[ You're Drunk ]
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"Another round please! Thank you!" Asuma Sarutobi shouted to the waitress passing by.
She bowed her head respectfully at the group of shinobi sitting before her and hurried off.
"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Kakashi asked, only to be interrupted by loud fits of laughter.
"Loosen up my man. It's my birthday for crying out loud." Asuma replied, downing another shot. "It only happens once a year y'know?"
Loosen up? Hell no. I'm never drinking that much again. Kakashi thought, cringing at the memory of his last encounter with alcohol.
The Hatake looked around the room and shook his head.
When did I, of all people, become the responsible one?
The group, made up of Guy, Asuma, Kurenai, (Y/N), himself, and other fellow shinobi were out drinking to celebrate Asuma's 21st birthday. What started off as a friendly gathering soon turned into an intoxicated evening, and eventually spiraled into a drunken disaster. Within the walls of their private room, the shinobi were really living it up. Asuma had his arm around Kurenai, something that he was unable to do if they were sober, and their faces were centimeters apart. While Guy, on the other hand, was doing an interpretive dance on the table with two beer bottles in his hands. A few jonins and ANBU members were scattered all throughout the room, doing things like attempting to drink shots while standing upside down on the ceiling, gossiping about other shinobi, or seeing how many beer bottles they could fit in their mouths at one time.
Kakashi sighed at the immature antics of his friends as he continued "chaperoning". But, throughout his scan of the room, he saw no sign of the beautiful (H/C) haired kunoichi he came with.
Wait... where is (Y/N)? I thought she was just-
His thoughts were interrupted when the bamboo doors suddenly slid open, revealing the missing (L/N).
"Guess who got takoyaki from Ichiraku's?" She exclaimed, earning cheers from the shinobi as she raised four large, greasy brown bags. She walked over to the central banquet table and plopped them down before making her way over to Kakashi.
"Hey babe." She said, pulling down his mask and kissing him passionately. "Did you miss me?"
Kakashi's eyes widened in shock as he gently pushed her off of him, feeling lightheaded as he sat there, blushing profusely.
"Erm... a-are you ok?" He asked, pulling up his mask with lightning speed to hide his blush.
"Never better." (Y/N) replied, flashing him a grin.
He looked over at Asuma, who displayed a large smile with both thumbs up, as he shook his head.
Oh god. Drunk Asuma is even worse than-
But his thoughts were interrupted again when he felt something slide across his pelvis.
"So," (Y/N) began, slowly trailing her hand up and down his inner thigh, "I was thinking that we could get out of here." She whispered seductively into his ear.
Kakashi raised his eyebrows and attempted, to no avail, to suppress a blush.
"Are you sure you're feeling ok?" He asked, pulling back and putting a hand on her forehead.
"Of course I am. I can handle my liquor dumbass." She said, nearly falling into his chest.
"Sure..." He replied skeptically. "Although, it might be a good idea to get home. It's getting late and we still have training tomorrow."
"Oh sure... training." Exclaimed Asuma, who was sitting, with Kurenai, directly across from them. "Well, I say screw training! Who's with me?!" He shouted, earning drunken agreements from the other ninja in the room.
Kakashi rolled his eyes at the tipsy Sarutobi, who was pumping his fists rapidly in the air.
"I'd rather screw something else." (Y/N) whispered, slipping her hand under his shirt.
He looked at her, his face so red that people would have thought he was drunk as well, as he felt her run her hand over his abs. Her head was leaning against his shoulder, and his arm was wrapped around her waist. The scent of her floral shampoo made its way to his nose, making him feel butterflies in the pits of his stomach.
Fuck. If she keeps doing that, I won't be able to hold back. Kakashi thought, trying to protect himself, and his groin, by creating more distance between them.
"Hey Asuma," Kakashi began, casually scooting forward, "we're going to get out of here. It's getting late."
Asuma narrowed his eyes and looked suspiciously at the (L/N) and at the Hatake before breaking into a shiny Cheshire grin.
