Shot 4
Hello dear readers
Come with another shot ❤ Hope you all will like ❤
Recap : Swara massaged Sanskar 's neck. Sanskar mock at her that why she is favoring this much on him. In reply Swara taunt him saying him he only know backstab not she. Her this words put a deep effect on Sanskar. Some flashback. SwaSan light nok jhok. Swara requested him to not to lock room which he agreed. Swara 's happiness at her freedom. Laksh 's entry. Sanskar hide Swara from his gaze. His anger on her and punish her while locking her. Swara 's bad condition. Sanskar taking care of her and asked sorry by chit later Swara give him list of her girlish things to bring.
In Shop!
Sanskar is doing something on his phone. Salesmen packing all things which is in list which he gave to him.
Salesmen : Sir!
Sanskar : Is everything packed? ( without looking at him).
Salesmen : No sir!
Sanskar : ( looks at him angrily) then what are you doing from half and hour?
Salesmen : Sir actually there is one problem.
Sanskar : what?
Salesmen : actually here only bra is written not size. So can you please tell what's your wife 's size?
Sanskar become shocked listening his words become embarrassed not getting what to answer on his question also getting angered on Swara who didn't wrote size.
Sanskar : Is size important? ( embarrassed while asking).
Salesmen : Yes sir of course its important.
Sanskar become more angry on Swara.
Sanskar : ( in mind) This girl can't do a single thing properly. ( angrily).
Salesmen : Tell fast sir we have other customers too.
Sanskar : ( rudely) Wait! You will get amount of waiting.
Salesmen gulp seeing his anger nod yes.
Sanskar think something call someone.
Other side!
In SwaSan 's Room!
Swara is watching TV which she asked from Sanskar to arrange for passing her time. just then listen sound of unbolted door become happy thinking Sanskar came with her things get up from bed move toward door.
But become shocked seeing Sapna coming inside seeing her she immediately rush inside.
Sapna come inside of room see Swara arranging bedsheet covering her face with veil. Swara sigh in relief in veil who put veil on time seeing her.
Sapna : Arey aarti you wear veil in room also?
Swara become confused and nervous what to answer her.
Sapna : oh I remembered! Nathulal jii told that you are keeping manat that you will wear veil for one year.
Swara 's eyes widened listening her.
Swara : ( in mind make faces) He such a story maker.
Swara just nod yes in agreement.
Swara : Thare ko kuch chahiye seh. ( try to speak maarvaadi but herself make bad faces at her bad maarvaadi).
Sapna : Oh I forgot for what I came. ( hit her head) Here take this your husband 's call.
Swara : ( confused) Husband? Which husband? ( in flow).
Sapna become shocked listening her. Sanskar who is on call become angry listening her.
Sanskar : ( in mind angrily) this mad girl will spoil my plan.
Sapna go little side take phone.
Sapna : Nathulal ji! Seems your wife is so much angry. She is denying you as her husband.
Sanskar : ( getting hell angry on Swara but hide) Mane bataya seh na Bhabbi ji. Mahari bindni mahare se gussa hai kyuki maih use hamesha band karke jata hoon. Par main bhi majbur su Bhbahi ji. Aap toh Jane so kaise uska bhai use dhund mahare ko mahari bindni se alag karna chave se.
Sapna : I can understand you Nathulal ji. How being a brother someone can stoop so low to separate two lovers like this. ( angrily) but you don't worry. I will not let this happen. Me and my husband are with you.
Sanskar : Bahut bahut shukriya Bhabbi ji. Ab je phone mahari bindni ko de dijiye aur bahar se tala laga do. Main mahari bindni bina reh na saku. ( cry fake).
Sapna : No don't cry Nathulal ji. No one will able to separate you both. I am giving phone to her.
Sapna come toward Swara who is looking at her weirdly unable to hear her conversation because of distance.
Sapna : Aarti now talk to your husband . He loves you so much. You should try to understand.
Swara : ( dumbfounded) which husband?
Sapna : Aarti! I know you are angry on your husband and it's every wife 's right but still anger is on one side and love other side. Now talk. ( saying this put phone on her ear).
Swara : but..... ( stop hearing call).
Sanskar : ( while greeting teeth) Main hoon thara bind Nathulal. Something remembered or not?
Swara become shocked listening his words. Reality hit her that for her he is her kidnapper but for landlord he is her husband. Swara gulp her saliva in fear from his anger.
Sapna : Now I am going. You talk. ( smile).
Swara nod yes with fake smile. Sapna go out from room locked house from outside as per words of Sanskar.
Swara : ( fumbled) actually.....
What the hell is this Swara!!!!!
