Team Sevens Mission
Kakashi's POV
"I have a mission for your team Kakashi. It's a week trip there and back. But you'll be there for a week. Altogether it's a three week trip. You'll be transporting this scroll to the village hidden in the sand." The Hokage says.
"Finally some action!" Naruto yells.
I smack him upside the head. "Thank you sir. Alright everyone go pack." I tell them. "Be ready to leave in an hour."
"Hai!" Sakura and Naruto yell.
"Hn." Is Sasuke's reply.
The three of them left and then Bara walks in. "Hokage-sama you asked to see me?" She bows to him.
"Yes Bara. Get your team ready. Team seven is going on a three week mission." He says and I look at him confused.
"Hai." She turns to look at me and says. "What time are you guys leaving?"
"An hour. Why are you coming?" I ask as we both walk out.
"Because, of my vision." She replies. "I'm going to find my team. We'll meet you there in an hour." She says and poofs away.
Bara's POV
Now I need to find my team. I poofed to each of there houses to find them all at Rea's. "Thank freaking Kami. Go get ready. We leave in about half an hour." I tell them.
"How long? And what's the mission?" Harcou asks.
"Three weeks, and protecting team seven. They're delivering a scroll to the village hidden in the sand. Although they're capable of that we're going because of a vision I had." I tell them. They all nod and poof off to their places to get ready. I poof off to dads and pack.
~time skip~
I've got my mask and cloak on as does my team. Everyone is here waiting for dad. As usual. He's only a few minutes late.
"Hey, guys sorry I'm late." Dad says from behind me.
"Liar!" Naruto and Sakura says together.
"Hn." Sasuke says.
"Sasuke, stop doing that." I say through telepathically.
"I rather not. Anyway, I see you and your team are here. Think we'll run into Itachi?" He asks.
"I'm not sure. But I'm not taking any chances. I'm not losing you and dad. Well I'm not going to lose any of you. Two of my men are going to go a head of everyone scouting. The other two are going to watch from behind. I'll be close but I'm not walking with you guys. I'll be in the trees for as long as I can."
"Kakashi's-sensei who are these guys?!" Naruto asks.
"The ANBU team. That's all you need to know." Dad replies. "Well let's get going." Dad say.
"Dissector, Lightning Demon, go scout ahead. Raging Disaster and Red Death, watch from behind." I say.
"Yes Captain." They say and take off. I walk with the group for a few before taking off into the trees.
"Are you really going to stay in the trees?" Sasuke asks.
"Yup. I'll come out if something happens." I reply.
As I'm going through the trees I hear someone coming behind me. I stop and turn around. I don't see anybody but I can hear they're thoughts.
Just a kid. This'll be easy. I'll take the kid out first then go after the group. Someone thinks.
"Might as well step out and face me. I won't let you get to the others." I say aloud. I get no response so I start walking towards the person.
They step out and show themselves. "How did you know i was following you?" He asks.
I laugh at him. "Honestly, you're loud."
"Well I'm going to have to take that scroll they're carrying. My boss needs it."
"And who is your boss?" I ask.
"Hmm, that's for me to know and you to find out." He replies.
"Very well. I'll kill you now." I reply.
"Haha! As if yo--..." before he could finish his sentence I cut his neck.
"As if what?" I ask laughing. "Hey Dissector, Lightning Demon, Red Death and Raging Disaster. How's everything going on you end? Ima stop the group for a while. Dissector I have a body for you. Find everything you can out in half an hour." I say into the mic.
"Hai!" Dissector appears where I am and I hand the body over.
"All good here. We'll meet you with the others." The other three say.
I appear in front of the group forgetting I'm covered in the enemies blood. My team arrives in a mater of seconds behind me. "Zenbu Mirume, what happened?" Dad asks.
That's when I realize I'm covered in blood. "Enemy attack. Nothing serious." I reply.
Ohmykami! Sakura thinks horrified.
"You alright?" Sasuke asks. I nod my head yes.
"Cap, what's the matter?" Lightning Demon asks.
"Well whoever it was that attacked didn't put up much of a fight. He left himself wide open. He said that his boss wanted the scroll. When I asked who his boss was he said 'that's for me to know and you to find out'. He acted a bit childish about it." I reply.
"Hmm that is strange." She replies.
"Dissector, what have you found?" I ask through the mic.
"Not much. All I've really gotten is and age. Hes about 15. Also he's got multiple markings on his chest and back."
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"Come check them out. I don't know what they mean."
"Da-. Kakashi, come with me a second. You three stay here and watch them."
"Hai!" My team says.
"Okay." Dad says.
With that we go to where Dissector is and I turn to dad and take off my mask. "Do you know what these mean?" I ask.
"Not a clue" he says while looking at them closely.
"Did you find anything more Dissector?" I ask.
"No ma'am." I sigh at this and look at dad again.
"Zenbu Mirume, I think it's safe to say we need to stay on high alert. I only recognize one symbol. The symbol of the Akatsuki clan." Dad says.
"What?!" I take a closer look and see the symbol and growl. "Damn it. We need to get back now!"
With that we poof back to the others as fast as possible. To see Itachi holding Sasuke.
"Itachi!" I yell and uncover my eye.
"Well I'll see you again little brother." He says and drops him. I take a closer look and see that my team is knocked out along with Sakura and Naruto.
Itachi vanishes but he's not far I can hear his thoughts.
