Shot 10
Hello dear readers!
Come with another shot ❤ Hope you all will like ❤
Recap : Twist and turns and finally SwaSan Union and confession.
SwaSan are hugging each other while kissing. Suddenly Sanskar 's head spin because of injury on his head. His grip on Swara become loosen. Swara start falling from his grip. She become shocked. She about to fall but he hold her on nick time make her stand carefully while composing his self.
Swara see him who is standing with pale face. He is blinking eyes trying to clear the view which is getting blur. She become worried seeing him realized Laksh hit his head and arms. She feels angry on herself for behaving childish for proposal when he is not fine.
Swara : ( worriedly cups his face) Sanskar! ( tears brimmed in her eyes) I am so mad. Instead of taking you hospital. I am just burdening you for proposing. I am so mad girl.
Suddenly gasped when Sanskar put finger on her lips.
Sanskar : Ssh! Don't even dare to say this burden. It's my dream Swara which today getting fulfilled. I am not getting a single layer of pain because my heart filled with only happiness. ( while looking in her eyes deeply).
Swara looks at him emotionally seeing his love for her.
Swara : come let's go home. ( hold his shoulder's).
Sanskar : ( his eyes are getting drowsy but want to stay like this only with her) No let's stay here for some more time.
Swara : Sanskar! You are not fine. Let's go home.
Sanskar : I am fine Swara. ( while stumbling as head spinning).
Swara : Yeah I can see. How much you are fine. ( worried) Sanskar! We have whole life for spending moments but right now you need rest. Please for me let's go.
Sanskar looks at her whose eyes are teary. He take sigh nod yes slightly. Swara hold him through shoulders while Sanskar looking at her deeply. She bring him near car make him sit inside herself sit on driving seat. Sanskar looking at her intensely put his head on her shoulders close eyes feeling peace. Swara caress his hairs emotionally drive fast being worried for him.
In Maheshwari House!
Sanskar open eyes slowly. His hand forward toward his head feeling something find bandage. He looks find his arms has also bandage looks find no one. His eyes are searching Swara. He feels her strong presence looks at his side find Swara sitting beside him looking down with teary eyes.
Sanskar : Swara! ( faintly call her).
Swara looks at him hearing his voice smile through tears seeing him awaked who was hell worried seeing him faint in car. she immediately hug him start crying in his arm. Sanskar close eyes wrap his hand around her shoulders.
Sanskar : I am fine Swara! Don't cry. ( his heart pinching seeing her crying).
Swara : ( cups his face with teary eyes) Are you fine? ( Sanskar blink his eyes in assurance) I am sorry...
Sanskar put palm on her mouth nod no. He wipe her tears with his finger.
Sanskar : Do you want to give me pain?
Swara : Pain? Are you feeling pain? ( worried touch his arms and head).
Sanskar : ( hold her hand) not here! Here. ( point toward his heart) your this big big eyes are my world. Which made me fall for you in only one sight. ( while remembering when he saw her eyes first time) I want to see myself in this eyes and only me not this tears.
He said last line while wiping her tears who is looking at him being overwhelmed. She hug him. He hug her back.
Suddenly something strike Swara 's mind. She become upset broke hug. Sanskar see her worried face.
Sanskar : what happened?
Swara : I am getting so worried Sanskar. ( worriedly).
Sanskar : (himself also gets worried seeing her worried) what happened? Everything is fine now then what's wrong?
Swara : Sanskar! I am worried about your family will accept me or not. ( worried).
Sanskar : ( shook head with irritated face) are you serious Swara? I thought you are worried for something big. but you are worried for this matter.
Swara : What you want to say that this matter is not big?
Sanskar : ( angrily) of course not! My family likes you. Why they will not accept you?
Swara : I know they likes me. Even your mother accepted me. ( while narrating flashback where Sujata supported her).
Sanskar : then what's wrong? ( dumbfounded).
Swara : Sanskar! I am just worried that might your mother accepted me but what if anytime this thought come in her mind that I was Laksh 's fiancee and now we both are together...
Her words stuck in her throat when Sanskar pull her hand angrily toward him hearing her words glare her angrily who is looking at him with widened eyes.
Sanskar : ( angrily) don't you dare to refer yourself his fiancee.
Swara for the first feels good seeing his anger which showing his possessiveness.
Sanskar who looking at her angrily gasped when Swara peck on his cheeks. She smile at him. He looks at her amusingly.
Sanskar : I am scolding not loving you that you are smiling.
Swara : but I feel only love in your all gestures. ( smiling).
A slight smile on appear on his face listening her.
Swara : I am sorry. ( cutely).
Sanskar smile at her the way she is asking sorry. He can't control himself from smiling. He kiss on her forehead. She hug him smiling.
Swara : Sanskar!
Sanskar : Hmm. ( hugging her tightly).
Swara : Will your family accept me?
Sanskar : ( roll eyes) not again Swara.
