Chapter 38: Night Of Mystery And Conspiracy
In Anynang Dark Prison
Author pov
The sounds of boot tapping on the concrete was heard.... Behind him, The Deputy chief , The Police Commissioner and Jailer who are the most important personality in the jailhouse of Anynang Dark Prison is walking as they're keeping their head low..... The person who is walking in front of them, has the ultimate power..... He is the current president of South Korea, Min Yoongi and beside him, his assistant is also has come......
Who would have thought that after taking the oath to serve the nation, first thing the New president would do is step into this Prison to meet someone..... And that someone is none other than his own mother...... As he reached on his respective destination as he looked up and saw the situation with his very own eyes.....
There's The country once most beloved president, who was often called as a role model of those independent community of women, is now living a very miserable life in the Prison.... Not just in any prison..... The most high security and high maintenance And most advanced technological Prison of Korea...... The very prison where the Most-wanted criminals to Murderer and Serial killers are held......
Min Yami's youthful elegance has crushed into the webs of her misdeeds..... She is looking like a any normal prisoner of this jailhouse as she is sitting into the meeting room where criminals meet with their family.....
Min Yoongi sit on the chair opposite side of the glass as he signalled the three people to leave them alone for a moment expect Juila, his Assistant...... The Jailer doesn't wanted to leave but The president has given them a order which they're obligated to follow.... After Yoongi heard the sound of door being shut..... Yami immediately took the telephone and desperately looking at Yoongi to take his.... Yoongi leisurely took his telephone as Yami's desperate voice was heard from the other side......
Yami: Get me out of here, Yoongi!!!!! I .... I can't stay in here!!!! This isn't my place..... Yoongi, my son , please ..... I... I am your mother..... Get me out of here......
Yami's voice hold deep desperation with a hint of anxiety and pleas..... This Dark Prison isn't her place.... She never had imagined herself of being this disgusting place......
Yoongi's cold eyes are looking at his mother who is waiting for him to answer her question...... But instead, what she heard made her look at him with bewilderment..... Yoongi chuckled deeply as he amusingly said," Son??! My son??!! How Bold of you To say that!!!! Finally, after hitting puberty, you called me as your son..... Because all of this years, what I heard is I am a pathetic and shouldn't have born.... So, the stinky environment of jail made you realize that you have a son ....."
Hearing yoongi's cruel iron like words Yami immediately started to banging the glass as she pleaded," Yoongi... Please..... I am your mother..... Don't you feel a bit of sympathy for me????"
Instead of answering her question, Yoongi signalled his assistant, Julia as she put out few documents from the bag and give it to yoongi.... Yoongi slipped that document through the hole and said," Sign it!!!!!"
Yami take a look at those papers as her eyes widened seeing what the documents are actually about....... Anger rushed into her veins as Yami gritted her teeth in pure hatred towards yoongi.... Since the sympathy game didn't work, she doesn't need to pretend to be repent anymore.....
Yoongi scoffed hearing his mother's absurd remarks as he stand up and fixed his coat and dust off the non-existent dirts as he went to get out of the meeting room but before leaving, he tilted his head on the right ways and said," I want that papers sign by tomorrow.... Don't even dare to tear it off..... And it's my last time meeting you, From now on, None of us will come ..... You are Dead for us.... Me and too my little dongseng......"
And with that Yoongi went away from there finishing the relationship of Mother for once..... He is determined to find her little dongseng and has swore to give her a best life that she never would have because of the storms of their life.....
In Wings Restaurant, Busan
Yuna's pov
Yuna is sitting on the restaurant table as various delicious dishes are served but she is waiting for someone...... After few minutes, A Old woman came into the restaurant and sit on the opposite side of Yuna and asked," Yuna-aa, You called me here, is it important???? Why are you alone in here??? Where is Yoongi????"
The woman is genuinely worried for her as the baby bump of Yuna's are getting showed..... Soon, it's going to be six months..... She is pregnant and she shouldn't roam around like that..... Yuna smiled hearing those deep concerned words as she gently hold that woman's hand and said," I will be fine, Yurin-ssi..... I have to be fine.... And Yoongi has gone for some work in Seoul.... After all, he is a president now.... He can't be into hiding anymore..... Yoongi has told me to give you this...."
Yuna took out some documents , A car key and a new passport and give it to Yurin.....
Yuna: Since Childhood, you are the one who take care of Yoongi oppa, Me and Y/n..... I don't want to say thank you because it's a really small word to show you my gratitude towards you..... But we also want you to move on ...... Please take this passport and went to Vietnam.... Yoongi has prepared a a house and a car for you in there.... And it's a checkbook.... Use it as much as you want.... All we want you now is be happy wherever you will be..... And I am Greatful that you raised us and became our Mother figure...."
Yurin eyes are in tears as she started to sobbing.....
Yurin: How can I leave you alone in here??? You all are going through hell.... You are all my children..... Even though it's not blood related.... Y/n isn't found , Yoongi has became president, you are on hiding... How can I leave you all alone????
