Yuki's POV
As Itachi, Sasu-kun, and Naru-kun continued to distract the enemy Bara-sensei taught me how to unlock my Kekkei Genkai. I wondered how she knew about it considering it was only known by royals and royals only. I'll ask her later.I thought to myself.
"Okay, Koibito. Close your eyes. Concentrate your chakra into your eyes. Think of the elements. Earth, fire, water, wind and lightning. Also, think of the forbidden element, spirit. The jutsu I need help with is the soul destruction. I can preform it alone but it's not as strong as it should be." She says.
I do as I'm told I concentrate on the elements. I snap my eyes open as I look at Bara-sensei. She lifts her headband to reveal her eye. The same Kekkei genkai as me. Glowing icy/lilac with a pentagram in the center. We nod at each other and start to preform hand signs.
Itachi's POV
I saw the girls out of the corner of my eyes and saw the hand signs. I quickly grabbed Sasuke and Naruto and bolted towards the others. Ignoring my brothers protests.
"Let us go! Put us down!" The both of them yelled.
"Shut up! I'm saving your lives. It too dangerous for us to be there." I say as I reach the group.
"Where's Bara and Yuki-chan?" A pinkete asks.
I looked at Kakashi and said. "We need to get further away from here. They're preforming, 'soul destruction'."
His eye visibly widens and grabs the pinkete. "We need to move now. Don't they know that can kill all of us? She can't control it completely!"
"Your telling me. I've almost been caught in it twice. I've seen what it does to people." I shudder as we all take off running. We run for about 15 minutes until we're at least another 6 miles away. "I hope we're far enough away."
Kakashi nods while I'm still holding onto my brother who is thrashing trying to get to Bara to stop her. Kakashi is now holding Naruto back who's trying to do the same. The pinkete is standing there confused.
"Excuse me. Itachi-san?" She asks me.
"Haruno Sakura. What exactly is 'soul destruction'?"
"Well, Sakura. It's part of a Kekkei Genkai, the most powerful Kekkei Genkai at that. One only royals have, which earned Bara the nickname princess." I snicker at the name.
"Can you explain more about it and how she got it?" She asks peaking everyone's interest.
"I know I'll regret this later. But yeah. I'll explain. The royals Kekkei Genkai is called Eremetaru, or the elemental eye. They can preform any jutsu with any element. This includes spiritual as well. Although it was banished years and years ago. It works kind of like the Sharigan but it literally can see your movements before you can make them. It increases ones senses. You know how she can read everyone's thoughts?" Everyone nods. "Well it was caused because of that. She can also see chakras but she's not as advanced as Yuki is with that. The 'soul destruction' she's using, it tortures a persons mind, it makes them see their darkest fears. Causing them to commit suicide just to end the pain. I've only seen it once, I was stuck in it.... I'm the only person to ever survive it." I say lowly.
"How?" Sasuke asks.
"Because I thought of protecting you. The thought of a loved one can bring you out of it just barely though."
"How did she get the Kekkei Genkai? She didn't have it when she left with her last team." Kakashi asks.
I sigh. "No, she didn't. Her teammate, he was a royal, his name was Daylin Link, also known as the missing prince of Sunōparesu. He was Yuki's older brother."
"I remember Link. We found him wondering around one day, he said he was looking for his Onēsan(older sister) Hana." Kakashi said.
"Wait! Hana? That's my mothers name. Finna/Daylin Hana." One of her teammates says.
"Ah yes. Princess Hana. I remember her quiet well. Didn't have the Kekkei Genkai so the king and queen disowned her and beat her. She ran away and fell in love with Haricot. When she left Link was young and when he got older he just vanished from the kingdom. He ran away looking for her. He didn't like the king and queen for obvious reasons. Horrible people, honestly. Who uses they're children for riches?" I sigh.
"Itachi, how did she get the Kekkei Genkai?" Kakashi asks again.
"Right. Well when my group nod I ambushed them we were after the young prince. But he ended up giving his life to save Bara. They killed almost everyone in the group except for myself and two others. We watched them talk for a good 15 minutes or so. Bara had gotten pretty badly injured, a comrade of mine grabbed her by the face and when that happened she got a way but lost her right eye as he dug his hand into her eye. It was horrible. We weren't supposed to hurt Link in anyway, just capture him. When he saw Bara laying on the ground and well me go up to kill her, he jumped in front of my sword. Just before her died he transferred his right eye to her. So we took her instead for the Kekkei Genkai."
"You did what?" Sasuke asks peeved off.
"It was a mission. I did what I was told." I said looking at the ground.
Kakashi looked at me somewhat angered but with sadness at the same time. Probably remembering Rin and Obito.
Bara's POV
Yuki and I created the hand signs fast at an unbelievable speed. We looked at each other and the lined up back to back and in unison said. "Spirit style: soul destruction!"
We watched as each of the men and a few women freaked out. Screaming blood curdling screams. Some taking kunoi's to their temples, some to their throats slitting or stabbing them. Others taking them to their stomach and pulling upwards, guts falling everywhere. Some taking them to their chest and stabbing it through their hearts. We watched as every last enemy killed them selves.
Yuki deactivated her Kekkei Genkai. "I am so proud of you, my Wakamono.(young student)." I say as I start to sway.
"Are you alright sensei?!" Yuki asks worried.
"Yes Koibito. I just over used my Kekkei Genkai. Can you run a head and get Sasuke?" I ask as I faint.