Swara : Sanskar! Think from a girl POV. I have to stay with your family whole life. I want them to accept me whole heartily. After marriage my relation will not only bind with you. It will bind with your family as well. I want them to accept me whole heartily not in any pressure or your happiness sake.
Sanskar open mouth to speak...
But we accepted you whole heartily only Swara.
Both looks find whole family are standing ( except Gadodia family) smiling at them. Swara make distance from Sanskar seeing them which frown him.
Sujata : Swara I didn't only accepted you because Sanskar loves you. I want you because I know my son cant get better girl then you who understand his silence too. Who know him this much not even this much he know himself. Not only my son we are blessed that God send you in my son 's life.
Swara looks at her amusingly hearing her words.
Sujata : what? Why you are shocked? What do you think that we never saw what was cooking in you both from many days? ( SwaSan looks at her shockingly) Might you both didn't realized you feelings that time but we knew from the day first when you both entered in Baadi that something is surely in both which joining you both. ( teasingly make SwaSan more shocked) isn't Sharmistra ji and Kakisa?
Sharmistra and dida nod yes smiling.
Sharmistra : from the day first when Swara entered in Baadi. I saw a changed Swara. Her care for Sanskar. When she took stand for him against whole family. Everything made me feel that this can't be only her stand was for right. It was something else . 'love '.
SwaSan become shocked hearing her.
Swara : that's means you trio knew about our feeling's before us?
trio : ( nod yes with smile) Because we are mothers and know how to read eyes of our children's understood!
Swara smile listening this. Sanskar also slightly smile at them.
Suddenly Swara notice something which make her shocked. She see Sharmistra 's neck is empty. There is no mangalsutra. She looks at her hairline which has no vermilion which make her worried.
Swara : Maa! Where is your mangalsutra and vermilion? ( as she knows her mother never remove it).
Suddenly notice Gadodia family also not present which make her more worried.
Swara : Maa where are baba, Ragini, dada, dadi?
Sharmistra 's face 's color fade hearing her.
Swara : ( worried) what happened Maa? Why you are silent? Is everything alright?
Sharmistra : Yes Shona everything is fine now. ( deeply) because today I corrected my life 's biggest mistake.
Swara : what? What are you saying?
Dida, SujRam feels sad for Sharmistra remembering what happened after Swara went for searching Sanskar. Sanskar looking at this confusingly.
Swara : Please speak up Maa! What happened? Where is my baba?
Sharmistra : He is no more your baba Shona. ( this make Swara shocked) from now only me and Maa only your mother and father both.
Swara : ( becoming more worried hearing her) Maa! What had happened? Is something happened after my going?
Sharmistra : ( nod yes) after your going I came to know that my decision of accepting Shekhar was my life 's biggest mistake. I was mad who didn't thought which man didn't accepted me and my daughter 20 years ago. How he can accept me after 20 years.
She said last line with pain. She remembered what happened after her going for search of Sanskar.
Parvati move to go behind Swara but Sharmistra hold her hand make her stop. She looks at her angrily for holding her hand raise her hand for slapping her but Dida stop her.
Dida : ( angrily) don't you dare to slap my daughter marvadan.
Parvati looks at her fuming. She about to shout but stop seeing Shekhar who sign her to stop which noticed by Sharmistra. First she feel he is taking stand for her which make her feel happy but soon her mind click the way he is signing her is showing something else. He sign her to come. She nod yes slightly.
She go from there after her going Shekhar and Ragini also go behind her while excusing they are going to calm her.
Parvati : ( angrily shouts) Shekhar! Why you stopped me? First that Swara run away and now this Sharmistra was eyeing me.
Shekhar : Maa calm down.
Parvati : ( angrily) calm down? How I can be calm down Shekhar? That Swara ruin our respect by running from mandap.
Shekhar : but Maa it's for our benefit only. ( Parvati looks at him confusingly) Ragini loves Laksh and wants to marry him. But you denied because you didn't wanted her to marry that guy who loves Swara. But now everything is clear. Swara run away for that Sanskar now Line is clear. Laksh is only for Ragini now .
Parvati : ( angrily) But Laksh love Swara. He will not accept Ragini.
Shekhar : Maa he don't love her. Swara only allured him by her beauty. He is a gem and Swara! She is a characterless girl who first allured Laksh then Sanskar and after him she can allure someone else also. She is not a marriage material. Laksh also will realize after her going. I am ashamed that she is my daughter.
Ragini : Yes Maa that Swara is disgusting girl. She snatched my love from me but today I got a chance for getting my love. Please help me.
Shekhar : Yes Maa!
Parvati : ( angrily) You spoke right! That Swara don't deserve to become of anyone daughter in law and wife. I was only mad who wanted her to marry Laksh.
Shekhar : Maa that characterless girl only can become slut not anyone wife..
His words remain in his mouth feels burning sensation on his cheeks find Sharmistra who slapped him hard angrily. Trio become shocked seeing her.