Yurin doesn't want to leave in the middle of their crisis..... She has always adored them like her own children.... How can she leave her children when they're in danger.... She still remembers how she got Yuna and Yoongi out of the blue house that engagement ceremony day..... She can't forgot that dreadful night as Yoongi wasn't on his sense..... Still, they're able to get out of the house by the secret tunnel that only she knows.....
Yuna tightly hold Yurin's hand and made her assure that they will be fine...... As they're sharing their pains, but the atmosphere of the restaurant suddenly became a little different.... The people who are eating with them are gone as a tall figure entered into the restaurant .......
His eyes went on those two person as he moved towards them and said," Looks like I found you, Yuna....."
Hearing the voice after a long time , Yuna immediately look at the source of the sound and found Seokjin standing with a few guards behind him..... Yuna immediately stand up as yurin also look up and saw Seokjin..... Seokjin's eyes went on Yuna's stomach making him frown his eyebrows..... He eyed Yuna and asked," Mine??? Is it mine, Yuna????"
Yuna doesn't want to open her mouth as she can see Seokjin is clenching his fists trying to control his anger and she knew what can happen if Seokjin goes maniac mode so, she just nodded as Seokjin went towards her and grab her arm and was about to drag her as his guard was about to put their hands on Yurin but Yuna said," Let her goo!!!! She is just my caretaker..... Don't involve her in this...."
Seokjin's icy eyes take a look at yurin as he rolled his eyes in annoyance and drag Yuna with her leaving yurin there.....
In Kim Mansion
Author pov
Sweetness of cherry blossom scent was blooming on the whole garden of Kim mansion as Namjoon went there and found Y/n who is sitting beside the tree and reading the book while enjoying the scenery...... Namjoon didn't found her in the room and after asking maids his feet went on here......
Seeing her from far gives him the nostalgia feeling of past..... But it's on different season.... The season of rain where she was drenching in the rain happily...... Namjoon has created a web of lies under her surroundings and made sure no one can reach near her with the void of truth...... He knows he did wrong.... But he is selfish..... And eager to have her warmth..... The warmth that he miss a lot....
Getting out of his property is nearly impossible for her but still he is careful...... Mainly, his concern is her brother, Min Yoongi...... Even though he despise that universe Min Yoongi with his core of his heart but he don't know about this Yoongi..... But still, he is extra careful ....... Yoongi isn't what it appears to be.... And he can't fall into the trap of his destiny .......
With the unsettling thoughts of his mind, he went towards Y/n as he slowly sat down beside her and put his head on her shoulder.... Maybe seeking for comfort and the peace that he never got......
Y/n: are you tired???
She absentmindedly asked as her eyes are on the book as hearing the question, namjoon sighed and said," So so tired..... I don't know when all of it will stop... Or it will ever stop or not....."
He said those words as he closed his eyes feeling this tranquility of this environment.... The peace that he never felt..... He wants this peace forever in his life.....
Y/n felt his sadness through his voice as he caresses his hair with her soft fingers and said," whatever it will be don't think too much.... Future's gonna be okay, Namjoon...."
That's the words that Namjoon wanted to hear.... The words of reassurance that everything is going to be fine.....
The slender fingers was touching the bare back of Hani making her feel shivers down to her spine...... Jimin shamelessly kissed her neck as he made her turn around and put her both hands above her head making her trapped on his arms as he slowly whispered," If I saw Whoring around my important guests, I will eat you alive..... You are mine, Hani.... Always remember that!!!!"
And with that he started to drag her to the hallway bar section where Jimin's important guests is coming.......
He saw his one of the important guest has arrived and enjoying the drink with some of the prostitute from his club...... Jimin went towards that person and handshake with him as he gestured him to go on more private area of his mansion which Jimin agreed......
They entered into a room as the person settled down on the sofa as Jimin asked," So, what's the next plan, Kim Hyunsik??? You whoring with Mrs. Min was still a hot topic... So, abandoning her like that didn't hurt you???? "
Hearing that question, Hyunsik laughed as he replied," she was just a warm up in bed... I used to like her but as the time goes by, it became bitter.... Moreover, I have eyes on someone else who she doesn't care a bit...... And about the next plan, He is going to explain it well after all, he is the most eager with Namjoon's destruction..... "
Both of them toast their wine glass as the night of conspiracy went away like that.....
HI!!!! My favorite slothies!!! Sorry 😔 for being late.... I became sick.... Got fever 🤒 and cold... I slept most of the yesterday and I saw the vote goal being complete in 12 hours!!!! You are 👍 great!!! Debak!!!!! I guess, I am going to expand 5 more chapters since the response is too good!!!!
Cute fanart!!!!!
VOTE GOAL: 125votes
I raise a little bit!!!! I am willing to welcome 🤗 you need chapters if you all fill it up!!!!
SARANGHAE ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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