New Start
Naruto was walking around Piltover while trying to recover from being jumped by three demons known as Fiddlesticks, Nocturne and Tahm although he was currently in his human form. He was trying his best to save up his strength by avoiding using his demonic kitsune form.
He slowly started to hear a beautiful singing voice, and he wondered who could sing that great. He slowly followed the voice to see someone using what looked to be a spray print can on a wall, she had looked wonderful to his eyes.
This woman had long black hair tied in ponytail with two brown eyes, many people would get lost in her eyes. He did know that would be a mistake and that he would need to make sure that he would not be like the rest of the fools out there.
There was also something hidden away in her eyes, emotions she barely ever showed, and a colder mindset due to her past and job-like talents. The skills she had learned over the years kept her alive, it also helped keep her friends alive as well.
She was currently wearing a tight tank top and what you could call a ridiculously small-sized pair of shorts, which was something that caused him to stare a bit. He did not know why someone would wear something that small even if he admitted her body was well toned. Her outfit did show it off very well to his eyes.
She had what looked like was a black face mask with a green sign on, it had covered up her lovely face which Naruto did want to see. He did know this was the first time he in a long time he truly looked at woman without simply walking pass them.
What he did not know was that she had hidden weapons on her body that anyone could not have thought was possible. She had a smaller chest size than he was used to seeing, which he figured was due to her being well toned.
She also had few tattoos on her body like the dragon that was taking almost entire of her back up, she truly did have a body that most women would kill for. Even so he was simply drawing in her whole look without noticing the woman waving at him.
"Tell me are you done eye raping or are you going say hello back?" The woman asked half joking while glaring at him.
"Sorry, just did not know I would find someone that singing so beautiful while destroying someone's wall like that." He joked back.
"O not another fan and tell me are you going drool over me?" She asked, "I mean everyone does that for my group." She added.
"What group would that be? I may need to find out just so I can get you to sign your name for me." Still joking along.
"You must be kidding me right because you have to be joking, have you never heard of me or my group?" She deadpan looked at him.
"No, but I do wish to know your name at least." Naruto gently asked before jumping up to the level she was at.
"Nice jump you got there, and you can me Akali, but really you don't know of K/DA?" She asked once more.
"That name sounds like something you would hear from a shooting games..." Naruto admitted before causing her to go into a laughing fit.
"I mean you aren't wrong but damn I never thought I would run into someone that didn't know who I was." She took her mask off before giving him a smile. "It is nice to finally meet someone that isn't drooling over me or asking me to sleep with them."
"I mean, normally I would ask after date or two." He once again joked, which earned him a light hit on the arm.
"How about you help me destroy this wall by making it look better?" She asked?
He nodded and the two of them started to draw with the spray cans, she had made a huge looking Japanese green dragon. On the opposite side Naruto had made a nine tailed fox that was colored orange.
"My one friend would love that artwork you did, because she is big on foxes." Akali thought of her fox friend.
"If you want, how about I take you to get a drink sometime?" Naruto offered.
"Mhm, Maybe or you go could to the party tonight that I'm stuck going to?" She countered offered.
"Sure, where is it at?" Naruto asked and she gave him her number and where the party was.
"I'll see you later and thanks again for making this a fun morning for me!" She rushed off after cleaning up the cans.
Naruto's phone started to ring before looking down to see who was calling me, the name Mundo popped up. "What's wrong Mundo, it is not like you to call randomly like this."
"Mundo got a job for you because your family told me you just moved to Piltover, and I like you to meet me at this party tonight. Mundo will tell you all about it when you get here ok?" Naruto just agreed and found it funny, it was the same party Akali told him to go to.
Later that night Naruto packed his black and red Suzuki motorcycle and looked at the place the party was at. He looked at himself in the mirror and thought he looked good with his black jacket with two golden foxes on it. His shirt was also black with red dragons and his black pants even.
His body was still hurting even so he pushed that aside and put the helm down and headed for the front door. He did know he wanted to see again, something about this woman just left him wanting to know more about her.
"This party is so damn boring!" this was from a woman sitting down on a couch.
This woman had a slim body with pale skin, long purple hair down to her rear, that many men around here kept staring at. That was the main reason she moved to the second floor to sit down and to be away from her creepy fans.