Sharmistra : ( angrily) I didn't knew that you trio hate my daughter this much. I thought I am giving my daughter her father whose love she craved from her childhood but this father is black spot on father's name who is saying her daughter SLUT.
Shekhar : ( shouts angrily for slapping him) Misthi!!
Sharmistra : ( shouts more then him) Shut up! Don't you dare to utter my name from your mouth. You lost every rights on me Mr Shekhar Gadodia. I was only mad who thought that I am giving my daughter her father but I forgot you are a spineless man who didn't had guts to accept me earlier. How that man can accept me and my daughter now.
Shekhar : Sharmistra don't forget you are talking in front of your husband. ( angrily).
Sharmistra : ( mockingly) husband!
She break her mangalsutra throw on his face.
Sharmistra : I don't want a spineless as my husband. I don't want that men who can't become my daughter 's father. ( shouts) and yeah! You were angry on my daughter for snatching your daughter's love right? Go and make marry your daughters to whomever you want now.
She go from there.
Swara looking at her shockingly with tears for her she broke relation with Shekhar whom she love.
Swara : Maa! For me you left baba. ( teary eyes).
Sharmistra : (cups her face) for you only I accepted that man Shona and don't even think to blame yourself. Mistake is mine. I didn't thought if I can raise my daughter whole 20 years then why I need her father who didn't had courage to accept us earlier.
Swara looks at him teary eyes.
Sharmistra : ( while wiping her tears) We trio are enough for each other.
Dida also come caress her hair. Swara hug them emotionally.
Sanskar is looking down with rage remembering Shekhar 's disgusted words for Swara.
Sujata : ( for cheering their mood) Now when everything is fine. I want SwaSan marriage as soon as possible.
A slight blush appear on Swara 's face hearing this.
Sharmistra : You said absolutely correct Sujata ji. I also want this. ( caressing Swara 's face).
Sujata : then it's final! Ram ji tomorrow call pandit ji for shub murahat for their marriage.
Sanskar : There is no need to take out any muhrat mom. ( Sujata and all looks at him confusingly) I will marry Swara now only in this mandap itself. ( determined).
This make all shocked.
Sujata : but Sanskar! How this much soon marriage can done and that too without any rituals.
Sanskar : ( looks at Swara deeply) we already done all marriage rituals Maa.
Swara looks at him understand what he is saying. Both remembered their engagement, accidental haldi, and mehnadi. A smile appear on their face remembering it. Both look each other deeply.
Sujata : when?
This broke SwaSan 's eye lock. They looks find whole family are staring them confusingly.
Sanskar take sigh narrate how accidental they completed all rituals with each other. Family looks at them shockingly yet with admiration. Swara smile looking down.
Sanskar : Now only marriage is left. Which we will do now only.
Swara : ( concerned for him) but Sanskar you are not fine now.
Sanskar : I am absolutely fine Swara. Already I waited 5 years now I can't wait a single moment more. I want to make you mine so no one able to separate us.
Swara looks at him emotionally.
Sujata : but Sanskar guests already left. How marriage will done?
Sanskar : Mom! For marriage only me and Swara is needed and we both are here and for blessings you all are here so there is nothing else need.
Sujata nod yes with smile.
All family adore his love for her and agreed for their marriage.
SwaSan share a sweet eye lock.
Scene spilt to Swara 's Room where Sujata, Sharmistra, Dida, Uttara, Parineeta making her ready for marriage. Swara smiling dreamily. She is feeling herself top of the world as now she is getting ready for becoming Sanskar 's bride whom she love immensely.
She raise her eyes find Sanskar come inside room looking at her intensely.
Sanskar : You all leave it. I will make Swara ready.
Ladies smile teasing at him which made Swara blush.
Sanskar : what? Swara is my bride so it's my right to make her ready. ( in his as usual tough tough tone).
Swara roll eyes as he never can speak soft. Ladies nod yes chuckling go out from room.
He come forward toward Swara while looking at her intensely. She is looking down while her heart beat getting fast listening his footstep. He smirk seeing his effect on her bend down near her ear leave his hot breath near her ears make her clutch her bridal dress.
Sanskar : Swara! ( huskily near her ear).
Swara open eyes looks him through mirror become mesmerized seeing him groom dress in which he is looking handsome and mesmerising.
Sanskar : ( place his chin on her shoulders) Now you are looking Sanskar Maheshwari 's bride.
Swara smile at him remembered how he gifted her this bridal dress which he bought 5 years ago for his love and accidentally he never gave this to Kavita. In rush they eloped in which he forgot to give this bridal dress to her.
Sanskar : Now I got it. Why I forgot to give this bridal dress to Kavita. Because this dress and me both meant to be only yours. ( intensely).
Swara feels touched by his words looks at him deeply. He hold earrings from table make her wear it while looking at her intensely. Both are sharing a intense eye lock. He hold bangles which he gifted make her wear it softly around her wrist. She admire him deeply.
She close eyes when he place soft kiss on her wrist open it find him staring her intensely. He kiss on her palm on his name intensely make her smile widely. She remembered how he hide his name earlier. She smile seeing this.