Yuki's POV
"Oh no! Sensei! What do I do?" I ask my self frantically. "I guess I need to use a genjutsu. Okay Koibito. You can do this." I tell myself as I move Sensei to the woodline and hide her and use a genjutsu to hide her better.
"I hope I did that correctly." I sighed as I took off towards the others. What'd they do? Move further ahead?! Oh how I hope Bara-Sensei will be okay.
I finally reached the others. I stopped panting trying to catch my breath. "Yuki-chan! Where's Bara-chan?" Naru-kun asks.
I held up my finger indicating I need a moment to catch my breath. "She fainted didn't she?" Itachi asks and I nod my head yes. He sighs and reaches into his pocket. "Here Sasuke, take this and wave it in front of her face. It should wake her up, then make her take this. She'll be paralyzed for a week if she doesn't."
Sasuke takes it and starts taking off until I yell. "I hid her and put a genjutsu up. You need me to at least show you where she is!" He turns around and picks me up.
"Point me where you hid her." He says.
I sigh because I'm still flung over his shoulder. "Sasu-kun can you put me down?" He puts me down and I show him exactly where she was.
"Where is she?" He asks confused.
"I've got her." A deep voice says from behind us.
"Who are you?!" Sasu-kun asks. I hide behind him and clutch his arm.
"That isn't any of your business boy. Give me the princess and you can have her back." He says showing Bara-Sensei.
Sasu-kun laughs menacingly and glances back at me. Please don't say you'll give me to that man. I think to myself.
"Koibito, I will protect you with my life. Bara would do the same. I'll get her back. Can you run?" He asks. I nod my head yes. "Good. Go get Itachi and Kakashi."
"Okay. Be careful Sasu-kun." I reply as I take off running again.
I run as fast as I can but that man is now chasing me. He's fast, faster then Sasuke who is sending ninjutsu his way. It's slowing him down enough for me to escape. I can see the group in the distance so I start yelling.
"Itachi-san! Kakashi-san! Tasukete!" I yell. In a flash the both of them are at my side asking what's wrong. I panted as I pointed behind me. "S-Sa-Sasu-kun, needs help. Bara-sensei was caught, I guess I didn't hide her well enough." I said while sulking.
"Saratoga!" Kakashi-san yelled.
"Nani?!" He said walking up to us.
"Take care of Yuki." He says. As he said that Saratoga-san picked me up and carried me to the group just before Sasu-kun and the mean man who to Bara-Sensei got to the group.
Bara's POV
I woke up groggily as someone was running while carrying me. What the hell is going on? I ask myself.
"Give me the princess and you can have her back!" A mans voice boomed.
"Never! We will not give you the princess. We will get Zenbu Mirume from you!" A very familiar voice rang.
I will kill you for touching my daughter! Dads thinks in a dangerous tone.
I try to move but realize that I'm paralyzed from using Eremetaru. I try to speak and luckily I can. Which is good. I don't need hand signs for this jutsu. "Spirit style: mind control jutsu!" I shout taking control of my captors mind.
"Good to know you're alright. Can you move?" Itachi asks as Sasuke takes me away from my captor.
"Really? Are you really asking me that?" I scowl at him and he laughs nervously. Then Sasuke holds something up to my mouth.
"Here. Open your mouth." He says.
"Not happening!" I tell him through our minds.
"Come in open your mouth." He says again.
"Give me that Sasuke. I'll get her to take it." Itachi says my eyes widen as Sasuke hands him the herbs and me.
"Sasuke! Don't do this to me! This isn't fair!" I shout at him.
"You'll survive." Is all he says as he walks away.
"Bara, open your mouth." Itachi says pouting. I can't move my head to shake it and if I open my mouth he'll force me to take it that way. "You leave me no choice." He says with a smirk now.
"Oh Kami! Help me!" I shout to Sasuke.
"What's he doing?" He asks.
But before I can answer Itachi starts to tickle me. And me being me tries so hard not to laugh. I can't defend myself because I can't move. "Come on give in already." He says still tickling me.
I finally break after about a minute and squeal. "I give up Ita! Stop!" I yell between laughs.
He put the herbs in my mouth and makes me swallow it. "Shit. Hey Sasuke can you bring me a water bottle?!" Itachi yells and Sasuke comes with a water bottle in hand. Itachi forces me to drink the water and within a few seconds I can stand and walk again.
I look at Itachi and narrow my eyes at him. "And that's our cue to run." He says to everyone.
But before anyone can run my pupil runs up to me and hugs me. "Sensei!" She shouts all childishly. "Gomen'nasai! Gomen'nasai!" She repeats.
"Yuki, it's quite alright. You did your best. I am proud of you." I say as I hug her back. Everyone looks at us and of course join us. Sasuke hugging me from behind, Itachi on my left, dad on my right. Naruto and Sakura by dad and my team surrounding us.
Sakura-chan is so beautiful! I wish she liked me. Naruto thinks.
Hmm, I wonder. Does Naru-kun like me? I mean, I'm always mean to him but it's only because I want the best for him. Sakura thinks.
I smirk evilly making everyone except Yuki think I've gone mad. "Hey Yuki?" I ask.
"Yes sensei?" She asks.
"You know what you Kekkei Genkai can do correct?" She nods yes. "Can you tell me who likes who?" I smirk evilly again as we all walk back to Konoha.
"What are you doing?" Sasuke and Itachi ask at the same time.
"That's for us to know and you to find out!" Yuki says sticking her tongue out.
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