Joining Team 7
Haruko's POV:
I used to live with my mom but a few years ago she got a disease, her body couldn't handle it anymore so she died, so now i have to move in with my dad. I am on my way to his house when i bump into a blond boy dropping my bags... 'I am so sorry' he goes as helping me pick up my bags. 'I am Naruto by the way' he says 'Hi I am Haruko' I replied. When. He finished helping me pick up my bags he says ' I am sorry but i have go' as he keeps running.
*Time skip*
I arrive to my dad's house and i go upstairs to the room that was prepared for me so i can unpack my bags. Not long after my dad knocks on my my door and i tell him to come in. 'Hi Haru how are you doing?' he asked 'Fine, i am almost done unpacking my bags' i replied. 'I want to talk to you about something' he says with almost a serious look on his face. 'About what?' i said with intrigue on my face. ' I know its been hard dealing with your moms death, and i know that you haven't been training after your graduation from the Academy because you were looking out for your mom and i wanted to ask you if you will like to return your trainig with me and my team, i am sure they will be happy if you join, but only if you are ready' he said. I know he genuinely wants me to join his team but i haven't been training in a while and i don't know if i am at their levels so i told him i will think about it and will give him an answer by the morning.
*Time skip*
It's the next morning and i thought about what my dad told me the whole night but i finally got an answer. 'I will do it' i said ' I will join the team' I could see his smile under his mask and it make me happy. 'Good' he said 'Then we should get going because the training starts now'.
On our way to the training spot i was thinking about what it will my group will be like. When we got there my dad presented me to the group. 'Hi everyone, since today on we will have a new integrant on our team. My daughter' my dad said. ' Your daughter?!' They all replied. 'Hey you are the girl i bumped into the other day, Hatu right?' said Naruto. 'Haru actually but yes' i replied. ' So you guys know each other, good, we will be working in partners today. Sasuke and Sakura and Haruko and Naruto' said dad.
*Time skip after training*
Naruto's POV:
'So you are Kakashi-sensei's daughter, huh?' I said and she just replied with a yes without saying much. I don't really trust her, i don't know were she come from and why has Kakashi-sensei never told us about her.
Sakura's POV:
Kakashi-sensei's daughter is really pretty and i am glad there is another girl in the team. I hope we get to be friends.
Sasuke's POV:
Another girl in the team, hopefully she will be good, we don't need another person to make the team slower; she is kind of pretty tho.
Naruto's POV:
'Hey how about if we all go have some ramen so we get to know Haru better' I said. 'Don't count me in' said Sasuke. ' I will really like to go but i cant' Sakura said. 'I can go' said Haru. 'Fine' I replied. I wasn't planning on hanging out alone with her, i don't even know her. We went walking to the ramen store without saying anything on the way there. When we arrived we sat down in the chairs and ordered our food. 'Hello Naruto, who is your new friend?' said Teuchi. ' She is Kakashi-sensei's daughter' i replied. 'Kakashi has a daughter? Whats your name?' He asked Haru. ' Yes, I am Haruko Hatake' she replied. When our food arrived i started asking questions about where does she come from and why we haven't heard from her, she told me that she used to lived with her mom but she died so she had to move in with Kakashi-sensei. We continued talking getting to know each other better. Turns out she is not that bad after all. When we finished eating I took her to Kakashi-sensei's place. 'It was nice getting to know you Naruto' she said. 'Yeah you too Haru' i told her while giving her a good bye hug, while giving her a hug i felt a weird powerful energy coming from her but I didn't think much of it.
Haru's POV:
After Naruto took me home he gave me hug before leaving but I felt a really weird type of energy so after he left I went with my dad and asked about Naruto's past. He told me that he was an orphan and that he has the 9th tailed beast sealed in him. I was shocked I haven't met anyone that has one of the beast sealed in them besides from me that I have the 11th tailed beast inside me. He told me that he was a good person and that he still doesn't know how to fully control both of his chakras. After that I went to sleep because I was really tired, I wasn't used to this type of training especially after not training for so long...
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