He pick a beautiful small bindi put it on her forehead. He hold her duppata put it on her head while looking at her intensely.
Sanskar while getting up forward hand toward her. Swara see him then his hand smile at him happily put hand on his hand. Both come out from room.
At Mandap!
SwaSan are sitting on mandap while family are standing around them. Pandit chanting mantras. SwaSan look each other deeply. Their eyes are conveying their love for each other.
Sanskar forward hand as per words of Pandit. Swara put hand on his hand. They look each other emotionally yet happily. They pour things in holy fire.
Pandit told them to stand. They stand up take 7 vows around fire while looking each other passionately. Their eyes are conveying the depth of their love who are not only taking vows. They are living every vows.
After 7 vows. Pandit give vermilion box to Sanskar. He take pinch of it adore her hairline with his name of vermilion. He hold Mangalsutra adore it around her neck. Swara hold her mangalsutra smile through tears looks who already looking at her intensely.
He is admiring her who is looking complete with his name of sign. He is feeling as if she is the most beautiful bride in this whole world. Her beautiful smile increasing her beauty and her eyes today he is falling more for her eyes in which he is seeing himself. Which dream he saw from 5years. Today its fulfilled. His love become his forever.
Swara looks at him smiling. Her dream of becoming his got fulfilled. She is feeling herself blessed becoming Mrs Sanskar Maheshwari today.
They come in sense hearing Pandit voice who told them to take blessings from family. They nod yes go toward their family take their blessings. They look each other passionately.
In SwaSan 's Room!
SwaSan enter in their room become shocked seeing whole room is beautifully decorated with flowers which family did to surprise them.
Swara : Its so beautiful. ( she admire the scenario).
She see path of flower admire it walk on it admiring everything with broad smile. Sanskar on from distance admire her smile which is his most beautiful sight ever.
Suddenly she gasped when Sanskar hug from behind make her shocked. He trace his hand on her arms make her eyes close. She feels shiver by his intense touch. Her heart beat raise fast by his just simple touch.
Sanskar who well aware from her condition slightly smile. He make her turn toward him pulling her closer to him holding her waist make her breath hitched. He looks at her eyes intensely. Swara raise her eyelashes looks in his eyes. Both look each other without blinking eyes.
Sanskar remembering the very first of her eyes which made him loose his heart to every moment when he loose himself in her eyes. He looks at her eyes passionately drawn in her eyes. He without breaking eye contact lean towards her lips. Swara feels shiver seeing him coming toward her lips. She close eyes when his lips almost near her. He looks at her positive sign capture her lips in a soft kiss. He take her lower lips in his mouth kiss it softly. She also take his upper lips in her kiss him back. Both kiss each other deeply. Both are pouring their love for each other.
After being out of breath. Both broke kiss. They rest their forehead with each other with close eyes. Sanskar open eyes see her closed eyes kiss on it make it open. both are seeing each other intensely.
Sanskar forward hand toward her ears slightly caress it her neck to cheeks make her shiver. He take off her earrings lean near her ears make her breath heavily. She clutch her bridal duppata feeling butterflies in her stomach when he kiss on her earlobe softly. He take off her every jewellery one by one leave only mangalsutra and her bangles. He pick her in his arm. Swara wrap arm around his neck. Both share a intense eye lock.
He walk toward bed make her lay on it slowly slowly come on her. He looks at her passionately lean toward her. Swara turn her face shyly. He lean toward her neck.
Suddenly his head spin. He close eyes blink little but he feels pain in head. He hold his head with one hand. Swara who is waiting for his love touch feels confused seeing no response. She looks find him holding his head with one hand which made her worried.
Swara : ( worriedly) Sanskar! what happened?
Sanskar looks at her listening her voice. He hide his pain through his facial expression.
Sanskar : I am fine.
Swara : ( looks his face become angry) If you will accept that you are feeling pain. Your biceps will reduce?
Sanskar : ( looks at her shockingly) how you came to know?
Swara : you might can hide everything by your awesome acting but you can't lie to me.
This touched his soul. She get up from bed go toward drawer take it toward bed give him medicine who is looking at her with admiration in his eyes seeing her who understand him this much. She forward medicine with water.
Sanskar : Swara! I don't need medicine. I am fine.
Swara : ( orderly) Mr Sanskar Maheshwari I am not asking you. I am saying you. Have it silently.
Sanskar : are you ordering me? ( while glaring her).
Swara : Yes! Now have this.
Sanskar looks at her amusingly only she have guts to order Sanskar Maheshwari . He hold medicine gulp it with water while looking at her deeply. She take glass from his hand make him lay down on bed while he is looking at her without blinking eyes seeing her care for him.
She turn to go but stop feeling grip turn find Sanskar who holding her hand.
Sanskar : Where are you going?
Swara : on couch.
Suddenly gasped when Sanskar pull her on him make her eyes widened. He tuck her hair behind her ears.
