It's been little over a week since I've been staying with Axel. My life was the same but atleast I've stopped crying like a hopeless wreck.
I realised that I still love Ash and I always will but there's things we needed to discuss. I wanted to talk to him but face to face. After the last FaceTime, I didn't wanna do that anymore. I only hope Ash would give me time, as much time as I need. I also had to figure out if I was gonna tell him about what happened with Axel. Should I tell him?
"I'm homeee!" Axel calls out loudly, forcing me to roll my eyes at him. I stay put on the couch, my book in my hand. I had research to do for my art class and Gio requested I see him every Saturday so let's just say I was busy.
"Did you miss me?" Axel whispers in my ear, ploping down beside me.
"You were gone for like two hours" I responded, not paying attention to him.
"But did you? Miss me?" He pesters me further, poking the side of my stomach annoyingly.
"To be honest, nope! I cherished every moment of quiet while you were gone" I answered and at the corner of my eye I saw his face fall. Hah, what a sight.
"You're so mean" He mutters under his breath, leaving me alone. He stalks his way to the room and throws his hands up in defeat which made me giggle even more. He's so childish.
It's been the same since I've got here. Ax and I wake up around the same time, I get dressed and head to class and he goes to work. He gets home first and usually sees to dinner (which consists mostly of takeout if he's lazy). If I get home first then I cook something up for us. Axel doesn't complain much, he eats everything I make. It's nice to know he isn't fussy.
We never talked about what happened that night and I'm not sure if I should bring it up. Maybe he's forgotten about it. If he has then I might as well too.
School was alright, apart from the amount of stuff I had to memorise and the things I had to study for. Let's just say I was getting the hang of it slowly. I think.
My Friday passed quickly due to me not having any afternoon classes today. I was so tired and in need of a good sleep without any disturbances. Too bad I had to get up early tomorrow and head to Gio. Which was another pain. I can already hear him snapping at me for wasting paint. The sight of his irritated face is burned in my memory.
My phone buzzes on the coffee table and I look over to see who it is. Dani flashes over the screen and I gladly pick it up, smiling almost instantly.
"What is it now?" I laugh into the phone once I hear her giggling on the other end.
"Can't a girl call her main? You're in quite the mood today" she comments.
"I'm studying. ..well trying to" I inform her.
"Girl dump that, we're going out tonight. You up? I've got West and Todd coming too for extra security. It's finna be wild" Dani exclaims excitedly, trying to convince me.
"Uhh.. I'm not so sure I should be out partying" I think to myself, looking at the workload on the table and in my hand.
"Come on! It's only one night. Just a few hours, promise!" Dani pleads, nagging over the phone.
I roll my eyes and give in, knowing damn well she would come over anyway.
"Fine. But only for a bit."
"Yes! Yes! Yes! You're the best. I'll see you tonight then" she screeches loudly before hanging up.
What have I gotten myself into?
Night falls pretty quickly and I find myself wondering if this was even a good idea. To go out. To have fun.
Axel stirs in his sleep, turning and making weird noises. It's pretty rare to find him at home on a Friday night. I put my heels on and look for a nice pair of hoops to go with my outfit. After texting Dani to tell her I'm ready, I grab my purse and walk over to the bed to tell Axel I'd be going out.
"Axel" I call out softly, tapping his sleeping face lightly. He moves abit but doesn't open his eyes at all.
"Axel! Wake up" I try again, this time much louder. He groans before squinting at me. He rubs his eyes and sits up, taking in my appearance.
"Well, wow. You should've woken me up earlier, I would've loved to help you get that dress on" He tells me in a raspy voice. He was still sleepy.
"Funny" I reply, sighing at this nuisance. "I'm going out with Dani. I'll be back later"
"Mhm, okay" Axel answers, looking up at me. "I'm gonna wait up, just incase you need me" He says, standing up from the bed and looking down at me with a smirk.
"Bye Axel" I laugh, making my way out of the room and downstairs to Dani.
"Goodbye darling, have fun" He responds, calling out as I exit the apartment.
When I got to the parking lot I immediately spotted the dark SUV. I made my way over and before I knew it, Dani was rushing out of the car and running towards me, heels higher than my grades with a cute little lace romper.
"Oh my gosh you look ah-mazing" she squeals as I spin around, letting her look at my outfit for the night.
"Yeah? Just a little something I put together" I replied, laughing.
"Damn! You. Did. That. Yes, look at you working that dress. Yes girl" Dani hypes me up as we get into the car.
West is the designated driver tonight and he slips out of the parking lot and onto the road with ease. Todd grins at me from the front seat, taking in my appearance. He looks pleased and went on playing with his phone. No doubt posting right now on social media.
"I'm living for the dress, Kaia. I gotta borrow it" Dani says to me, admiring the mini red dress that clung to me like a wrap. I found the spaghetti straps so hot I had to wear it.
"Love the dress? Well what can I say-- I have the best taste" Todd boasts from the front seat, feeling proud I'm wearing what he gifted me.
"Amazing taste" Dani seconds and I smile sheepishly as they share a moment where they aren't bickering back and forth. It was nice.
"Alright we're here. Now this place should be poppin' tonight. Let's go in" West says as he kills the engine. We all step out and walk up to the entrance of the club, psyched to get in and have a good time.
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