checking his pulse and breathing, while keeping pressure on the wound.
I was still holding Taehyung's hand.
Will you stop time
If this moment passes
As though it hadn’t happened
I’m scared scared scared I’ll lose you
Butterfly like a Butterfly
Just like a Butterfly bu butterfly
I hummed.
Back in our days, whenever Taehyung was tired, I used to sing this song to Taehyung and he would calm down. We used to cry together and this was the only song which could calm us down. We used to sing this song together, holding hands.
Well, I am still holding his hand, but the thing is, he is not holding mine and for this, I am so scared. We promised each other that we would always hold hands, but why was he betraying me huh?
We were supposed to do this together right?
Why won't he wake up?
I can't lose him. I won't be able to live without him.
I held his hand tighter while the medics kept on monitoring Taehyung.
You’re just like a Butterfly
From afar, I steal glances; if we touch hands, will I lose you?
You shine in this pitch darkness that is the butterfly effect
Your light touches, I forget the reality at once
It’s like a wind that gently strokes me
It’s like a dust that gently drifts along
You’re there but for some reason, I can’t reach you, stop
You, who’s like a dream is a butterfly high to me
All I could do was hold his hand, singing, praying for him to be fine.
(Narrator's pov)
Taehyung was taken to the ER.
Jungkook just could not let him go, he would not leave his hand. He was forcefully held back, while Taehyung was taken away from him.
All he felt was pain.
He sat down on the floor and screamed, cried, begged.
His head hurt, his chest hurt.
All he could do was hope.
Hope for Taehyung to be okay.
So he did the one thing he thought would bring Taehyung closer to him, he sang, as if Taehyung was right beside him, leaning on Jungkook, smiling while holding hands.
It’s like a wind that gently strokes me
It’s like a dust that gently drifts along
You’re there but for some reason, I can’t reach you, stop
You, who’s like a dream is a butterfly high to me
Will you stay by my side
Will you promise me
If I let go of your hand, you’ll fly away and break
I’m scared scared scared of that
Will you stop time
If this moment passes
As though it hadn’t happened
I’m scared scared scared I’ll lose you
Untrue Untrue
You You You
The members were all in the waiting room.
Jungkook was still singing the same lines, crying, smiling at the memories, holding out his hand to be held, but all he got back was the void, he cried harder.
"Jungkook-ah, baby, don't cry, you will make yourself sick"
Jin said, though he himself was sobbing.
Sejin had gone to talk to the management.
Namjoon was openly crying, Yoongi was talking to himself, seeing them break was difficult for them.
Jin was trying to calm Jungkook down but all was in vain. They cried harder seeing Jungkook so vulnerable.
Jimin had fallen asleep on Hobi's arms, for which the members were really thankful cause Jimin was Taehyung's soul mate, it was really difficult for him. If he would have been awake, he would make himself sick and it would hurt him a lot.
Not that the members weren't hurting, there was not a single dry eye in the waiting room.
Every minute felt like an hour or two, agonising.
What if Taehyung is not alive?
What if we lose him?
We won't be able to live without him.
Will he be okay?
Ah, their heads were hurting so much, their chest ah, as if someone had stabbed them over and over again.
Why did it hurt so much?
Weren't they supposed to be bulletproof?
What kind of irony was this?
All they could do was wait, break down, hoping for someone to pick up their shattered pieces.
"Kim Taehyung, family?"
Finally, some news.
"We managed to take out the bullet. Well he lost a lot of blood, so we had to give him blood. Also, he is okay, we have operated well, he's not awake yet, but he will be soon, you can meet him"
Obviously, they would meet him. Why won't they? They ran, ran towards his room, ran like their lives depended on it.
There he was. Kim Taehyung. Face white, as pale as snow. Wires attached to his body, hooked up to machines, the constant beeping of the heart monitor.
Ah, it sounded like heaven to their ears, the beeping, the rhythm, he was alive, his heart beating, such a pleasant sound, ah, were they in heaven?
They all stood beside his bed, caressing his face, ruffling his hair, talking to him, asking him to wake up.
(Jungkook's pov)
I held his hand. Just like I promised. I still could not stop crying, how could I?
I held his hand as I kept singing.
Butterfly like a Butterfly
Just like a Butterfly bu butterfly
I kept on singing, when suddenly we heard a whimper.
Taehyung ...
(Taehyung's pov)
Darkness. Pitch black darkness. Pain. So painful. Hurt.
Where was I?
I tried opening my eyes, too bright, I tried talking but all I could do was whimper.
Ah, hospital, isn't that Kookie's voice, ...
(Jungkook's pov)
Taehyung was awake. He was actually awake.
"Sweetie, Tae "
Jin hyung sobbed while Hoseok went to call the doctor.
Jimin cried while talking to Taehyung, "Taehyung, we missed you "
"Kid, I thought I'll lose you, I was so scared"
Suga said, with tears threatening to fall.
The doctor came and checked him up, Sejin hyung visited us, and soon, we were left with Taehyung alone.
Everybody was thanking Taehyung and telling him how much they had missed him and how scared they were.
Taehyung was smiling, with teary eyes.
We had almost lost him. I shuddered at the thought.
"Taehyung, sleep, you need rest,"
Joon hyung said.
I held his hand, and caressed his forehead, singing.
The small pieces guttered down darkly
From my heart, a barren noise
I don’t know if this is reality or a dream
My Kafka on the shore
Don’t go to those woods over there
My heart is still shattering on you
(I just wanted to vaporize like this)
My love that is forever
It’s all FREE for you baby
And this time, he was holding my hand, just like we had promised each other. He will be fine, we all knew that. It would take a lot of time, but we will heal. We all will be fine.
We are bulletproof, aren't we?
My notes:
Requested by aetaestic
I really worked hard for this. I hope you all will like it. Please do let me know. Vote, comment as it motivates me a lot.
Constructive criticism is always welcomed.
Thanks a lot.
I love you all a lot!
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