Sanskar : Mrs Sanskar Maheshwari. now we are married and your place is here with me. ( wrap arm around her waist).
Swara : But you have injuries Sanskar. What if I hurt you? ( concerned for him).
Sanskar : You can never hurt me. ( put his one hand on her cheeks) Now sleep.
Swara : but not on you. You will feel pain.
Sanskar shook head as she will not change. He make her lay down on bed himself hug her holding her hand make her smile. Both sleep like this peacefully.
In Morning!
Sun rays fall on SwaSan who are sleeping in each others arms. Sanskar 's sleep disturb by sun rays. He frowned in sleep who got peaceful sleep only in night in her arms.
He open eyes. His eyes fall on Swara who is sleeping cutely in his arm make him smile. He drawn in her eyes 's purity which always make him forget everything and now his love is with him forever. He looks at her hairline which is adored with his name of vermilion. He slightly peck on her vermilion with close eyes.
He put her head on bed carefully turn to go but something stop him turn find him holding her small finger. This make him remembered how in apartment also. Swara used to hold his small finger in sleep.
He again peck her forehead go from there in washroom freeing his finger.
After sometime!
Swara who was sleeping get up hearing Sanskar 's painful voice. She become worried get up quickly notice its coming from washroom go toward it.
Swara : Sanskar! What happened?
Sanskar who is trying to wear his shirt in washroom but feeling pain in his arm.
Sanskar : I am fine Swara.
Swara : ( roll eyes seeing his as usual adamant nature never show his pain to anyone) Come out.
Sanskar try to speak something but again hiss in pain.
Swara : Come fast Sanskar. Please.
Listening her please. He stop take deep sigh come out from washroom. Swara see his shirt untucked. She hold his hand make him come. She hold his shirt 's button start buttoning it.
Swara : Mr Sanskar Maheshwari what do you think? That if you are SM, if you have good hot biceps then you don't feel pain. ( angrily while buttoning).
Sanskar looking at her with small laugh on his face seeing her cute scolding. She take toward him on dressing chair while he looks at her confusingly. She hold comb make him look 'what she is up to '. She hold his chin like mother hold chin of child start combing his hair make him frowned.
Sanskar : ( angrily yet slowly) Swara! What are you doing? I am not kid whom you are dressing for sending school.
Swara : ( looks at his angry face teasingly) well you are not less then any kid.
Sanskar : what? ( shouts angrily, Swara nod yes vigorously) shut up! From which angle I am looking kid to you?
Swara : from every angle look at you. You have so cute and fair cheeks just like a cute kid. (she poke her finger in his cheeks) So soft and your lips are so pink. I wish I also had such pink lips. You are so cute and your hairs so silky and soft. ( while admiring his hair poking his hairs).
Swara looks at him who is glaring her angrily make her eyes widened realized what she spoke in flow to devil. She fake laugh to him showing teeth to him in return he glare her more make her mouth shut.
Swara : Seems I spoke so much. ( murmur).
Sanskar : Yes very much. ( while greeting teeth).
Swara show him her whole teeth cutely to melt his anger. Who glare him more. She make cry face.
Swara : what punishment I will get? ( make cry face).
Sanskar : You say what punishment you want? ( glaring her).
Swara : Really? ( become happy hearing him) You punish me by saying many chocolates and puchka and allo tiki too and punish saying Swara! Eat these all. ( mimic him).
Sanskar : ( looks at her like oh Really) You are saying your punishment or reward? ( Swara make puppy face).
He looks at her puppy face with admiration in his eyes for her.
Swara : then what you will do? ( think something) you will lock me? Don't lock. ( Sanskar glare her for what she is speaking) Okay lock but at least provide food items and yeah shinchan series videos. ( Sanskar glare her more) This also you will not give to me. I am your wife can't you do this to me. ( fake emotionally).
Sanskar roll eyes. Swara who acting as if crying gasped when he pull her make her sit on his lap make her eyes widened.
Sanskar : why I will lock you? if I will lock then I will lock both of us and you know what I am trying to say. ( with naughtiness in his tone make her cheeks red realising his meaning) and about your punishment. Your punishment is. ( huskily make her breath hitched seeing him coming toward her).
He lean towards her lips intensely make her breath heavy. She close eyes . He about to place his lips on her but suddenly knock.
Sanskar greet teeth with closed eyes in irritation at his moment disturb. Swara immediately get up from his lap hearing knock go toward door open it see Ramu kaka with tea.
Ramu kaka : Bahurani. Your and bhaiyaa's tea.
Swara smile at him nod yes about to take but startled listening Sanskar.
Sanskar : who called you to come? ( angrily forward make both scared by his voice).
He see Swara who putting palm on her heart cutely scared by his angry shouts all sudden. He close eyes for calming his anger.
Sanskar : ( greet teeth) Ramu kaka! When no called you then what are you doing here?
Ramu kaka : Everyday I give tea in all rooms so. ( scared by his anger).
