Adelaide Jackson
Real: Adelaide Jackson (Esparza before mother's second marriage)
Hero: Spice
Story: Perfection Is A Prize, Insanity To The Champion (TBR)
Age: 14
Birthday: 25th October, Scorpio
Species: Meta-Human
Nationality: Colombian
Hair: Long, wavy, chestnut brown
Eyes: Hard violet
Height: 5"5
Clothing style: For her age, Adelaide's style is very mature and put together. She often wears stylish pieces with bold, dark colours. Outfits can go from shorts and a high-neck crop-top, to a grey, long-sleeved bodycon dress and stockings.
Other appearance notes: Crescent and claw marks in shoulder due to constant infliction.
Personality: Adelaide has a cold, calculating and selfish personality that is a result of something mental that she can not control. As a result of this, she is indifferent to the needs and injustice around her, preferring to focus on her pursuit of perfection which involves dating Tim Drake and punishing herself (and others) for failures and imperfection. Despite this, she genuinely cares for her main friends, Tim and her sisters.
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Clique/Social standing: Her obsession in perfectionism has made her a manipulater, so Adelaide, being the Queen of her year-group, likes to think she surrounded herself with people she can easily manipulate. Whilst this may be true, she has come to love her two closest female friends and five male friends, the group of them making up Gotham Academy's most rich and beautiful.
Physical: Desire for perfection has caused Adelaide to keep her body in peak physical perfection. At least, her definition of it. Having taken part in some of the worlds biggest ballet productions she is extremely slim. Her frailness is also in part to her eating disorder.
Intellectual: Once again, perfectionism has lead to Adelaide pursuing the very highest marks at Gotham Academy. She is among the most intelligent and takes seven Advanced Placement classes.
Other talents: There are few areas Adelaide has no talent in, due to her desire to be flawless. Particularly she is an amazing ballet, jazz and hiphop dancer, gymnast, scientist and fighter.
Fear/weakness: Adelaide's greatest fear is imperfection and failure. Her mentality on being perfect is partly influenced by fear of not being utterly flawless. Her weakness in everyday life is criticism (when it comes from those who matter). As a vigilante her weakness is attacks of noise.
Goals: To be perfect. Perfection in different areas; perfect boyfriend, Tim Drake, perfect marks by being top five in class, perfect in ballet by constantly nailing routines, perfect in appearance with flawless body, skin and hair.
Schooling: Adelaide is currently attending Gotham Academy.
Career: Has performed in US and World Ballet Productions, hopes to continue doing that as well as science or scientific law.
Hobbies: Most types of dance, fashion, science.
Favourite movie: Mr and Mrs Smith
Favourite food: Carrots
Family: Sofia (Mother), Peter (Stepfather), Livinia (Younger half-sister) Ellery and Halo (Older sisters)
Relationship: In A Relationship
Love interests: Tim Drake
Admirers: Cole, Lucas
Parental relationship: Adelaide loves her mother, despite the woman being very self-absorbed, hard on her children and a factory of bad, old-world advice. Her relationship with her stepfather is very strong as she understands how much she owes to Peter. At this time there is little mention of Adelaide's real father.
Sibling relationship: Adelaide's youngest half-sister Livinia has a terminal illness that results in her being in comas for months at a time, or conscious for around a week. This resulted in very tough time and eldest sister Halo leaving the house, moving to Metropolis to pursue her science career. Ellery and Adelaide are very close, Ellery noticing Adelaide's disorders and Adelaide being the only family member to support Ellery in the things she does. Together the girls also form the vigilante duo of Illusion and Spice.
Pets: Labradoodle named Jethro
Childhood: Adelaide grew up in Colombia in one of the poorer areas where she witnessed much crime. Sometimes she and her sisters would intervene using their powers, but their mother disallowed them when Ellery was almost killed. At age 7, Adelaide and her family moved to Gotham. They lived with an Aunt whilst their mother worked in the family restaraunt. One day, Peter had dinner there and immediately fell for Sofia. Eventually they married and began living together. This is when Adelaide began ballet. At age ten a scout noticed her incredible skills (compliments of metagenes) and Adelaide was cast in the national Red Riding Hood ballet production at age 10. Following this was four more productions; two national, two international.
Disorders: OCD, Neurotic Perfectionism, Perfectionist Concerns, Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale: Self-Orientated Perfectionism, Socially-Prescribed Perfectionism, Anorexia, Bulimia.
Religion: Christened but non-practicing Catholic.
Abilities: Adelaide has very little control of her powers having not been able to use a majority of them. She is able to alter the aspects of her body making her bones pliant (flexiblity), camouflaging her skin, density shifting, flight, endurance and doubled strength. Halo, as well as Batman, have observed that Adelaide's body has an advanced 'Adapt To Survive' ability, meaning that when she is against a certain opponent, her body's endurance will adapt to take on attacks. (Fire-proof against a fire villain). Halo also believes Adelaide should have some projectile ability. That, however is unconfirmed by Adelaide. Having so many aspects to her body has influenced the name Spice, taken from 'Sugar, spice and everything nice'.
Weapons: Battle Poi/Yoyo. Two metal-link cords that can join or loosen to create a chain. Attached to the end of each is a device. On one, the device is sharp and sleak, filled with technology to perform different tasks. On the other is a more brutal spiked ball. They are similar to the traditional yoyo or poi. Adelaide can use them well because of thise. Also uses gauntlet blades.
Vigilante history: When the Batfamily were pre-occupied with Gotham being trapped beneath a bowl, it was time for metahumans of Gotham city to step forward. Illusion (Ellery), Angel Wing (Halo) and Spice came forward to protect the innocent from Gotham Villains. After this, Illusion and Spice continued to be heroes until Livinia's doctor gave them information on Felix Faust, who held a cure for the illness. This lead the two girls into unwilling burglaries.
Associates: Illusion, Angel Wings
Song: Sippy Cup - Melanie Martinez
Pill diet pill diet
If they give you a new pill
Then you will buy it
If they say to kill yourself
Then you will try it
All the makeup in the world
Won't make you less insecure
You've got weights in your pockets
When you go to the doctors
Your favourite candy's cotton
That's why all your teeth are rotten
A/N: My attempt at portraying a real-life problem. Only character where I've had people tell me they don't like her. Sorry you can't recognise mental illness fam. Cannot wait to get into this story!
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