Sanskar shouts loudly on her angrily. Swara take off phone from her ears with close eyes listening his loud voice.
In shop Sanskar who shouted on Swara. His gaze fall on people around him looking at him shockingly. A girl who was trying lipstick become scared eat it in nervousness. A small kid start crying. Her mother glare Sanskar for shouting. He calm himself seeing crowd 's gaze on him glare all seeing his glare all avert their gaze from him.
Sanskar : ( angrily in low tone) what the hell is this Swara? What you were uttering to that lady? If she suspected then? Because of you my whole plan would be ruined.
Swara : Relax! Nothing happened na then why you are raising your blood pressure.
Sanskar : you!! ( become angry listening her).
Swara : ( cut his words) why you called?
Sanskar : ( angrily) you gave me a long list of your things but who will write your bra size? ( feels embarrassed uttering this make her shocked).
Swara : ( bite her tongue while remembering her list) I am sorry actually I forgot to wrote.
Sanskar : ( angrily) Now tell fast what's your size. I don't have whole day for your shopping.
Swara : ( make faces at his scolding) It's 32. ( open mouth to speak but without listening her reply he cut call) why he don't listen to me complete. ( angrily) let it be. He only will call back.
In shop, Sanskar told about her size. Salesmen packed it then read next looks at Sanskar who is already glaring at him. Salesmen gulp to ask again.
Sanskar : ( rudely) now what?
Salesmen : Here only whisper is written. Tell which size she want and which one packet? ( while showing line of variety sanitary pads).
Sanskar become shocked seeing this. He close eyes angrily greet teeth again dial number.
Other side!
Swara who is watching tv see phone make face that she knew it. She picked it for taunting him but before her he shouts loudly on her due to she jump from her place.
Sanskar : ( angrily) when you we're making list. You left your eyes and brain on terrace for drying.
Sanskar who shouted on her see all again start looking at him. He gulp his anger while closing eyes.
Sanskar : ( while greeting teeth) every single thing is incomplete in this list. You gave this list to me for fill in the blanks.
Swara : ( angrily) Its not my fault. It's your fault.
Sanskar : ( become more angry listening her) Oh really how?
Swara : See before being kidnapped. I used to buy everything by my own. I never made any list. ( while shrugged off her shoulders) but after you kidnapped me. Everything become messed that now me! Swara Bose is giving list to someone for shopping. I am enough for my shopping but you only bounded me for this and about list. I am not experienced.
Sanskar : wow! What a excellent way of covering your mistake. ( tauntingly).
Swara : I am not covering....
Sanskar : Shut up and utter your incomplete things.
Swara : ( angry) You gave phone to Salesmen. I will tell him by myself. You don't need to be worry about it.
Sanskar : ( become hell angry) what? ( gets angry with her words of telling someone else about her personal things not him) You are not going to tell that salesmen. You say to me. I will pass it. ( while trying to calm his anger).
Swara : but....
Sanskar : what I said do. ( rudely orderly).
Swara greet teeth at his demanding tone but calm herself tell everything which is incomplete. Sanskar tell everything to Salesmen. After getting information from her.
Swara : Thank you.
Sanskar : ( while greeting teeth) I will give your welcome at home.
Swara gulp listening him. She open mouth to say something but he cut call.
Swara : Now what this beast will do? Durga maa why you made him this much angry bird? Sometime I feel there is no need to boil something on gas. His head is enough which always boil only. ( make faces) If my dida would be there. She would surely beat him for always behaving rude with me but ( become sad remembering her mother and dida) I am missing you both.
Her eyes become glassy remembering them just then her eyes fall on phone beside her. Her eyes shines thinking something. She immediately picked it dial her home phone number. She is smiling but her smile fade hearing this.
No calling service is provided on this number.
Swara become confused again dial number but again same response. She try 3, 4 times but all time only same response.
Just then phone ring. Swara see number find its of Sanskar only which she picked 2 times.
Swara : Why he is calling now? ( irritatedly) May be something else also missed but I told him everything. ( confused).
She think for a while picked it immediately.
Sanskar : what do you thought? I gave you phone this much easily so you able to contact with your family or lover? Miss Swara Bose I knew it you will try something like this only.
Swara : what i did? What are you speaking? ( try to cover).
Sanskar : ( laugh devilishly) Don't behave like naive when you are not. I know you called at your home. But sorry for disappointing you Miss Swara Bose! I gave you phone for sure but without any calling service. You can pick the call but can't call back.
Swara : ( become shocked) what?
Sanskar : Yes what do you thought? It's this much easy to come out my trap. Miss Swara Bose you are entangled in my net and you can't come out from it whether you do anything so better leave this false attempt because in result you will not get anything.