Sanskar : From tomorrow no need to come. My wife can make tea for both of us. Now take this tea and leave.
Swara : but now lets have it.
Sanskar : Go.
Ramu kaka immediately go taking tea.
Swara : Sanskar! Why you sent tea?
Sanskar : No need. I want to have tea from my wife 's hand tea and I don't like disturbance. ( angry).
Swara : why you always become angry Sanskar? Such a angry bird you are! ( make faces).
Sanskar : You only choose this angry bird and it's my nature. I can't change it.
He become surprise when she put palm on his cheeks.
Swara : and I don't even want you to change ever. ( smile) because I love my this angry bird only. ( saying this she kiss on his cheeks melt his angry in moment).
She hug him. Sanskar slightly smile hug her back.
In Temple!
All are standing in temple except Sanskar who is in room as he forgot his phone in room.
Sujata : Today Swara you will take out aarti.
Swara nod yes with smile who is wearing red sarre. In meantime Sanskar also come.
Sujata : Sanskar! Come here.
Sanskar : Mom! I don't believe in this all.
Swara 's smile fade hearing him. She make sad pout. Sanskar who move stop seeing her sad face.
Thaal start falling from her hand as her focus is on it. She try to hold it become shocked seeing Sanskar who hold it make her eyes widened. He give her smile make her smile happily seeing this. He hold thaal. Swara hold his hand. Both do aarti of God.
All adore them. Only she can can make him do anything.
At Dining table!
Swara is serving everyone kheer as for her first kitchen ritual. ( Sharmistra and Dida also present on dining table whom Sanskar convince for staying with them only).
She come toward Sanskar at last serve him kheer smiling yet nervous for his reaction. He give a slight smile to her take a spoon of kheer. Swara looks at him curiosity for his response but her mouth hung seeing him having kheer without giving her any reply.
All are seeing her face with chuckles who is looking at him while shooting draggers on him.
Sujata : Sanskar! How's kheer made?
Swara smile at her mother in-law for understanding her thought. She looks at her husband curiously for his response.
Sanskar : ( while having) its good. ( in non paying heed).
Swara make faces at his non romantic praise.
Swara : just good?
Sanskar : ( looks at her ) Yeah its very good. ( start having kheer again).
Swara sit down on her chair while glaring him for not giving a sweet gesture for her sweet dish.
She gasped when she feels touch on her palm. She find his hand on her palm. She looks at him shockingly who giving her little but sweet smile.
Sanskar : ( whisper near her ears) It's really good. When you will make again?
Swara : ( feels immense happiness at his simply cute gesture) when you will say.
Sanskar : I want daily with my sweet dish. ( in a double mean make Swara blushed understanding his double meaning).
Sanskar smile secretly at her blushing face make his as usual rough and tough face while Swara blushing.
Sujata : Swara! Actually in our house there is a ritual. Newly wedded bride keep fast for one day for her husband 's long life and for their relation. I wish you also will do.
Swara : I will do mom. ( smile) when I have to keep?
Sujata : tomorrow.
Swara : Okay mom. ( smiling).
Sanskar : ( who is listening their conversation with what the hell look) what okay mom? Mom! Swara will not keep fast.
Swara : but Sanskar I want to keep this fast. This is for you and our relation. ( protest).
Sanskar : I don't believe in this so you don't need to do this. ( roughly).
Sujata : Sanskar! It's our house 's ritual.
Sanskar : Mom first look at her. See after having food whole day. She is slim like stick if she will not have her food then she will fly away by small wind. ( mockingly)
Swara looks at him with open mouth hearing his words.
Swara : what do you want to say? ( angrily).
Sanskar : which you are understanding. ( in mock tone).
Swara : ( while standing from her seat) Mr Sanskar Maheshwari I am not weak okay? I am very strong. Do you forgot how I beat those 5 goons at night? ( Sanskar remembered how 5 years ago she beat goons which made him fall for her) or you forgot that too that I beat you too.
Sanskar remembered how in apartment she hit him and many times slap too.
All become shocked hearing Swara.
Sujata : what? You beaten Sanskar?
Swara : Yes mom! I beaten him and also many slapped hard on his cheeks. ( while praising herself showing her muscles).
Sanskar glare her angrily for speaking this in front of whole family. He stand from his seat. Swara see him who was showing her muscles happily become shocked seeing him glaring her. She realized what she spoke in front of all.
Swara : ( fake laugh) I was joking.
Sanskar : Oh really? ( while glaring her).
He dangerously move toward her dangerously. Swara taking step back seeing him forwarding toward her dangerously. He forwarding ahead and she is taking step back.
Before Sanskar speak something. Swara run from there toward Sujata hide behind her make cry face.
Swara : mom see naa your son always scare me.
Sujata : Sanskar! Don't scare her. (in scolding tone).
Sanskar roll eyes glare Swara who is now sticking tongue to him.
Sujata : and Sanskar! Swara will keep fast. I have trust on her. She can do this. ( take her side make her happy, she hug him sidewise happily).
