WHAT THE HECK !!???!!?!?
Grays POV :
I woke up this morning with the biggest hangover ever but the I wondered how did I get home ...
Then I looked to my bedside and saw a note from Juvia , Ahh so she must have been the one to take me home , ah I will thank her later
The note said
" Dearest Gray-Sama , Juvia was ordered to take you home after Gray-Sama had gotten drunk at the party last night ,
Juvia hopes you sleep well Gray-Sama , she will miss you forever
Juvia loves you Gray-Sama
Gomenasai it will all make sense later
Love from Juvia xoxo"
What the Heck ??? She will miss me , where is she going ? I have to see
I threw on my clothes and ran to the guild hall and as soon as I burst in there , there was not even a sight of my beloved Juvia
She was gone ...
Just as I was thinking Gramps came out of his office and said an announcement to us all
" Listen up Brats , one of our guild members has left us today ( please don't say Juvia left , I thought ) Juvia Lockser has left Fairy Tail for some personal reasons , she left us a note last night and she has told me to give a special note to Gajeel" Master finished
Everyone was in shock as master handed Gajeel his letter and as he read it ( not out loud ) his face was furious, then sad and finally he was grinning as he walked out of the Guild with Levy and Lily behind ..
I ran out of the guild hall and ran all the way home and cried , Juvia ...
I miss your beautiful eyes , your luscious locks of blue hair , I miss your everything
That's when I realised it all this time , I didn't realise
Gajeel's POV :
That letter was interesting but I had to go see rain woman she is my cousin after all , I need to make sure she is ok
Then as I was about to get on the train to crocus I heard the shrimps voice calling my name , I blushed , anyway I turned around to see Shrimp and Lily chasing me
So I ended up getting on the train with Lily and Shrimp and I explained everything including the letter
" Please don't tell anyone not even Bunny Girl" I said to shrimp
" I won't but can we visit Juvia together" Shrimp told me with hope so I laughed
" GiheGihe course ya can" I told her
" indeed I don't know how Juvia will get rent money though" Lily said
" well I'm gonna give Rain woman some rent every weekend when we visit her" I explained
Then off we were to Crocus to visit Juvia ....
GOMENASAI I haven't updated any books in so long , Gomenasai
Anyway I need to go teach some boys a lesson for making Hubert Cry 🤬🤬🤬😭
Shout out to :
Peace & Love
Nya xoxo
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