"It's been a while since I've been around a scene like this. Feels great" I yelled in Dani's ear as we made our way hand-in-hand into the club. She nodded back in agreement and swayed her way in, looking for a place to settle for the night.
"I'm gonna hit up the bar. Be back in a few" Todd tells us, leaving the group.
There were no empty spots so we decided to take our asses to the back-bar, pulling up the few stools that remained unoccupied. The music wasn't as deafening here, too.
"Of all the spots you had to pick this one. This place is crazy packed" Dani tells West, looking around.
"Well it's a good place, music's good, drinks aren't overpriced. I did my research baby" West answers her back. I chuckled at them.
"They have stripper poles, West. Is this your usual?" Dani teases him, laughing.
"You know it's not unless you on it" he flashes her a wink, causing her to melt in her seat and me to almost vomit at the cuteness.
"You guys are so cute" I let slip out, beaming at my friends.
"Sometimes" Dani tells me, glancing over at West who immediately agrees with her.
See? Cute, right?
"I'm here to get wasted! Who's with me? Uh not you West" Todd bellows, appearing with a large tray like he usually does and casually excluding West while he's at it.
"Yessss!" Dani exclaims, putting her shot glass up in the air. We also follow suit, raising ours too.
"Here's to the best night in a long time" Todd says.
"To my best friends" Dani follows.
"To being the only sober one tonight" West says, raising his glass of water.
And with that I downed my first shot of the night. Stress from the week? Gone. That bad tension headache I had every night? Disappeared. My pathetic broken heart? Mending.
After about an hour or two of being in the cozy corner of the club, we decided to take it up a notch and be part of the buzz. I wanted to go right to the center and dance my heart out, which I did with my incredible girlfriend, Dani. (Let's just say West was a tad bit protective in his sober state which my girl wasn't having--at all!) We left Todd to chat him up while we had some real fun.
With the alcohol in my system, I felt light and my body moved in sync with the music, my mind finding it hard to keep up. I didn't notice how strong those shots were until now, where I had to hold onto Dani a few times just to prevent a tragic fall in the middle of the dance floor.
"Damn these flickering lights are irritating" Dani yells in my ear as we continue to sway to the music. I nod in response and close my eyes, the music taking over my carefree state. At this very moment I felt like I had not a care in the world.
Until. .
Thump. I landed painfully butt first on the dance floor. Damn I've had too much.
"Oh my gosh, are you okay?" Dani panics, trying to keep a serious face. I nod and begin laughing for absolutely no reason. Pulling her down to join me on the floor, she erupts in a fit of laughter. Unable to keep a straight face any longer.
"We're ridiculous!" She says in my ear, still laughing.
"And an embarrassment. Let's go" I told her, wiping the tears that escaped through my laughter.
We staggered over to the ladies room to freshen up before deciding to head back to the guys. I was walking face down to the restrooms and accidentally bumped into something hard, making me stumble back and bump into Dani a little.
"Woah, sorry about that" the person says, trying to steady me as I lose my footing.
"It's okay I was looking down anyw---Shawn? Is that you?" I exclaim, looking at the rugged dark-haired guy before me. Is it really him or am I seeing things?
"Hey Kaia, didn't know you hung out at Toxic now. That's cool" Shawn says with a cheerful face, which was unusual. I mean, I usually see this guy with a sneer or a smirk on his face. Weird.
"Yeah, yeah, step aside please. The ladies need to go" I babbled on, brushing him aside as we continue to journey to the toilets. Dani giggling behind me as I left Shawn stunned and I'm guessing speechless.
"Wasn't that one of Axel's friends we met outside?" Dani asks curiously, sitting on the counter.
"Yeah, Ash's actually" I told her, running both hands through my untidy hair.
It was a mess.
Why do I always do this? Think I can pull off a look that always ends up making me look homeless? It's depressing.
"Let's get back, imma tell West to take us home now" Dani says, taking my hand in hers and leading me out. I followed her and with every step I was careful not to fall. There was a dull pain in my butt from the fall. Not a nice feeling. I guess it was time I headed back too.
"I feel so bad for leaving West with Todd" I say to Dani as we approach the two at the end of the bar.
"It's a good thing, actually. Atleast after this he won't wanna come out with us again. Which means more freedom for ya girl" Dani replies beaming, slinging her arm over me cheerfully.
"Woahhh. .Looks like it's home time for us, huh?" West greets us with an amused face.
"You look like you want to laugh. Just do it. Go ahead and laugh" I say to West, telling him to go ahead but he keeps a straight face and gives Dani a hug.
"Well I for one had an eventful night. Picked up both bartenders numbers" Todd fills us in, blushing.
"Yeah? Look at you playboy. Go get 'em" Dani exclaims, hyping Todd up. We all laugh before deciding to head out.
We walked out of the club arms linked together, West of course leading the way. Soon as we got in the car I put my head back and closed my eyes. My butt still hurt and I was so sleepy.
"Remind me why I thought this was a good idea?" I lazily ask Dani who looked like she was about to throw up.
"It was a good idea.. till we...till we got---"
"Oh my gosh!" I shout as Dani pukes all over the floor of the car.
"Danielle I am going to kill you!" Todd yells from the front seat, furious as hell and being totally over dramatic.
"Damn babygirl! I am not cleaning that shit up. Hell nah" West exclaims, laughing out loud.
I burst out laughing soon as West starts laughing. It was too funny not to.
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