Sanskar : mom! I know her more then you. This fast and all is not her cup of tea.
Swara : ( become angry hearing him) so you want to say I am incapable for this.
Sanskar : Yes!
Swara : Okay fine then I will take it as challenge and I will prove your statement wrong.
Sanskar : Oh really?
Swara : Yes let's bet. ( in confident tone).
Sanskar : I don't do this kiddish thing.
He start going but stop listening Swara.
Swara : You don't do or you feel scare from loosing? ( in challenging tone).
Sanskar : ( turn toward her glaring her) Sanskar Maheshwari don't scare from anything.
Swara : then let's bet. ( forward hand).
Sanskar : Okay fine! If you are this much fond to defeated then I am in.
Swara : correction Mr Sanskar Maheshwari not for defeating. I will win and you will loose. ( in challenging tone).
Sanskar : ( while nodding yes as oh Really) so what's the condition of this bet?
Swara : Condition is if I win you have to follow my words for whole one day and whatever I will say you have to do. ( greeting teeth).
Sanskar : Okay! and if I win you have to throw all your chocolates, your teddy bear wale hairband , your shinchan series videos everything in dustbin by your own hand.
Swara : what? ( shouts in shock).
Sanskar : Yes now say it's deal? ( smirking).
Swara drawn in thoughts hearing his threat what if she loose and she have to throw everything in dustbin. She imagined herself throwing every her things in dustbin while Sanskar is smirking standing beside her and she is crying.
Swara : No!!!!!!!!!!
All close their eyes hearing her shout including Sanskar.
Sanskar : ( angrily) why you are shouting? Or start day dreaming from now itself? ( smirk).
Swara : (become shocked listening him in mind) how he came to know?
Sanskar : So Mrs Swara Sanskar Maheshwari! Are you ready for this bet? Or you got scared before bet only? ( smirking).
Swara shoot draggers on him for his taunting tone.
Swara : No! I am ready with this bet as I know only I will win. ( put palm on his hand).
Sanskar : Okay so start packing your things from now itself for throwing. ( smirk make Swara 's mouth hung at his words, he smirk at her face start going).
Swara : Stop!
She go toward him stand in front of him.
Swara : what you said? ( angrily).
Sanskar : I said start packing your things as it will be easy for you as I only win Mrs Swara Sanskar Maheshwari.
Swara : Correction Mr Sanskar Maheshwari. I will win and you will loose.
Sanskar : Sanskar Maheshwari never loose so you ready yourself for loosing. ( smirk).
Swara : But now I will change this statement as now you will loose.
Sanskar : let's see. ( smirking).
He start going but Swara again stop him.
Swara : Where are you going?
Sanskar : I have a important.
Swara : but you have injuries.
Sanskar : driver will drive. ( Swara open mouth to speak more but he cut her words) discussion is over. ( orderly).
Saying this he go from there leaving Swara fume. She angrily sit on chair back while family are looking at her with widened eyes as she has only this guts to challenge Sanskar Maheshwari.
Swara : ( irritatedly) Mom! Why your son is hitler? When you were pregnant? You saw ziddi movie?
Sujata : Actually I saw action movies.
Swara : that's why he always remain in action. ( irritatedly) what he think of himself? Sunny deol all time shouting and only shouting.
All chuckles hearing her.
Sharmistra : Shona! Sanskar is your husband.
Swara : Maa he is devil husband. ( Sharmistra glare her in reply she make faces).
Sujata : well Swara spoke true Sharmistra ji. He is devil only even scare me sometime.
Swara : Hai naa mom? ( Sujata nod yes in agreement with angry pout) You all support me. We will raise revolt against his dictatorship.
Suddenly all face 's color drained.
Swara : what happened? Say yes. ( all looks down) arey what happened? Why you all are silent as if that devil is here only. He run away being scared from me. ( laugh turn her face at behind) ahhh!
She become shocked seeing Sanskar standing at her back glaring her. She make puppy face seeing him.
Sanskar : Wow! So you are planning to raise revolt against me? (While crossing his hand around his chest).
Swara : ( fake laugh) I was just joking. ( Sanskar nod yes like oh really).
Sanskar : and I run away being scared from you?
Swara nod no vigorously cutely. Sanskar glare her more.
Sanskar : and I shout like sunny deol?
Swara : ( laugh fake) No! Shouting and you! Never! You spoke so soft that it can melt anyone heart.
Sanskar : Oh really? ( while forwarding toward her.
Swara nod yes with fake chuckles.
Swara : by the way you went then how you come again?
Sanskar : I went but I forgot my keys and when I come to take it back. I saw my newly wedded wife is praising me.
Swara : Mom was also doing your praise. ( point toward Sujata who nod no to Sanskar vigorously point toward Swara back make her mouth hung).
Sanskar : ( roll eyes in mind) all dramebaaj in my home only.
