Bright and early this Monday morning, here I am outside The Café. Eager to get my hands on my coffee, I make my way straight to the counter to get it.
Just as I'm walking out of the place, an all to familiar SUV pulls up in the parking lot. This could only belong to one person and I'm really hoping it's him.
As soon as he notices me,this lanky guy practically runs across and into my arms, almost spilling my drink.
"Oh my gosh, first thing in the morning! I'm so glad to see you" Todd greets me, hugging me tightly.
"I missed you so damn much,Todd" I say excitedly as he hugs me.
"We have lots to catch up on before first class. Let me get my drink and then we'll talk" He says before quickly popping in to get a drink. I stand still outside and decide to pull out my phone. Ignoring the dozens of texts and missed calls, I open up my social media and take a quick pic with my drink. I entered the first caption that came into mind.
Excited to be back at school. But first, coffee.
And post!
I slid my phone back in my bag just as Todd came out of the coffee shop, that huge smile still on his face.
"It's so good to see you. Like really, really good. I got you heaps of things and I can't wait to show you" Todd tells me, linking his free hand in mine. We walk over to his car and get in.
"You showed up just in time. I'm in desperate need of a friend right now" I say to him, sipping my drink.
"Where's that girl when you need her? I swear, this is why I'm the best friend" Todd says, typing quickly on his phone.
"If you're referring to Dani, she's around" I chuckle, watching Todd caps lock Dani to death.
He puts his phone away and we drive off, away from campus.
"We have an hour before class starts. Should we just drive around?" Todd asks me as he winds the windows down.
"Yes, please" I answer him, cranking up the radio. I need as much fun and laughter to escape how I really feel.
"Uh huh, just as I thought. See I knew once Todd came back I would be left out" Dani complains, giving me a kiss on my cheek.
"We would never exclude you" Todd reassures her, giving her a hug. "Well, maybe Kaia wouldn't" He adds, earning a playful punch from Dani.
"It's nice to see you too, Todd" Dani says sarcastically as we walk to our different rooms.
The rest of my morning as a breeze, as well as the afternoon. Classes seemed short as I busied myself taking notes and jotting down important things to remember. By the end of the school day I realised I didn't even think of Ash for a minute.
"Any plans for tonight?" Dani asks casually, flipping through a textbook.
"Nope, probably just start on whatever work I got then watch a movie afterwards" I tell her.
"Sounds good but kinda unlike you, it's just the first day of classes" she points out, eyeing me carefully.
"Yeah, yeah" I laugh, swatting her arm. "But I'm determined to get better grades this year."
"Woah! Who are you and what have you done with my best friend?" Dani exclaims, shaking my shoulders vigorously.
I laugh out loud and push her away from me, making her laugh aswell.
"I'm gonna head home now, Todd's giving me a ride. You?" I ask her, looking around for Todd's car.
"I'm gonna head back to my room. Sadly, I've got a shit-ton of stuff from last semester that needs to be done" she tells me, putting her book in her bag before slinging it over her shoulder.
"I'll text you tonight. Bye" I call out as she walks in the direction of her room. She gives me a wave and continues on.
I sat on a bench and went through my phone while waiting for Todd to arrive. Ever since that phone call on Saturday, Ashton has been blowing up my phone. Not that I care. I actually have nothing to say to him. I never replied to any of his texts or answered his calls. When I needed him to call me, he didn't and now when I know he's clearly keeping secrets, he's calling non-stop. It's ridiculous.
Todd pulls up and honks his horn for me to get in. I quickly put my phone away and get in the car, happy to be going home straight to my bed. Even though the day was alright, I still need a quick nap before opening my books.
"How was classes?" Todd asks, handing me an iced drink.
"How thoughtful, thank you. And it went well. How was yours?" I asked.
"Terrible" He says dramatically, hand gesture and all. "We have a new lecturer and he's smoking hot" He fills me in.
"And what's so terrible about that? Isn't that a good thing?" I inquire further, sipping my drink.
"It's terrible 'cause he's straight. I peeped him driving off with this woman in his car."
"Ouch. Well do you think he's in a relationship with her or married or something?" I ask him.
"Maybe they're seeing each other. I didn't see any ring. Hmm.. but I won't stop admiring him from afar. You should see him, you'd totally think the same thing" Todd tells me and I nod, muttering a small maybe in response.
We were silent for the rest of the ride to Todd's place, humming along every now and then to the songs on the radio. Until my phone rang.
I ignored it, knowing exactly who it was. Todd looked at me funny when I let it ring, acting as if I didn't hear a thing. He killed the engine and I realised we were at his place. Clearly my mind was elsewhere.
"Kaia, let's get inside then you can tell me what's up. And don't say it's nothing cos girl your phone was ringing like crazy and you acted deaf. Something's wrong" He said sternly, literally pulling me out of his car and into his home.
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