Swara become angry listening him suddenly think something.
Swara : ( confused) but how you came to know that I called at home? ( think something looks here and there) Don't tell me you fixed cameras in my room? ( become angry) how you can fix camera in a girl 's room?
Sanskar : It's our room. ( correct her) If you are forgetting let me remind you. I also stay with you and about fixed cameras in room so I don't need camera for knowing what you can do or not?
Swara : ( confused yet angry listening his words) how?
Sanskar : ( smirk) because I know how your mind works. Now stop using your extra smart mind so take this thought out that you can come out from my trap. Understood!!
Swara shoot dragger at him listening this. She try to speak but he cut call. Swara become hell angry throw phone aside in anger.
Just then message beep which gain Swara 's attention.
She looks and find msg.
Don't throw it. It's Sanskar Maheshwari 's phone. Respect it understood!
Swara roll eyes reading his message angrily looks at phone angrily.
Swara : ( hold phone angrily) Your boss was less that now you also came for troubling me. You know I am feeling to crush you now itself but I have to keep you with me as your boss gave order to take care of his baby phone.
She put it on phone angrily.
At evening!
Sanskar come at home call Swara 's name. Swara who is making tea in kitchen listen his voice become happy.
She immediately come out from kitchen go toward him forward hand to grab packets from Sanskar 's hand.
Sanskar : your hand. ( roughly) go and wash your hands.
Swara see her hand which is filled with haldi as she is making pakora too bite tongue rush toward kitchen come after washing hand again forward hand for grabbing packets but with another hand Sanskar show her handkerchief.
Sanskar : wipe your hand first. ( orderly).
Swara roll eyes at his hold handkerchief wipe her hands put it on his hand back take packets from another hand run inside of room leave Sanskar shocked by her excitement. He shook head at her also go behind her.
Sanskar come in room see Swara who is checking everything while taking it out trying her teddy bear wale hairbands in front of mirror happily. she is looking like a kid who is happy getting her wish things.
A amuse smile spread on Sanskar 's face seeing her but soon he recover it.
Sanskar : Miss Swara Bose this is the last time when I brought these things. Next time I will not bring this. ( orderly).
Swara : ( who is looking herself in mirror look at him surprisingly) that's mean after one month you will leave me?
This line somewhere pinch his soul.
Sanskar : ( angrily) who said?
Swara : You only are saying that you will not bring these things next time.
Sanskar : Yes I said then how this two things can coordinate?
Swara : Look! You said just now that you will not bring this things again. I made you bought my things of 1 month but after month also I will need all but you are denying to buy that's means you will leave me right?
Sanskar looking at her with what the hell are she is speaking.
Sanskar : ( angrily) This is not gonna happen. I will not let you go anywhere. understood! ( shouts angrily) and about your things I will look after it. Do you have any more problem?
Swara who is looking at him with widened eyes shockingly nod yes vigorously who again shouted on her.
Sanskar become angry seeing her nodding yes on his question.
Sanskar : what problem you have now? ( angrily).
Swara : but One day I will go to my home.
Sanskar 's clenched his fist tightly hearing her words. He feels something tear inside him by her words. He turn to go but stop hearing Swara.
Swara : How more you will keep me here with you?
Suddenly gasped when Sanskar pin her on wall putting palm on her mouth. Swara 's eyes become widened at his this act.
Sanskar : angrily shouts) whole life. Did you listen? ( shouts) whole life. I will not let you go anywhere.
Swara become shocked listening his answer. She looks at him shockingly with widened eyes. Sanskar looks at her eyes deeply. He looks at her whole lost in her eyes.
Swara looks at him then his palm following her gaze Sanskar come in sense. He quickly remove his palm from her mouth depart from her.
Sanskar : I mean for my revenge. I need you. You are pawn of my chess. So you will stay here only. ( Swara try to speak more) now no more question otherwise I will throw these all things outside. ( in threating tone).
Swara become worried listening this immediately sit on bed taking all packets in her hand give a tight smile.
Sanskar who was threating her in anger become amused seeing her antics shook head go in washroom after taking his clothes.
Swara : ( angrily) what he think of himself? All time keep on shouting. Sometime I feel with such a intensity he always shout. One day his throat will be blast.
You spoke something.
Swara who is busy in cursing him become shocked listening his voice immediately looks find him standing on door glaring at her.
Sanskar : You were saying something? ( while glaring her).
Swara : ( fake laugh) I was saying how much polite you speak. I mean this much politeness that its melt everyone.