He forward toward Swara. She make cry face close eyes nervously. Sanskar roll eyes at her act. She open eyes when he put kheer 's spoon in her mouth looks at him widened eyes.
Sanskar : ( smirk) save your energy for tomorrow 's battle as you will able to raise revolt against me or not. Its not sure but its so sure that if you unable to complete tomorrow 's battle. You have to throw your things so eat for tomorrow also.
Swara 's mouth hung listening him. Sanskar smirk at her reaction again place spoon in her mouth make her come in sense. He take his keys go out from there leave Swara shocked and worried for tomorrow.
Sharmistra : Shona! Are you sure you will able to keep yourself away from food tomorrow?
Swara : (make faces hearing her) Maa your son in law was less that you also suspecting on me.
Sujata : Sharmistra ji don't say like this. My daughter will succeed. ( smile with extra buttering).
Swara : you don't say anything mom seeing your son you changed party.
Sujata make sorry face to her.
Sujata : If he again spoke then I will scold him.
Swara : pkka? ( Sujata nod yes) and others?
Others : We also will.
Swara smile happily hearing them.
After Sometime!
In Baadi!
SwaSan and whole family stand in front of baadi. All are confused as Sanskar called them here.
Swara : ( whisper to Sanskar) why you called us here?
Sanskar : You will get to know. ( deeply) let's come inside.
They nod yes come inside. All become shocked seeing Shekhar whom people are beating badly with broom and chappals. On other side his family Dadi, Ragini also getting beaten by people except dadaji.
Swara sight goes to banners on wall.
Shekhar Gadodia is worse then a slut.
Sanskar smirk reading this line remembered his line for Swara who called her she should be slut.
Sharmistra 's eyes goes to banners in which written Ravan. Its a cartoon of his image.
He is black spot on father 's name.
He is black spot on husband 's name.
Spineless creature.
There are many banners which are pasted on wall for Shekhar. This making all shocked specially Sharmistra, Dida and Swara.
She looks at Sanskar 's face who is smirking.
Swara : ( come near him) Sanskar! You did these all?
Sanskar looks at her deeply. Swara see his eyes get her answer.
Swara : Sanskar! Why you did this? What's the need of doing this?
He remembered how he made those banners and also called women's society tells them about his deeds with proof of people of baadi who knows everything how he had relation with Sharmistra but he didn't married her and married Janki and how he did injustice with Sharmistra and Swara whole 20 years. How because of him they faced humiliation.
Sanskar : It was needed Swara. It was needed to reply this men that who is called slut.
Swara become shocked listening him. She remembered how Shekhar called her slut. Now she realizes he did this to take revenge for his words.
Sanskar : He should know that who is actually called Slut. Slut is he who don't able to take his responsibility ever. Slut is he who unable to accept his love and daughter in front of whole world. He is prostitute who sold his inner soul to his spineless nature. He is slut. ( angrily).
Swara looks at him shockingly while Sharmistra and Dida also looks at him shockingly.
Sharmistra : But Sanskar beta! If he is wrong then doesn't mean we also become bad like him.
Sanskar : No Maa! I don't believe in this. According to me who do wrong with you. He should get his reply as when we don't reply other person will never realize what wrong he did. (Make her shocked by his reply) and Maa I didn't did anything. I just show the other side of this all matter to society. As society always see which men wants to show. A girl become pregnant without marriage then society declared them as characterless and her daughter called illegitimate child why? Because her father didn't married her mother. But society never blame that men who is responsible for this. I just showed this side to society.
Swara, Sharmistra looks at him smile through tears seeing him taking stand for them.
Sharmistra : I am very happy that my daughter got you as her life partner who worth emotions. ( teary eyes).
Sanskar : ( come forward wipe her tears) no more Maa! You cried whole 20 years but not now. Now turn of tears of that men who deserve this. ( smirked while looking Shekhar who is beaten by people).
Shekhar whom people are beating badly. His eyes fall on Sanskar who is smirking understand he is behind of this. He run while making himself free from people toward Sanskar.
Shekhar : You only did this right? ( angrily).
Sanskar : ( smirked) Yes I did this.
Shekhar raise hand for slapping him but Sanskar hold it angrily slap him back on his cheeks make him shocked.
Sanskar : This slap for Sharmistra Maa whom you love but never had guts to accept her and marry another women. ( he again slap him) this for leaving a small girl for listening taunts from society of being fatherless which taunts you should listen. ( he again slap him) and this for using abusive words for my WIFE.
Shekhar become shocked hearing Wife from his mouth. He looks find Swara with vermilion and mangalsutra and Sanskar who is glaring him angrily.
Before he react something Sanskar push him in crowd of people who again start hitting him.
Sanskar : ( see Swara) I know you must be thinking I did wrong but I don't think I did wrong. I.....
He gasped when Swara hug him smiling through tears.
Swara : I love you. ( teary eyes).
She is feeling blessed to have him who raise voice for her and her mother and gave punishment to real culprit who actually deserve this humiliation not them.
Scene freeze on their face.
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