Protect The Princess
Third Person POV
As Bara, her team and Kakashi and his team all walked towards the palace to complete their mission, the daughter and father looked at each other and nodded. No words needed to be said. When they entered the palace Bara had her team do a thorough scope of the palace. Kakashi and his team set up guard duties, Naruto and Sakura on first watch outside of the princess's bedroom door.
She was absolutely stunning to say the least. Long, knee length white hair with purple stripes through it. Her eyes are like an icy blue and lilac mixture. Unbelievable beauty and an even more unbelievable amount of chakra. For not being a ninja she's powerful. It is no wonder that she has bounty over her head. She's royalty and very skilled at healing.
Bara's POV
"Sasuke, what's your position?" I ask over the mic.
"Front gates. All clear here." He says.
"Eastern wood line. All clear."
"Western wood line. All good."
"Southern wood line. Some movement. Can't tell what though. Pretty sure it might just be an animal." Saratoga replies.
"Don't take chances. Whenever you see it kill it."
"Hai Cap."
"Harcou, what's your position?"
"Inside walking around. Seems all good. Just have to check the dungeons."
"I'll accompany you."
"Hai Cap!"
I make the appropriate hand signs and poof next to him. "Ready?" I ask, he nods and we start walking towards the dungeons.
"Captain?" He asks looking slightly down. I simply say a 'hm' for him to continue. "Why didn't you want us to come along?"
"Because, the people sent to kill the princess are also the people who captured me. It's difficult to explain but they wouldn't hurt me unless I got in the way. They'd kill everyone I care about first, starting with my team, my dad his team and leaving Sasuke to be killed last. Him being my soulmate and all his death would kill me almost instantly. If everyone else was alive when they'd kill him I'd be able to fight and kill them. So they'd kill everyone first. That's why I didn't want you four here. So I'd have a reason to fight and try to return." I said in an almost sad time but covered it up with a bored tone.
"I see..." he says trailing off a bit. We walk in silence as we search the dungeons.
"No movement, good. Let's get out of here." I say as we walk again in silence. Ince we reach the main hall a guard comes up to me.
"Zenbu Mirume?" He asks. I nod my head yes. "You are requested in the princesses room." My eyes widen a bit.
"Hia." I say as I bow and walk off towards her room. I see Naruto and Sakura standing in either side of the door. "The princess requested my presence." I said in my monotone voice.
"Prove it's you. What is Kakashi-sensei's main excuse?" Naruto asks.
I slightly laugh at them a mimic dad perfectly. "Sorry I'm late, I'm afraid I got lost on the path of life."
"Okay. That's weird please don't do that again Bara-chan." Naruto says. I nod as I enter the door.
I shut the door behind me, take a few steps forward before kneeling to the princess. "Princess Yuki, how may I assist you?" I ask.
"Please do not kneel to me Zenbu Mirume. I would like your help with something." She says as I stand up slowly.
"Anything Princess Yuki." I reply back in monotone.
"Please, do not refer to me as princess? Also, I would like for you to train me in the ninja way, and to leave here before I have to marry someone I do not wish to marry." Yuki says as she holds her perfect posture.
"Hia Yuki. But I do not know if I am aloud. Our mission is to protect you. I cannot drop the mission and take you under my wing."
"Yes you can. It is not as if the Queen and King care about me other then if I make the rich." She says.
"I will have to talk this over with my team and Kakashi's team. Do you mind if I summon them here to discuss the matter?" I ask timidly.
"Of course not. Please do." She says.
I press the button on my mic, "team meeting, both teams. Princess's room, now." I say sternly. I walk to the door and open it to see my entire team and dad and his team. But I notice something out of the ordinary. "You're not the Lightning Demon." I state coldly as I take a kunoi to their throat.
"You have a keen eye Zenbu Mirume or should I say Princess Tsumetai Kokoro." The person says as they release the jutsu.
"I am not your princess! How many times do I have to say this. You know what? I'm just going to kill you here!" I say deadly calm.
"Not in front of the princess!" Dad yells as he goes to cover her eyes.
"Kakashi, do not cover her eyes. She wishes to become a ninja. She wish for me to teach her the ways. So she will have to see what a ninja is expected to do." I say as I grab the man tighter and press the kunoi to his throats harder. "Tell me where my teammate is before I end you." I say through gritted teeth.
"Never. You might as well...." he starts but I shove to kunoi through his throats and see everyone sweat drop and Yuki look amazed at me.
"What were you saying?" I asked the corpse as I laughed menacingly. Again everyone sweat dropped and Yuki looked amazed.
I wish to be like the famous Zenbu Mirume. She's beautiful and tough! Yuki thought.
Geez, a little harsh. Sakura thinks.
Scary! Naruto thinks.