She looked at other girls near her with purple eyes that fit her perfectly. She was wearing very tight black leather pants, which fit her perfectly due to her dancing. Her high-level dancing kept her body in shape and toned, not as toned as her friend Akali.
Her top was what you could call a tight gold mixed with black bralette that was only keeping her breasts in place. It was exceedingly small even for a bralette, it was just there to fully cover her large breasts plus to keep them from popping out. She did know she had to show something while going to these parties to keep her fans from coming back even if she hated it. She was more of a shy person behind closed doors.
"I know Kai'Sa, but we have to do this in order to keep our fame high." Another woman spoke up that was sitting beside her.
The woman's hand was on Kai'Sa hip almost like she was enjoying it being there. She was a woman with shoulder length blight pink hair, two golden eyes that look to be holding much coldness to them.
She was wearing a tight light purple short dress skirt that showed off her long bare smooth longs along with a tight purple tank top. This time showed off her chest even if it was in middle sizes of Akali and Kai'Sa.
"Evelyn can we just go home now?" Akali asked, seeing the annoying guy walking over to them.
"Soon rogue soon." Eve called her by nickname while glaring at the man walking over to the couch.
"What do you want Garen?" The fourth woman asked.
This woman on the other hand looked to be wearing a red and white dress while on top of her head there was two black fur ears, along with nine furry tails. Her fox tails were her pride and joy, and she also loved her ears, she did know fans always try to grab them. She also said that Eve would always be there to stop them from touching her tails.
She had two golden-amber slit eyes with three marks on each side of her face. The dress itself was tight against her body, another thing she had to do to be famous. This dress caused much of her huge breasts to show to the world, her long legs were bare for everyone to see, which she did not mind at all.
She used her body all her life to keep herself alive, she learned that fools would do anything she wanted them to by simply showing her body. She used that along with her fox powers to get anything and everything she wanted, even if some of the things she had done in the past she regretted doing,
"Calm down Ahri," Eve did her best to calm the fox.
"I needed to talk to Akali about what my manager wanted to ask her, something that you ladies don't need to worry about." He pointed out while the two of them walked away from the group.
Soon after her parting she noticed Naruto walking in and she gave him a look for help, he just moved his head in the director of the side door exit. He put his hands to show for two minutes, and she nodded her head over to him, which caused him to walk out of the building.
After the two minutes of her having to talk with this perverted man she just looked over at the door before looking at the bar. "Why don't you get me something to drink, and we talk more about his deal in private?" She asked which he had gladly fallen for it.
While his back was turned, she rushed to the side exit door with her group staring at her before following her. Once the other women got out, they could see her putting on Naruto's helm and was on the back of his bike with him, they watched her leave the place causing eve to smirk while Ahri just shook her head.
"I don't blame her for wanting to leave yet who the hell is that man?" Ahri asked.
"I do not know Gumiho, but I know she is strong enough to be safe. Even so if he does do anything wrong to her, I'll just kill him slowly." Eve pointed out.
When the bike had stopped it was in front of a ramen stand that Akali had pointed out, he just watched her get off the bike. His eyes stayed on her while his mind wondered what she was planning, part of him didn't even care if it was nothing at all.
"This place sells the best ramen and let's eat, because I could not get chance to eat at all today due to that party." She walked inside followed by him.
When they started to eat although she noticed him still watching her and she just glared over at him causing him to smirk. "Is there something on my face or something?"
"Can't a guy just enjoy seeing a beautiful face without needing a reason to stare? I mean, you are beautiful, and that outfit really fits you." He smiled at her.
She was wearing a fancier outfit which was dress pants and black dress shirt which she hated wearing these kinds of clothes. She wished she could just wear what she was wearing when she first met him, it felt more like who she really was.
Her face had turned red due to his words, she just looked away because no one ever really talked to her that way. She always got creepy pickup lines, and she did know she enjoyed hearing him say that even if she did not even know who he was.
"I just realized you never told me your name, but you know mine which isn't fair." She pointed it out.
"You can call me Naruto, or anything else you would like. I do know I did look up to your group and your girls are surprisingly good singers. I did notice on videos how some of your fans act like and damn I don't know if I should pity you or not for how they act." He just shuddered at the comments of some of these fans left for them.
"Don't remind me and how is the food?" She did her best to change the topic.
"It's good, ramen is my favorite food, and can I ask why you needed help earlier?" Naruto asked.