Catch me if you can. You know I've always been faster. C'mon, I know you're listening. Haha. I can feel your dark aura. Am I pissing you off? I'll be back, next time I'll kill them all. I'll keep a better eye on you.
I scream out in frustration and attempt to go after him but Sasuke grabs me and pulls me into him.
"Calm down Bara. Whatever he's thinking is most like to get you to go after him." Sasuke thinks.
I get out of his arms. "Is everyone okay?" I ask as everyone starts standing up.
"Yeah. What happened?" Sakura asks.
My team turns to me and bows apologetically. "We're sorry captain. He came out of no where. Nobody saw him or even heard him." They say together.
"Don't bother, it's my fault. He'll be back. I didn't tell you who we'd be up against so you didn't even know what to expect." I sigh before continuing. "We're up against Uchia Itachi and his group. They're after the scroll but that's not all they're after. If I'm correct they're after Sasuke and myself, aiming to kill everyone else. Just like my vision he came after you guys first. Except a few things are different. One being its day two being he didn't kill anyone."
"And you didn't tell any of us!" They all yell except Sasuke.
"Well technically. The only person who knew was Sasuke for obvious reasons. I was trying to protect you all. I think we should stay together in a group now."
Geez now she thinks of this. Should have thought this out more. Sakura thinks.
Why does Itachi want this scroll? Dad thinks.
"Dad that's the million dollar question. Why does he want the scroll. Let me see it." I say.
"Dad?" Naruto asks.
"Shot. Well I just blew my cover." I say and take my mask off.
"That really doesn't matter right now since Itachi knows who you are." Sasuke says.
"True. So very true. Now can I see the scroll?"
"Yeah. Here." Dad says.
"Hmm. Of course he wants this." I growl. "I should have known . Damn it."
Sasuke walks over and grabs my shoulders. "You need to calm down."
I sigh and look back down at the scroll. It read Dear leader of hidden in the sand. We're pleased to inform you that Naruto, the one who has the Nine-Tail beast inside of him hasn't lost himself to the beast. He is in total control and doesn't even know his true power.
"If Itachi gets this scroll Naruto will be in serious danger." I state only loud enough for Sasuke and dad to hear me.
"Then your vision were Sakura got shoved off a cliff was someone trying to get Naruto on their side?" Sasuke asks.
"Probably. Bara, you really need to start telling me these things." Dad says.
"Sorry. And I think we should keep an eye on them both."
"How do we do that?" Dad asks. I turn to Sasuke.
"Sasuke, you need to stay near Sakura until the threat is over.... and I'll stay near Naruto." I say and he gives me a death glare.
"That'll work." Dad says.
"Here's the scroll back. Keep it close." I say handing it back. Sasuke and I walk over to the others. "Change of plans Sakura, stay close to Sasuke. Naruto don't leave my side. As for my team, don't let your guard down at all, Itachi isn't a force to be messed with. He can kill in a single blow and won't hesitate." I say calmly.
"Hai!" My team says.
"Oh yeah!" Naruto yells.
"Yes!" Sakura yells with hearts in her eyes.
I sigh and start walking into the wood with Naruto not far behind. "C'mon we need to set up camp..."
"Bara, are you stupid." Sasuke asks. "Not the woods!"
"Can't believe I almost did that. Thanks Sasuke. Let's find and opener area."
"Why?" Naruto asks.
"Naruto.. I can't say.. it's terrible." I look away from his gaze.
Kakashi's POV
We walk to an open field and set up camp. Everyone sits down and eats except for Bara, Saratoga(Dissector) and I because of our masks. "Why aren't you guys eating?" Sakura asks.
"Nobody has seen my face and nobody ever will until the day I die." Saratoga says.
"Don't be so cold Dissector. But he's right, only a few people have seen my face, I'd rather not have anyone else see my face unless I'm dead." Bara says.
"Same as Bara." I say in a monotone.
Next thing I see is Bara and Sasuke fall over holding their heads. "Everyone stay on alert!" I yell.
"Hai!" Bara's team yells and pushes Sakura and Naruto into the middle of a circle.
"What's wrong with them?!" Naruto asks.
"Is my Sasuke-kun going to be okay?!" Sakura yells.
"Stay quiet you two. You'll draw attention to us. With them like this I can't touch them or it'll kill them. We just need to stay alert." I say as I stand near Bara and Sasuke protectively.
Sasuke's POV
Bara, Naruto and I getting captured. Were thrown into bags, and thrown over shoulders. Bara's screaming for me. She was taken out of the bag and thrown over a cliff. Naruto runs to get her but I get to her first. I jump and catch her first. "Bara, I love you." I say just before Naruto jumps and turns us so he's underneath. "You guys are my best friends. Watch after Sakura for me." He says before we hit the ground. I hold Bara tight as I sit up with her. She cries into my chest and holds Naruto in her lap.
We sit up at the exact same time to see Kakashi-sensei standing over us protectively. "Are you two okay?" He asks looking down at us.
"Yeah." Bara says standing up.
"No. Bara, how do you with stand those? Ah, my head hurts." I say sitting up all the way and holding my head.
Sakura comes over and puts my head in her lap but my head hurts to much to move away from her. I can hear Bara growl lowly but sit next to Naruto and tell her team they can stand down now.
"I'm sorry Sasuke. I'll be back in a minute. Naruto and I are going to go get something for your head." She tells me and stand up and walks away with Naruto close to her side.
"Be careful."
"Always am."
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