**guys! can we talk abt how hooootttt the pic above is? Likeeee👀😍😍😍** *fans self dramatically**
Ahhhh anyway, onto the next chap. Enjoy luvs xo
As thrilling as this should feel right now, I feel like total shit. I fucked everything up in a second. Now I feel like an idiot. Kaia will never speak to me again, that's for sure.
I get off my bike and head into the first bar I see, ready to spend the rest of my night here. I can't go back there.
Soon, Shawn walks in and grabs the stool beside me, the same cheeky grin sits on his face.
"Its been a while you twat" He greets me with a good slap on my back before sitting down.
"Same, mate. Order what you want, drinks on me" I tell him, signalling to the bartender to get me another drink.
"Are we celebrating?" Shawn asks, a large mug of beer between his hands.
I shake my head in response before downing my shot. I wince as it burns my throat, hitting me hard.
"Drowning my sorrows, actually."
Shawn laughs loudly and continues to drink his beer, looking at me with fascination in his eyes. Is it new that I'm drinking? No. Is it new that I'm sulking in the corner of a cheap bar feeling like a dick? Yes.
"Keep 'em comin' mate" I tell the bartender, tossing some cash across to him. He nods and gets back to my drinks. I love the service here, very prompt.
"Why'd you call me? It's been a while since we've hung out Axel" Shawn asks me.
"Needed the company" I reply, sighing. Did he really have to ask?
"What's up with you anyway? You're usually hyped as fuck. What happened, man?" He asks curiously, swatting my arm. I move abit and start grinning at the idiot, shaking my head.
"I'm an asshole, man. I fucking hate how I am. I mess every damn thing up and now I'm back at the bottom where I used to be.. with nothing" I tell him, thinking back to what happened earlier and how bad Kaia must be feeling because of me.
"Damn, you're really in your feelings right now. Do you need a tissue? I think they should have some around here" Shawn laughs in my face, pretending to search for tissues.
"Fuck you" I spit, swatting his arm as he continues to laugh at me. Asshole.
"Let's head to a club, this place is dead" Shawn suggests, getting up and putting on his jacket. I follow suit without a word, making sure to leave a generous tip as I walk out.
She can't ignore me forever.
She can't ignore me forever.
What's the use, she isn't even speaking to me!
"This is your fucking fault, James" I spit angrily at him, shoving him away from me. It sucks that we have to work together today. I'd prefer to work alone after all that's happened in the past two days.
"Calm the fuck down, she'll forgive you. She always forgives you" James tries to reassure me but I know damn well this time is different.
I know and I'm scared.
What have I done?
"Look, you don't even have to tell her. I mean, what happens here stays here. She doesn't have to know every little thing" He has the nerve to say to me.
"How could I not tell her?!" I yelled at him, pinning him against the wall. "We live together, we sleep in the same bed. How can I not?!."
"Get your hands off me, fuck! That's your fucking problem to solve! I wasn't the one who forced you to sleep with that chick"
"But you got me drunk and high as fuck, the least you could've done was stop me"
"Well fuck, I was a little preoccupied! I didn't know I had to babysit your grown ass aswell" James ends our conversation, slamming the door on his way out.
Frustrated, I laid down on the bed and began to think about everything that's happened. How do I tell her? How will she react? Will she leave me?
A low knock on the door interrupts my thoughts and I pull myself up and drag my feet to get it.
"Yes?" I sigh, looking at my mistake as she walks in. Why did it have to be her?
"Mr. Parker, tomorrow is your last day here" she says curtly, smiling at me. She looks like a whole new person in her formal attire because she looks nothing like she did that night. Nothing at all.
"What?" I ask, confused. Weren't we supposed to be here for weeks?
"You're off to the next country. Italy, maybe, I'm not too sure. But you have to wrap up your work by the end of the day" she informs me and I nod, moving to my table to gather everything.
"Can I ask why we're leaving so abruptly? I was informed we were to stay longer" I ask curiously.
"I don't know the main reason but I heard your project here got terminated" she half whispers to me.
I try to think of any reason why it would be terminated. I've done all that was asked of me, handed in my work on time, reported to the sights on time. Unless it wasn't because of me.
"James" I curse under my breath, my fists balled at my sides. It had to be him.
"Ashton, I want to talk about what happened that night" my assistant says, touching my arm. I move away when she touches me, not wanting to have anything to do with her.
"There's nothing to talk about. It was a mistake, okay?" I tell her straight to her face, hoping she won't get any thoughts in her big head.
"It wasn't a mistake to me, Mr. Parker. It was incredible" she blushes, moving her body to press against mine gently. It wasn't so bad but it wasn't what I wanted.
"Please, just get out. This thing, you and me, it's never going to happen" I take hold of her shoulders and explain to her.
She gives me a sad look and sighs before dropping some papers on my table and leaving.
Soon as she's gone, I pull up my laptop to check my accounts. Funny enough, the payment for this project wasn't deposited into any one of my accounts.
We're not fucking getting paid for this?! James is a dead man!
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