"That man is a famous model, and he has been trying his best to get in my pants for months and his manger wanted us to do a photoshoot together. I do not want to, and I know my manger won't force me even if it would help our group out more, even so I will never sleep with a pig like him." She said to him before she felt his hand on her back.
She was about to glare before she realized he was rubbing her upper back in support, because he never once went lower, and she blushed before taking in this feeling. The feeling of someone beside her best friends that truly was supporting her or trying to comfort her.
"Do what you feel is right, if your group cares about you then they won't want you to do something you do not want to do. So, just keep being yourself and stay true to who you really are and never change for anyone." Naruto spoke before giving her another smile.
"Thank you and you are first person outside of my group to truly be nice to me like this without trying gain fame or something." She slowly smiled back at him.
The two of them enjoyed their food before he gave her a ride back home, he looked at where she was standing out. She was staying at a fancy hotel, and she was on the penthouse floor which was the top one.
"Come inside for a bit, they won't be back yet." Akali took his hand and slowly they walked inside.
When they got inside, they could see three women staring at her, one at glare over at Naruto almost killing level.
"I take it you girls are her roommates. It's nice to meet you, my name is Naruto." He politely spoke to them.
"Yes, you can go home now because we know your huge fan, but this isn't the time for fans to be visiting our home." Eve quickly snapped.
"He doesn't even know what K/DA is, so please don't be snappy at him eve." Akali countered.
"It's ok, I don't want cause you any trouble, so I'll just go." Naruto spoke up even if the three women were shocked.
They looked at each other like someone that doesn't know who we are. Ahri could not believe her ears while Evelyn was believing it was all a trick that he was doing. There was no way he could live in this city and not knowing who they were.
"Not just yet Naruto, Mundo need to speak with you. It has been a while since Mundo last seen you and we talked on the phone today. You were supposed to meet me but never showed? But the girls filled me in on why." A large bulky purple man walked over to them.
"I mean I met this lovely woman Akali today while she was printing on a wall and she invited me to a party, how could I turn down such a lovely offer? Then this pervert was hitting on her, so I helped her get out of the party to avoid him." Naruto just shrugged his shoulders at him.
"How bad is it? Tell Mundo and show Mundo how bad it is." He told Naruto.
"It's fine, nothing to wrong about and how do you even know what happened?" Naruto dropped his happy tone.
"Your family told me what happened and to think you try to fight all three of them on your own like a madman? Mundo is the madman here not you, so why did you do it and show Mundo the damage." He ordered this time.
Everyone was so confused watching these two men took yet what Naruto did next shocked them even more.
They watched his appearance change, he slowly had two orange fox ears and nine orange fox tails before taking his shirt off. Kai'Sa looked away while Eve was licking her lips, her eyes watching his every movement.
Ahri was shocked to see another fox like her even if he felt different then and his aura somewhat scared her. There was just something about his aura and his look that reminded her of Evelyn, which worried her.
Akali on the other hand did not know what was going on and even so she watched him take his shirt off and see his six pack and just how well built his upper body was. She was not like Evelyn yet this time she was also licking her lips.
When he undid the bandages wrapped around his chest and back, he did a spin to show Mundo how much damage his body was in. the women could not believe just how badly shape he was in and Evelyn could see his wounds healing fast, too fast for normal vastaya.
"Mundo wants to know what you were thinking when trying to fight Fiddlesticks, Nocturne and Tahm like that? You could have died, and you are lucky that Thresh was there to save your damn life." The older man had scolded the younger man.
"Wait you were crazy enough to try fighting the demon of fear! The demon of nightmares and that damn demon catfish? Are you out of your damn mind?" Eve asked while her eyes almost popped out.
"Naruto listen to Mundo pride before the fall, you are a demon kitsune and you may be the grandson of Tamamo-No-Mae, but you are still one demon. A demon of pride yes, still only one and you need to lay low which is why Mundo got you a job. The job of bodyguarding this group known as K/DA even if I do know you know nothing of music groups."
Everyone stared at their manager in shock while Akali was thinking hell yes.
How will Naruto hand being the bodyguard to the group of famous idols?
How will Ahri react to seeing a fox like herself for the first time?
How will Akali react to him being close to her all the time?
Will Eve try to kill the idiot shinobi?
Don't forget to let Snowy know what you think of this new story! Snowy always welcomes feedback from everyone! Thank you for taking the time to read this story.
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