Round Two
Kaldur watched over his team during breakfast and his whole body stiffened when his mother walked in the room. His eyes rolled lightly as he moved to the island.
"Good morning." Megan said politely.
"Good morning." Shalina said with a small smile.
"Miremengjes Shalina. Çdo këqija bezdisshëm." (Good morning Shalina. Any nightmares haunting.) Kaldur said with a small smirk.
"Çdo këqija bezdisshëm ju djalin tim." (Any nightmares haunting you my son. ) Shalina is as she got a glass of water.
"Mos më thirrni atë." (Do not call me that.) Kaldur growled softly.
"Oh më fal. Kam harruar se ju konsiderojnë mbretëreshë mbretërore të jetë nëna jote. Edhe pse ajo nuk ju sjellë në këtë botë." (Oh forgive me. I forgot that you consider the royal queen to be your mother. Even though she did not bring you into this world.) Shalina said with a small chuckle.
"Fakti Shpirti që ju lindi në mua nuk do të ju bëjë një nënë. Duke u kujdesur për fëmijën tuaj ju bën një nënë." (The soul fact that you gave birth to me does not make you a mother. Taking care of your child makes you a mother.) Kaldur said coldly.
"Unë u kujdes për ju, për aq shumë vite dhe kjo është se si ju paguaj mua. Duke e trajtuar mua si armik. Unë duhet të ketë vetëm të ju lejojnë të shkoni të dytë keni lindur." (I took care of you for so many years and this is how you repay me. By treating me like the enemy. I should have just let you go the second you were born.) Shalina said sharply.
"Unë do të kishte qenë më e lumtur. Pyetje të shpejtë, pse ju keni edhe mua, nëse ju e dinte se çfarë ai ishte i aftë të?" (I would have been happier. Quick question, why did you even have me if you knew what he was capable of?) Kaldur asked.
"Ne kemi kërkuar një vajzë. Kur kemi gjetur se keni qenë një djalë, unë isha tashmë shumë larg në shtatzëni tim. Ne artistikisht se ne mund të ju rekrutua në ushtri, kur ju kthye gjashtë.(We wanted a girl. When we found out that you were a boy, I was already too far in my pregnancy. We figured that we could enlisted you into the military when you turned six.) Shalina explained.
"Unë duhet të jetë i befasuar, por unë nuk jam. Ju mund të keni thjesht më lejoni të shkoj në kujdestari, por jo. Ju kishte për të le të tallen me mua dhe e kanë atë gati vrau mua. Dhe në krye të se ju pothuajse më lejoni të vrasë veten. Çfarë lloj personi jeni !? Çfarë lloj i një "nënë" jeni ?!" (I should be surprised but I am not. You could have simply let me go into foster care but no. You had to let him abuse me and have him nearly killed me. And on top of that you almost let me kill myself. What kind of person are you!? What kind of a 'mother' are you?!) Kaldur said as he got angry.
"Unë ju kam thënë tashmë arsyet e mia për të mos ndaluar ju." (I have already told you my reasons for not stopping you.) Shalina said with a small sigh.
"Dhe kjo është menduar për ta bërë atë më të mirë. Si një nënë kjo është puna juaj për të mbrojtur fëmijët tuaj. Të gjithë ju kërkuar ishte për të bërë disa para off kurrizin tim. Ju duhet të keni vrarë vetëm mua dytë keni pasur një shans." (And that is supposed to make it better. As a mother it is your job to protect your children. All you wanted was to make some money off my back. You should have just killed me the second you had a chance.) Kaldur said as his voice became depressed.
"David tried to but he sadly failed. Sometimes I regret having an unworthy child. You were meant for greater things." Shalina said.
"Maybe,Shalina, if you and David acted like adults and bought a condom you both would not have this problem." Kaldur said with a small chuckle.
Wally and Robin but mumbled 'dang' under their breaths. Shalina and Kaldur gave them a stern look. They instantly shut their mouths.
"We were in love. We honestly hoped to have a daughter. If we did, we would have sold her to the highest suitor." Shalina said with a small smirk.
"Kjo është arsyeja pse ju jeni një kurvë Shalina. Gjithmonë kanë qenë, gjithmonë do të jetë." (This is why you're a bitch Shalina. Always have been, always will be.) Kaldur said with a small smirk.
"Unë kam qenë quajtur më keq. Fjalët tuaja vockël nuk trembin mua." (I have been called worse. Your puny words do not frighten me.) Shalina said with small chuckle.
"You know Shalina there is a special place for monster like you in hell." Kaldur said before storming off.
"Again been called worse." Shalina said as she went back to making her tea.
The team just stood there in silence as the dust settled.
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