"All right, you guys go have fun." He said, waving his hand dismissively.
"Um... thanks?"
"Yeah, no problem. Don't stay up too late." Asuma said, winking.
Kakashi scoffed and turned back to the (L/N), who had disappeared from her previous spot. He looked down, only to find her asleep on his lap.
Oh god. He thought, picking her up bridal style in his arms.
Upon doing so, (Y/N) snuggled closer to his chest and wrapped both arms loosely around his neck, taking a deep breath before falling back asleep. Or so he thought. He could have sworn that he saw her open one eye as Asuma called after them, "Don't forget to use protection!"
Kakashi froze in place and took a deep breath.
You're almost there, Kakashi. Resist a bit longer.
He wasn't sure if she was pretending to be asleep or if she was just coincidentally doing things to turn him on, but whatever it was, it was working.
(Y/N) was currently resting on the Hatake, and her lips were gently brushing an exposed part of his collarbone. Her arms were also fastened around his neck, resulting in the gentle, feather-light brushing of her fingers against his jawline. This, combined with the thoughts of her previous words, slowly drove him over the edge, making him itch for more.
Damn. How long does it take to get to her house? He thought, attempting to shift her position to no avail.
As he got further down the road, a wave of relief washed over him as he neared her home. Upon getting to the door, he quickly pulled out his spare key, unlocked it, and stumbled inside, shutting the door lazily behind him as he made his way over to the bedroom.
He carefully placed the sleeping kunoichi on the mattress, but could not bring himself to take her arms off of his neck. Instead, he brushed a stray strand of hair off of her face and lovingly caressed her cheek, taking the opportunity to admire her sleeping face. Suddenly, her eyes fluttered open, startling Kakashi as he was pulled onto the mattress with her.
"(Y/N)? What are y-" was all he managed to say out before his mask was pulled down, and a pair of soft lips was placed onto his.
Kakashi's eyes widened in surprise as he found his lips moving in sync with hers, slowly falling deeper and deeper into the kiss.
He attempted to fight his feelings of lust and desire, but ultimately failed, allowing himself to relish in the feeling of contact between him and his lover.
From that point on, it was a fight for dominance. (Y/N) rolled over, pinning Kakashi to the bed as she firmly pressed her core into his lower half, making him let out a low grunt. She tangled her fingers into his silver locks of hair as he slipped his hands under her shirt, sliding his fingers up and down her waist. (Y/N) slowly closed the distance between then, their bodies now pressed firmly against each other, as she felt Kakashi get... excited.
She smiled into the kiss as she slowly made her way down his neck, licking, biting, and sucking his most sensitive parts (which she knew for memory). Kakashi let out a trembling sigh as he savored the contact, her hips moving against his, as her hands explored his body under his shirt.
Unable to take the teasing anymore, Kakashi flipped her over, pinning her arms to the sides of her head. She smiled at his roughness, knowing that he was gradually losing control of himself, as he pressed his lips onto hers again. Their tongues battled in their mouths as (Y/N) wrapped her legs around Kakashi's waist, pushing him into her once again. He inhaled sharply at the contact as he looked into her eyes.
"Are you sure you want to do this?"
She flashed a quick smile as she bit her bottom lip.
"I'm positive." She replied, pulling him into another kiss.
They continued their heated makeout session before they both pulled back again, panting.
"You know," Kakashi began, "I'm not one to take advantage of drunken girls."
"Who says I'm drunk?" (Y/N) retaliated.
He looked at her in confusion before a mischievous grin appeared on his lips.
"Well, that's just my luck then." He said before kissing her once more.
He pulled off his shirt as they continued their passionate night, leaving them bruised but extremely satisfied in the morning
[ A/N: ahhh sorry I don't write lemons... unless you want me to ;) ]
The next morning, you were awoken by multiple loud, obnoxious knocks at the front door.
"Who the hell..." you muttered, groggily getting up from the bed.