*sigh* yup, my daughter alright. Kill first ask questions later. Dad thinks while sweat dropping.
Of course captain just had to kill the guy. Damn it, we could have found Rea faster if he was alive. Harcou thinks.
"Dissector, we wouldn't have found Lightning Demon faster if he were alive. He's trained to lock away his mind, i barely noticed that it wasn't actually her until they started walking in. It would take longer. I am sorry Yuki, can you please come with me?" I ask her.
"Hia!" She says as she walks over to me.
"Yuki, you have an amazing gift to pick up on others chakras. I'm going to have you focus on the only chakra around, so for this to work, everyone cancel yours." They all nod and Yuki concentrates hard and then looks at me her icy blue/lilac eyes glowing brights.
"There's five different chakras in the dungeons. One is chained up. The others are walking around." She says as her eyes return to normal.
"That's good Yuki. We will rescue Lightning Demon in a minute, she's in no major danger at the moment." I say and turn towards the team. Sasuke walks up to stand by me knowing what I'll ask. "Yuki here, wishes for me to train her in the ninja way. She wishes us to abandon the mission of protecting her and take her with us. I will not make the final decision, as this isn't my mission. So, I leave it to you, Kakashi."
He sighs and looks me in the eye. "You can stop using my name, I am your father even on a mission. Anyway, it's your choice, she asked you to train her not us."
"Very we'll. Then Yuki, you'll come with us. Quickly change into something you can move in without making noise. We'll go rescue Lightning Demon right after." I said to my team.
"Hia Captain!" My team yells.
"Are you really going to train her?"
"Yes love. I can already tell she's at least a chunin all she needs is proper training. Can you not feel her chakra?" I give a confused look to Sasuke and he shakes his head no.
I turn around and see that Yuki is dressed in black shorts, a black tank top with fishnet underneath it. Her long white hair in a high bun with chopsticks sticking out of them. "Here, take my cloak. I don't want anyone to notice you off the bat. Are you sure you're ready to leave here?" I ask.
"Hia, Zenbu Mirume-sensei." I sweat drop. Nobody has ever said that to me before.
I sigh. "My name is Bara. Since I am now your sensei you may as well use my real name. Just say sensei on mission such as this." I say back to her.
"Hia Sensei." She says and bows.
"Alright team let's go. You know the drill."
"Dad, stay close to Yuki. We'll be back in ten. If not, leave to Konha."
"I'm not leaving without you." Sasuke and him both say together.
"You two are impossible. I'll be back in ten, if not, go ahead to Konha so I can divert them."
"Not happening." They say again. I sigh in defeat. My team and I poof to the dungeons and instantly see Rea chained up.
Mik approached cautiously and quickly undid her chains. We regrouped after I took out a few guys. We poofed back to the rest of the group.
Rea looked at Yuki and started freaking out. Why is the princess here? Shouldn't she be in her room?! She thinks.
"Lightning Demon, it's okay. Yuki here is coming with us. She asked me to train her. She has a special gift." I say to calm her down.
"Oh. Okay Captain." She says. "Hello Princess Yuki. My name is Rea. It's a pleasure to meet you."
"Hello Rea-chan, please don't refer to me as princess. My name is Yuki." She says smiling.
"Okay team, let's get out of here before anyone wonders where Yuki is. Introductions will be made later." I say as I grab Yuki's hand and grab Sasuke's and begin walking.
"I hope you know what you're doing love."
"I haven't a clue Sasuke." I chuckle in my head. As he sighs in his.
"Bara, I'm serious. You need to be careful. You're both wanted by the same people. So being together makes it easier to capture you both."
"Calm down love. I'm not that easy to capture. Last time I went because Ita promised not to touch you guys. Now that he's gone I'm not going to go willingly. They'll have to kill me."
"Don't talk like that. I'm going up ahead with Kakashi-sensei and the others. Love you." He says and kisses my cheek and leaves.
"Stupid Uchiha." I mumble aloud.
"Bara-sensei, I can see an unfamiliar chakra up ahead. What do we do?" Yuki asks as she grabs my hand tighter.
"Yuki, calm down okay. I'll protect you just stay close." She nods as I press a button on my mic. "Hey guys, Yuki saw an unfamiliar chakra up ahead. Be alert."
"Hia cap/captain/Zenbu Mirume." They all say.
"I'm going to have to find something to call you on missions. I don't want anyone to know who you are."
"What do you think would best suit me Sensei?" She asks.
"Koibito. Because you have a lovely heart." I said smiling.
"Thank you Sensei." She smiles back.
"Now, let's see. What color is the chakra that you saw?" I ask.
"It was blue."
I press the button on my mic. "Hey guys, the chakra is blue, so it shouldn't be bad." I say.
"Hia!" They say in unison.
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