New friends
Ein Pov:
As I enter the school looking for the principal office, suddenly a purple hair girl appared right in front of me.
"Hey! I'm aphmau, are you new here?" She asked excitedly.
"yeah, how'd you know" Ein signed in reliefed while also introducing himself.
"Just had that look on your face" she giggled before grabbing his hand and leading the way to the principle office.
"Hey!, welcome to Phoenix High" the principal said happily looking up from his work. I walk in greeting him while also getting my schedule for my classes.
As I was walking out of the office aphmau suddenly appeared in front of me, asking if she can walk to class with me.
I smiled as I followed her to class, excited to have had made a friend on my first day.
I introduced myself to the class before I was place by the aphla that I seen earlier.
I nervously made my way to the seat tryna not make eye contact. I suddenly collapsed landing on my ass, feeling very embarrassed before hearing a voice.
"oops, my bad" Blaze said chuckling before the teacher scolded him.
I hurried and got up sitting in my seat, brushing off what just happen.
After class was over I hurried out of class, meeting up with aphmau to see what we had next.
As we were walking Aphmau invited me to sit with her at lunch with her friends. I agreed as we were walking down the hall someone suddenly tripped me on the way. I crashed onto the floor, with a loud thump!Aphmau started yelling at someone as she helped me up. It was the same guy who Pulled my chair from under me in class aphmau began asking if I was ok. I nodded and ask "what was that guy deal' I asked "oh him, he thinks he owns this school but don't worry about him" she said, as we headed to lunch.
"Hey guys!"Aphmau said introducing me to the group. That Kawaii Chan she pointed to a girl with cat ear, Zane she pointed to a boy with a mask, and Aaron who wasn't wearing a shirt. Travis a boy with White hair, Garroth a boy with blonde hair,and lastly Laurence that was sitting next to Garroth.
"Hey!"they said "your new right?" yea I responded while sitting down and began eating and chatting with Aphmau friends. The door slam open gathering everyone attentions," Kai walked in like he own the whole school every one expect us starred in 'aw' as he came in and took his seat.
We just went back to talking, as we were someone came behide me and pulled my hair, I turned around and glared seeing kai with a smirk on his face.
Aphmau yelled "leave him alone don't you have somewhere else to be" Kai just stomped off to his table since he knew he couldn't hit girls.
"Thank you aphmau" I said with relief "no problem" after that the bell ring and we began walking to class, I saw kai flirting with this girl. I felt myself getting annoyed wondering why it affected me I think as I enter my classroom.
Kai pov
"Ugh!, aphmau so lucky aaron there or I would have giver her a lesson" and plus Ein looks cute when he's mad. I still didnt fully forgive him for what he did to me at our old school as I was walking to class i saw Ein coming so I hurried and pulled a random girl into a kiss. I saw Ein look and began walking faster to class, I wonder if it worked. "hmmm.."I thought before pushing the girl away from me "who do you think you are, doing that to me" she yelled. My eyes went dark and replied "what did you say?!" she whimper and back up before running away to her class.
If anyone think they could boss me around then they're wrong I though as I headed to class.
(fixing all my stories now :)!)
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