Sanskar roll eyes at her white lie who listened her when he came for towel. He march toward her dangerously make her gulp. She close eyes in fear.
Sanskar who marching toward her see her closing eyes. A innocence is visible on her face. He avert his gaze from her go toward cupboard take towel looks at Swara who is still with tight closed eyes sitting shook head close cupboard making noise. Swara instantly open eyes see him standing near cupboard holding towel. He just look at her for a while without saying anything go in washroom again.
Swara : ( sigh in relief) Thank God otherwise his shouting again would be started.
After speaking look at door sigh seeing it closed scrunch nose angrily.
After sometime!
Sanskar come out from washroom changed in casual clothe. His eyes fall on Swara who is sitting wearing her teddy bear hairbands which making her look cute.
He stand in front of mirror combing his hairs but his eyes are on Swara who is watching shinchain laughing whole heartily. He feels his eyes freeze on her. Her laugh is so pure like a kid. He gazing at her without blinking eyes holding comb in his hand.
He come in sense when comb fall from his hand and fall on floor. Swara also looks at him listening sound. He looks at her then fallen comb.
Swara : You came! Come I made tea for you also.
But Sanskar just nod yes bend down pick comb start combing it without looking at her. Swara roll eyes at his weird behavior again start watching cartoon shrugging off her shoulders happily.
After combing Sanskar come near bed sit on it as tea is placed on table in front of bed. He hold his tea.
Swara : ( while forwarding plate, politely) You also have pakore.
Sanskar feels good hearing her forward hand to take it but suddenly Swara 's eyes fall on TV.
Sanskar who about to take pakore but before it Swara abruptly take it back while looking at tv. Sanskar greet teeth angrily seeing this turn his face side start having tea while glaring her who is watching her cartoon.
Swara : Awww shinchain is so cute.
Sanskar looks at her listening her see Tv find a cartoon kid dancing crazily remembered her dance. Swara also matching his dancing while sitting.
Mera Naam Bhi Shin Chan Hai,
Mein Shararat Se Bhara, Badi Mushkil Mein Padi
Meri Family Nohara....
Swara copy style of Shinchain in tv while singing along.
C'mon Baby C'mon Baby
Aao Karen Dance Shuru, Zorse Ghume Hum Tum Jhoome
Nacho Nacho
Dekho Sabko Hila Doon (oh shin chan)
While singing Swara raise her hand from side which hit Sanskar ' shoulder. Swara become shocked by this looks at him who is glaring at her angrily. Swara fake laugh at him while showing her full teeth. Sanskar glare her more angrily.
He open mouth to shout but before him Swara forward pakora plate again in front of him giving extra sweet smile. Sanskar looks at her for a while forward hand to take.
But before it Swara see tv shockingly take off plate back.
Swara : ( angrily) why adds came now? ( make faces).
Unaware from Sanskar who looking at her angrily.
Swara : ( without looking at him gazing at TV forward plate again) Have na.
Sanskar : ( roll eyes angrily greet teeth) I don't want to have.
Swara : Okay. ( while looking at Tv).
This make Sanskar more angry seeing her behaving like he is not existing for him. He glare her deadly.
He get up from bed taking cup of tea go in kitchen.
Soon come out taking a knife in his hand. He looks at Swara who is enjoying cartoon happily after a wait of add. A devilish smirk come on his lips. He forward toward her dangerously.
Swara who is engrossed in tv become shocked seeing Tv gets switch off. She looks at Sanskar who cut wire of tv looking at her with smirk.
Swara : ( angrily) Sanskar! Are you mad? What you did? Why you cut the wire? Now how I will watch my shinchain?
Sanskar : I cut it so you don't able to watch shinchain. ( angrily).
Swara : ( become angry listening him) first you had problem with me now you have problem with my shinchain also. What the hell are you? ( angrily).
Sanskar become angry listening her shinchain from her mouth forward angrily toward her.
Swara : ( stammer seeing his coming toward her) I was saying why you cut the wire of Tv when you yourself placed it here.
Sanskar : Yes I placed it but now I changed my mind. Now you will not watch Tv. ( orderly).
Swara become shocked listening him make cry face to him.
Swara : Sanskar please let me watch it. What I will do whole day all alone in this room?
Sanskar : Alone? How you are alone. I am here with you.
Swara : ( make faces murmur) You! You stay or not is equal except shouting what you know?
Sanskar : what you said? ( angrily).
Swara : ( startled by his shout) I was saying..
Sanskar : No more discussion on this. You will not watch Tv that's it. ( orderly).
Swara looks at him angrily while shooting draggers through eyes.
Swara : ( angry but while greeting teeth) why you are like this?
