[ The Morning After ]
[ 1 8 ]
Ragged breaths, satisfied sighs, peaceful slumber.
Romance. Passion. Ecstasy.
These were the thoughts running through Kakashi's mind as he held a quietly sleeping (Y/N) close to his bare chest. He looked around the room. A single ray of light trickled into the bedroom, illuminating the scene where last night's "activities" took place. The air was cool and crisp, contrasting heavily with the warmth that was against his chest and under the sheets.
Their clothes were carelessly thrown about. Her shorts on the armchair, his shirt on the dresser, her bra on the edge of the bed. These were reminders of the most amazing night Kakashi ever had, reminders of the night he would never forget.
He sighed in content as he brushed a stray hair off of (Y/N)'s face.
She's beautiful even when she's sleeping. He thought as he brought his lips to her forehead.
As they left with a gentle 'smack', he pulled her closer, resting his chin on the top of her forehead. A wave of dopamine rushed through his body as he wrapped her in his protective hold, causing him to let out a shuddering breath. The moment could not get any more perfect.
As he continued to hold her sleeping figure, fingers playing with small strands of her silky hair, she began stirring softly. The hand that was originally resting against his chest slowly made its way down to his waist, creating goosebumps along his skin from her trail of feather light touches. Her breathing began to get subtly heavier as her eyes began to slowly flutter open.
Crap. Kakashi thought as he snapped his eyes shut. He didn't want the moment to end just yet.
You woke up to the subtle morning glow of the sunrise.
Damn...the sun woke up before I did today... why didn't my alarm clock r-
Your eyes shot open in surprise.
Wait... this is Kakashi's- OH MY GOD! Last night we...we...
You stiffened and felt your face heat up as you slowly tilted your head upward to confirm your suspicions. Your cheeks flushed an even deeper shade of red as you saw Kakashi's sleeping face before your very eyes. His eyes were soft and relaxed, and his mouth was slightly agape. His hair was tousled and scattered in all directions over his forehead, and his arms were wrapped securely around your body.
Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. If that's the case, then that means we're-
You held your breath as you realized, with your face practically buried into Kakashi's upper chest, that you were both, in fact, completely naked.
Your closeness reminded you of the previous night, where you clung tightly onto his shoulders as he pushed himself steadily into you. Shivers ran down your spine at the thought.
The blood that rushed rapidly into your cheeks threatened to spill out through your nose as you fought the sudden urge to look under the sheets.
In order for you to prevent yourself from losing the small amount of self control you had left, you decided to turn your attention back to Kakashi, who still had you trapped in his embrace.
You couldn't help but smile as the arm that was originally draped over his waist unconsciously moved up to his face, brushing a stray strand of hair away from his eyes.
He was absolutely adorable, and you still couldn't believe that you, and only you, had been able to see him in such a vulnerable state.
Last night, that adorable face had seemed so... masculine. The way he bit his lip as he stared at your exposed body, the way he grit his teeth as he moved against you, and the way his eyes became half lidded as he got closer to the edge, all seemed to tie in to the most satisfying night you ever had. You shuddered at the pleasant memory, not wanting to leave Kakashi's protective hold, as you buried yourself deeper into his warmth.
The pleasantries, however, were short lived as your eyes spotted the clock on the side of his bed.
6:45. That gives me approximately an hour and 15 minutes until training starts... I should get home and get cleaned up, but... I don't want to wake him yet. He looks so... peaceful. Maybe I'll leave a note or something? You thought as you pressed a gentle kiss onto Kakashi's forehead.
As you attempted, to the best of your ability, to stealthily sneak out of bed, a sudden force pulled you back in, pressing you firmly into his chest.
"Hm... leaving so soon?" Kakashi asked, burying his face into the back of your neck.
You blushed, the intimate contact once again reminding you of last night's "romantic activities".
"G-good morning." You replied, internally smacking yourself at how stupid you sounded.
Kakashi chuckled.
"Don't be shy. I saw every single inch of your body last night when we were-"
"S-shut up!" You shouted, elbowing him in the chest.
You covered your face with your hands as you attempted to wriggle out of his grasp. He let out a soft groan.
"Ah... (Y/N) if you don't stop moving like that, I might not let you leave." He said, hands sliding closer and closer to your breasts.
"Wh-what? I-I..."
As soon as you said that, you felt something poke the back of your thigh, prompting you to jutsu your way out of that mess.
You body flickered around the room, scared that Kakashi would see your naked body again, as you quickly put on your clothes.
"C'mon (Y/N), you don't want to go another round?" Kakashi asked slyly, slowly sitting up.
As he did, the sheets fell down to his waist, revealing his toned upper body. He ran a hand through his soft hair, and attempted to rub the sleepiness out of his eyes. The soft light streaming through the window made him look like he was glowing, contrasting perfectly with the shadows that lingered in the room, which defined every inch of muscle he had on his body. He smirked when he caught you staring at him, and began to lick his bottom lip ever so slightly.
Damn it Kakashi. Don't tempt me.
"N-no thanks. I-I should get going now... bye!" You said quickly, dashing out of the house.
As Kakashi heard the front door close, he sighed.
I wonder what freaked her out so much? Last night was... amazing, to say the least.
But as he got out of bed, however, he realized that he had a bit of a situation down below. His cheeks turned into a deep shade of red.
As you closed the front door behind you, you closed your eyes and took a deep breath, attempting to calm your pounding heart. Your face was so red that you were beginning to feel the start of a headache, which threatened to ruin your daily plans.
Fuck. How am I supposed to go to training, or even see him again after last night? I mean, this was bound to happen sooner or later, but I never expected it to be this a-
The sudden voice snapped you out of your thoughts.
You slowly opened your eyes only to be blinded by a flash of pearly white teeth.
"Guy? What are you d- why are you so close to me?"
"Apologies, dear (Y/N). I was merely checking to make sure you were still alive." He said, striking his signature nice guy pose.
"Um, I-I'm fine Guy...I'll see you later, ok?" You said, walking away while attempting to casually fix your hair.
"Ok! I'll see y... WAIT A MINUTE!"
You stopped in your tracks.
"What were you doing inside of Kakashi's house so early in the morning?"
Fuck. Have I been found out? You thought, too scared to turn around.
"N-nothing! I was just... passing by..."
"Hm..." Guy began, walking closer and closer to you.
Suddenly, he let out a loud and dramatic gasp.
"Oh, I see what's going on here."
"You came to scope out my competition!"
Fuckfuckfu- wait what?
"How did you know that I was going to challenge Kakashi to a morning race?" Guy asked, patting you on the back.
You turned around, "O-oh... um, lucky guess!" You said, internally cringing at the sound of your overly high pitched voice.
He wrapped you in a bone crushing hug.
"Thank you (Y/N)! I will try my best to win this one for you!" He said, before skipping over to Kakashi's front door.
You let out a sigh of relief.
Thank god Guy is so oblivious. You thought as you continued down the road.
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