Juvia's P.O.V :
Juvia woke up this morning , she felt sick , so she ran to the bathroom and vomited into her toilet , then remembered last night and everything that happened with Gray-Sama
Juvia had to know so she threw on her clothes and ran to the local pharmacy ...
When she got there she ran and grabbed a pregnancy test and gave it to the woman on the counter , payed and ran home to test her results .
Juvia got in the bathroom and used the test , she was sitting on the floor , just then she saw it ...
It's Positive
Juvia is pregnant.. with Gray-Sama's child , s-she can't stay here , Gray-Sama will hate Juvia , the guild will think bad or her
She needs to leave
Juvia quickly sat down to write a letter to her friends at fairy tail and one separate for Gajeel :
Dear Fairy Tail ,
Juvia has decided to leave for some personal reasons , she hopes you all understand and just know that she will miss you all dearly .
Thank you for all of the kindness that you have shown towards Juvia , she is forever in your dept ...
Juvia loves you all and hopes you understand ...
Juvia xoxo
And the next one was for Gajeel-Kun
Dear Gajeel-Kun ,
Juvia has something to say , don't tell anyone and don't be mad but Juvia and Gray-Sama slept together
Gray-Sama was drunk and didn't know what he was doing , she is sorry
Juvia is pregnant with Gray-Sama's child
She is going somewhere else here is her new address
"14 Lakewood forest" in Crocus , it's a small beautiful cottage in the forest with some lakes and nature , there is a school and everything near by so her child has somewhere to go .
Juvia already loves her child
She hopes you can be a Great Uncle to Juvia's child .
Love from your cousin
Juvia xoxo
So that was it Juvia sent her letters to fairy tail and one to Gajeel-Kuns house and packed her things and set off for her new life in Crocus with her soon to be born child ...
Konichiwa Minna
Gomenasai I haven't posted In the last two days I will get more organised with my homework promise xD
Anyway shout out to :
I tag thy all with the questions :
1) what ur irl name
2) what is your age
3) what is your national country
4) how many followers you have
5) how much you are and anime fan
6) your favourite colour
There you go , Gomenasai for the lack of updates , I'm getting better :3
This chapter is dedicated to maddiecute247
Because she has been waiting a week for this and she is really Kawaii and kind so yea xD
Peace & Love
Nya xoxo
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