Sanskar : what?
Swara : Like this. ( while pointing toward him) you always shout and only. Don't you know how to speak polite?
Sanskar become angry listening her.
Swara : see now again you become angry. all time in angry mood. How you manage to stay in only one expression. Like This. ( make cold face like Sanskar) and always order. ( mimic like Sanskar) No more discussion on this whatever I said is written word of stone. I mean seriously? This much dictator was not even Hitler the way you are and now you cut the wire of my Tv. I mean seriously you also don't laugh and also not let anyone laugh. What's nonsense? ( angrily).
Sanskar glaring her deadly listening her words.
Swara : What do you think by laughing your teeth will come out? In fact by smiling and laugh you will become more handsome .
Sanskar greet teeth angrily listening her move toward her seeing him coming. Swara take two steps back being scared.
Swara : It's okay if you don't want to laugh. You keep your angry bird face. This face has also charm. Keep it up.
Saying this she run out from room to kitchen before Sanskar catch her and scold her.
Sanskar who was going to hold her become shocked seeing her run away. He roll eyes angrily. His eyes fall on mirror look himself remembered Swara 's words.
He try to smile while stretching his lips. He try again and again for smiling by stretching lips.
Good try. You can do it.
Sanskar come in sense looks find Swara who peeping from kitchen showing thumbs to him. He greet teeth angrily run toward her but she immediately hide in kitchen. He stop near door of room looks her who start washing plates for ignoring him.
A amused smile appear on his face.
Sanskar : this girl is mad. ( murmur with smile).
At night!
Sanskar get with jerk from sleep sweating badly. His breaths are uneven indicating he saw any nightmare.
Suddenly become shocked seeing glass of water in front of his face looks find Swara who is standing holding glass for him looking at him with concern.
Swara who was sleeping listen him shouting in dream and also how he get with jerk from his nightmare.
Swara : You saw any nightmare? ( concerned).
Sanskar looks at her remembered Laksh 's face seeing her which boiled his blood. He clenched fist tightly to calm himself. He looks at other side choose to avoid her.
Swara : Have it. ( forward water to him) you will feel relax.
Sanskar : ( looks at her then her hand) you don't need to worry about me. Go and sleep. ( rudely trying not to shout.
Swara : but Sanskar..
Sanskar : didn't heard what I am saying? Go and sleep ( angrily).
Swara : I will sleep first have this water.
Suddenly gasped when Sanskar snatch glass from her. She startled when he break it throwing it hard on floor. Swara become shocked seeing this. She become scared seeing his eyes which are burning in anger.
Swara hiss in pain when he grabbed her shoulders tightly tears brimmed in her eyes feeling pain in shoulders.
Sanskar : ( angrily) you don't understand in once what I am saying? Go away from me. Why you are getting interested in my life? You don't need to worry about you. Keep your concern with yourself and store it for your lover whose life is messed right now. Who is searching you. Keep your concern for him.
Swara : ( crying) what wrong I did with you that you always behave like this with me.
Sanskar : ( shouts) but your so called lover did. He snatched my love from me. Whom I love the most. She was my life but your lover snatched her from me. She was my everything.
A long tear escape from his eyes which fall on Swara 's hand . She looks at her hand shockingly then at Sanskar who looking at her with teary eyes. Before she speak anything he leave her turn his face to other side while facing his back to her who is looking at her deeply.
Swara : ( in mind) devil also can cry. First time seeing. How anyone can love someone this much that even when she is not present in his life still his heart is only beating her name. How someone love can be this much deep?
She is seeing sea of love in his eyes for his beloved which touched her heart.
Swara : Sanskar! How long you will stay with this pain inside you? I am not saying to take her love from your heart but at least don't punish yourself. Don't burn yourself in this fire.
Sanskar : ( laugh mockingly) easy to preach but difficult to follow.
Swara : nothing is difficult Sanskar. You can come out from it.
Sanskar : ( turn looks at her) oh really? ( Swara nod yes to him) looks at this broken pieces of this glass. Can you make it just like it was earlier? ( Swara become shocked listening him) what happened say? You can't because the damage which happened can't heal again.
He start going but stop seeing Swara who bend down start collecting broken pieces of glass.
Sanskar : ( angrily) are you mad? What are you doing? Leave this.
Swara : ( while collecting glass) You only said can I joint again so I am joining it.
Sanskar : ( shouts) what rubbish is this? This is impossible.
Swara : ( firmly) nothing is impossible and this will prove to you. One day I will joint this and will prove to you. Healing is possible.
Sanskar become shocked listening her reply.
Scene freeze on their face.
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With love ❤️
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