GoldenJeon sent you a message.
Decline Accept
GoldenJeon: hi 👋
GoldenJeon: i'm sorry about my hyungs... they can be weird sometimes.
GoldenJeon: Okay, they're actually weird all the time 😅
GoldenJeon: i can see you're reading my messages..... why arent u responding :(
YouGotNoJams: hi.
GoldenJeon: thats all i get? :(
GoldenJeon: thats cold 💔.
YouGotNoJams: Lecture.
Strict prof.
Chat l8r.
GoldenJeon: woah your in college?
GoldenJeon: thats pretty cool😎
GoldenJeon: aight, message me when you can respond 😉
Sent at 1:27 pm
GoldenJeon: Aeyo ladies and gentlemen~
Sent at 9:01 pm
YouGotNoJams: Um... wut?
GoldenJeon: you never messaged me back :(
YouGotNoJams: sorry, forgot.
GoldenJeon: ouch, I've been forgotten 😫
GoldenJeon: Maybe i should give i u a reason to remember 😏
YouGotNoJams: -_-
YouGotNoJams: Boi, don't even.
GoldenJeon: 💔
YouGotNoJams: lol
GoldenJeon: why are you lol-ing :((
YouGotNoJams: lolzzzzz
GoldenJeon: noona *pouts* :(((
YouGotNoJams: how do you know you're not my oppa?
Goldenjeon: :c no oppa!
GoldenJeon: now why the "lolzzzzz"?!?
YouGotNoJams: bcuz this lmao:
GoldenJeon: :((( u don't like my profile pic? 💔
GoldenJeon: Maybe I should change it to this then 😏😎
YouGotNoJams: lmao, boi u wish u were that hot.
GoldenJeon: U think im hot? 😏
YouGotNoJams: the guy in the second picture is hot. But not u.
GoldenJeon: I AM the guy in the picture. 😁
YouGotNoJams: I'm not that gullable.
GoldenJeon: Noona~ 💔💔💔
YouGotNoJams: Oppa~ 😜
YouGotNoJams: wait wut? Theres no way that you.
GoldenJeon: of course its me :(
YouGotNoJams: but the other pic looks so professional 👀
GoldenJeon: one of my friends goes to school for photography. He uses me as a model all the time ;)
YouGotNoJams: dayum boi.
GoldenJeon: soooo
YouGotNoJams: So wut?
GoldenJeon: U think I'm hot? 😏😏😏
YouGotNoJams: Boi i dun even know ur name lmao.
GoldenJeon: I'm Jungkook, but Babe works too ;)
YouGotNoJams: Haha-no.
GoldenJeon: You still haven't told me your name
YouGotNoJams: you never asked.
GoldenJeon: Well then, whats your name?
YouGotNoJams: Hmm.... I'm not telling you~ XD
GoldenJeon: Fine... if you're not gonna tell me, I'll just have to make a nickname for you. 😁
YouGotNoJams: ...
YouGotNoJams: ._.
GoldenJeon set your nickname to KooksBae.
KooksBae: Aish, whatevs.
GoldenJeon: 😁
KooksBae: Anyways, its getting late.
I need sleeps.
GoldenJeon: aight. Sleep well.... Bae
KooksBae: ...
GoldenJeon: 😘❤😂
Sent at 12:46 am
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