You threw on a robe and ran a quick hand through your hair before making your way over to the entrance, viciously throwing it open in hopes of injuring the person who disturbed your peaceful sleep.
"Oh Kami, what do you want?" You said, irritated at the Sarutobi standing in front of you.
"Good morning sunshine!" Asuma said with a large smile plastered on his face.
You narrowed your eyes at him.
"Don't mock me."
"Anyway, have you seen Kakashi?" He asked, standing on his tiptoes with his eyes darting back and forth, scanning the room.
"No, not since last night. Wh-"
Your words were interrupted as the bathroom door opened, revealing a half-naked Kakashi wrapped in a towel.
"AH HA!" Asuma shouted, "I KNEW IT!"
"KASHI?! Wh-what are you doing here?" You asked, wide eyed in confusion.
Your eyes slowly trailed up and down his toned body.
Damn. No matter how many times I see it, it still gets me. You thought, feeling the blood rise in your cheeks and potentially out of your nose.
"I stayed over last night. You don't remember?" He asked casually, drying his damp hair with the other towel in his hand.
"I-I..." a dark blush overtook your face at the memory of your sensual night.
Asuma flared his nostrils, widened his eyes, and broke into a large grin, his face scaring the living daylights out of the half awake (L/N) in front of him.
"Ohhh, I see what's going on here." He said, raising his eyebrows repeatedly. "I should've known after you guys left so early last night. You did the frickle frackle. The boom boom. The deed. The-"
"Idiot!" you said, throwing a nearby pillow at him.
Kakashi chuckled.
"Why is it that every single time you guys have alcohol, I get a pillow to the face the next morning?"
"It's because you're a nosy asshole. It's only natural." Kakashi replied, going into the bedroom.
You trailed along behind him, but stopped short when Asuma yelped.
"What now?!" You asked unhappily.
Asuma dramatically covered his eyes and spun around.
"You guys are going to do it when I'm here?!"
"Who said we were going to..." You began, but soon realized the appearance of your actions.
"No no no no no, I'm just trying to go back to bed."
"FOR A SECOND ROUND?!" Asuma exclaimed, before going completely silent.
"No, we're not g-"
"No! Asuma list-"
"A FOURTH ROUND?! HOLY SHIT KAKASHI YOU'RE A MACHINE!" He shouted at the half opened bedroom door.
You facepalmed so hard that it should've left a large handprint in the middle of your forehead as Kakashi emerged and stared at you in blushing amusement.
"WHAT?!" Exclaimed the Hatake nervously, now crimson red.
"Yeah! Then I can take notes on h-"
And wham! Another pillow to the face. You thought, watching Kakashi hit his idiotic comrade with a nearby cushion.
"Look," you began, staring at the red nosed Sarutobi, "is there an actual reason as to why you're here? Or did you just come to be attacked by pillows?"
"Well... yeah. I was bored since training got cancelled because everyone is hung over."
"I wonder who's responsible for that?" You stated knowingly.
"Hey, I never told anyone to drink. They did so out of their own free will. I just provided the things for them to do so."
You rolled your eyes before he continued, "But who knew that when I came here, I would witness the bump and grind. The horizontal hula. The lust and thrust. The-"
"If you don't want another pillow to the face, I suggest you shut the fuck up and get out." Kakashi interrupted.
Asuma raised his hands in surrender, "All right, I won't get in the way of your bedroom rodeo." He giggled before sprinting out of the house.
You looked at Kakashi with a blush on your face as Asuma's head popped into the doorway once again.
"Enjoy your boning!" He added before slamming the door shut.
Kakashi grabbed a pillow with breakneck speed but sighed sadly when the door closed.
"Well," you began, "I don't know about you but I'm going back to bed."
"You don't want to go another round?" Kakashi asked, grabbing you from behind and pulling you into his muscular chest.
"Hmmm maybe later." You replied slyly, kissing him on the cheek before burrowing under the covers.
Kakashi slides in next to you, throwing an arm over your stomach.
"I'll hold you to that."
[ W C : 2 3 2 3 ]
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